Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Franklin Graham: Is the Handwriting on the Wall for America? - BGEA CHARISMA NEWS

When we began our Decision America Tour on a bitterly cold January day in Des Moines, Iowa, I didn't know exactly what to expect as we kicked off a nine-month tour of all 50 state capitals.

Franklin Graham: Is the Handwriting on the Wall for America?

When we began our Decision America Tour on a bitterly cold January day in Des Moines, Iowa, I didn't know exactly what to expect as we kicked off a nine-month tour of all 50 state capitals. (Courtesy/BGEA)
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When we began our Decision America Tour on a bitterly cold January day in Des Moines, Iowa, I didn't know exactly what to expect as we kicked off a nine-month tour of all 50 state capitals.
I wasn't sure how many people would be able to come to an outdoor prayer rally in the middle of the workday. I wondered how the call to pray, vote and engage in the political process would be received across the nation.
Four months and 19 states later, I've been amazed at how the Holy Spirit is working and moving.
At every stop, thousands upon thousands have turned out at midday to stand for an hour and call on God to heal our nation. In spitting snow, shivering cold and intense heat, people have stood shoulder to shoulder on Capitol grounds and steps to worship God, confess their sins and intercede for America.
In Nevada, we had the largest crowd ever assembled at the Capitol grounds in Carson City. In Santa Fe, New Mexico, the crowd began spontaneously singing hymns a half-hour before the event. In Sacramento, a group of LGBT protesters had called for a meeting at the Capitol, only a short distance away from where our rally was to be held.
When I heard about their plans, I thought about how God shut the mouths of the lions when Daniel was thrown into the lion's den. I prayed that the Lord would quiet the mouths of the protesters as we came together to pray.
Their event was scheduled to begin at 11 a.m., and our rally did not start until noon. However, thousands of people assembled hours beforehand for Decision America, so we didn't hear a thing from the protesters. Despite their very public call for people to join them, only about 100 gay activists came. Our rally drew nearly 8,000 people.
One extraordinary result of our tour across the nation has been the large number of people who have come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through March, 2,021 people had indicated their decisions to follow Christ via text message. They come to Decision America because they are angry or dissatisfied with the way things are going in our country. Then they hear the gospel preached, they fall under conviction, repent of their sins and turn to Christ. Praise God!
There is no doubt that the tens of thousands who have attended know that America is in deep trouble and on the verge of total moral and spiritual collapse—unless God intervenes.
Like me, they have no hope in either the Democratic or Republican party. They know our only hope is in Almighty God. Unless we repent and turn quickly to Him for forgiveness and restoration, our nation will no longer be the city on the hill that has helped bring the illuminating light of biblical truth to the world.
Never before have I seen such a sharp rift in the moral and spiritual fabric of our country. The cross of Christ has become the deep divide between a growing segment of our population that no longer fears God and those who follow Christ as Lord and Savior.
In this secular age, the influence of biblical principles and values has diminishing impact on education, government and politics. More young people than ever before claim no religious affiliation at all. We Christians are not just simply tolerated—we are under constant, unrelenting assault for our beliefs and practices.
The cross of Christ is the dividing line between the righteous and the unrighteous, between the deceitfully dark powers of evil and the liberating light of the gospel, between the virtues of godly living and the unfettered lusts of corrupt, debased passions. The wisdom and power of the cross appears as more and more foolishness to those who suppress the truth and rebel against its claims.
Not long before Daniel was cast into the lion's den by the Persian King Darius, he was called into the presence of the last Babylonian king, Belshazzar, after the king witnessed the fingers of a human hand writing on the wall in his palace. This sudden, divine event occurred as the king and his court were reveling in debauchery and idolatry, drinking wine from the golden vessels that had been carried away by the Babylonians from the Jerusalem temple.
As the king saw a hand writing on the wall of plaster, he instantly was alarmed and frightened. Daniel interpreted the meaning of the strange inscription Belshazzar had seen, telling him that his kingdom was about to come to an end, that he had been weighed in God's divine balance and found wanting, and that his vast kingdom would be handed over to a new world power, the Medes and Persians.
That very night, Belshazzar was killed, and the Medes and Persians entered Babylon.
I wonder if the handwriting is now on the wall for America. Has God decided that our idolatry, immorality and godlessness have become such a stench in His nostrils that we as a people will experience a harsh form of divine judgment? Have our iniquities grown so foul and vast that we will reap the bitter harvest of our wickedness and rebellion against Almighty God?
I don't know the answer to that, but I do believe that God is able to restore and heal us if we repent of our sins—personal and corporate—and turn to Him in humility and reverence. The Bible tells us that the Lord is patient toward us, "not willing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance" 
(2 Pet. 3:9).
We are a people and nation in imminent danger. We mock God, ridicule His Word and 
His ways, and flaunt gross 
Only Almighty God can deliver us, and it is our fervent prayer as we go across America in the months to come, that He will hear our prayers and heal our land.
He is our only hope. 
This article originally appeared on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Website. ©2016 BGEA. 
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Wars and Rumors of Wars - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Wednesday, May 04, 2016 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. (Matthew 24:6)
Rumors regarding the imminent coming of Messiah are bountiful today. The latest among them is that of the Riminov Rebbe (pictured), a Hassidic rabbi living in New York. 
Visiting his followers in Florida, the rabbi urged them to leave the United States as soon as possible. According to the Orthodox website Behadrei Haredim, on the seventh day of Passover the rabbi pressed his listeners to leave the Diaspora to Israel.
"Listen to me carefully dear Jews," said the rabbi, "whoever has in his hand to get up and go and go to the Holy Land Israel as soon as possible while it is still is possible, this includes leaving large parts of South America and most of Europe … also the United States will be a place of danger in the war and it is still too early to say which states within the United States will survive, but many parts will be destroyed and poisoned, even civil war will break out in the United States and states will cut themselves off from the federal government … the Land of Israel will be the safest place to survive the war, although there will also be terrible difficulties there."
To add credibility to this prediction the rabbi reminded his listeners that "I am one of the few men in our time who can say this since it has been published all over the world that my eyes see very far away, like [the] three boys in Halhul and dozens more who were missing, where others do not have permission to see … and this was planted in me by God and Divine Providence and when I had to talk to many and give instructions, I do it and the Divine Presence speaks from my throat, and wherever my name goes out to, it is known that those who listen to me shall be safe."
Interestingly enough, exactly a year ago a similar End Times prediction was made by the 106-year-old mystic, Rabbi Sasson Tabashi.
 On last year's Passover, Rabbi Tabashi said that "it was revealed to me from Heaven that a week after Shavuot (May 29, 2015), a giant war will break out in the Middle East, and it will be a difficult situation until Sukkot (September 2015), and afterwards, Messiah will come."
There is more than one way in which to relate to such "prophecies." If the prophecy of Jesus given in Matthew 24 is to be taken seriously, then the current abundance of such predictions may be a sign of the End Times.      
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From Holocaust to Resurrection - Israel Today Staff

