Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Messianic Jews Declare: We Are Israel

Messianic Jews Declare: We Are Israel

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
A group of young Israeli believers in Yeshua (Jesus) have started an online media campaign aimed at driving home that point that they remain an integral part of the Jewish nation and state.
Under the banner “We Are Israel,” the group has published a Hebrew-language website explaining why “a Jew who believes in Yeshua is a Jew, period.”
“Does the faith in the Jewish Jesus of Nazareth cause [Jews] to switch to another religion?” the group asked. “The project ‘We are Israel’ was born to answer this question and more, to present Jesus of Nazareth in a concrete historical and vivid picture.”
To kick off the launch of the campaign, “We Are Israel” posted a YouTube video of reenactments based on actual events.
Watch now (Hebrew dialogue with English subtitles):
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Abortion's Shockwaves Extend Beyond the Womb

Abortion's Shockwaves Extend 

Beyond the Womb

WASHINGTON - Pro-life leaders gathered at the National Press Club just a few days before the Jan. 22 March for Life to announce that a special emphasis this year will be on the many and usually unpublicized ways abortion hurts.

They pointed out abortion has certainly created 56 million victims - the unborn babies killed. But the reverberations from it go way beyond that.

Georgette Forney aborted a child when she was 16 years old and is still grieving 39 years later. She helped found the group Silent No More so she and others can communicate the long-term pain and trauma abortion can inflict.

'Not Like Pulling a Tooth'

"It doesn't happen in this little room and you walk away and it's all gone. It's not like you get a tooth pulled and you get up and you go back to work and it's no big deal," Forney insisted.

"It is a trauma," she continued. "It's life-changing, and not only for the woman herself, but for people around her."

Like the daughter she eventually had, who as an 8-year-old was horrified when she first heard how her older sister had been killed.

"This 8-year-old on my lap knew it wasn't okay, knew it didn't matter if it was legal or illegal, but that it had permanently impacted her life," Forney said.

That little girl couldn't let go of her unborn sister, who would have been named Elizabeth.

"And so she began to have kind of a pretend relationship with Elizabeth that carried on for many years because she had always wanted a big sister," Forney explained.

Forney is hoping an increasing number of older women and those wounded by abortion will guide younger women away from the gruesome procedure.

"How can we protect the next generation? These are our daughters, our granddaughters. We don't want them to repeat the pain," Forney asserted. "Why can't we stop the madness and really help women?"

As for men, Silent No More's Kevin Burke found out recently from a counselor at a maximum security prison how many would-be fathers spin out of control after abortions.

"Ninety percent of the inmates had experienced abortion, and in an informal poll he did many of these men shared that it was part of their descent into crime," Burke said.

He explained men's post-abortive rage and anger can lead to all sorts of trouble.

"Destructive relationships, abusive behaviors, impulsive, risk-taking behaviors," Burke listed. "Some of the men took that risk-taking and impulsive behavior and they went into the military. And they volunteered for front-line service."

'I Mourn the Loss of My Grandchildren'

Janet Morana knows from painful personal experience how much would-be grandparents can be devastated.

"My daughter had two abortions without even telling me. And she knew I was pro-life. She knew she could come to me," this Silent No More co-founder said. "But somehow she felt 'I don't want to disappoint Mom,' and she went off and did that. And so I mourn the loss of my grandchildren."

Father Frank Pavone, the leader of Priests for Life, said the circles of harm go beyond the woman and the family.

"You have the friends who might have helped her to get an abortion or the abortionists themselves and their staff, even the pro-life advocates who try to save that life and fail," Father Pavone explained. "That hurts. And they need to mourn and grieve that child."

At the end of this year's March for Life, as marchers gather in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, Silent No More, Priests for Life and their allies will launch a year-long project called "Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion."

Every month these organizations will pray for and reach out to a different group of people hurt by abortion.

For instance, in February they'll focus on how abortion has especially wounded black families, who have seemed particularly targeted by abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood over the decades.

