Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Some Christians are starting to say, 'no' “In the days to come, The Mount of Hashem’s House Shall stand firm above the mountains And tower above the hills; And all the nations Shall gaze on it with joy.” (Isaiah 2:2)
'If someone fires at our planes, we will destroy them,' says Israel's defense minister “I charge you: Be strong and resolute; do not be terrified or dismayed, for Hashem your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Will be largest number of visitors since destruction of Temple 1,947 years ago “And Avraham named that site Adonai-yireh, whence the present saying, ‘On the mount of Hashem there is vision.'” (Genesis 22:14)
Recommendation was made by U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman “Inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:9)
'If they restart their nuclear program, they will have bigger problems than they have ever had before,' Trump says “One misfortune is the deathblow of the wicked; the foes of the righteous shall be ruined.” (Psalms 34:22)
Yechezkel (Ezekiel) includes a vision of hope in his negative prophecies. Referring to Mashiach (Messiah), Yechezkel describes a small cedar shoot that will be restored to the high mountain of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)...
This video features hope in a time of darkness, as the Jewish people mourn the destruction of the first two Jewish Temples, praying for the building of the third Temple.
This gorgeous video begins already with the miraculous. The Jewish people are present, back in the land of their heritage. The children are playing. The land is fertile and the people are returning to the wisdom of the Torah.
What we see here in this video is the culmination of the hopes and prayers of the Jewish people over the last 2000 years since the second Jewish Temple was destroyed.
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!
An annotated picture found in the British Library's Endangered Archives collection
Annotated picture of Shiloah (Silwan) from the Bonfil albums digitized by the British Library (circa 1890s)
The Shiloah (Silwan) village south of Jerusalem's Old City dates back to Biblical times. Water from its spring was used in the Jewish Temples. Jewish royalty was buried in its caves with Hebrew inscriptions naming the deceased. Over the centuries the hill was inhabited by Christian monks and Arab families.
Below is one of the first photographs taken in Palestine in 1844 showing Silwan's small size. It was taken by Girault de Prangey, a student of the inventor of photography, Louis Daguerre. View more of de Prangey's photographs here. Many of his photographs are now online at the French National Library.
The village of Shiloah (Silwan) in 1844 and the Kidron Valley (Smithsonian Magazine)
The 3,000 Maison Bonfils photographs from the Fouad Debbas Collection in Beirut digitized by the British Library have the barest of captions -- with the exception of one album with lengthy English annotations. The first photograph above provides an example. It describes the Yemenite Jewish community that moved into the Shiloah village in the 1880s. Below is the handwritten caption.
The caption on the photograph reads,"The village of Siloam on the east bank of the Kidron Valley. The Pool of Siloam is opposite to the village on the west bank. The inhabitants are Mohammedans except at the extreme south (right hand of picture) where the Yemenite Jews live in a small colony of tiny stone buildings as shown in a long low patch of white."
On the right side of the picture, adjacent to the Jewish housing, the album owner wrote, "The Yemenite Colony."
Photographers of the 19th century focused their lenses on the Yemenite residents, especially the photographers from the American Colony where the Yemenites' arrival in 1882 was viewed as the "Gaddites" returning home and as a messianic harbinger.
We had the privilege of providing an essential detail to the Library of Congress' picture in its archives of the "village of Siloah" (circa 1901). The man, we explained after consultation with Yemenite historians, is a Yemenite Jew, originally from Habani in Yemen.
He was probably among the residents of Shiloah.
The American Colony photographers took scores of pictures of Yemenite Jews and helped provide food and shelter to the poor immigrants.
Poor Yemenite Jewish family (circa 1890s). An American Colony caption read "Group of Yemenite Jews"
"A scene in a Jewish Yemenite Quarter," according to the Library of Congress caption. The picture, possibly shot in Shiloah, was taken in the 1930s when the Jews of Silwan (Shiloah) were suffering from attacks from their Arab neighbors. They eventually fled their homes. Today, Jewish families have returned to Shiloah.
A Palestinian woman takes part in a protest to show solidarity with Al-Aqsa mosque compound and Palestinians, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, on October 22, 2015. Violence and protests against Israel have increased in frequency across the Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
Today’s Messianic War Over Jerusalem Predicted Thousands of Years Ago
“Then he said to me, ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord.’ ” (Zechariah 4:6)
One of the most troubling aspects of the recent violence and terror in Israel is the battle between truth and lies. Lies against Israel are easily accepted in every form and majority of forums, including major news outlets and governments. However, one of the most disturbing claims are those denying the existence of the Jewish Temples and the Jewish nation’s connection to the holy site.
As worrying as this claim is, the current developments against Israel were anticipated thousands of years ago in the Jewish mystical text called the Zohar as part of the End of Days process:
“…The descendents of Ishmael will go up at that time (End of Days) with the nations of the world against Jerusalem…” (Zohar 1:119a)
The Jewish Temples were, until now, a universal truth chronicled in the Jewish Bible, the Koran and the New Testament. Nonetheless, the Jewish claim of a historical connection to their holiest site is being denied in mainstream press and in the international political arena.
