Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Israel Striking Down Against Hezbollah Threat, Netanyahu Reveals By Michael Bachner - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Illustrative: an Israeli F-16C Fighting Falcon. (Photo: Ofer Zidon/Flash90)
Illustrative: an Israeli F-16C Fighting Falcon. (Photo: Ofer Zidon/Flash90)

Israel Striking Down Against Hezbollah Threat, Netanyahu Reveals

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their due reward from Me, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 54:17 (The Israel Bible™)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted for the first time that Israel has conducted dozens of strikes abroad in order to prevent weapons from being transferred to the Hezbollah terror organization. The remarks came during a tour of a military drill near the Syrian border on Monday, April 11.
Netanyahu’s statement officially confirm previous reports attributing to Israel multiple airstrikes against targets in Syria and Sudan. The airstrikes, for which the Israeli government has officially declined to confirm or deny its involvement, reportedly hit military convoys in Syria carrying advanced surface-to-air missiles intended for Hezbollah, a terror group based in Lebanon that fought a war with Israel in 2006.
“We act when needed, including here across the border, with dozens of strikes in order to deny game-changing weapons from Hezbollah,” Netanyahu said. “We also act in other fronts, both near and far, but we do this sensibly.”
The Prime Minister was visiting the Golan Heights just across from the Syrian border, where reservists of the IDF Paratroopers Brigade are currently undergoing a military drill. Netanyahu spoke about the military challenges and threats faced by Israel.
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“We have the Islamic State (ISIS) and Hezbollah across the borders, we have Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, and we have global jihad and Islamic State members in the Sinai,” he said. “We are proud that in the midst of all this turmoil in the Middle East, we have succeeded in preserving relative calm and security in Israel.”
“We can see nations and states being eradicated in the surrounding chaos, and we cannot expect anyone to come and help us,” added Netanyahu. “If we have learned something, it is that we have to be able to defend ourselves on our own. This is our country, we need to defend it and nobody will defend it except us.”
An airstrike in Damascus killed multiple Hezbollah militants last December, including Samir Kuntar, a terrorist who brutally murdered a 4-year-old Israeli child and her father in 1979 but was eventually freed from an Israeli prison in a prisoner swap deal. Hezbollah blamed Israel for the assassination, a charge the Israeli government neither confirmed nor denied.
While serving as opposition leader in 2007, Netanyahu told an Israeli journalist that he had “personally” congratulated then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for having bombed a Syrian nuclear reactor, a strike which the government refused to confirm. The remarks stirred controversy as sources close to Olmert criticized Netanyahu’s “slip of the tongue.”

Accidental Discovery Reveals Israel Was World Center of Ancient Glass Trade By Tazpit Press Service - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Ancient glass kilns were discovered in Israel's Mount Carmel region, demonstrating the centrality of Israel in the global glass trade many centuries ago. (Photo: Shmuel Magal/Israel Antiquities Authority)
Ancient glass kilns were discovered in Israel’s Mount Carmel region, demonstrating the centrality of Israel in the global glass trade many centuries ago. (Photo: Shmuel Magal/Israel Antiquities Authority)

