Friday, July 11, 2014

Could This Jewish Temple Prevent World War 3?

Standing With Israel
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Friday, July 11, 2014
Could This Jewish Temple Prevent World War 3?
Jewish Temple
If true, this would be "the greatest archaeological discovery of all time" according to Frank Turek, and would forever change the way Jews, Muslims and Christians view the Holy Land conflict.
read more 
Olive tree
The Church And Israel Share a Destiny
Messianic theologian Dan Juster further explores the reconnection between Israel and the church.
Israel Tour 2014
7:00AM EDT 7/8/2014  
Shiite Muslims
America, Disengage in Iraq
Here's why taking a hands-off approach to the war between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq would be beneficial for America and for Israel.
Is U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (l) really drawing parallels
between Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel and Palestine?
What John Kerry Fails to Understand About Israeli and Palestinian Cultures
Jews are disgusted at the senseless death of a poor Arab boy, while Palestinians celebrate the murder of three Jewish boys. So why does Secretary of State John Kerry act as if the cultures are the same?
7:00AM EDT 7/4/2014  
7:00AM EDT 7/10/2014  
Israel Tour 2014
Palestinian rioters
Does Moral Symmetry Exist Between Israel and Palestine?
Israel Hayom columnist David M. Weinberg contends that, when it comes to morality and ethics, the two entities are polar opposites.
7:00AM EDT 7/9/2014  
Israel Tour 2014

Our Struggle Is Not Against Flesh And Blood - Richard and Carolyn Hyde of Heart of G-d Ministries

Banner Heart
Please click above for photos
Israel on the Verge of Major Conflict
Israel on the Verge of Major Conflict
Our nation is now at war against Islamic terrorists in Gaza who've been launching missiles into Israel with increasing intensity since terrorists  
kidnapped and murdered three Israeli youth.  To gain a deeper understanding of recent events, please view this important video from Honest Reporting.  
There is no easy solution.  Recently as I was hitchhiking, a young Arab man picked me up and we spoke about the situation.  He wants nothing to do with terrorism and just wants to live in peace with Jews.
join us in praying for all those who long for peace in our nation to cry out to the Holy One of Israel, our Savior Yeshua, for His peace that passes all understanding.
YP cover
Recently a friend who's a pastor began to order 100 "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" booklets at a time to give away to other pastors.  This is Hasbara, speaking on behalf of Israel.  Although he's been thrown out of some places, he's also has won over the hearts of many through these booklets.  We're so excited about this!  Please consider joining him in this great adventure of Hasbarah, for Israel, but more importantly to speak about the faithfulness of the G-d of Israel who keeps His promises!

Reliable News Sources:
On July 28 we're flying to the US and Canada, G-d willing of course! Please check our webschedule for dates and we hope to see you along the way!
If full war breaks out, we'll stay home because that's the best time to be in the Land, a time when hearts are most open to Messiah's love....

     Al Rodriguez card
Please support his widow Ziporah by purchasing these beautiful notecards by beloved Galilee artist Al Rodriguez

King of Kings Media School King of Kings Media School 5 King of Kings Media School 4 King of Kings Media School 3 King of Kings Media School 2
Shalom dear friends and prayer partners,
Don't worry - Richard hasn't taken to begging on the streets of Jerusalem!  
A few weeks ago Richard and our son Ariel attended an intensive video course at King of Kings Media School in Jerusalem.  They made new connections with professionals who helped equip them in the creation of an evangelistic video for the website they work on that recently received over 24,000 hits from Israelis who are seeking G-d.  After this music video was completed, shall we say stars were born!  Richard and Ariel both work with excellence and everyone who has seen the new music video loves it, including our not yet believing Israeli friends!  Since we know that young people today don't just listen to music, they "watch" music via YouTube and other sites, Richard and Ariel are going to continue making music videos with a message. What a great way to touch the hearts of the people here and in the nations with Messiah's love!   
Shoah survivors 5 Shoah survivors 7Shoah Survivor's luncheon 2Shoah Survivor's luncheon
Singing over Holocaust survivors and war veterans at Brian Slater's soup kitchen and recent luncheons.  What an honor to bring comfort and blessings to these beautiful people!  
Our daughter loves to attend Shabbat meetings with other young adults at a local kibbutz. Recently she told us about a conversation in Hebrew between several Israelis.  One said that Christians believe Yeshua is the Messiah, but another said that can't be right.  Then a young woman stood up in front of everyone and said, "It's true.  Yeshua is the Messiah."  Then our daughter said something strange happened.  Everyone just stood there, shaking their heads as if in agreement.  And then it was like a veil returned and they went on talking about other things!
  RH CH in Centralia  YP cover   Ps 91   
Today while in Jerusalem, the air raid sirens sounded.  It was an eerie feeling and yet I sensed the strong presence of the L-rd, who neither slumbers nor sleeps.  The L-rd of Hosts, the L-rd of the Armies, is hearing the prayers of the saints and answering.  Please pray specifically for our soldiers, citizens and leadership and for our borders and cities.  And pray that war does not break out on another front as we combat the terrorist infrastructure of Hamas in Gaza.  
Thank you for partnering with us as we reach out with the love of Yeshua to our people Israel and wherever the L-rd sends us!  We appreciate your help with the Psalm 91 bandanas, the booklets and CD outreaches as we share Messiah's love and light.
partner with us icon  
Blessings in Yeshua's love,
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
Heart of G-d Ministries
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, Texas 78246
Click on the CD covers for song samples and enjoy!  
Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover He Will Appear cover Some of the Best of CH cover Messianic Holiday Sampler cover  
 Coming soon - a new worship CD called "Just Like Joseph"!
We write G-d and L-rd like this according to an ancient Orthodox Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and loves to continue.  This is done only out of reverence and respect for the name of the Holy One of Israel.  Thank you for understanding.

