Thursday, July 20, 2017

FAITH NATION: Sean Spicer First Guest as CBN News Debuts 'Faith Nation' on Facebook - CBN News

Sean Spicer First Guest as CBN News Debuts 'Faith Nation' on Facebook 

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday CBN News launched “Faith Nation,” a political Facebook LIVE show, debuting the new program with special guest White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.
Hosts David Brody and Jenna Browder asked Spicer questions ranging from health care to his off-camera press briefings – his last on-camera appearance with reporters was in June.
“I think for a lot of folks, they're more interested in getting the clip to put on the internet, to put on their news,” Spicer said. “We're interested in making sure that we communicate with the American people, that we give the press an opportunity to get their questions answered but we're not here to make it a spectacle either.”
As “Faith Nation” was airing, President Trump was hosting Republican senators at the White House for a luncheon to discuss healthcare, something Brody brought up in the interview.
“He's going to make sure that he does everything that he can to get everyone on the same page,” Spicer said. “This lunch is another effort to do just that and if we have to then we'll move forward next week in some way, shape, or form to keep the promise that Republicans have made."
After Spicer’s interview, Brody and Browder also addressed the topics of faith in politics, the decision for President Trump to work closely with family members, and top trending faith stories.
"Faith Nation" will air on Facebook LIVE every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. ET.  CBN's Brody and Browder will focus each week on the top political issues that are significant to Christians, featuring significant audience engagement as viewers will have the opportunity to comment in real time during the live broadcast.
Each weekly show will feature "The District," with David Brody interviewing leading political figures and news makers in Washington, D.C.
It will also include regular segments from CBN News' Amber Strong and Ben Kennedy discussing today's top news stories and their significance to the faith community, man-on-the street interviews with CBN's Juan Garcia, and additional relevant news content from other CBN News reporters, including Caitlin Burke, Abigail Robertson and Jennifer Wishon. 
"There are millions of Christians in America whose values are not being echoed by much of the media. CBN's 'Faith Nation' will provide these viewers with a platform to be informed about important stories that are relevant to them, as well as to give them a real voice in the national discussion of those issues," said Gordon Robertson, CEO of the Christian Broadcasting Network. 
"'Faith Nation' is designed to tackle two topics we are told to not bring up at the dinner table: faith and politics," said Dana Ritter, CBN News Washington D.C. bureau chief. 
"The show concept was hatched out of the idea that people still want to talk about it but are more comfortable discussing those issues on social media," she explained. "We see the need to engage the audience where they already are and Facebook allows us to do that while also giving the audience a voice." 
"Faith Nation" is produced by Shoshannah Nunez in the CBN News bureau in Washington, D.C.
Website: Faith Nation
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

New documentary unveils truth about Jerusalem like never before - Israel Video Network

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July 18, 2017 

Unfortunately, anti-Semites at UNESCO are determined to rewrite history and deny the Jewish people their historical, biblical and national rights to Jerusalem. The world might continue to reject Israel's legitimate claim to the Temple Mount, but in the end it is a Jewish site and it will one day return to the full control of the Jews. The evidence is clear. The Jewish presence on the Temple Mount has existed for 3,000 years and no anti-Semite can erase or deny this fact.
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Click here to watch: Kuwait massacres Johnnie Walker
This isn't a society I would want to live in....

It's really not so difficult...

Today's Israeli Food feature - A foodie’s paradise.

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Shalom from Jerusalem!
Avi Abelow
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On A Mission From God - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

On A Mission From God

Steve Martin

“Isn't it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these "nobodies" to expose the hollow pretensions of the "somebodies"?” 
(1 Corinthians 27-29, THE MESSAGE)

It is amazing how the Lord picks His people to do His work here on earth. There are not many wise, not many strong, not many considered “smart” by the ones who “are”.
Another thing that is amazing is the fact that it is just how He likes it - to confound the wise with the foolish, to show Himself strong through the weak, to overtake the enemy with strategies that wouldn’t have even been considered without His involvement and leading.
“Just look at yourselves, brothers — look at those whom God has called! Not many of you are wise by the world’s standards, not many wield power or boast noble birth. But God chose what the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise; God chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the strong; and God chose what the world looks down on as common or regards as nothing in order to bring to nothing what the world considers important; so that no one should boast before God.” (1 Corinthians 26-30, Complete Jewish Bible)