Accidental Discovery Reveals Israel Was World Center of Ancient Glass Trade

“Gold and glass cannot equal it; neither shall the exchange thereof be vessels of fine gold.” Job 28:17 (The Israel Bible™)
A first-of-its-kind accidental discovery of ancient glass kilns at the foot of Mt. Carmel demonstrates that Israel was at the center of the global glass trade during the late Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Monday, April 11.
The extraordinary kilns, which are approximately 1,600 years old, are “the earliest found in Israel and the missing link for the production and export of glass,” Yael Gorin-Rosen, head curator of the Israel Antiquities Authority Glass Department, told Tazpit Press Service (TPS).
The kilns were discovered by chance last summer during construction of a new railway line to the northern city of Haifa, when the on-site archaeologist, Abdel Al-Salam Sa’id, noticed peculiar shards of glass and ash. Sa’id immediately halted the construction and called Gorin-Rosen, who quickly arrived at the scene.
Stunned, she uttered a simple “Wow,” Gorin-Rosen recalled to TPS. “I was very, very excited.”
“The Valley of Acre was renowned for the excellent quality of sand located there, which was highly suitable for the manufacturing of glass” she explained. This glass traveled the ancient world, Gorin-Rosen said, noting that vessels made in Israel were “discovered at sites in Europe and in shipwrecks in the Mediterranean basin.”
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“Now, for the first time, the kilns have been found where the raw material was manufactured,” Gorin-Rosen said.
“This is a sensational discovery,” said Professor Ian Freestone of the University College London, a specialist in the chemical composition of glass who came to Israel to inspect the new find. “It is of great significance for understanding the entire system of the glass trade in antiquity. This is evidence that Israel constituted a production center on an international scale.”
The newly discovered kilns contain two compartments, a firebox and a melting chamber, where clean beach sand and salt were inserted and melted together at a temperature of about 1,200 degrees Celsius (or 2,000 Fahrenheit). This produced enormous chunks of glass, some weighing as much as ten tons.
An edict issued by the Roman emperor Diocletian in the early fourth century CE, refers to two kinds of glass: Judean and Alexandrian. The Judean glass, originating from Israel, was a light green color and less expensive than its contemporary Egyptian, Alexandrian counterpart.
Cameron Pearl contributed to this article.

Noah’s Ark Has Been Found. Why Are They Keeping Us In The Dark? - MYSTERIOUS EARTH

145114188041629[1]Noah’s Ark Has Been Found. Why Are They Keeping Us In The Dark? 