SPECIAL NOTE: Richard & Carolyn Hyde will be in the Charlotte, NC in mid-August. We will keep you updated with location and time. 

Steve Martin, Love For His People, Inc.

Paul Keith Davis: Clouds and Thick Darkness: A Divine Visitation Bringing God's Justice

Paul Keith Davis:
The Elijah List

In late April, our ministry hosted a special three-day School of the Spirit meeting. On Monday, April 28, the theme of the evening service centered around "Winds of Change." Much to our surprise, shortly after the meeting, the winds and rain began to fall in the South Alabama/Pensacola region in an extraordinary way. Over 20 inches of rain saturated the area in the following 24 hours with an unprecedented 6.2 inches falling in one hour.

While the flooding and resulting damage was unfortunate, we must also evaluate this situation to determine if there is something the Lord is saying through it. I prayed earnestly into this and feel there may be multiple messages, but one primary passage prevails. 

Psalm 97:2 says:
Clouds and thick darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.

via enwikipediaThe Lord coming in clouds and thick darkness speaks of a divine visitation bringing God's justice. This type of visitation is like a two-edged sword. It will produce judgments and blessings simultaneously; favor and grace upon righteousness and discipline upon unrighteousness. Those that have been faithful through repentance and intercession will find the coming season producing cleansing and blessing. 

(Photo via

We will be cleansed and sanctified by His Spirit so that we can become partaker's of His Divine nature and His Holy character. Furthermore, we will experience the release of the Spirit of Truth in a profound way in order to deal with the sin of unbelief within the Church.

"And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me; and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged...But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come." John 16:8-13

We have the incredible privilege of living in the generation that will witness the unveiling of great mysteries and hidden secrets reserved for the "time of the end" (see Daniel 12:4). 

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is beginning to unleash "great and mighty things" related to our prophetic mandate. These Scriptural directives impart insight with understanding concerning the revelation of His Glory and Nature.

His Divine Nature

The Scriptures stipulate we have His precious and magnificent promises by which we become partaker's of His Divine nature through the true knowledge of Christ (see 2 Peter 1:4-8).

The time of the end is a period for revealing and reinstating great truth and exposing the hidden things of darkness.

An "overcoming" company of Believers will begin to "taste the good word of God and the powers of the age to come" (see Hebrews 6:5). Conversely, those that have not been faithful to God's Word will find this visitation producing correction and Divine discipline. 
via abc news
Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of His throne. For there to be a true unveiling of the Lord's manifest presence, there must be a foundation of Righteousness and Justice upon which His seat of authority is established. These two pillars constitute the essential framework for true kingly authority. The Bible tells us that those who "overcome" will be pillars in the temple of God.

(Photo via abc news)

Revelation 3:12 "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of Heaven from My God, and My new name."

Psalm 89:14-15 (TLB) "Your throne is founded on two strong pillars – the one is Justice and the other Righteousness. Mercy and Truth walk before You as Your attendants. Blessed are those who hear the joyful blast of the trumpet, for they shall walk in the light of Your presence."

We are to be the pillars of Righteousness and Justice through which the Lord will execute His judgments in the Earth. With maturity we will become the trees of Righteousness that bear fruit reflecting His Divine attributes.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Lord Our Righteousness

In Jeremiah 33:16, the Lord first revealed Himself as Jehovah Tsidkenu – The Lord Our Righteousness. A righteous God pronounced death as the penalty of sin, yet that same God became flesh, the righteous branch, to taste death for every sinner and provide the righteousness that is transferred or imputed through His grace.
When the Lord descended before Moses in a cloud He is described as compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in loving-kindness and truth, yet HE WILL NOT LEAVE THE GUILTY UNPUNISHED (see Exodus 34:5-7).

The heart cry of the Spirit is to REPENT and RETURN to the Lord that times of refreshing may come from His presence providing true righteousness.

In the Old Testament there is evident revelation of Israel as being a nation seeking after righteousness, yet in its passionate desire for righteousness, the people discover their own unrighteousness. Therefore, we become people that are seekers after hearts of purity and communion with God in holiness by His grace. God will always have a remnant of people in the Earth who seek after Him and His Righteousness.

via flickrThe righteousness of God is revealed to us through the written Word – The Revelation of Jesus Christ. When the first written law was given in the form of the Ten Commandments we recognized the first five commandments dealt with right relationship with God. The second five commandments related to a right relationship with our fellow man.

(Photo via

All proper relationships first begin with a wholesome understanding and relationship with God Himself. Only after we have a spiritually healthy relationship with the Lord can we move into proper relationships with our fellow man based on sincere fraternal affection. The Lord is looking for those that can walk together in agreement and unity so that He can pour out His anointing upon them.

When righteousness has been established in the hearts of Believers through the Word, we may then move into a subsequent aspect of righteousness, which is Holiness. The Spirit of Holiness is the very power of the resurrection as described in Romans 1:3-4: "Concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead."

God's great power is released to us through the Spirit of Holiness. The Lord desires to establish Righteousness and Justice in us as a foundation of His throne and manifest Presence. This manifested power of God lies in the Cross as stipulated in 1 Corinthians 1:18: "For the word of the Cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
via deviantart
(Photo via

As we seek the Lord's Face through times of spiritual intimacy and waiting on Him, even more so than seeking His hand, we then become partaker's of His Holy character by being reflections of His image. We will begin to truly KNOW HIM and the power of His resurrection though it may include the fellowship of His sufferings. God's manifest power is essential to us in becoming the light of the world during the coming times of great darkness.

Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries
