Monday, October 13, 2014

Israel Feels a Chilling Breeze From the North

Israel Feels a Chilling Breeze From the North

Sunday, October 12, 2014 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Last week, the city council of Lille, the fourth largest city in France, decided on a "temporary freeze" of its twin city agreement with Safed (Tsfat) in Israel’s northern Galilee region.
Safed was once home of some of the most revered Jewish sages, among them the father of contemporary Kabbalah, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, better known as the Holy Ari.
Green Party council member Marie-Pierre Bresson explained that the decision was born out of the European Parliament's call to freeze privileged agreements with Israel in order to pressure Jerusalem and accelerate the peace process. Lille's move to freeze its relationship with Safed came just days after the new Swedish prime minister infuriated Israel with his announced intention to make Sweden the first major EU country to officially recognize a "Palestinian state."
Whether or not the council of Lille is aware of it, this decision is more of the same biased European policy that verges on being anti-Semitic.
Lille’s ties with Nablus and Shanghai, two of her other sister cities, should have been frozen over far greater grievances than Israel's reluctance to accept Europe's benevolent invitation to capitulate to Palestinian demands. China's occupation of Tibet doesn't seem to bother Lille, nor do the views and positions of Hamas member and Nablus Mayor Adly Yaish. According to the inflamed reasoning of the leaders of Lille, however, Israel is solely to blame for one of the world’s most intractable conflicts.
If the summer’s Gaza war taught us anything, it is that whenever a Palestinian-controlled region is given full independence, it’s first order of business is to turn all energy and resources toward fighting Israel, rather than improving the lives of the local Palestinian population.
Nevertheless, the Mayor of Lille, the Prime Minister of Sweden and hosts of other European leaders and intellectuals choose to turn a blind eye to the expressed Palestinian desire to dissolve Jewish control over the Holy Land. If they would have simply looked at the map of Israel as Palestinians envision it, they would have seen that not only the West Bank, but the whole of Israel is painted green.
The chilling breeze now blowing from the north reminds one of Jeremiah, who saw that days will come when "out of the north calamity shall break forth on all the inhabitants of the land … against all the cities of Judah."
Israel is increasingly concerned by these seemingly pro-peace policies that are aimed at coercing Israel into the unacceptable compromise of withdrawing to its pre-1967 borders without any reciprocal demand that the Palestinians renounce their dream of "returning" to Ashkelon, Haifa and Safed.
Whether or not Europe will bring calamity upon Israel is yet to be seen. It is up to them to decide whether or not they will once again give in to ideologies that mark the (Israelis) Jews as the world's scapegoat.
PHOTO: Town square in Lille, France.
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Friday, October 10, 2014

Israel Surprised by Sukkot Eve Storms

Israel Surprised 

by Sukkot Eve Storms

Friday, October 10, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Storms raged, in a positive way, across the country on Wednesday evening as Israelis welcomed the start of the biblical Sukkot holiday.
Meteorologists had predicted dry weather for most of Israel, but expected thunderstorms in the north quickly spread over the rest of the Holy Land from Haifa to Eilat.
In Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, a brief but strong downpour was enjoyed by not a few people who were pleased by the positive sign that the winter rains will arrive on time this year.
The weather was not the only unusual natural phenomenon marking this Feast of Tabernacles. A lunar eclipse visible in the Western Hemisphere and far eastern Asia manifested in the Middle East as a “blood moon.”
This was the second “blood moon” of the year, the first occurring on Passover, and two more are expected in the coming year, providing plenty of fuel for speculation among Jewish and Christian prophecy-watchers certain that these are apocalyptic signs.
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'Foreign Power' Behind Explosion at Iran Nuclear Facility