I’m often amazed at our lack of knowledge about history. Ordinary people are hungry for this information, yet the organizations responsible to disseminate these facts seem to have an agenda to keep us in the dark. This is especially true when it comes to our ancient human history.
I won’t hold you in suspense with this article: The Ark of Noah has been found. It’s real. I’ll describe the evidence in some detail and end with the historical and religious implications.
How It Was Discovered
In 1959, Turkish army captain Llhan Durupinar discovered an unusual shape while examining aerial photographs of his country. The smooth shape, larger than a football field, stood out from the rough and rocky terrain at an altitude of 6,300 feet near the Turkish border with Iran.
Capt. Durupinar was familiar with the biblical accounts of the Ark and its association with Mount Ararat in Turkey, but he was reluctant to jump to any conclusions. The region was very remote, yet it was inhabited with small villages. No previous reports of an object this odd had been made before. So he forwarded the photographic negative to a famous aerial photography expert named Dr. Brandenburger, at Ohio State University.
Brandenburger was responsible for discovering the Cuban missile bases during the Kennedy era from reconnaissance photos, and after carefully studying the photo, he concluded: “I have no doubt at all, that this object is a ship. In my entire career, I have never seen an object like this on a stereo photo.”
In 1960 the picture [above] was published in LIFE magazine under the heading of Noahs Ark? That same year a group of Americans accompanied Capt. Durupinar to the site for a day and a half. They were expecting to find artifacts on the surface or something that would be unquestionably related to a ship of some kind. They did some digging in the area but found nothing conclusive and announced to the anxiously waiting world that it appeared to be a natural formation.
Most of the global media turned away from the find and it became a non-story.
In 1977 Ron Wyatt visited the site. Obtaining official permission, Ron and others conducted more thorough research over a period of several years. They used metal detection surveys, subsurface radar scans, and chemical analysis — real science — and their findings were startling. The evidence was undeniable. This was the Ark of Noah.
The Visual Evidence
The first part of the survey was to examine the object and take its measurements. The shape looked like hull of a ship. One end was pointed as you would expect from bow [below: D] and the opposite end was blunt like a stern. The distance from bow to stern was 515 feet, or exactly 300 Egyptian cubits. The average width was 50 cubits. These were the exact measurements mentioned in the Bible.
On the starboard side (right) near the stern there were four vertical bulges protruding from the mud [B], at regular intervals, that were determined to be the “ribs” of the hull [see below]. Opposite to these, on the port side, a single rib [A] protrudes from the mud. You can see its curved shape very clearly. Surrounding it are more ribs, still largely buried in the mud, but visible upon close examination.
Remember that this object, if it is the Ark, is extremely old. The wood has been petrified. Organic matter has been replaced by minerals from the earth. Only the shapes and traces of the original wood remain. Perhaps this is why the expedition in 1960 was disappointed. They anticipated finding and retrieving chucks of wood, long since eroded.
From the position of the object in the middle of an obvious mud flow, it is obvious that the object slid down more than a mile from its original location. Geologists believe it was originally over 1000 feet higher in the mountain and encased in a shell of hardened mud. They think that an earthquake in 1948 cracked the mud shell and revealed the structure. This is confirmed by stories from the surrounding villagers who tell of its “sudden appearance” around that time.
Biblical accounts of the Ark describe it as having as many as six levels. The assumed shape of the Ark seems consistent with the bulge [C] in the middle of the object. In fact, as we will soon learn, radar scans of the structure suggest that this bulge is the collapsed debris of these levels.
Although most people think of the Ark as being rectangular, that only applies to the top decks. The sleek shape of the hull is necessary to enable the huge ship to remain stable in the water and survive tremendous waves.
Ground Penetrating Radar
The human eye needs to see reflected light to recognize an object. To visualize what remains below the earth, scientists use microwaves which can penetrate the ground and bounce back when they hit something solid. This technique is commonly used to locate oil and other minerals. Called Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), the apparatus us made from an antenna that transmits, then listens to receive the “echo” and prints the result on a piece of paper. The delay and strength of this echo tell the geologists how solid and at what depth the objects are under the earth
The team of geologists didn’t scan the entire object. Instead, they marked out lines that crossed the object with yellow tape. Then they dragged the antenna (about the size of a lawnmower) over the lines and watched the output on the paper recorder. When they got a strong “hit” — meaning there was something solid underneath — they would record the position on the tape [above]. Later, when they made a map of the object, the tape and the location of the “hits” they realized that there was indeed a structure underneath the mud.
“This data does not represent natural geology. These are man made structures. These reflections are appearing too periodic… too periodic to be random in that type of natural pace.” – Ron Wyatt of SIR Imaging team
The radar cans revealed this structure [above] under the mud. The symmetry and logical placement of these objects shows that this is unmistakably a man made structure, most likely the Ark of Noah.
Artifacts Retrieved From The Ark
Using the GPR, Ron Wyatt discovered an open cavity on the starboard side. He used an improvised drill to make core sample inside this cavity and retrieved several very interesting objects. Below you can see the artifacts which were sent for laboratory analysis. On the left is the bore hole [see below], followed by what turned out to be petrified animal dung, then a petrified antler and lastly a piece of cat hair.
Perhaps the most significant find from the Ark itself is a piece of petrified wood. When this was first found it appeared to be a large beam. But upon closer examination it is actually three pieces of plank that have been laminated together with some kind of organic glue! This is the same technology used in modern plywood. Lamination makes the total strength of the wood much greater than the combined strength of the pieces. This suggests a knowledge of construction far beyond anything we knew existed in the ancient world.
Examination reveals the glue oozed from the layers. The outside of the wood appears to have been coated with bitumen.
Even more surprising were laboratory analyses which not only revealed that the petrified wood contained carbon (proving it was once wood) but there were iron nails [above right] embedded in the wood!
We like to imagine that humanity evolved in a neat sequence of eras, each named after the technology that was discovered. We have the Stone Age (where man developed arrows and stone tools), the Bronze Age (where metals were combined and heated to make tools and household items) and lastly the Iron Age (where iron and steel objects were made by heating iron ore and adding other material — like charcoal — to strengthen it). The Iron Age is usually placed at 1200-1000 BC, yet we have iron nails being used in this extremely old construction.
But Wait… There’s More!
The most surprising find was discovered with sensitive metal detectors. The team located several strong “hits” that, when dug up, revealed large disc shaped rivets. From simple observation of the metal it was possible to see where the rivet had been hammered after being inserted through a hole [below].
If rivets being used in ancient construction doesn’t impress you, this surely will.
An analysis of the metal used to make the rivets revealed that they were a combination of iron (8.38%), aluminum (8.35%) and titanium (1.59%). Remember these trace metals have survived petrification and so do not indicate the exact content in the original material. (see Report from Galbraith Labs)
We know the aluminum was incorporated in the metallic mixture because it does not exist in metallic form in nature. This implies an extremely advanced knowledge of metallurgy and engineering. Characteristics of an iron-aluminum alloy have been investigated in The Russian Chemical Bulletin (2005) and reveal that this alloy forms a thin film of aluminum oxide which protects the material from rust and corrosion. The addition of titanium would provide added strength. This seems to have worked. The rivets have survived from antiquity!
The Surrounding Areas
Several miles from the location of the Ark, huge stones were discovered, some standing upright while others lying on the ground. These stones, weighing many tons, have holes carved in them. Scientists have determined that they were anchors and the holes would have been their attachment to a ship with hemp rope.
Often these stones will have crosses carved in them, from centuries ago when pilgrims made the journey to visit the Ark. Yes, the Ark was well known in the Middle Ages and even before. And its location was recorded in many historical documents.
“And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.” – Genesis 8:4-5
The Gilgamesh Epic (650 BC) gives Mt. Nisir as the landing place of the Ark. The local name for the town where the Ark was found is Nasar.
The annals of Ashurnasurpal II of Assyria (833-859 BC) places it south of the Zab river (correct).
Theophilus of Antioch (115-185 AD) said the Ark could be seen in his day in the Arabian mountains. Later Church Fathers also mention the Ark as late as the mid 7th century.
In the 13th century, Willam, a traveler, stated for the first time that Mt. Masis was the Ark location (present-day Mt. Ararat).
Ptolemy’s Geographia (1548) mentions the mountains of Armenia as the place of landing. So does the traveler Nicolas de Nicolay (1558).
Pilgrims to the site would gather bits and pieces of the petrified wood which would be used as charms to ward off evil. When they encountered the anchors, they had no doubt about their association with the Ark. They often carved one big cross to represent Noah and smaller crosses representing his family.
The huge anchors would have been suspended from the keel of the ship. This was a common practice among ancient mariners to stabilize a heavy ship and ensure that the bow is always facing the on-coming waves. A “top heavy” ship, such as the Ark, could easily be capsized by a wave approaching from the side. This is yet further proof that Noah’s Ark was a reality and that it has indeed been found in Turkey.

