Friday, February 24, 2017

Hero of Anti-Israel Propaganda Film Says He Doesn't Hate IDF Soldiers - Israel Today

Hero of Anti-Israel Propaganda Film Says He Doesn't Hate IDF Soldiers

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
The above video is an excerpt from the leftist propaganda film “The Boy From H2” that seeks to portray Israeli soldiers as heartless and abusive toward the Palestinian Arabs.
The film was such a hit among liberals in Israel that the left-wing NGO B’Tselem entered it in the International Film Festival that concluded yesterday in Berlin.
But “The Boy From H2” was a flop on the international stage, and suffered even more disappointment when the “hero” of the documentary, Mohammed Burkan, who was 12 when it was filmed in 2011, came out and said he isn’t angry at the Israeli soldiers.
As can be seen in the clip above, the soldiers actually behaved in a very humane manner after young Mohammed threw stones at them. One soldier said the frightened boy had been punished enough, while another took him home to his parents with no further punitive action.
Burkan was actually at the film festival, and was asked on stage to answer questions following its screening.
To the astonishment of the audience and festival organizers, when Burkan was asked, “Do you have anger toward the Israeli soldiers and the occupation?” he simply replied, “No.”
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How Angry Will You Be If The Republicans In Congress Do Not Repeal Obamacare? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Obamacare Report Card - Facebook

Posted: 23 Feb 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Top Republicans are now publicly saying that Obamacare will never be fully repealed. In fact, many Republicans in Congress are already using the term “repair” instead of “repeal” to describe what is going to happen to Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. Without a doubt, the Republicans in Congress are eventually going to do something, but strategists in both parties are now suggesting that most of the key elements of Obamacare are going to remain once everything is all said and done. It will be put into a more “conservative” package, but it will still be Obamacare.

On Thursday, former House Speaker John Boehner made headlines all over the country when he said that a complete repeal of Obamacare is “not what’s going to happen”.  Instead, Boehner said that Republicans are going to “fix Obamacare” and that they will “put a more conservative box around it” in order to keep their constituents happy.

Of course this isn’t what we voted for. For years, Republican politicians all across the country have been promising that Obamacare would be repealed once they got control of Congress, but now Boehner is telling us that all of that was just “happy talk”
Earlier in the panel discussion, Boehner said he “started laughing” when Republicans started talking about moving lightning fast on repeal and then coming up with an alternative.
“In the 25 years that I served in the United States Congress, Republicans never, ever, one time agreed on what a health care proposal should look like. Not once,” Boehner said. “And all this happy talk that went on in November and December and January about repeal, repeal, repeal—yeah, we’ll do replace, replace—I started laughing, because if you pass repeal without replace, first, anything that happens is your fault. You broke it.”
When the Republicans finally get around to doing something, they will inevitably declare it to be a great victory, but will it actually be that much different from what we have now?
Yes, the IRS penalty for not having health insurance will probably go. But there will still be coverage for children up to the age of 26, there will still be mandatory coverage for preexisting conditions, there will still be mandatory coverage for maternity expenses, there will still be some form of Medicaid expansion and there will still be subsidies for the poor.

In the end, we are still going to have a healthcare system where half the country pays for the healthcare for the other half of the country.

That isn’t fair, and it never will be.  One half of the country shouldn’t have to pay much higher rates for their own health insurance and also pay for the healthcare of everyone else in the nation as well.  Either we should go back to a free market system, or they might as well go ahead and socialize the entire thing.

The thought of sticking with what we have right now is utter insanity, but unfortunately that is what top Republicans mean when they speak of “repairing” Obamacare. The following comes from the New York Times
“When you talk about ‘repeal,’ you have just used a word that is very polarizing,” said Representative Tom MacArthur, Republican of New Jersey, who meets weekly with moderate Republicans and Democrats of equal number. “When you go to Democrats and say, ‘Help us repeal,’ that puts them in a box. If you say, ‘Would you help us repair something?’ people start listening in a whole other way.”
How in the world do you “repair” a steaming pile of garbage?

I just don’t understand.

What the Republicans need to do is very simple. As Jim Demint has suggested, the Republicans in Congress simply need to pass the same Obamacare repeal that Barack Obama vetoed not too long ago…
Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint, the former South Carolina Republican senator, called on activists attending the Conservative Political Action Conference to push their members of Congress to send to President Donald Trump the same legislation that dismantled the law and was vetoed by President Barack Obama with all due haste.
“We must and we can repeal Obamacare now,” DeMint said. “They should send that same bill to President Trump right now.”
So what is keeping Republicans in Congress from moving forward?