'Foreign Power' Behind Explosion at Iran 

Nuclear Facility

Friday, October 10, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
The explosion that apparently devastated a top secret nuclear facility in Iran earlier this week was reportedly caused by a foreign power.
Citing European diplomats, the Al-Rai newspaper in Kuwait identified Israel as being behind the blast at the Parchin military site 30 kilometers southwest of Tehran. According to the newspaper, Iran subsequently ordered Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon to plant bombs along the Israeli border as a response to the action. Two Israeli soldiers were wounded in a border explosion this week.
Western intelligence agencies believe the Parchin site was used for nuclear testing and as a facility to fit nuclear warheads to Iran’s long-range missiles. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors had long been denied access to the site.
The explosion that destroyed the Parchin site was massive. Various reports reveal that windows shattered up to 15 kilometers away. Satellite photographs backed up claims that the explosion was the result of an attack, and showed almost total devastation to the facility.
Israel’s government declined to issue an official statement on the incident, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recent weeks had renewed his firm warnings that Israel would not accept a nuclear-armed Iran.
PHOTO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year warning the UN General Assembly of the dangers of a nuclear Iran.
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"You Shall Live in Booths" ✡ Seeking Divine Protection - ISRAEL365

For a seven day period you shall live in booths. Every resident among the Israelites shall live in booths.


בַּסֻּכֹּת תֵּשְׁבוּ שִׁבְעַת יָמִים כָּל הָאֶזְרָח בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל יֵשְׁבוּ בַּסֻּכֹּת

ויקרא כד:מב

ba-su-kot tay-sh'-vu shiv-at ya-meem kol ha-ez-rakh b'-yis'-ra-ayl yay-sh'-vu ba-su-kot

Shabbat Inspiration

In Lieu of the weekly Torah portion, this Shabbat we read from the Book of Leviticus which includes the commandment to celebrate the Holiday of Sukkot. One of the central commandments of the holiday is to construct a sukkah, or booth.  The structure must be temporary and serves as a spiritual reminder that everything in this world is transient and things can change in a moment.

Finding Joy in Letting Go of Ourselves

Sometimes, in our attempt to be happy, we focus on ourselves. The holiday of Sukkot teaches us that to be in a state of joy, one must move beyond oneself, and follow not our heads, but our emotional selves.

God Protects Israel

Thousands of people attended a pro-Israel rally in front of Washington’s Capitol Hill Sunday. Rally organizer Mike Huckabee offered the resounding message that God protects Israel and the US should too.

Shabbat Shalom Book

Get inspired each week by the Torah portion with this book by Sondra Oster Baras, who has been teaching Scripture to Christians from a Jewish point of view for over a decade. Edited by Rabbi Tuly Weisz, with beautiful photographs of the heart of Biblical Israel.

Today's Israel Photo

This image, by Yehoshua Halevi, portrays a beautiful sukkah (booth) contructed in Israel for the holiday.  Over Sukkot, Jews dwell in Sukkot and eat and sleep within their protective walls.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Mr. Gabriel Baca, from Mexico, in honor of  Erev Shabbos. Toda Raba!

“I Really Enjoy All Your Postings About Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thank you Rabbi Weisz! I really enjoy all your postings about Israel.  I sure wish I was living there...the Jews are special to the Almighty God, and He will always protect them no matter what. God bless Israel and I wish that I could help in any way at all. V.J.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Bill Johnson, Cindy Jacobs Support GOD TV in Wake of 'Moral Failure'

Bill Johnson, Cindy Jacobs Support GOD TV in Wake of 'Moral Failure'

Bill Johnson
Bethel Church's Bill Johnson called GOD TV viewers to throw their weight behind the network in the wake of co-founder Rory Alec's moral failure and resignation. (GOD TV)
In a Wednesday broadcast from Jerusalem, GOD TV co-founder Wendy Alec spoke candidly about her husband Rory's "moral failure." Rory resigned in September after admitting to a breach in his marriage.
The special episode was prefaced by words from GOD TV trustees Steve Beik and Canon Andrew White.
"GOD TV is doing the work of God, which the evil one wants to destroy," said White. "We sense brokenness but are assured God is not finished with GOD TV."
Beik, GOD TV's chief of staff, told viewers the network is there to stay, its mission remains unchanged, and he thanked viewers for their ongoing support.
Charismatic leaders rallied around Wendy and GOD TV.
Bethel Church's Bill Johnson called viewers to throw their weight behind GOD TV: "They're in a place of real need right now. ... This is the worst time for us to pull away from these friends of ours."
Kim Clement appealed for Rory to return to his God-given calling. Lois Gott, senior leader of Bethshan Church, pointed to the need for "valiant intercessors" to rise up to pray for GOD TV and how heartache is often the precursor of revival.
For her part, Patricia King of XP Ministries said that the media carries the greatest spiritual attack and asks how believers should react when leaders falter: "By speaking the truth in love, which shows mercy."
Cindy Jacobs of Generals of Intercession encouraged Wendy with a prophetic word: "No person built this network, God built this network and the Lord says, 'I AM the foundation, if My people stand behind Wendy, the media anointing of Isaiah 52:7 shall continue. Daughter, I have anointed and appointed you for this battle, the angels you have written about are doing battle, and My angels are greater than any demon.'"
Jacobs also broke a spirit of grief over viewers.
"We are going to rise above this, we as family together," she said. "We are taking the battle to the heavens, and we're going to win."
Click here to watch the Revival Alert broadcast on GODTV.