Jonathan Cahn - The Aftermath of Alul 2015 - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Jonathan Cahn - The Aftermath of Alul 2015 The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Dino Kartsonakis, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2973 | Aired on April 12, 2016
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Tens of Thousands Cry Out for Unity, Revival at 'Azusa Now' Rally - Wendy Griffith, CBN News

Tens of Thousands Cry Out for Unity, Revival at 'Azusa Now' Rally
CBN News Wendy Griffith

LOS ANGELES -- Tens of thousands of Christians filled the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles over the weekend to pray for a spiritual revival to sweep across the nation.
Sponsored by The Call, the Azusa Now rally was strategically held on the 110th anniversary of the 1906 Azusa Street Revival, which broke out in Los Angeles and had a worldwide impact.
"I just knew in my heart that I was meant to be here. I was meant to experience this and that this was going to be an historical event," said Yuba City, California, resident Cameron Clark.
San Diego resident Lisa Baker remarked, "I believe that there's such unity that is opening the heavens. I really believe that we've opened up the gates and the doors so that the King of Glory can come on in… it's so exciting."
Tanya Zodulua traveled from Raleigh, North Carolina, to attend the event.
"I'm just here being totally engulfed in His presence and just believing for miracles," she said.
"So you've been praying for revival back in Colorado?" CBN's Wendy Griffith asked Colorado Springs resident Glenn Vasaturo.
"We just labor in the prayer room for our nation, for two years just praying in this room," he replied. "And it's like it's just happening... It's happening."

