Sunday, April 13, 2014

Israel to Miss Out on 'Blood Moon' Phenomenon

Israel to Miss Out on 'Blood Moon' Phenomenon

Sunday, April 13, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY 
The scheduled appearance of four total lunar eclipses on major Jewish holidays between this Monday night (the start of Passover 2014) and September 27, 2015 (the start of Sukkot) has the attention of much of the Christian world. But the eclipses are going to go almost totally unseen in Israel.
Data published by NASA reveals that all but the last of the four eclipses will not be visible from the Middle East, and even the fourth will only be partially visible.
Total lunar eclipses - what are often referred to as “blood moons” - are not uncommon, 13 of them having occurred since 2000. And, since both Passover and Sukkot are scheduled on the full moon, both have occasionally coincided with blood moons, the last time being the start of Sukkot in 1996.
Somewhat less common are tetrads - four consecutive total lunar eclipses with no intervening partial eclipses - which has occurred 62 times since the year 0 AD.
Seven times in the past 2000 years, a tetrad has coincided perfectly with Passover and Sukkot. One of those tetrads began just prior to the outbreak of the Six Day War in 1967. Two others (in 1493 and 1949) began more than a year after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and the State of Israel’s declaration of independence, respectively. The other four occurred during times of no particular significance to the Jewish people.
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The Crossover Project - The Insider - April, 2014 - Passover/Pesach & March of Remembrance Houston

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the telling .....Hagaddah
Hagaddah....the telling of the story of Passover

As the Passover and Easter season draws near, as well as Holocaust Remembrance Day and the March of Remembrance 
(the yearly event that we pour our guts/kishkas into) we bless you during this momentous season of important storytelling....
As was commanded, we are to teach our children of His great deliverance, that "With a mighty hand did the Lord take us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." (Exodus 13:14). Our celebration of God's provision even amidst such hard times, demonstrates to us and our children that our G-d is not only a promise giver but also a promise keeper. 

May we and our sons and daughters rise up, not be silent, and walk boldly in Truth without fear and never shrink back from His calling, no matter how daunting the task may be.

Please remember to register for a march of remembrance near you so you can demonstrate to G-d and show those around you what is important and to never be silent in the face of unrighteousness.  Moses wasn't,  Jesus wasn't, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wasn't....and may the same be with you.  Anti-semitism and the spirit of Haman was alive and well not only during WW2, but also in Moses' and Jesus' day and it continues to persist to this day.  This irrational hatred is really against the G-d of Israel Himself.

click to visit March site
Come, bring your children and friends, and put feet to your faith outside the walls of your congregation the weekend after Passover and Easter, to honor and remember those who suffered, and those who helped their fellow man. 
"Tell your children about it, and your children to their children, and their children to another generation." 
(Joel 1:3)
Saturday, April 26, in BaytownBrenhamKingwoodWebster and on Sunday, April 27, at Godwin Park in Meyerland!

Mitch and I will be marching with March of Life in Hungary this year, but we return the night before our Houston marches...hope to see you there.

Chag Sameach
 Rozalie and Mitch, along with 
The Crossover Project Team

During this High Holy Day, please ask the L-rd what Passover offering He would have you give, and to which ministry or ministries. We are in need at this time and The Crossover Project is a 501(c)3

Moreover, we are commanded during this feast to "not appear before the LORD empty" (Deuteronomy 16:16). That commandment (and opportunity) is also found in Exodus 34:20-"And none shall appear before me empty."

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The Crossover Project Watch our TV series online!
Visit our Kingwood Healing Room every Tuesday anytime between 7 and 9pm

Tel. 832.287.5057
Toll Free: 877.898.1277
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Birthing & Raising - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Birthing & Raising
- Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Who do you think Paul is, anyway? Or Apollos, for that matter? Servants, both of us — servants who waited on you as you gradually learned to entrust your lives to our mutual Master. We each carried out our servant assignment. I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plants, but God made you grow.” 1 Cor. 3:5,6 THE MESSAGE

When we celebrated our 4th year ministry anniversary of Love For His People on April 10, 2014, I was asked the question, “Do people really know what you do? They know you love Israel and bless the Jews worldwide, but how will they know to support your efforts if they don’t realize what that is? Maybe if you supported an orphanage in a foreign country, or evangelized, that would help?”

Hmmm. I later gave it some further thought and prayer, asking the Lord how to best communicate the vision and purpose given to this work He has given us to do, and others who come along side. It is true that if people do not understand the mission of an organization, they won’t support it.

In giving more understanding as to how the Body of Christ operates, each of us has a purpose, a specific calling that we have been apprehended by Him to fulfill. If we each do our part, His Church, the Body of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) will function as we are meant to do.

As the Scripture written above says, some have been called and gifted to plant the seeds, while others will water the plants that have then sprouted up. Each is to accomplish the task they have been assigned, as all the time God is making His Body grow.

Do all evangelize, in order to bring others through the birth canal into the Kingdom? In a sense, yes, just by the fact that we who are saved have His Holy Spirit working in and through us - we may see a new birth as we lead others to Christ (Messiah). But as their main part, I think not.

Do all have the calling of teaching, once that new born has come forth and now needs daily care and instruction? Not necessarily so. Though indeed, some will have been placed in that position to carefully nurture and provide for the young ones, while others have been gifted to bring encouragement and training, using a different gift of the Holy Spirit that has been given to them.

Let me explain then what this ministry has been established to do.

As for the work of Love For His People, one of the main ministry’s objectives is to share the heart of the Lord God of Israel for His chosen people, the Jews, with others. With our leadership, and having others share in this purpose, we have been called to teach the Gentiles in the nations that the apple of His eye, the Jews, have been given the Promised Land, all of which surrounds Jerusalem and beyond. It is their rightful inheritance. We must stand with them as they come back to the Land, Israel.

Our purpose also includes giving people the opportunity to join alongside us in supporting these in the Land with humanitarian financial aid, as the time it takes for them to get established takes needed assistance.

In addition, with our social media postings, we regularly provide further understanding of the eternal truths written in the Scriptures (Old and New Testaments). Our firm stand on His Word gives resistance against those lies cast on the earth, while at the same time advancing His Kingdom’s realm in the nations with His truth.

Our annual trips to Israel, Ahava Adventures, gives opportunity for those who come along with us, whether they are from our generation of the 50+, or the generation of our kids, days to spend with friends in Israel. Relationships established through these times together will continue to grow in importance as we move forward.

Books written by myself further share the vision of Love For His People, while at the same time have given encouragement to the readers in their own faith walk. Sharing my Ahava Love Letters and Now Think On This messages have brought faith, hope and love to people in many countries.

We ask you to consider joining with us in this work, through your financial gifts. We also ask you to support our work through the purchase of my books, which also gives provision for this work to advance further.

Thank you for your consideration, as we together bless those who have given the nations so much - especially our Jewish born Savior Jesus Christ, and for the work they have done through the centuries recording His eternal written Word, the Bible, for us to know Him.

Please consider sending a contribution today.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.


Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #141 “Birthing & Raising” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.13.14) Sunday at 7:00 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Unlocking Israel's Feasts - Sid Roth with Perry Stone on IT'S SUPERNATURAL!

Perry Stone unlocks the significance of the seven Biblical feasts and why the Fall feasts are important for you today. As the Kingdom age approaches, you need to know what Perry is saying.

In his book, The Prophetic Future Concealed in Israel's Festivals, Perry Stone reveals that, not only is the future concealed in the ancient past, it is also hidden in the seven feasts. Discover truths many Christians are unaware of, and explore how patterns, cycles, and types are used to reveal future events!

America and the Fullness of the Gentiles is Perry's teaching DVD in which he covers America's relationship with Israel and our final assignment for God's Kingdom. Perry clearly shows where America is headed.

Also included in this offer is a DVD of Perry's personal vision of the rapture entitled,Mysterious Events Surrounding the Catching Away of the Saints.

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Television Show
Sid Roth, a Jewish Believer in Jesus as the Messiah, is host of It's Supernatural!television program, which features guests who have had miraculous healings and supernatural encounters with God's power. 

Watching God's Heavens—What is He Saying through Blood Moon Tetrads and Solar Eclipses? - Aimee Herd

Aimee Herd:
The Elijah List

"Israel as a nation is 'God's time clock,'" –Pastor John Kilpatrick

blood moonsBy now the term "blood moon" is likely no longer alien to you, and may even have been discussed around the water cooler this week. 

(Photo by Luc Viatour/via

And now that you have the astronomical description for four of them in a row—a "tetrad"—you may be feeling like your vocabulary has experienced a nice upgrade.

But what is all the eschatological (there's another one—'end times') discussion about anyway? What are some of the things being said?

After watching a few messages by Pastors John Kilpatrick and John Hagee—who are both saying the same thing, for the most part—I thought breaking their main points down into a fairly brief article might be of service to some who are curious, but who may not have time to watch numerous sermons.

Not Just Christians

One thing I've noticed in digging into the subject of the coming astronomical event is that the interest is not just found among Bible Believers.

Those in the secular science community are also intrigued—not just by the blood moon tetrad—but also in the fact that it does coincide with major Jewish feast days.
blood moonsI've found several sites that have not only given a wealth of information on the tetrad, but also on the fact that this and next year's will occur at special times according to the Jewish calendar. 

(Graphic via John Kilpatrick Ministries)

That stood out to me—there are those who are not yet Believers who are paying attention… looking, watching and waiting to see if anything significant, God-oriented or major does indeed happen.