One thing is the defunding of Planned Parenthood. Some liberal Republicans are promising to vote against any Obamacare repeal bill that defunds Planned Parenthood
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) says she will not vote for an ObamaCare repeal bill that defunds Planned Parenthood.
In her address to Alaska’s state legislature Wednesday, the moderate Republican offered her firmest commitment yet that she will not support defunding Planned Parenthood.
“I, for one, do not believe that Planned Parenthood has any place in our deliberations on the Affordable Care Act,” she said.
Another thing that is giving some Republicans pause are the angry protesters that they are running into at town hall meetings…
U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Reps. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Tom McClintock of California are among Republicans who faced hostile audiences at recent town hall meetings.
This comes after the Women’s March on Washington that drew hundreds of thousands of protestors the day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
“Republicans need to be paying attention and doing their best to understand the energy from the town halls,” said Nathan Gonzales, editor and publisher of Inside Elections, a Washington-based publication that tracks congressional races.
Of course a lot of those “angry protesters” are from Barack Obama’s private army of more than 30,000 volunteers that are being deployed around the nation in a desperate attempt to defend Obamacare.

In the end, the truth is that the Republicans should be listening to the voters that sent them to Washington in the first place. Most of those voters expected an immediate Obamacare repeal, and now that it has not happened it is making for a very confusing tax season. The following comes from Politico
Republicans’ stalled campaign to repeal the Affordable Care Act is sowing confusion among those now trying to do their taxes.
Many taxpayers believe Republicans have already repealed the law, tax preparers say, and they’re surprised and upset to learn they are still subject to Obamacare’s penalty for failing to have health insurance — a charge that climbed this year to more than $2,000 per family.
Until it is repealed, Obamacare will continue to kill jobs and will continue to kill the middle class.

It was one of the worst pieces of legislation ever written, and it boggles the mind that so many Republicans in Congress are hesitant about repealing it.

Unfortunately, just as I portray in my novel, America is rapidly going crazy.

We have been given over to a reprobate mind, and our leaders can’t even seem to think straight any longer.

If Obamacare is going to be repealed, now is the time. Please contact your representatives in Congress and tell them that a “fix” will not work and that we want Obamacare to be completely repealed and replaced with a free market alternative.

Christianity Banned From the Classroom While Islam Is Celebrated - CBN NEWS

Christianity Banned From the Classroom While Islam Is Celebrated

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

A New Jersey middle school refuses to allow the Bible in the classroom but is perfectly fine with teaching Islam to its students. 
Nancy Gayers' son was just trying to get his classmates to donate to a good cause when he was shut down for "proselytizing" Christianity. 
Gayers presented a PowerPoint to his fourth-grade class advertising his attempts to collect gloves and hats for poor children. Everything was fine until he showed a slide that included a Bible verse.
His teacher immediately stopped the presentation, and said it "belongs in Sunday school, not the classroom."
The Bible verse he cited was from Proverbs 19:17, "Caring for the poor is lending to the Lord, and you will be well repaid" (CEV).
Gayers took the incident to the school district, which defended the teacher's actions, saying it was in accordance with their "proselytizing" policy. 
However, parents spoke up when that same policy was not applied to Islam. 
Gayers said her older son was taught about Islam in his seventh-grade class in an instructional video that included lines like "Allah is the creator of everything, the one true God."
"In my opinion, I call this proselytizing, for by definition of this word, it means convert or attempt to convert from one religion, belief or opinion to another," Gayers said according to the Daily Wire. 
The school refused to remove the course when questioned because, it says, "It is part of the New Jersey curriculum core content standards to teach students about the various religions of the world."
However, Gayers said the teacher only talked about Islam but would not touch the other two Abrahamic religions: Judaism and Christianity. 
 When Nancy Gayers and Libby Hilsenrath, another concerned mother, raised this point, they were called bigots by their community. 
"We were labeled as bigots immediately following the Board of Ed meeting in an op-ed," Hilsenrath told Fox News, "and then all over Facebook with people who knew us or didn't know us. Xenophobic, Islamophobe, I mean it went as far as the KKK, which I don't know what that has to do with this."
The op-ed Hilsenrath referenced was a letter by resident Susan O'Brien, who called Gayers and Hilsenrath's concerns as "at worst, veiled bigotry and at best, sad and ignorant."
Gayers and Hilsenrath have said many times that they are OK with their children learning about others' religions but are not okay with what they believe is the school's hypocritical treatment of those religions. 
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Thursday, February 23, 2017

"Into the Land of Canaan They Came" ✡ Perpetuate the Mission of Abraham and Sarah - ISRAEL365

And Avram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.