Lou Engle, founder of The Call, has been calling the nation to pray at strategic times for the last 15 years. He says the Azusa Now event was birthed from a dream that an even greater revival than the one that broke out at 312 Azusa Street in downtown Los Angeles in 1906 is about to break out again.
"I believe we're at the threshold of a third Great Awakening," Engle told CBN News.
"And if stadiums can be filled, and now evangelism coming, I have to believe that no matter how dark it is, what the political climate is, Jesus is going to keep His covenant and He's going to show us a great wave of awakening. I'm excited about that," he said.
Azusa Now kicked off with a series of prayers of repentance and forgiveness, beginning with the American Indians.
"Make us one in your son...Awaken the Native American! Awaken in Jesus name," one Native American prayed.
That was followed by prayers for Israel, the Jewish people, and for Jews and gentiles to unite.

"When Ruth and Boaz unite, when Jew and gentile unite in Messiah, it's going to release the greatest sound of revival the world has ever seen," Malibu, California Rabbi Jason Sobel said.
And just like the original Azusa Street Revival, there was a focus on racial reconciliation.

"If we want to be reconciled with men, we have to first be reconciled to God and that means our histories must be reconciled to God," one attendee said.
But most of the day felt like a huge celebration, with lots of worship, dancing and many people receiving healing miracles.
"When they prayed, they said for healing, my right ear opened up… and they snapped and I could hear it," Greg Gephardt, from Orland, California, said.

The celebration continued well into the night with worship from Bethel and an overall feeling that something big took place in the heavens that could soon be felt on earth.
Watch here: Azua Now

Today's Strange Parallels to Israel's First Passover - SANDRA TEPLINSKY/LIGHT OF ZION CHARISMA NEWS

Anti-Semitism is as prevalent today as it was 3,500 years ago under Pharaoh in Egypt.

Today's Strange Parallels to Israel's First Passover

Anti-Semitism is as prevalent today as it was 3,500 years ago under Pharaoh in Egypt. (iStock photo )