From Holocaust to Resurrection

Wednesday, May 04, 2016 | Israel Today Staff

Six million brothers
- by Yair Engel of blessed memory.

They look down on us from above,
Six million brothers.
They look down on us from above crying or laughing,
and we're down here, not understanding at all
sitting on another planet, crying and embarrassed.
How can a person get up in the morning
A seemingly normal person
And cut down the living plucking away dreams
Erasing yesterday's world
How can a simple man created from the earth
Bring desolation and ruin to the world,
That I will never understand.
And to think that everything was done so quickly
And systematically, it just drives me crazy.
And here's another group of people
So good, so innocent dying inhumanely
Their world erased between four walls.
And now it's late, people,
Very late only memories remain,
Only memories remain.
And even if we try and think a very long time,
We will never understand how they allowed themselves
To turn six million people into six million names.
That I will never understand.
And to think that everything was done so quickly
And systematically, it just drives me crazy.
And despite it all we need to continue
Living and be strong because
They look down on us from above, crying or laughing,
And his sons are so confident, his sons are so confident -
Six million brothers.
That I will never understand.
And to think that everything was done so quickly
And systematically, it just drives me crazy.
Yair Engel's grandfather was an Holocaust survivor. An high school visit to Poland's death camps touched and completely changed Yair's life. There, on Poland's bloody earth, he composed this poem. There he chose to serve as a IDF Navy Seal.
Yair passed away in 1996 in a tragic diving accident. After his death his mother found the above poem while cleaning his room.
Tomorrow, on May 5, 2016 - Holocaust Remembrance Day - this poem, written 20 years ago, will be performed in Poland during the "March of the Living".
Yair's father says that two circles will be closed for him, that of Yair and that of his father, an Holocaust survivor.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Something Big Coming In 2016: 5 Prominent Watchmen Issue Exceedingly Ominous Warnings - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

The watchmen are warning America.