וַיִּקַּח אַבְרָם אֶת שָׂרַי אִשְׁתּוֹ וְאֶת לוֹט בֶּן אָחִיו וְאֶת כָּל רְכוּשָׁם אֲשֶׁר רָכָשׁוּ וְאֶת הַנֶּפֶשׁ אֲשֶׁר עָשׂוּ בְחָרָן וַיֵּצְאוּ לָלֶכֶת אַרְצָה כְּנַעַן וַיָּבֹאוּ אַרְצָה כְּנָעַן

בראשית יב:ה

va-yi-kakh av-ram et sa-rai ish-to v'-et lot ben a-kheev v'-et kol ree-khu-sham a-sher ra-kha-shu v'-et ha-ne-fesh a-sher a-su v'-kha-ran va-yeitz-u la-le-khet ar-tzah k'-na-an va-ya-vo-u ar-tzah k'-na-an

Today's Israel Inspiration

When God commanded Abraham to leave his home and travel to the Land of Canaan (ancient Israel), he was instructed to bring his, wife, his sons, and all the 'souls'. Midrash, an ancient commentary that comes to reveal deep questions, explains that these souls were those who were taught and influenced by Abraham and his wife Sarah. Our Biblical ancestors were a power couple who filled their lives by educating and thereby brought the concept of God to countless individuals and communities throughout their lifetime. Today, the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies are perpetuating the mission set out by Abraham and Sarah through educating thousands of people across the world in God's Biblical language: Hebrew. With their unique methods and approach towards revealing the secrets of the Bible, the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies will astound and amaze you with a new world of Hebrew education.

Your Hebrew Word of the Day: February!

While it's true that only 5 days remain of this month, the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies is here to say that it's never too late to learn a new Hebrew word!

We Will Always Have a Responsibility to Maintain Hebrew's Purity

Mastery of one’s native spoken, written and numerical language is a must in order to have a positive and productive future and International Mother Language Day is the perfect channel for just that.

The Remains of the Holy Temple

Although the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed some 2000 years ago, the Western Wall remains steadfast in its place and serves as one of the spiritual centers of Israel. The Temple served as the destination point for all of mankind to worship God through sacrifices and prayer. With the absence of the Temple, people from all faiths and from all corners of the Earth continue to gather at the Western Wall in prayer and with the faith that one day the Temple will be restored to its former glory.
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Today's Israel Photo

Today's vibrant photo by Boruch Len shows flower picking in the Elah Valley. This beautiful area of Israel, west of Jerusalem, is rich with history and is where David fought Goliath.

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New Operation Rescue Video Offers a Look at the Life-and-Death Reality of Abortion - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

New Operation Rescue Video Offers a Look at the Life-and-Death Reality of Abortion

With the Senate about to consider a bill from the House of Representatives that would end the requirement that states provide Title X family planning grant funds to Planned Parenthood and other abortionists, Operation Rescue has released a new video that adds to the urgency of the matter.
In the video, the pro-life organization reports that 18 ambulances that have responded to Planned Parenthood abortion facilities over the past year to transport patients suffering medical emergencies to local emergency rooms. It also contains a clip from a tragic 911 call involving a patient death, along with documentation that the woman's fatal abortion took place at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Michigan.
The video reinforces what many already know about abortion: It's not safe. Complications include life-threatening hemorrhages, severe pain and seizures. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood continues to receive more than $500 million a year in government funding.
"We understand that the incidents shown in the video represent just a fraction of life-threatening abortion complications that women experience because of Planned Parenthood," Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said. "If they want to maim and kill women along with their babies—something the majority of Americans find abhorrent—it certainly shouldn't be done with the blessing of our hard-earned tax dollars."
The bill approved in the House and now being considered in the Senate Republican would allow states to reallocate Title X funds to only women's health programs that do not supply abortions. In many states, doing so has brought those services closer to home for low-income women.
A vote in the Senate could come as early as next week. Operation Rescue is urging Christians to contact their elected representatives in Washington, D.C., to tell them to get the measure on President Donald Trump's desk as soon as possible. 
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Ex-Witch Breaks Down the Power Speaking and Praying in Tongues Holds - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Beth Eckert

Ex-Witch Breaks Down the Power Speaking and Praying in Tongues Holds

Ex-witch Beth Eckert says one of the key ways to defeat the devil when he launches an attack is to speak and pray in tongues.
However, many Christians today do not believe these are active gifts meant for modern use.
"Recently, I've decided to explore more in-depth about what speaking in tongues is versus praying in tongues and what Scripture says about those things, because I've seen so much controversy on the topic of speaking in tongues," Eckert says.
The ex-witch says most of her research comes straight from 1 Corinthians 14, which dictates how and why these gifts should be used.
Watch the video to see more. 
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