Standing With Israel
Next week Jewish people around the world will celebrate what is likely the most beloved of the Levitical feasts, the Passover. Every year at this time—and now for 3,500 years—we have remembered and engaged with the reality of God's miraculous redemption of our nation.
From generation to generation, His story has become ours. In 2016, however, the back story to Israel's original Passover seems strangely parallel to events today.
Exodus 1 recounts that after Jacob and his sons died in Egypt, the Israelites "became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them." (v.7) The rabbis teach that the ancient Hebrews experienced supernatural fruitfulness and multiplication. But then "a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt" (v.8). As we'll see momentarily, the first known instance of anti-Semitism followed.
Humankind's expression of its seemingly endless hatred of the Jewish people surfaces for the first time in Exodus 1. Now, the biblical text never suggests the Israelites did anything wrong, or in any way sought to harm the Egyptians. All they did was prosper by the blessing of YHVH. Nevertheless, listen to the words of an ancient pharaoh threatened by them for no apparent reason:
  • "The Israelites have become much too numerous for us ...
  • We must deal shrewdly with them or they will grow even more numerous
  • ... they will join our enemies and fight against us." (v.9-10)
The pharaoh's shrewd dealing took the form of harsh slavery. Yet the more the Hebrews were cruelly abused and overworked, the more they multiplied. Therefore, as a last resort or "final solution," Egypt launched a genocidal campaign against them. Every male newborn Hebrew was drowned—until God intervened and delivered His people through very deep waters. (Because God curses those who curse Israel, the Egyptian male army drowned in the Red Sea. The Egyptians who joined with Israel in their exodus journey, He blessed.)
This insight into Passover's back story can help us stand firm against the rise of global anti-Semitism today. A world leader 3,500 years ago came to power who did not know about Joseph. It seems the history of this leader's nation was not especially important to him. As a result, he lacked an historical context with which to judge events taking place in his day. Without this context, the pharaoh elevated his subjective emotional perceptions of what was right or wrong to the level of objective truth. Proud and deceived, he acted out irrationally in that spirit.
When nations dismiss objective fact and moral truth, deception results. Anti-Semitism typically flares up. Through history, the Jewish nation has been targeted as a scapegoat for the ills of a threatened and angry society. Those ills are usually due, however, to that society's own disobedience to God. Sadly, this phenomenon is occurring in much of the world today. Consequently, many do not know (or care) about "Joseph" and his God.
They do not know historical and moral truth about Israel; they do not know Christian history; they do not know YHVH. You and I have a responsibility to reach and teach them, in love. And, to never give up!
The traditional Passover liturgy urges us all to engage with the ancient exodus as if it were our own. Next week, from one generation to the next, we will pass down the story of Joseph and his God. Then, by His grace, we will continue throughout the year to teach others the ways of Yahweh.
Together, let's complete the task to which we've been called. For redemption is coming. May all Israel soon be saved! 
Sandra Teplinsky has been in Messianic Jewish ministry since 1979. She is president and founder of Light of Zion, a Messianic outreach to Israel and the church based in California and Jerusalem.
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Hate Taxes? You Certainly Are Not Alone… - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Taxes - Public Domain

Posted: 11 Apr 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

At this time of the year, millions of Americans are rushing to file their taxes at the last minute, and we are once again reminded just how nightmarish our system of taxation has become.  I studied tax law when I was in law school, and it is one of the most mind-numbing areas of study that you could possibly imagine.  At this point, the U.S. tax code is somewhere around 4 million words long, which is more than four times longer than all of William Shakespeare’s works put together.  And even if you could somehow read the entire tax code, it is constantly changing, and so those that prepare taxes for a living are constantly relearning the rules. 

It has been said that Americans spend more than 6 billion hours preparing their taxes each year, and Politifact has rated this claim as true.  We have a system that is as ridiculous as it is absurd, and the truth is that we don’t even need it.  In fact, the greatest period of economic growth in all of U.S. history was when there was no income tax at all.  Why anyone would want to perpetuate this tortuous system is beyond me, and yet we keep sending politicians to Washington D.C. that just keep making this system even more complicated and even more burdensome.

If you hate taxes, you are far from alone.  According to NBC News, here are some of the things that Americans would rather do than pay taxes…
Six percent would rather sell a kidney, eight percent would rather name their first-born “Taxes,” and 11 percent would rather spend three years cleaning the bathrooms at noro-torious Chipotle.
Of course our system was never intended to be like this anyway.  Our founders hated taxes, and they fought a very bitter war to escape the yoke of oppressive taxation.  During his very first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson clearly expressed what he thought about taxes…
A wise and frugal government… shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.

Why couldn’t we have listened to him?

When the federal income tax was originally introduced a little more than a century ago, most Americans were taxed at a rate of only 1 percent.

But of course once they get their feet in the door, the social planners always want more, and today we are being taxed into oblivion.  Below, I would like to share with you three quick facts about our taxes that come from the Tax Foundation

-This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 24, or 114 days into the year (excluding Leap Day).

-Americans will pay $3.3 trillion in federal taxes and $1.6 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total bill of almost $5.0 trillion, or 31 percent of the nation’s income.

-Americans will collectively spend more on taxes in 2016 than they will on food, clothing, and housing combined.

That last statistic is a huge sore point with me.

How can anyone argue that we are not a socialist society when the government takes more of our money than we spend on food, clothing and housing combined?

What they are doing to us is deeply wrong and it is fundamentally un-American.

