Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Doug Addison: "A Time of Pruning, Greater Revelation, New Life and Justice" - THE ELIJAH LIST Feb. 2016

Doug Addison: "A Time of Pruning, Greater Revelation, New Life and Justice"

THE ELIJAH LIST Feb 10, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I've said this many a time, I, along with our readers, always look forward to reading Doug Addison's articles. He is one who knows the seasons and relates it so well to others.
Here is Doug's word for February in which he shares:
There will be some major new connections and healing of past relationships between February and May.
Now that's something to start rejoicing at even now!
Be blessed by Doug's words as this is a time of "pruning, greater revelation, new life and justice."
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.
Friends, this truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase the full message sets in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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February 2016 will be a time of old things dying, but the result will bring new life.
Two major prophets (Bob Jones and John Paul Jackson) went to Heaven in February 2014 and February 2015, respectively, and we can expect to reap a greater level of revelation in the month of February because of this.
Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. John 12:24 NIV
We are all in a time of God pruning and purging things from our lives. 
This is similar to what Jesus said in John 15. Expect to see changes in your life as this happens to you and the people over and around you. 
We are in a time of accelerated healing and growth. 
(Photo via Pixabay)
Do not be discouraged if you are seeing old thoughts and behaviors spring up. This is part of the process that we will all need to go through to operate in the new things coming to us in March. 
As God reveals things to you, it is best to pray and move forward with forgiveness, letting go of the past.
Things that are Sealed Being Revealed
Watch for God to reveal things to you that had previously been sealed away. These could be promises that He had spoken to you and you did not understand or had forgotten. They could also be dreams that were hidden away that are now coming to the surface.
God is releasing greater understanding, wisdom, and deeper knowledge about situations in your life. Pay close attention so that you do not miss what God is showing you.
The "Mis" and "Dis"
There has been an attack of "mis and dis." Things like miscommunications, misunderstandings, disappointments, and disassociation. The "mis and dis" attack is now being "dismissed" and you will begin to see greater clarity and relational issues will begin to heal. 
There will be some major new connections and healing of past relationships between February and May. 
(Photo via Pixabay)
The warfare is also kicking up as well. This is common, and we see it often just before a breakthrough occurs. Keep pressing through! Do not give up.
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3:13b NIV
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
God is Visiting Children
God is visiting young children right now with dreams, visions, and supernatural experiences. 
This will start in February and increase throughout the year. You will need to listen carefully to them because they might not have language for what they are seeing and experiencing.
God's Presence Opens Faster
Since Christmas morning I have been having supernatural encounters daily at a level I have never seen before. 
We are entering into a time of interacting with Heaven. 
Whether you are aware of it or not, God is releasing deeper revelation. The membrane between Heaven and Earth is very thin right now, and things are starting to heat up as a result.
In this new season, we will not need to labor to enter into God's presence. In the past, people would pray and worship for extended periods of time before they would experience or feel God's presence. This has changed, so watch for the Heavens to open much more quickly. 
This will require us to change the way we worship to catch what God is doing. 
(Photo by Jennifer Page "Enter In" via
New Sound of Justice Coming
There is a new sound being broadcasted from Heaven right now. It is coming to the pulpits, the airways, the music, and the is coming to anyone who has ears to hear. 
It is a new revelation of God's love and justice that will bring healing to those who were wounded or oppressed.
God is releasing those who were bound up by the judgments of others.
t includes those who have had great callings but were held down by a spirit of pride and prejudice.
Behold My servant, whom I uphold, My chosen, in whom My soul delights; I have put My Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street; a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice. Isaiah 42:1-3 ESV(Photo via Pixabay)
We are seeing injustices revealed in the news. This is because God is revealing the deeds of those who have wounded people and broke their spirits. 
A new spirit of justice is ringing out, and those that have nearly lost their light and way will suddenly come back to life.

Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps people discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. 
Doug releases Daily Prophetic Words online and is the author of several books, including Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.
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Hidden Vessels of King Solomon: Have They Been Discovered? ✡ "Ark of the Covenant" - ISRAEL365

And the priests brought in the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord unto its place, into the Sanctuary of the House, to the holy of holies, even under the wings of the cherubim.

I KINGS (8:6)

וַיָּבִאוּ הַכֹּהֲנִים אֶת אֲרוֹן בְּרִית יְ-הוָה אֶל מְקוֹמוֹ אֶל דְּבִיר הַבַּיִת--אֶל
קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים אֶל תַּחַת כַּנְפֵי הַכְּרוּבִים

מלכים א ח:ו

va-ya-vee-u ha-ko-ha-neem et a-ron b'-reet a-do-nai el m'-ko-mo el d'-veer ha-ba-yit el ko-desh ha-ko-da-sheem el ta-khat kan-fay ha-k'-ru-veem

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse describes the Ark of the Covenant being brought to the most holy section of the Temple, called the קֹדֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁים Holy of Holies. While the entire Temple Mount is filled with holiness to this day, the most sacred place was the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Temple. The Ark of the Covenant is placed there upon the “foundation stone,” which is, according to the Sages of the Talmud, where the world's Creation began. It is the same location where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22), and the site where one day the Third Temple will again stand. Today, Rabbi Yehuda Glick, founder of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, fulfills a vital mission of educating the world of the significance of the Temple Mount, the spiritual center of the world, from where ultimate peace for all mankind will emanate.