Throughout the year, each month will highlight a different emphasis. In addtion to February's focus,
March will emphasize grandparents
April the siblings
May the mothers
June the fathers
July the survivors and friends
August the abortion providers
September families in general
October Hispanic families in particular.
November on healing the pro-lifers who actively work to save unborn babies. They see occasional victories but also many painful, wounding defeats.

Finally, the emphasis in December will be on seeking healing through Jesus Christ.

'Kids Are Underbrush'

Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life organization promoting pro-life candidates and legislation.

This long-time abortion foe explained how pro-choice advocates believe abortion has saved society from what the Nazis labeled "useless eaters," millions of unproductive young people that would have drained resources.

"Think about the roots of abortion where (Planned Parenthood founder) Margaret Sanger said the way to approach problems with the economy, problems with distribution of resources, is to eliminate the number of people who actually need those resources," Dannenfelser said.

"The thinking behind that, of course, is that kids are underbrush, and that there are certain parts of society that should be cleared out so that the rest of us can actually eat well and live with some distance between you and me," she explained.

"That's not a good way to make a decision. That puts people last, and people should be considered first," she told CBN News.

Father Pavone agreed.

"The continuation of legal abortion is seen by some as an ultimate long-term benefit for society," he explained. "But in reality, it's the opposite."

"Because with a declining population you have not only economic issues, because our greatest economic asset is people, you have national security issues," he continued. "The fabric of society itself is weakened when we allow the killing of the youngest children."

"Think of all the children that were aborted: over 50 million," Morana said, looking across the decades since the practice was legalized nationwide. "And that's just from surgical abortion. They would have been working and paying into society."

"Maybe government would not be shutting down and social security would not be going bankrupt because they would be productive citizens," she said.

'Made for a Purpose'

"The real question is 'can we afford not to have this child given what that child was meant to do and be?'" Dannenfelser asked.

She believes each aborted child could have contributed something important to the world.

"Because we know that each of them was made for a purpose," Dannenfelser said. "Many of those purposes were purposes that were never filled by somebody else."

Canadian FM: Shoulder to Shoulder with Israel

Canadian FM: Shoulder to Shoulder with Israel

PM Benjamin Netanyahu with Canadian FM John Baird

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Canada has more than Israel's back. It's standing by Israel's side, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said on Monday.

Canada -- whose prime minister, Stephen Harper, is an evangelical Christian -- is one of the most pro-Israel countries in the world right now.

"As I've said before, Canada doesn't stand behind Israel; we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with it," Baird said during a press conference in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu welcomed Baird as "a great champion of peace and security and as a great champion of the truth." He said Baird had consistently "demonstrated a willingness to stand up for what is right and to oppose what is wrong."

"We're all engaged in a great battle against the terrorism of militant Islam. Israel has been continually attacked by this scourge and so has Canada recently. Indeed many parts of the world are suffering from this violent attack,' Netanyahu said.

"To fight Islamist terrorism, we need clarity and courage. Canada has both. You know who is the aggressor; you know who is the defender. You know that Israel legitimately defends itself against the war crimes of Hamas and other terrorist groups," he continued.

"You know that it's a travesty of justice to haul Israel to the dock in The Hague, and you know that the entire system of international law could unravel because of this travesty," he said.

Netanyahu repeated an earlier statement that Israel would not have its hands tied by the International Criminal Court in its fight to defend itself against terrorism.

The ICC announced it was launching a preliminary investigation against Israel on possible war crimes charges relating to its 50-day war against Hamas last summer. There have been no attempts to investigate Hamas despite its rocket fire against Israeli civilians and using its own civilians as human shields.

Baird said that his grandfather had fought in World War II and stayed in the Canadian armed forces for decades after that.

"The great struggles of his generation were fighting fascism and then in the Canadian forces during the Cold War fighting communism. Well the great struggle of our generation is terrorism," Baird said.

