Joey LeTourneau: "The Meek and Mighty Are Coming!"
This might seem like an oxymoron statement: "The meek and mighty are coming." But that is exactly who God is releasing in this day...and I'd say this word by Joey LeTourneau is spot on!
So many of you will be able to relate to this article and I can just hear you saying even now, "That's me! He's talking about me!" AND yes, he is as Joey shares here:
These meek and mighty ones have not built of their own strength, but they have persevered, trusting God, to establish and finish promises that only He can—all the while living in humble dependence upon His Word, both written and fresh. It is literally what they have lived off of in the fields and caves while waiting for now.
Amen to that. To all you meek AND mighty's your time! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Meek and Mighty Are Coming!"
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5)
There are so many kings who have sat at the Lord's table, that much of the world and even the Church would not recognize them as kings. Just like Samuel called for David from the fields, God is calling a company of the meek and mighty to come forth now to take their inheritance of the earth, and release the Kingdom they've been humbly and powerfully trained in from the inside out. These kings are needed to arise and walk in their humble authority. The inheritance of these meek and mighty gives them access in the world to give it the best foot-washing creation has ever known outside of Jesus Himself!
Meek is not weakness. It is humility, dependence on a greater power, self-discipline, and a kind and controlled strength that has been reserved until now. Creation is waiting to recognize the voice of these meek and mighty ones asking, "When will they arise?"
"We can't despise these moments in each step we are following the Spirit which may feel so small and misunderstood."
These meek and mighty ones have not built of their own strength, but they have persevered, trusting God, to establish and finish promises that only He can—all the while living in humble dependence upon His Word, both written and fresh. It is literally what they have lived off of in the fields and caves while waiting for now.
Zerubbabel's Testimony
"This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)
"Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of 'Grace, grace to it!'"(Zechariah 4:7)
"The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands shall also finish it." (Zechariah 4:9)
Zerubbabel was worn and weary. He had laid the foundation of his calling with the temple, but was about to give in to discouragement. In my Bible's notes, it highlights how Zerubbabel was to finish his calling without putting trust in the resources, ways, strength or numbers of man. Rather, God encourages him, and us, that the Spirit of God will accomplish this and that it will not go unfinished. Every mountain will be moved and divine grace is declared over it, all the grace necessary for completion. God was saying, "I will complete this through you not by your strength, but because you have learned to depend on Mine."
Prophetic exhortation: Come forward you meek and mighty ones, and be who God has made you to be without reservation! God and all creation offer you this invitation. The world needs the uncompromising, humble authority of your voice, your heart and your service! Pastor Bill Johnson says it best: "Rule with the heart of a servant, serve with the heart of a king." Now is not the time to retreat because of opposition or discouragement. Now is the time to let the meekness in you, which the world has called weakness, become a most timely, redemptive strength.
Fathering Small Beginnings: The "Other" Joseph
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." (Zechariah 4:10)
There are so many new beginnings that are like a shoot springing forth, out of the ground, across the earth. They are now small, but they are what you and all of creation have been waiting for.
The Son was born in Bethlehem, in a manger nonetheless. For the Father, this huge, hidden event was the moment His family's eternal hope had finally come to life. Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem was truly the smallest of beginnings, a modest family house to be born into to say the least. Yet it is also what God's whole house—and family—was built upon.
The Messiah had to be born in a manger before the government could be seen upon His shoulders, and it took a faithful few who trusted God's voice, beyond their own ways or understanding, to birth such to life. As you know, it's incredibly challenging to trust through the unseen, let alone when the unseen might not make a lot of earthly sense. When the unseen and misunderstood beginning God directs you toward is birthed in such a small way, well, it requires a lot of faith and patience for all involved to see it through.
"Come forward you meek and mighty ones, and be who God has made you to be without reservation!"
The manger brings the Father, and all of Heaven for that matter, so much joy! He has always worked through manger strategies. It's just that few that recognize the packaging that so many of God's greatest moves come hidden within. Most want to move into a fully renovated home rather than trust the Father through every step of His building process. Most don't want to start with a baby swaddled and surrounded in hay. The smells around Him didn't say "Christ" in human language, but all of creation knew that the Son they were waiting for had been born!
The "Other" Joseph
Can you imagine the responsibility of "fathering" Jesus during those early, intense years and decisions? We so often talk about Joseph of the Old Testament, and for good reason. But it's not often enough that we recognize the inner depths of surrender and strength it took to navigate the narrow path Joseph had to while "fathering" Jesus.
Joseph stepped beyond the fear of man to steward the unlikely and the misunderstood. Joseph led his young, uncommon family through the smallest beginning of impossible conception, through the most hidden baby shower or launch party the world has ever known—which happened in a manger.
He led them from one land to another, meeting with angels and listening to the Lord amid the pressures of murderous threats and the judgments of man. Joseph as a father to Yeshua was perhaps the greatest steward the world has ever known—not just through his faithful protection of Mary and Jesus, but the forward path he pioneered through his dependence on God. Joseph was a man, a husband, and a father who didn't feel the need to prove anything to the world. He was meek, mighty and surrendered to the vision of the tiniest seed that would one day become the Tree of Life for us all. Joseph is a "father" we must learn from and lead like in the season and path before us.
Your Small Beginning
We can't despise these moments in each step we are following the Spirit which may feel so small and misunderstood. Like Joseph and Mary, we are merely stewarding through absolute surrender, faithful obedience, and a passion for the Lord that won't be compromised. What looks like a baby surrounded by hay in the wilderness might actually be a hope that carries the government of the Father's Kingdom family to the world.
"...And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Joey LeTourneau
Heavenly Hope Ministries
Heavenly Hope Ministries
Joey LeTourneau, his wife Destiny, and their six children are based in the hills of central California. They have lived and traveled all over the world looking to unearth the treasures God has hidden in people, places and new possibilities. Joey is the author of seven books and together they speak, train and empower others to see God's worldwide family restored—one heart at a time.
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