For movie enthusiasts, many enjoyed the comical hit The Blues Brothers in 1980. Starring the late night show Saturday Night Live actors Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi as Jake and Elwood Blues, these two “heard the call”, and accepted the mission. From the starting scene to the final one, they gathered the other band members the former Blues Brothers Band, and went on a mission. They needed to raise funds for a special purpose.

They said they were on a mission from God. The reason? They believed they had to save the grade school where they were taught, in their youth by Roman Catholic nuns in Chicago, from certain foreclosure. 

If it was up to me, I don’t think I would have picked these two. One had just gotten out of prison, while the other, well, I wouldn’t call him the brightest apple out of the bushel. But as they said, they believed they were the ones to do what it would take to save the nuns and their beloved school from the certain end of all.

It was a tall order for them to take on. They had little money, hardly any means of transportation (remember the car and speaker system they mounted on top?) And yet, they believed. They went for it. They were indeed on a mission from God.

Bluesmobile was a 1974 Dodge Monaco sedan

Each of us have been given a purpose for being here. You and I have been called by the Living God, the same One who also called the Jews to be a light to the nations from their homeland in Israel, to bring forth His Gospel truth to the peoples of the nations.

After His death, burial and resurrection, Yeshua (Jesus) gave one major command to His disciples. This directive, not a suggestion, was for them, and to all who call upon the Name of the Lord, to take His love, peace and salvation to those who have not heard, who have not seen Him revealed as yet.

We are the ones who have been chosen, redeemed Jews and Gentiles, as the One New Man. We have heard and are now called to obey and do.

“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthews 28:18-20, NASU)

Even from our mother’s womb, even before the beginning of time as the Bible says, He knew us and planned for us to be His Body here on earth. When Jesus (Yeshua) came the first time, before departing back to heaven, He promised, and fulfilled that word, to send His Holy Spirit, to be with us as we were given this eternal mission. This mission from God, in this real life, here and now. We have been commanded to take His love and truth to the nations, beginning where we are at now. First Jerusalem, then Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth.

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8, NKJV)

Even as others have been written about in the Lord’s Word, such as Jeremiah, we too have been chosen to be a part of the Body of Christ, and represent Him in the nation we live in, and those He would send us to.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5, NKJV)

We each have been given natural and supernatural gifts to accomplish “our mission.” Each of us has the opportunity to fulfill that mission and receive the heavenly reward promised to us.

I am so ready and willing to fulfill the call of God on my life After His death, burial and resurrection, Yeshua (Jesus) gave that one major command. It was for the apostles then. It is for us now, who call upon the Name of the Lord.

We are to take His love, peace and salvation to those who have not heard, who have not seen the love and peace that comes only from God the Father. We are the ones who have been chosen, both redeemed Jews and Gentiles, as the One New Man, to hear, obey and go.

“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthews 28:18-20, NASU)
Are we ready to do the job? We must be. The nations need to see the love of the Lord.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) Please share Now Think On This with your friends. Steve Martin

Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 7.19.17 - #301– “On A Mission From God” – Wednesday 7:37 pm

The Blues Brothers
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see The Blues Brothers (film) and Blues Brothers (disambiguation).The Blues Brothers are an American blues and soul revivalist band which was founded in 1978 by comedy actors Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi as part of a musical sketch on Saturday Night Live. Belushi and Aykroyd, respectively in character as lead vocalist "Joliet" Jake Blues and harmonica player/vocalist Elwood Blues, fronted the band, which was composed of well-known and respected musicians. The band made its debut as the musical guest on the April 22, 1978, episode of Saturday Night Live, performing "Hey Bartender."[1]
The band began to take on a life beyond the confines of the television screen, releasing an album, Briefcase Full of Blues, in 1978, and then having a Hollywood film, The Blues Brothers, created around its characters in 1980.
After the death of Belushi in 1982, the Blues Brothers have continued to perform with a rotation of guest singers and other band members. The band reformed in 1988 for a world tour and again in 1998 for a sequel to the film, Blues Brothers 2000. They make regular appearances at musical festivals worldwide.

The Most Dangerous Prayer in the Bible - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

This is what I call a dangerous prayer. It should include a warning label! (Getty Images)

The Most Dangerous Prayer in the Bible

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
More than 19 years ago, I found myself at a church altar in Orlando, Florida. God had been dealing with me about leaving my comfort zone. I had a great job with nice benefits, yet I felt spiritually unfulfilled. I knew there was an amazing adventure in front of me, but I had placed serious limitations on my obedience.
As I buried my head in the carpet in that church, I realized God was requiring unconditional surrender. He wanted me to wave a white flag. I knew what I had to say, but it was difficult to form the words. Finally, I coughed them up. I said the same thing the prophet Isaiah prayed long ago: "Here I am, send me!" (Is. 6:8b).
This is what I call a dangerous prayer. It should include a warning label!
I believe when you utter these simple words, heaven takes a Polaroid picture of you with your hands up—and an amazing process begins. God closes in on us in order to crush our fears and demolish our selfishness. Then He gives us the holy boldness to speak what we were afraid to say.
When I prayed this prayer in 1998, I immediately had a vision while I was still on the floor. I saw a sea of African faces. I knew I'd be going to Africa, and I was scared to death. I had no idea how I would get there, what I would say or who would pay for the trip. So I swallowed hard and prayed again: Here I am, send me!
Less than two years later, I found myself standing on a huge stage in a sports arena in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, speaking to 7,000 pastors. I did not enjoy the bumpy flight across the Sahara, and my knees were knocking when I preached. I felt as if I had been pushed way out on a limb.
But even though I was terrified, my fear was mixed with incredible joy. The Lord had overcome my resistance, and He was using me. Since that trip, I have ministered in more than 30 countries. This week, I have been in Malaysia and Singapore, all because I prayed a dangerous prayer.
Grace is so amazing. God not only gives us the power to serve Him; He plants in us the desire to surrender to His will even if we are scared of the consequences. This is what the apostle Paul described when he said: "For God is the One working in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13).
God has an uncanny way of wooing us into obedience and submission. Our flesh may protest; our fears may paralyze us. But in the end, if we will simply lift our hands in surrender, grace takes over. He gives us power, strength and a willing heart. And the results are supernatural because it is God at work in us.
Jesus taught His disciples to cultivate this willing spirit and to pray this dangerous prayer. He told them: "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest" (Luke 10:2).
This is what I call a trick prayer. You pray it at your own risk. When we ask the Lord to send workers into His fields, we are really praying, "Here I am, Lord. Send Mike—or Chuck—or Barbara." But the Lord of the harvest will likely tap you on the shoulder and say, "Well? What about you?"
The church has advanced throughout history because of people who surrendered to God. One of them was the brave David Brainerd (1718-1747), a missionary to American Indians during the First Great Awakening. Although he died of tuberculosis at age 29, his legacy of total consecration lives on in his journal, published by his friend Jonathan Edwards.
Brainerd recorded this very dangerous prayer in his diary: "Here am I, send me; send me to the ends of the earth; send me to the rough, the savage pagans of the wilderness; send me from all that is called comfort on earth; send me even to death itself, if it be but in Thy service, and to promote Thy kingdom."
We rarely hear prayers like that today. Brainerd's passion would be considered politically incorrect fanaticism today. We don't promote self-sacrifice; we have a new gospel of self-fulfillment. We don't talk about carrying a burden for lost people; we ourselves are lost in our comfortable materialism.
I wonder what would happen if all of us prayed Isaiah's prayer with full sincerity. What if you raised your hands and left all your fears, worries, excuses, stipulations, limitations and conditions on heaven's altar—and invited God to use your life in any way He wants.
I invite you to take the risk. Pray a dangerous prayer, and see how God will use you. 
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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