"And far too often the State of Israel and the Jewish people around the world are on the front lines of that struggle. And as I've said before, Canada doesn't stand behind Israel; we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with it."

Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "According to His Flag"

The Children of Israel shall encamp, each man according to his flag.


אִישׁ עַל דִּגְלוֹ בְאֹתֹת לְבֵית אֲבֹתָם יַחֲנוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל

במדבר ב:א

eesh al dig-lo b'-o-tot l'-bayt a-vo-tam ya-kha-nu b'-nay yis-ra-ayl

Today's Israel Inspiration

As the Children of Israel encamped in the desert, each tribe had a flag with unique insignia. Do you know the symbolism of the modern day flag of Israel? At the First Zionist Congress back in 1897, the organizers wanted an original flag, when one man said, "We have a flag — and it is blue and white. The Tallit (prayer shawl) with which we wrap ourselves when we pray: that is our symbol. Let us take this Tallit from its bag and unroll it before the eyes of Israel and the eyes of all nations." So he ordered a blue and white flag with the Shield of David painted upon it, and that is how the national flag came into being. Today, the insignia of Israel's national blood bank is known to all as providing life-saving blood to all Jews and non Jews in medical need.

Blood for the Soldiers

Hear from an Israeli soldier whose life, almost extinguished by Hezbollah, was ultimately saved with 10 units of blood. Heart to Heart supplies 97% of Israel’s blood, and all of the blood of the Israel Defense Forces.

Anti-Semitic Hatred Fuels Child Violence

On Christmas day, Ayala, an 11-year old Jewish Israeli girl and her father were driving when their car was targeted, and took a direct hit, by a Molotov cocktail. Contrast that with Israel's life-saving treatment of every person in need, including a Palestinian baby last week.

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Our Israel365 Calendar provides daily inspiration with fantastic scenic photos of Israel accompanied by meaningful verses. Last chance to get one, now $5 and FREE shipping.

Israel Photo Trivia

Grace and Rick Knelsen's fantastic photo of a craftsman in his Safed studio. Take a guess at what he's weaving! Send me an email or check out our Facebook page.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Rowena Wareham from Arnold's Cove, NL, Canada. Toda Raba!

“You Are Awakening Feelings of a Homeland”

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Dear Rabbi Tuly, Your e-mails are quite inspiring. I look forward to the day when I too would be able to visit the Holy Land. Israel has been in my heart since the age of twelve years. I pray daily for the Holy Land, the peace of Jerusalem and the safety of the Jewish people. Once again thank you for your e-mails. Ursula, Benoni-South Africa

Just a small note to say thank you. You are awakening feelings of a Homeland that I dreamed of since I was a child.- Karen Willis
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Friday, January 16, 2015

"2015 Prophetic Word: Year of the Open Door" - Doug Addison

"2015 Prophetic Word: 
Year of the Open Door"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
The Elijah List

We have radically shifted with the theme for 2015, which is: "A new door of opportunity is being opened for us." In fact, I am declaring 2015: The Year of the Open Door.

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in Heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." Revelation 4:1

In 2015 there will be many new open doors, but we will need to "come up here" to see them. We will need to rise above our situations and gain a higher perspective of God.

Sign of the Dolphins

During Valentine's week in February 2013, I was speaking at the Power and Love Prophetic Conference at Bethel Church in Redding, California. As I was landing in Redding, God spoke to me that there was going to be a major prophetic sign from Heaven. Sure enough, on Valentine's Day, a 7-mile long stretch of thousands of dolphins gathered off the coast of Southern California, and estimates were about 100,000 dolphins. Here's a link to one of the many news stories about this phenomenon: click here.