The Hidden Vessels of King Solomon's Temple: Where Are They Now?

Just before the Temple's destruction, the Jewish priests (kohanim) hid away the Temple's vessels to avoid capture. After years of searching, their hiding place may finally have been discovered.

Behind the Scenes: Finding the Lost Ark & Temple Vessels

Go behind the scenes with an exclusive interview with Harry H. Moskoff, whose new short film shows where the clues to the secret location of the Temple vessels and treasures may actually lie today.

Jerusalem Nano Bible Necklace

In the incredible Nano Bible, the spirit and technology of Israel have come together to produce the world’s smallest bible, printed onto a single 5mm x 5mm surface, and set into a beautiful piece of silver jewelry so that you can take the Bible with you wherever you go.

Today's Israel Photo

Sharon Gabay's phenomenal photo of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Yemin Moshe, the first Jewish neighborhood built outside the Old City walls in the late 1800's. The Temple Mount stands in the distance.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Noam Chen was taken on a terrace overlooking the beautiful Port of Caesarea.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Patricia Weidemier of Australia. Todah rabah!

“Inspiring to Read and I Truly Love the Verses and News”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Hi, I'm from Coronado, CA and appreciate hearing from you as my husband and I love Israel and pray often for her and her leaders and the IDF. Blessings to you. Jean

This is inspiring to read and I truly love the verses and news. Israel has always captivated me since childhood, and through advancement in technology and communication it has made me closer to Israel. I wish you and Israel the best this 2016. Shalom!-Phillip Medina
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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VIDEO: Revealing the Buried Treasures of the Temple Mount - Israel Today

VIDEO: Revealing the Buried Treasures 
of the Temple Mount
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
For years, Muslim authorities carrying out illegal construction projects atop the Temple Mount have unceremoniously dumped tons of earth and debris containing treasures of Jewish history outside the Old City walls.
Groups of Israeli archeologists have struggled to sift through the remains, but it is a daunting task.
But it is also a critical task. These remains that are so flippantly, but also so foolishly, exposed to the world by the Muslims are some of the best evidence to debunk Islam’s claims to the Bible’s holiest site.

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What Do a Small UK Town, Chinese Christians and Israel Have in Common? - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

What Do a Small UK Town, Chinese Christians and Israel Have in Common?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
Coach tours are now being conducted around a UK town, not far from where I live, to enable Chinese pilgrims to pay tribute to one of their greatest heroes.
James Hudson Taylor (pictured in his later years), who was also a true friend of Israel, was born in Barnsley, Yorkshire, in 1832 and later followed the call of God to China, where he established hundreds of churches and nearly 200 schools. As founder of the China Inland Mission (now Overseas Missionary Fellowship), he became spiritual father to millions of Chinese Christians.
As part of their weekly Songs of Praise programme, BBC Television focused on the visit to Barnsley of a coach-load of British-based Chinese tourists. Interviewed about what Taylor meant to them and filmed publicly praying and thanking God for his ministry, they sang Amazing Grace in their native tongue as they honoured his memory.
“I cannot believe God has used this little place (population 225,000) to do an amazing work among the Chinese,” one of the tourists told the BBC.
Historian Ruth Tucker wrote: “No other missionary in the 19 centuries since the Apostle Paul has had a wider vision and has carried out a more systematized plan of evangelizing a broad geographical area than Hudson Taylor.”
So what was the secret of his success? Firm resolve to follow a clear calling was no doubt a key – he was so determined to identify with the Chinese that he adopted their dress and even wore a pigtail. But despite his primary calling to China, he clearly also saw the priority Scripture set on Jewish evangelism; that even for the Apostle Paul, who was called primarily to the Gentiles, the gospel was “to the Jew first” (Romans 1.16).
He was so convinced of this truth that, in his latter years, he would write out a cheque in support of a Jewish mission on the first day of each year.
This habit began on New Year’s Day 1897 when, at home in Britain, he went round to the house of one John Wilkinson, founder of the Mildmay Mission to the Jews, with what Taylor’s wife Jennie described as “a brotherly note enclosing a gift”. A cheque was accompanied by a note saying “To the Jew first”.
Mrs Taylor continued: “Mr Wilkinson’s warm heart was touched, and he immediately wrote a brotherly reply, enclosing his own cheque for the same amount, with the words: ‘And also to the Gentile’.
“This helpful interchange of sympathy was kept up ever after,” she wrote, “the only change being that each doubled the amount of their contribution.
“Work among God’s ancient people occupied a special place in the prayerful sympathy of both Mr and Mrs Taylor,” she explained.
St Paul wrote: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (Romans 1.16)
This statement reflects something of God’s heart for the Jewish people, first expressed in Genesis 12.3 as: “I will bless those who bless you…”
Taylor’s attitude and understanding of the place on God’s heart for the Jews will surely have contributed in no small measure to the incredible success of his mission – there are at least as many Christians in China today as there are people in the UK! And that’s despite severe persecution. Now Chinese Christians are working on a plan to take the gospel all the way back to Jerusalem, where it all started!
The most encouraging aspect of watching those Chinese believers paying tribute to Hudson Taylor was that they represented the undeniable evidence that what you sow, you will surely reap. As St Paul urged the Galatians: “Let us not become weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Gal 6.9)

Charles Gardner is author of Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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