And of course the elite have the resources to be able to hire very expensive tax attorneys that help them manipulate the game in their favor.  At the end of the day, many extremely wealthy Americans end up paying a much lower percentage of their income to the government than you or I do.

For example, just consider what the Clintons have been doing
The Clintons and their family foundation have at least five shell companies registered to the address 1209 North Orange Street in Wilmington, Delaware — which is also home to some 280,000 other companies who use the location to take advantage of the state’s low taxes, limited disclosure requirements, and other business incentives.
Two of the five are tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton specifically. One, WJC, LLC, is used by the former president to collect his consulting fees. The other, ZFS Holdings, LLC, was used by the former secretary of state to process her $5.5 million book advance from Simon & Schuster. Three additional shell companies belong to the Clinton Foundation.
One could argue that they are simply “playing the game”, but why do we have to play such a complicated game in the first place?

Another thing that frustrates me is how our tax money is being wasted.  Speaking of the Clintons, did you know that Bill Clinton still receives close to a million dollars from the federal government every year?  Since he left office in 2001, he has been given approximately 16 million of our tax dollars.

Does that seem right to you?

Of course there are other examples that should make us all sick as well.  Tens of millions of our tax dollars have been spent on Obama vacations, and Planned Parenthood received 528 million taxpayer dollars in one recent year.

Our system is deeply, deeply broken, but I am under no illusion that it will change any time soon.  It will probably just continue to roll along until it eventually collapses under its own weight.

And of course it isn’t just income taxes that I am talking about.  Our politicians have become masters at inventing ways to extract money from all of us.  If you doubt this, just look at the list that I have shared below.  It comes from my previous article entitled “A List Of 97 Taxes Americans Pay Every Year“, and it shows how the politicians are squeezing money out of us in just about every way that you can imagine…

#1 Air Transportation Taxes (just look at how much you were charged the last time you flew)
#2 Biodiesel Fuel Taxes
#3 Building Permit Taxes
#4 Business Registration Fees
#5 Capital Gains Taxes
#6 Cigarette Taxes
#7 Court Fines (indirect taxes)
#8 Disposal Fees
#9 Dog License Taxes
#10 Drivers License Fees (another form of taxation)
#11 Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax
#12 Employer Medicare Taxes
#13 Employer Social Security Taxes
#14 Environmental Fees
#15 Estate Taxes
#16 Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans
#17 Federal Corporate Taxes
#18 Federal Income Taxes
#19 Federal Unemployment Taxes
#20 Fishing License Taxes
#21 Flush Taxes (yes, this actually exists in some areas)
#22 Food And Beverage License Fees
#23 Franchise Business Taxes
#24 Garbage Taxes
#25 Gasoline Taxes
#26 Gift Taxes
#27 Gun Ownership Permits
#28 Hazardous Material Disposal Fees
#29 Highway Access Fees
#30 Hotel Taxes (these are becoming quite large in some areas)
#31 Hunting License Taxes
#32 Import Taxes
#33 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Taxes
#34 Inheritance Taxes
#35 Insect Control Hazardous Materials Licenses
#36 Inspection Fees
#37 Insurance Premium Taxes
#38 Interstate User Diesel Fuel Taxes
#39 Inventory Taxes
#40 IRA Early Withdrawal Taxes
#41 IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
#42 IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
#43 Library Taxes
#44 License Plate Fees
#45 Liquor Taxes
#46 Local Corporate Taxes
#47 Local Income Taxes
#48 Local School Taxes
#49 Local Unemployment Taxes
#50 Luxury Taxes
#51 Marriage License Taxes
#52 Medicare Taxes
#53 Medicare Tax Surcharge On High Earning Americans Under Obamacare
#54 Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax (if you don’t buy “qualifying” health insurance under Obamacare you will have to pay an additional tax)
#55 Obamacare Surtax On Investment Income (a new 3.8% surtax on investment income)
#56 Parking Meters
#57 Passport Fees
#58 Professional Licenses And Fees (another form of taxation)
#59 Property Taxes
#60 Real Estate Taxes
#61 Recreational Vehicle Taxes
#62 Registration Fees For New Businesses
#63 Toll Booth Taxes
#64 Sales Taxes
#65 Self-Employment Taxes
#66 Sewer & Water Taxes
#67 School Taxes
#68 Septic Permit Taxes
#69 Service Charge Taxes
#70 Social Security Taxes
#71 Special Assessments For Road Repairs Or Construction
#72 Sports Stadium Taxes
#73 State Corporate Taxes
#74 State Income Taxes
#75 State Park Entrance Fees
#76 State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)
#77 Tanning Taxes (a new Obamacare tax on tanning services)
#78 Telephone 911 Service Taxes
#79 Telephone Federal Excise Taxes
#80 Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes
#81 Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes
#82 Telephone State And Local Taxes
#83 Telephone Universal Access Taxes
#84 The Alternative Minimum Tax
#85 Tire Recycling Fees
#86 Tire Taxes
#87 Tolls (another form of taxation)
#88 Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
#89 Use Taxes (Out of state purchases, etc.)
#90 Utility Taxes
#91 Vehicle Registration Taxes
#92 Waste Management Taxes
#93 Water Rights Fees
#94 Watercraft Registration & Licensing Fees
#95 Well Permit Fees
#96 Workers Compensation Taxes
#97 Zoning Permit Fees