This was a prophetic sign of a gathering coming to Southern California. Water represents the spirit and dolphins are encouragers. An army of prophetic encouragers will soon emerge, both young and old

Many people said that the dolphins had gathered for the food in the area. In the same way, God is preparing a great banquet or a party that is coming to Southern California that will impact the entire world.(Photo courtesy: NBC San Diego)

I consider myself a spiritual dolphin, so to speak. God has given me the ability to see the negative things of the enemy and "flip" them into God's positive will. I compare my gifts to the dolphin Flipper. I teach people how to overcome the attacks of the enemy and to "flip it and flip it good."

Seven Years of Blessings

Starting in January 2015 God will be holding back the negative things that many people have seen coming to the West Coast of the US. We are entering into a seven-year time of mercy and blessings from 2015–2022. Again, this does not mean that we will not see disasters or have difficult times, but God's mercy is going to triumph over judgment.

This is the time for the West Coast to arise and shine from San Diego to Seattle (and into Vancouver, B.C.)."Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you" (Isaiah 60:1).

It truly is a year of breakthrough for us all and God has issued a new seven-year season of blessing from 2015–2022. 

For the most part, it is the result of the prophetic intercessors crying out for mercy and more time, and it is possible that if we respond appropriately that it could be held back even longer. In place of prophetic words of judgment, for the next seven years God is releasing the fulfillment of prophetic words that are based in revival and blessing.

We are going to see the fulfillment of many of the prophetic promises we have been hearing for years: Bob Jones' one billion harvest of youth; Arthur Burt's prophetic word "and there shall be no ebb"; Paul Cain's nameless, faceless generation will arise; my prophecy of a revival that will come to the spiritual outcasts; the stadium prophecies; and lots more. (Photo via Pixabay)

This is the start of a seven-year reversal while time has been extended to make room for a huge harvest. You will see many of your personal promises fulfilled over the next seven years as well.

This is Not Just the West Coast

This is not just for the West Coast but for us all. God spoke to me that there has been injustice in the land. People have judged and not loved. Therefore He is moving on behalf of those who have been wounded. We are going to see a major move of God begin shortly and go on through 2022.

Outside of Our Understanding

Just as the dolphins gathered in Southern California in February 2013, and Bob Jones the encouraging prophet went back to Heaven in February 2014, starting in February 2015 there will be a major shift on the earth and in the Heavens

We are transitioning into a new, radical, and major movement of God. Revival is coming, but it is going to be outside the camp of our current understanding and our ways of doing things.

I remember Bob Jones telling me, "Bars are about to become churches and churches will need to be hospitals." There are so many people who have been wounded by Christianity. This is why God is releasing a new movement of encouragement that will open people up to God's love like never before.

The Parable of the Great Banquet

The gathering of the dolphins was a prophetic sign that God is preparing for a huge banquet or party. The Parable of the Great Banquet is a prophetic word for now. In Luke 14:15–24, Jesus told a parable of the Great Banquet in which a man was putting on a big feast and invited everyone to come. But they all made excuses and were too busy. So the man sent his servants out to invite the outcasts. "At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, "Come, for everything is now ready" (Luke 14:17).

Because the ones who were invited got busy and did not come, the Master had to invite other people: "Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame" (Luke 14:21).(Photo via Wikipedia)

This is a prophetic word from God right now:"Come, for everything is ready." 

God has prepared a table before us and we are being given an invitation to be part of something big that God has been planning. This represents the spiritual outcasts that God is drawing in now. This next move of God is similar to this parable. Many have been invited to be part of it but have gotten caught up in other things.

God's heart is for ALL people to come into the banquet. He is going to let the spiritually poor, crippled, blind, and lame be part of it. The spiritual homeless are being invited to the party. God spoke to me that we need to understand this parable and not be too busy or get distracted, or we will miss the invitation at hand.

Don't get busy or distracted this year. God's agenda is to love people and bring healing. It is also the start of the Joseph anointing that is to be released. There will be strategies from Heaven to release finances for Kingdom projects.