The Blood Moon Tetrad Facts and When to Watch

Interesting celestial events already began this week, with the "opposition of Mars"—it's perfect alignment with the sun, and also with Earth.

Next week—on Monday—Mars will be at its closest to Earth in 6 years; you'll be able to see it shining brightly in the night sky. Then on Tuesday morning April 15th (in North America) at approximately 3AM Eastern Time, the moon will be not only full, but there will be a full lunar eclipse as the Earth passes between the moon and the sun. The sun's light that reflects off the moon will then be filtered through Earth's atmosphere—basically all Earth's sunsets at once—and it will cause the moon to appear red like blood.

blood moonsThe blood moon will happen again this year, on October 8th; and then there will be two more blood moons next year on April 4 and September 28th—that makes a lunar tetrad. describes a lunar tetrad as: "Four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial lunar eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons)."

The Significance Relating to Israel

According to Hagee and Kilpatrick (as well as others), the moons relate to Israel because the Jewish calendar is mainly a lunar-based calendar. The solar eclipses relate to the world because the rest of the world goes by the solar-based Gregorian calendar.

Now, tetrads aren't necessarily that rare—there was one in 2003—but the fact that each blood moon in this tetrad coincides with major Jewish feast days is rare.

blood moonsTuesday's blood moon happens on Passover; October's on Sukkot; next April's on Passover again, and the final blood moon of the tetrad falls on Sukkot once again. That last one is the only one that will be visible by Israel—but because it occurs on Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) many Jews will be outside, sleeping under the stars so-to-speak, in their tents or booths according to the Jewish Feast tradition.(Photo via John Hagee Ministries)

And not only that, but the final blood moon will also be at perigee—also known as a "super moon" because it is at its closest to Earth on its lunar orbit.

It will be one SUPER BLOOD MOON!

So What? Wait, there's More…

Not only will the tetrad happen, but in 2015 there will also be two solar eclipses. The first one—a total solar eclipse— will fall on March 20th, or Nisan 1 in the Jewish calendar which is effectively their first day of their first month.

The second solar eclipse will be partial, and will occur on September 13th which is Rosh Hashanah; the first of the "High Holy Days" and also known as the Feast of Trumpets.

Why Is Any of This Significant?

Pastor John Hagee notes Genesis 1:14"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years."

blood moonsThat is, the sun, moon and stars can also be used by God as a sign to Earth's inhabitants. (Graphic via John Kilpatrick Ministries)
Basically the coming tetrad is significant to Israel, and to Christians who love Israel, because of history—Israel's history.

In 21 centuries there have only been 8 (including this coming one) blood moon tetrads that fell on the Jewish Feasts of Passover and Sukkot and the 3 most recent ones occurred during extremely important events for Israel.

Tetrad of 1493-1494 – If you go back one year, you know Christopher Columbus sailed his famous voyage to discover the "new world" in 1492. What many may not realize is that this happened during Spain's Expulsion of the Jews, when the edict came down that all Jews in Spain had 3 months to leave. So the blood moon tetrad of that time happened during great persecution of the Jews.
Pastor John Kilpatrick notes that Christopher Columbus was sympathetic to the Jews and carried some on board his ships to the new world, and that his trip may even have been financed by them.

Because of this, as the tetrad of those years occurred, a bond was formed between Israel and the new world—America.

Tetrad of 1949-1950 – This tetrad happened just a few years after the end of WWII and in 1948, just prior to the tetrad, Israel was formally recognized by the world as a nation.

Tetrad of 1967-1968 – The Six-Day War began when attacks were mounted against Israel and she retaliated; it ended with an Israeli victory.

What Does the 2014 – 2015 Tetrad Signify?

Both Pastors Kilpatrick and Hagee are quick to answer "I don't know." But they add that it is important to WATCH—not just look; but observe, keep vigil, stay alert and most importantly...
blood and pray.

Pastor Kilpatrick notes that Israel as a nation is "God's time clock," which means these things are important to Christians too. 

(Photo by: Fred Espenak of NASA/via

Certainly, when you look at Joel 2:31 in the Bible, you can't help but get a little excited considering the celestial events before us!

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into
 blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD." -Joel 2:31

The thing to remember is, if you are a Christian (you know that Jesus is your Savior and you are living for Him), don't be fearful, but as Jesus said, "Be dressed in readiness and keep your lamp alight." And be ready to share about this great Hope that is in you with anyone who asks.

If in reading about these things, you feel conviction by the Holy Spirit, or you know your heart isn't right before the Lord, then don't wait—get right with the Lord Jesus today, and then rejoice!

If you want to learn more here are some good sources:

Sources: John Hagee Ministries, John Kilpatrick Ministries,,, Wikipedia