So after reading all of this, are you still satisfied with how our present system operates?

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com.*

Monday, April 11, 2016

All New Hebrew Music Monday ✡ "Built Up Jerusalem" - ISRAEL365

The built-up Jerusalem is like a city
that was joined together within itself.

יְרוּשָׁלִַם הַבְּנוּיָה כְּעִיר שֶׁחֻבְּרָה לָּהּ יַחְדָּו

תהילים קכב:ג

y'-ru-sha-lai-yim ha-b'-nu-ya k'-eer she-khub-ra la yakh-dav

Today's Israel Inspiration

Here's a cool fact about Jerusalem hospitality during Temple times! Three times a year, Jews from all over the nation ascended to the Temple, including on Passover. There was a custom for Jerusalemites to warmly welcome and host all visitors, free of charge. It was this custom that led today's verse to be interpreted by our Sages as "all Israel are 'chaverim' - friends," a word sharing the same root ח-ב-ר as "joined together."
Colel Chabad has continued this noble tradition since 1788 by sustaining the most destitute citizens of Jerusalem, especially at Passover time.

All New Hebrew Music Monday: "Sanctify Us"

Sing along in Hebrew to the words of a Shabbat Prayer, performed by Boaz Davidoff. You'll learn Hebrew in no time with our helpful English transliteration.

Ted Cruz’s Father Proclaims: Israel Has a Title Deed From God

The foundation of America and the constitution was the Hebrew Bible, or Torah, declared the father of GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz in a speech given earlier in the year.

Sterling Silver Jerusalem Kiddush Cup

Today, as in the days of old, Jews recite holiday, Sabbath and wedding blessings over a cup of wine. On the Sabbath, the designated cup for the blessing over the wine is meant to be a beautiful vessel and it is often the custom to use silver cups called "Kiddush cups." This specific Kiddush cup has a motif of Jerusalem, Judaism's holiest city, where the Temple stood. Made of Sterling silver, and wrapped with a band inscribed twice with the word JERUSALEM – once in Hebrew and once in English on opposing sides of the Kiddush cup. This piece was made in the electroforming method. Marks: 925 for Sterling silver.

Today's Israel Photo

Welcome to new photographer
Yuval Shlomo! His fantastic photo captures a moment of life in the Old City of Jerusalem.

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Hi Rabbi Weisz, So glad that I subscribed to your email... I have been to Israel in 2013 and feel like I left my heart there. Your emails makes the memories more vibrant, thank you so much. God bless, Jazelle, South Africa

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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