God is moving on the spiritual outcast and the wounded. This includes the prodigal sons and daughters, pastors' kids, those who grew up going to church, and many who did not go to church at all. Does this sound familiar? Many of these are our own children and grandchildren. God has been saving them for a new movement that they are called to be part of.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

East Coast and West Coast Connection

The West Coast has birthed three revivals in recent history: The Azusa Street revival in 1906, the Jesus People movement in the 1970s, and The Third Wave charismatic movement with John Wimber, Peter Wagner and others.

We will see something start on the West Coast, but it is not limited to that. I saw:

• A new Chicago fire in the spirit ready to start.
• God's glory come as spiritual rain in a casino on the New Jersey shore.
• The Holy Spirit bringing a move in Orlando.
• God visiting Toronto once again.
• Moves of God happening in the First Nations people.
• Pentecostal fire coming to the African American churches.
• God moving and promoting women with great authority.
• God will begin to move in our schools, among the Muslims, and minorities.
• A major move of God in South America that centered around Chile and other hot spots.

I could go on... it is not a West Coast thing that God is doing. It is going to spread around the world.

A 10-day Countdown to Breakthrough

Since February 2015 is the start of a major shift, I heard that we need a 10-day countdown starting on January 22 through February 1. It is a time to gather together and pray for the February breakthrough that is coming to you.

Spring Forward on March 8

God spoke to me that again this year, when we set the clocks forward in the spring, that things are going to spring forward in the spirit. For the US, this is March 8. Watch for something significant to happen around this day and season. (Photo via Wikipedia)

Many people will begin to emerge out of hibernation at this time. Some have been hidden and others held back by the enemy. But they will begin to step forward and say, "Yes, Lord," to what God is calling them to do.

April 1

Just as the date April 1st is 4/1, this is the start of the new open doors that are mentioned in Revelation 4:1 as I shared above: After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in Heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this" (Revelation 4:1).

This is a verse that you need to print out and stick on your refrigerator. These open doors and the release of higher-level revelation will require that you rise above your situation and circumstances.

The Month of May

God is going to begin to accelerate things. Just as May is the 5th month, so it will be a time of a supernatural release of grace. The spirit and ministry of reconciliation will be released and relationships will be restored. This will happen even with your own relationship as God is revealing Himself as a Father to you. There will be a deep mending of hidden hopelessness and building of a greater trust in you.

In June There Will Be Another Major Shift

There will be another major spiritual shift in June and "June gloom" will lift and the fog of forgetfulness will be removed. God will begin to bring to your memory promises you have forgotten. This will set the pace for the rest of the year. And watch for things to "fall into place" in the fall. (Photo via Wikimedia)

 "...Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." Matthew 6:10

Finding New Fruit in Your Family Tree

Your generational gifting and calling will become clearer this year. God is revealing positive, hidden blessings and callings in your family tree. You will no longer be worried about generational curses, because generational blessings will come to the forefront.
While people have read the genealogies in the Bible and have not fully understood them, your genealogy is going to come alive and make more sense this year.

Spirit of Elijah is Going to Come

This next move of God will require reconciliation.

"And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." Luke 1:17

We cannot expect to see anyone turn to God without first humbling ourselves as parents and spiritual parents toward our children.

This is portrayed well in a movie with Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton called "And So It Goes". This movie is a prophetic parable about the need to turn the hearts of the parents to the children so that transformation may take place. God is using children to bring about amazing transformation.

God is truly moving and we are in for some amazing times ahead. We can prepare now by slowing down and listening to the Holy Spirit speak to us.

Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug is the author of the books Understand Your Dreams Now and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

Israeli Youth Shocks National Television Audience With Yeshua Confession

Israeli Youth Shocks National Television Audience With Yeshua Confession

Shai Sol
Shai Sol (Facebook)

Standing With Israel
The symbolism is powerful. For eight days in December, we take one candle called the servant candle and light eight other candles. In the same way, Yeshua came as a servant and gave us light.
In Israel being a light can be scary. You never know how someone will react to your faith. On Christmas Eve, when 20-year-old Shai Sol testified of her faith in Yeshua before the whole country, every believer in Israel was challenged and encouraged.
My wife Elana and I were hosting the leaders-in-training group from our congregation, Tiferet Yeshua for the last night of Hanukah. After lighting the candles and eating Sufganiot (1,000-calorie fried donuts), we turned on the television at to watch Israel's newest reality show—HaKochav Haba—The Next Star. And we waited to see Shai.
Her audition began around 9:45 p.m. On the show, the hosts first talk to the contestant before he or she sings. Shai got right to the point. "I think I will reveal that I am a Messianic Jew." The interviewers were confused and asked, "What does that mean?" Shai responds, "Jews who believe in the Tenach (Old Testament) and the New Testament."
Her mother then goes on to share that the New Covenant was first given to Israel first (Jer. 31:31-33). Shai proclaims,"We believe in Yeshua ..."
One of the hosts then encourages her not to share her faith with the judges until after they judge her song. "Let them judge you according to the music." The male host told her that the culture of Israel has a very accepting side but also has an ugly side. However, his female co-host interrupted and said, "This is who she is. If people don't receive her that's not her problem."
Israel Today's Ryan Jones wrote, "So intriguing was the revelation by 20-year-old contestant Shai Sol that she believes in Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah that the top-rated Kochav Haba made her pre-audition interview the focus of its promotional commercials earlier in the week."
In the end, she chose not to tell them up front, which I think was the right decision. She had already shared it with all Israel in the interview and if she passes the audition she will have more opportunity to testify.
Shai has a very unique style. The judges were enthralled by her—as were the interviewers back stage as they rooted for their new Messianic friend. One judge said, "I am in love!" However, one judge didn't vote while she was singing and she was left a few percentage points short of entering the competition.
The male host was so shocked that he didn't vote for her that he said if he doesn't put her through "I am going to stop talking to him." The judge who "fell in love" said that until now that was the song of Idan Raichel, a famous Israeli artist, but if he heard it for the first time last night, he would have thought it was hers.
In the end, the lone judge who was withholding his vote relented and Shai is now competing in HaKochav Haba. 
You have to understand the significance of this. If someone on American Idol in a country with millions of believers testifies to their faith, it is a big deal. I remember Colton Dixon singing a worship song on American Idol and it was amazing. Believers felt empowered to see someone take such a bold stand.
But imagine doing that in a country where people are taught that you are an apostate; where your community of faith makes up less than one quarter of one percent of the population. And let's not forget the hostility, harassment and persecution from the ultra-Orthodox. No, this is a big deal!
A young adult from Haifa wrote on Facebook, "For the first time in history a Jewish person declared their belief in Yeshua on prime time television!" Our youth leader Moti said that someone created a Facebook post this morning saying in Hebrew, "Gam ani Yehudi Meshihi" (I am also a Messianic Jew) and young people, who would never have done it without Shai's testimony, are now posting it on their Facebook walls.
And to watch it with close to 20 other Messianic Israelis who just happened to be at our home ... well, it was like she was representing us. It was special.
No, it is not the revival we are still praying for—but when you think of how hard the enemy has worked to keep Jewish people from Yeshua and how he has sought to turn the Messianic faith into something foreign to Jews, it is encouraging to see a 20-year-old girl from Ashdod, Israel, go on TV and tell the country, "I believe in Yeshua!"
Ron Cantor is the director of Messiah's Mandate International in Israel, a Messianic ministry dedicated to taking the message of Jesus from Israel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). He is an author and serves on the pastoral team of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv.
For the original article, visit messiahsmandate.org.
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Joshua Aaron "You Are Holy" LIVE - Messianic Music Unplugged | Hebraic Roots Network

Joshua Aaron

Published on May 30, 2014
Joshua Aaron is a Messianic worship artist from Pennsylvania. His "You Are Holy" album and other new songs are featured as a part of The Hebraic Roots Network's new show called Messianic Music Unplugged.