TheNew York Times recently published an article that claimed there is no corroborative archaeological evidence to substantiate Jewish claims of Temples on the Temple Mount. To deny this would seem incredible. However, in an almost close call, a recently shot down proposal at the UN sought to cancel out all Jewish claims to the Temple Mount by Arab nations, including the Palestinians.
While the Temple Mount was not wrested away from Israel, a UN commission declared the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and the Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem as Muslim holy sites. Such a move is nothing less than an unprecedented attempt to rewrite history. Similarly, France has made a proposal to the UN for an international force on the Temple Mount, also cancelling out Jewish claims.
In a separate Jewish commentary describing the End of Days, the Sefer Eliyahu, first published in Salonika in 1743, describes how the Arab nations will attempt to convert the Jewish nation to Islam and rewrite Temple Mount history:
“Israel will say to the king of the Arabs, ‘Take silver and gold and leave the Temple.’ The king of the Arabs will say, ‘You have nothing to do with this Temple. However, if you want, choose a sacrifice as you did in the past, and we will also offer a sacrifice, and with the one whose sacrifice is accepted, we will all become one people.’ The Jewish people will offer theirs, but it will not be accepted because the Satan will lay charges against them before The Holy One, Blessed is He. The descendants of Kedar will offer theirs, and it will be accepted…At that time, the Arabs will say to Israel, ‘Come and believe in our faith,’ but Israel will answer, ‘We will kill or be killed, but we will not deny our belief!’ At that time, swords will be drawn, bows will be strung and arrows will be sent, and many will fall.” (Pirkei Mashiach, p. 236)
The Sefer Eliyahu describes a war of faith and religion, of the type being fought today. Sacrifices, or the modern equivalent, prayer, is at the center of the conflict, as the ancient book predicts. Today Jews or Christians praying on the Temple Mount is considered an act of aggression in the international press and a declaration of war.
A view of the Western Wall. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Though the recent conflict is violent, Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah Halberstam, also known as the Klausenberger Rebbe, predicted this conflict with the Arabs after the Six-Day War, almost 40 years ago, and instructed his students on how to be victorious.
“Don’t think that the Arabs will always run away; Ishmael will return, resiliently strong. Our ultimate war with him will be a difficult one; we shall not prevail by way of military means…The Nazis killed my wife and my eleven children. I suffered from them in ways that defy description. Yet, the Ishmaelites outdo the Nazis when it comes to cruelty. I shudder to think what will be.”
According to Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson, a world-renowned Bible Codes expert, the conflict between the “sons of Ishmael” and the Jewish nation is clearly spelled out in the Bible. Citing the rabbinic commentary known as the Pirke de Rebbe Eliezer, written 100 years before the beginning of Islam, Ishmael will challenge the Jews in the final days of the messianic process through “falsehood [which] will multiply and truth will be hidden,” precisely in the manner Israel is being challenged today.
A recent poll in Israel showed almost half the citizenry wants the third Jewish temple built, the Levitical priesthood established and animal sacrifice resumed. Amazing, considering the high-degree of animal-rights sensitivity today. But even more amazing (to me) is how many Christians also want to see the temple up and running.
Jews obviously want it so they can again worship in the way God instructed them through Moses. But most Christians see the temple as just a temporary edifice needed to fulfill a handful of Scriptures for Antichrist to “take his seat” and declare himself God. Or to be the “holy place” where the abomination of desolation can stand.
But does the New Testament actually say a third Jewish temple will be built? Or can those few Scriptures that imply the presence of an end-time tabernacle be understood in some other way? I believe they can. I believe all should be understood as carrying the alert Matthew attached to the so-called “holy place” mentioned by Jesus - “Let the reader understand” (Matt. 24:15).
Oh, there surely will be a third temple that will be more glorious than Solomon’s. But it won’t be a building! How can God allow another stone temple to arise when the entire New Testament is an argument against the reestablishment of an animal sacrificial system? I have no doubt the reason God allowed the Muslim Dome of the Rock to be sitting where it is today was to block the temple’s rebuilding. Or it would already be up.
With the New Covenant, God moved into a new kind of house. The Mosaic Law permitted His presence to dwell with us, but now he could dwell in us. The body of Messiah is now His only official place of residence on earth: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16).
Didn’t Isaiah tell us, “Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool, where then is a house you could build for Me?” (Acts 7:48,49).
But that still begs the question: Will God allow even a false or temporary temple to be built for end-time purposes? And should Christians (or Jews) expect to see it as a sign of Messiah’s coming?
My advice is to scratch that sign off your list. God can’t allow another physical temple to be built or it would be a denial Messiah has already come. The author of Hebrews explained it this way: “The Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed while the first tabernacle is still standing, which is a symbol for the present time.” (Heb. 9:8,9)
In other words, the very existence of the Mosaic Temple meant God’s presence could only be accessed through the Levitical priesthood and the blood of animals. But when the curtain in front of the Holy of Holies was supernaturally torn from top to bottom at Yeshua’s death it signified we could now go directly into His presence by “a new and living way” (Heb. 10:20). And there was no going back.
Let’s not become so distracted looking for a red heifer we miss the completion and coming of God’s true temple in Yeshua…”in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord” (Eph 2:19-22).
“Yes, it is he who will build the temple of Yahweh, and he who will bear the honor and sit and rule on his throne.” (Zech 6:12,13)
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