Monday, September 18, 2017

Did the Hurricane Distract You From This Major Sign of the End Times? | Jonathan Cahn Reveals in His New Book That an Ancient Blueprint... - Charisma News

Charisma Media
Monday, September 18, 2017

The German share price index, DAX board, is seen at the stock exchange.
Did the Hurricane Distract You From This Major Sign of the End Times?
How do we get from a one-world currency to a one-world government? A major leap happened Tuesday.
Jonathan Cahn Reveals in His New Book That an Ancient Blueprint Pointed to the Exact Date of 9/11
Set to be released next week, Cahn's 'The Paradigm' reveals that a blueprint dating back almost 3,000 years foretold the calamity, giving the year, month, day and even the hour of September 11, 2001.
Planned Parenthood Forges Deadly Satanic Alliance
And you wouldn't believe what they are claiming.
Target Desperately Trying to Woo Back Christian Buyers
"Rather than worrying about prices, revenues and the bottom line, Target should flip its priorities and put the safety of women and children at the top of the list again."

A woman evaluates her damaged home after Irma tore through.
Florida Megachurch Relief Team Returns From Houston Only to Face Disaster at Home
The damage is unprecedented. 
Ex-Muslim Nabeel Qureshi Enters Presence of Jesus
Nabeel Qureshi, a former Muslim with a heart for Christ, used his significant intellect to win souls.
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12 Reasons Syria May Fulfill God's Isaiah 19 Promise for Israel - JONI KOSKI/REVIVE ISRAEL CHARISMA NEWS

Maalola, Syria (Public Domain Pictures)

12 Reasons Syria May Fulfill God's Isaiah 19 Promise for Israel

Many people today consider the Middle East hopeless darkness! However, Isaiah 19:23-25 speaks of a physical highway, connecting Egypt to Israel to Assyria—three nations worshiping together, a 'blessing,' dispelling the darkness.
In that day there shall be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall worship with the Assyrians. In that day Israel shall be the third group with Egypt and Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the Lord of Hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."
For Israel, God will raise up Egypt and Assyria as a buffer between us and less friendly neighbors.
What Egypt and Israel are is clear! 'Assyria' sounds like modern-day Syria, and so it is easy to conclude the two are the same. However, Syria was only established in the 20th century, with its capital, Damascus, inside greater biblical Israel (Gen. 15:18), whose northern border was the Euphrates River.
Assyria was an aggressive ancient empire from Isaiah's time. The map below shows its larger extent in green and the area in purple its core. So who lives in that area today?
Assyrian Empire Map
Compare with this map, showing the habitation of the ethnic Kurdish people, located in present day North Iraq (5 million), Northwest Iran (8 million), Eastern Turkey (18 million) and North Syria (2 million).
There is clearly a correlation between the geography of ancient Assyria and today's 30 million-plus Kurds, the world's largest ethnic group without a recognized state. So are there any more indicators which might suggest that the Kurds are the reawakened "worshipping" "Assyrians"?
  1. Physically, the Kurds today are notably diverse. The ancient Assyrians relocated huge populations in the territories they conquered, so that their empire could be easily subdued, thus creating a highly mixed up gene pool, which is not ethnically Arab.
  2. The earliest proselytization of Kurds to Christianity in Kurdish lands is attributed to the Apostle Andrew in the first century A.D.
  3. In the year A.D. 338, a Kurdish ruler, Tirdad, converted to Christianity.
  4. Saddam Hussein accused the Kurds (Sunni Muslims) of being non-Muslims and persecuted them to the extent of genocide.
  5. There is a huge move amongst Kurds to form an independent state. Northern Iraq has its own Kurdish regional government. On Sept. 25, 2017, they plan a referendum towards total independence from Iraq—"Kexit." This move is strongly and jointly opposed by Turkey and Iran.
  6. Prominent politicians in Eastern Turkey have also bravely called for a Kurdish independence referendum.
  7. The Kurds of Northern Iraq have absorbed approaching 1 million Christians from southern Iraq, following increasing persecution and more recently due to ISIS—although persecution remain even there.
  8. The Kurds do not usually display anti-Semitism and even trade with Israel, especially selling oil. Also, Israel has provided the Kurds with military training, support and humanitarian assistance.
  9. Messianic Jewish believers from Israel have visited Kurdish believers and have been told that the Kurds hold no hostility towards Israel.
  10. The Kurdish-speaking Church of Christ (The Kurdzman Church of Christ) was established in Arbil in 2000, and has branches in Silêmanî and Duhok.
  11. In recent years, some hundreds of Kurds from Muslim background have converted to Christianity.
  12. The prophet Jonah witnessed the conversion of the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, located in the area of present day Mosul. Could this be a foreshadowing of something greater in these last days?
Kurdish historic origins are ambiguous, their territory overlapping that of the ancient Medes and also incorporating that of present-day Assyrian Christians. However, their current geography, unity and aspirations are clear.
God describes the reawakened end-time Assyria as "the work of my hands" in Isaiah 19:25. A different term is used for Egypt, "my people" and for Israel, "my inheritance." "The work of my hands" indicates something created, requiring design, endeavor and a process of formation.
Personally, I count myself privileged to have a number of Kurdish friends and await expectantly what God will do among them. 
This article originally appeared at
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The Equifax Hack Is The Most Disastrous Data Breach In History Because Now Hackers Have The Credit Information Of 143 Million Americans - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 17 Sep 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Talk about a nightmare.  It is being reported that criminals were able to hack into Equifax and make off with the credit information of 143 million Americans.  We are talking about names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, home addresses and even driver’s license numbers.  If this data breach was an earthquake, we would be talking about a magnitude-10.0 on the identity theft scale.  We have never seen anything like this before, and to say that this will be “disastrous” for the credit industry would be a massive understatement.
What really disturbed me about this story is that this hack reportedly occurred between “mid-May and July of this year”
Credit monitoring company Equifax has been hit by a high-tech heist that exposed the Social Security numbers and other sensitive information about 143 million Americans. Now the unwitting victims have to worry about the threat of having their identities stolen.
The Atlanta-based company, one of three major U.S. credit bureaus, said Thursday that “criminals” exploited a U.S. website application to access files between mid-May and July of this year.
So why didn’t we learn about this until September?

Somebody out there really needs to answer that question for us.

And even though the “143 million” number is being thrown around constantly, according to USA Today we may never know the true number of victims…
When asked if there’s a way to quantify how many people have been harmed, John Ulzheimer, a credit expert and former employee at Equifax and credit score firm FICO, said: “There’s no way to know, and there may never be a way to know.”
Personally, I don’t see how Equifax can possibly survive after this.  Their stock price is already crashing, and now it has come out that they had put a “music major” in charge of data security…
When Congress hauls in Equifax CEO Richard Smith to grill him, it can start by asking why he put someone with degrees in music in charge of the company’s data security.
And then they might also ask him if anyone at the company has been involved in efforts to cover up Susan Mauldin’s lack of educational qualifications since the data breach became public.
It would be fascinating to hear Smith try to explain both of those extraordinary items.
Also, we are now finding out that Equifax has not just had security problems here in the United States.

According to the New York Post, data breaches have been taking place all over the globe…
Hackers had access to the names, dates of birth and e-mail addresses of nearly 400,000 people in the United Kingdom, said Equifax’s British subsidiary in a statement last week.
In Canada, sensitive data belonging to 10,000 consumers may have been hacked in the breach, said a statement from the Canadian Automobile Association.
In Argentina, one of the company’s portals was so easily accessible that it allowed quick exposure to the personal information of more than 14,000 people.
As noted above, the public didn’t learn about any of this until September.

But once top Equifax officials learned what had happened, some of them started dumping their shares of Equifax very rapidly
Three Equifax executives — not the ones who are departing — sold shares worth a combined $1.8 million just a few days after the company discovered the breach, according to documents filed with securities regulators.
Equifax shares have lost a third of their value since it announced the breach.
Needless to say, the SEC is going to be looking into this very closely.

As we move forward, there is a tremendous amount of concern as to how much this data breach will affect the U.S. economy.

Only time will tell, but without a doubt it will have an impact.  For example, according to Bloomberg this data breach could potentially have an absolutely disastrous impact on store-branded credit cards…
Equifax Inc.’s massive data breach could make an already tough market outlook even more daunting for the firms behind Gap Inc.’s and Ann Taylor’s store-branded credit cards.
Those retailers’ banking partners, including Synchrony Financial and Alliance Data Systems Corp., could see fewer account originations as more consumers freeze their credit to avoid hack-related fraud. Consumers have to take extra steps — including calling the credit bureau, going online or paying fees — to lift a block and get a new card.
“If people are defaulting to credit freezes, then if you’re a Macy’s retailer trying to sell credit cards, you can’t get that done at the point of sale,” said Vincent Caintic, an analyst at Stephens Inc. “It could become a regular thing, these freezes. It does slow down the origination process and it’s probably going to increase acquisition costs.”
If you believe that your data may have been compromised in this breach, there are some things that you can do right away to help protect against identity theft.  You can sign up for 24 hour a day credit monitoring, you can request fraud alerts, you can enable “two factor authentication” and beyond all of that you could go as far as to freeze your credit.

But if everybody in America suddenly started freezing their credit, that would slow down economic activity dramatically.  So needless to say authorities are hoping that does not happen.

In this case, Equifax needs to step up and do the right thing.  They need to inform all of the victims (even if that means reaching out to 143 million different people), and they should automatically provide free credit monitoring for all of those that were affected.

I seriously doubt that Equifax will take these measures, and I also seriously doubt that Equifax will be able to survive much longer.

When you bungle something as badly as Equifax has done, it is nearly impossible to restore faith in an organization.  The credit information of 143 million Americans is now in the hands of criminals, and the potential damage that could be done is absolutely off the charts.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Let's Hear Your Shofar Blasts ✡ "He Blows The Horn And Warns The People" - Israel365

Suppose he sees the sword advancing against the country, and he blows the horn and warns the people.

וְרָאָה אֶת־הַחֶרֶב בָּאָה עַל־הָאָרֶץ וְתָקַע בַּשּׁוֹפָר וְהִזְהִיר אֶת־הָעָם

יחזקאל לג:ג
v’-ra-AH et ha-KHE-rev ba-AH al ha-A-retz v’-ta-KA ba-sho-FAR v’-hiz-HEER et

Today's Israel Inspiration

The ram’s horn, in Hebrew shofar, has been a central symbol of Jewish life since Biblical times. The Bible describes many occasions in which the shofar is sounded. As in the above verse, the shofar was blown as a call to war, and also once every 50 years to announce the Jubilee. Today, the shofar is best known as the central aspect of Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) as commanded in the Book of Numbers 29:1, "You shall observe it as a day when the horn is sounded." More than anything, sounding the shofar continues to serve as a call for prayer and repentance in the Jewish world and beyond. The shofar blasts serve as a connection between worshipers to Hashem and to the Torah. For the past few weeks, readers from around the world have been submitting their video entries to participate in Israel365's first annual shofar blowing contest. Submit your video by the end of the day for a chance to win.

The Sound of the Shofar from Iowa

Meet Greg Brown the 'official, unofficial' shofar-blower of his ministry in Iowa.

Check Out These Awesome Shofar-Blowing Submissions!

Readers from around the world have submitted videos of themselves blowing their shofars for Israel365's first annual shofar-blowing competition.


Bless Israel Sale - Save 23%

Over the course of history, the verse of Genesis 12:3 has proven to be timeless. Those who bless Israel will be blessed, and the nations of the world will "be blessed in you." The modern fulfillment of this Biblical promise is the State of Israel which in so many ways is indeed a great blessing and model to the entire world and all of the nations.
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Today's Israel Photo

A young boy blows a shofar in honor of the upcoming Jewish New Year.
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