GOD TV's Wendy Alec Shares Her Heart on Husband's 'Moral Failure'

GOD TV's Wendy Alec Shares Her Heart on Husband's 'Moral Failure'

Wendy Alec
Wendy Alec (Facebook)
Less than two weeks after GOD TV co-founder Rory Alec resigned in the wake of a "moral failure," Wendy Alec is speaking out.
On Wednesday's broadcast, Wendy shared about the breakdown of her marriage to Rory and how she is holding out hope for restoration. At the same time, she offered viewers assurance that GOD TV would continue operating and prophetically decreed that the network would fulfill its purpose despite the obvious setback.
Moreover, Wendy took some air time to address what she calls "unfounded allegations" and to ultimately set the record straight in a broadcast.
"I want to explain this very hard situation that has been so difficult for our GOD TV family, for our staff and for Rory and I and our children. That's what families do; they share truth," she said.
"Through these seven months, one thing has never changed. God has been so faithful, and there have been times when I've felt He has carried me. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I have absolute trust in God. 
"From this time forth there is going to be the release of a prophetic-fire mantle on GOD TV that is going to hang the enemy on his own gallows for this attack on GOD TV. We will expand and explode, and this mantle is going to bring the glory of God like never before."

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Carrie Underwood's Newest Song Sings of Strong Christian Themes

Carrie Underwood's Newest Song Sings of Strong Christian Themes

By Charis Brown, 7 Cultural Mountains

Her newest song, "Something in the Water," describes a heartfelt conversion experience.
Carrie Underwood, the country superstar and Grammy winner first discovered on American Idol is not shy about her Christian faith.

"It's really kind of a joyous, uplifting song about changing your life for the better and kind of having that 'a-ha' moment, to waking up and your life being different from that moment forward," she told NBC's TODAY.

From singing "How Great Thou Art" as a duet with Vince Gill to talking with Oprah about her prayer life, Underwood is never afraid to talk about her faith when she has the opportunity. Recently, she and her husband, hockey player Mike Fisher, surprised attendees at the Q Conference in Nashville to talk about their marriage and respective callings. She credited Nashville with being a supportive environment to be a Christian.

"It's easy to be a Christian in Nashville," she said.

But, there are definitely some critics who don't appreciate the song's candid message.

"I'm not the first person to sing about God, Jesus, faith [or] any of that, and I won't be the last," said Underwood to Glamour Magazine. "And it won't be the last for me, either. If you don't like it, change the channel."

Listen to the song here:

"Australia and New Zealand – Seven Words From God For You" - Brian Simmons

"Australia and New Zealand 
– Seven Words From God For You"
Brian Simmons, Wichita, KS
The Elijah List

God has a wonderful word He wants to speak over Australia. The land down under will become one of the most desirable places to live on earth as the Holy Spirit begins to fall, kissing the hearts of His worshippers. Throughout your nation, the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, a wave of God's favor is about to sweep over you.

Churches will grow, new converts will birth churches filled with more new converts. Established churches will be like the fathers and mothers of this great move of God. Expect to see many who have immigrated to Australia, especially Iranians, Indonesians, and Indians, along with many middle eastern refugees, become mighty evangelists after they come in contact with God's power flowing the churches of Australia. (Photo via Pixabay)

My wife and I just returned from a three-week ministry tour of the beloved nation. While there we both received a number of dreams from God, Holy Spirit-inspired visions, and words of prophecy for that beautiful land.

Allow me to share the seven prophetic words He spoke to my wife and me. Although Australia is highlighted, I believe these words apply to the wonderful nation of New Zealand as well! These will begin to manifest immediately and move into greater fulfillment throughout 2015:
1. Australia will experience an immediate Holy Spirit shift that could be compared to the WINDOWS of Heaven being open over your nation. This involves great financial blessing that will increase (see Malachi 3:10-11), but even greater will be the revelation of the Holy Spirit that comes over the nation. Of all the nations, Australia will be given insight into global events that will startle the powers that be. You will be given eyes to see and ears to hear, and the Spirit of Understanding will rest upon your political leaders, intercessors, and pastors. Expect to see an even greater alliance forged between Australia and Israel. 
2. Australia will be a healing center. Many healings will come to the praying Believers who have great faith for healing. The anointing of Smith Wigglesworth, the noted healing evangelist of generations past, will be re-deposited in the Church. Healing services will begin to fill with people turning to Jesus Christ. I awoke this morning to the sounds of, "I am the Lord who heals you, I am the Lord your healer." As a sign that you will be a healing nation, there will be a great healing of the rift between the native Australians and the government. Watch a tearful move of God sweep into Canberra. (Photo via Pixabay) 
3. Truth will prevail. Aussies love the truth, hate the hype, and have been given great discernment. God has put a root of truth into your DNA. You will help the global Church navigate many thorny theological issues that will soon arise. Authors will be anointed to point us to truth. You will carry the Spirit of Truth and the Word of Truth as discernment flows through you. Never fall back from your calling to preach the truth. 
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

4. The Battle of Hope continues. The Hope of Christ must win over every pocket of fear of the future. Hope is the answer and will become a great invitation to the lost in your nation to come to the God of Hope. Every state of your nation must bring forth your message of hope! Hope, come back and burn bright in Oz! Hope will win in the end! I saw Perth give birth to a move of mercy, giving compassion to the Asians that have come to your land. Perth will soon be called "a Global City of Refuge" (see Joshua 20). 
5. Judah praises. I see high praises rising from all over the nation. Aboriginals will join in as the celebration of freedom and power sweeps through the Church. Expect new moves of God, much like Hillsong, to come forth with a brand new sound that will cause shaking and trembling in God's presence. 
6. You will move from following the pack to leading the pack. As my Aussie friend says, "It smells better up front anyway!" Your leadership calling will not be stifled. An apostolic renewal will come. What was cut short and went dormant will now break forth with new grace as true apostles begin to emerge. 
This move of leadership grace will startle Australians who have been content to let other nations lead the way, but now grace has come for you to lay hold of your destiny. And the voice of the Church will be heard in parliament as you bring wisdom to the decisions of your nation. Your greatest export to the nations will be the move of God's Spirit. (Photo via Pixabay) 
7. The Gift of Fellowship (Mateship). The redemptive calling of Australia is to model community, fellowship, partnership in the Gospel, fighting for your brother and sister, serving them as you display the love Jesus speaks of: "So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you're My true followers" (John 13:34-35 TPT).

Lead the way, Australia; we're waiting to celebrate your victories! So, we will watch the nation of Australia experience God's kiss this coming year. May the lovers of God take the nation!

Brian Simmons
Stairway Ministries
The Passion Translation

Brian Simmons is known as a passionate lover of God. After a dramatic conversion to Christ, Brian knew that God was calling him to go to the unreached people of the world and present the gospel of God's grace to all who would listen. With his wife Candice and their three children, he spent nearly eight years in the tropical rain forest of the Darien Province of Panama as a church planter, translator, and consultant. 

Brian was involved in the Paya-Kuna New Testament translation project. He studied linguistics and Bible translation principles with New Tribes Mission. After their ministry in the jungle, Brian was instrumental in planting a thriving church in New England (U.S.), and now travels full time as a speaker and Bible teacher. He is also the lead translator for The Passion Translation Project which will result in a new, dynamic version of the Bible for this generation. He has been happily married to Candice for over forty-two years and is known to boast regularly of his children and grandchildren.

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May you be blessed...

Feast of Tabernacles Oct. 8-15, 2014