Something Big Coming In 2016: 5 Prominent Watchmen Issue Exceedingly Ominous Warnings

The watchmen are warning America. (Simone A. Bertinotti/Flickr/Creative Commons)

Is a great shaking about to hit America? Is 2016 going to turn out to be one of the major turning points in our history? On The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream, I am constantly warning my readers about what is coming, but today I want to shift the focus to what other watchmen are telling us. And as you will see below, when I use the term "watchmen" I am also including women. All five of the individuals that I am featuring in this article are people that I highly respect, and all five of them have issued extremely ominous warnings about our future. So hopefully you are ready to receive what you are about to hear, because their messages are not to be taken lightly.
First, I want to share with you a recent interview with a wonderful lady named Glenda Jackson. She is the founder of Glenda Jackson Ministries, and she has been sounding the alarm since 1974. She doesn't know this, but she has impacted my life in a powerful way, and I would love to meet her in person someday.
Even though many people didn't want to listen, Glenda warned that Barack Obama would be elected in 2008 and she warned that he would be re-elected in 2012. But according to her, this coming election will be even more ominous. In this interview that was posted on YouTube, she expresses her belief that this will be "one of the worst elections we have ever had." In fact, she says that "it would not shock me at all if someone got killed in this election." She is convinced that the events of the next six months will eventually result in martial law being imposed in America, and that "things are going to turn upside down" in this nation.
Another watchman that has just issued a very ominous warning is Chuck Pierce. I once saw him speak at a conference down in Arizona, and the very specific things that he is saying about the next six months are more than a little bit chilling:
On Saturday morning (April 23) I shared what the Lord is saying to us for this season. We have now crossed over into a time that will determine our future. Starting April 25, through October 20, it will be the most tumultuous, confusing time this nation has known in over 160 or 170 years. I want you to know how you are connected in the Body of Christ, and that the Body of Christ will not be the same. This is a time that America determines its future. But also understand that this is a time that the Kingdom of God and those leading it move into their next identity.
To say that it will be "the most tumultuous, confusing time that this nation has known in over 160 or 170 years" is quite a bold statement.
So why would our nation be shaken so dramatically?
Well, many watchmen are pointing to the great sin in our land. On April 27th, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn had another opportunity to deliver a message to national leaders on Capitol Hill. What he had to say about sin, revival and the parallels between ancient Israel and modern America was quite stirring. You can view the entire address on YouTube right here.
Another Christian leader that is being very bold in speaking out about sin and the coming judgment of America is Anne Graham Lotz. She is probably best known for being Billy Graham's daughter, but the truth is that she has become a very powerful evangelist in her own right. And her message for this hour is that "God is backing away" from America because of our sin ...
Commenting on the moral state of America and God's judgment on sinful nations, evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of pastor Billy Graham, said America is imploding "morally and spiritually," that God is removing His "blessing and protection" from us, leaving us to our sins, and that this encroaching judgment is evident in the chaos of the political scene, the economy, and even the weather.
"Romans 1 describes the type of judgment where we sin, and we refuse to repent of our sin, then He backs away from us," said Anne Graham Lotz in a recent interview on CBN News with host Mark Martin. "He removes Himself from us and He turns us over to ourselves. That's what I think I see in America. I believe we're entering into that phase of judgment, where God is backing away."
Sadly, most people don't understand what this means. We aren't just going to experience a couple of weeks of bad news. When judgment fully comes to America, our nation is going to be brought to its knees, and life as we know it is going to be totally transformed.
Just consider what another very prominent watchman is saying. Heidi Baker is one of the founders of Iris Ministries, and she is deeply respected all over the world. Her work with the poorest of the poor in Africa is already legendary, and she is a woman that absolutely exudes the love of Jesus Christ. If I had to select just a handful of people in the world that I wished that I could be more like, she would be one of them. Through deeply sacrificial love, her ministry is transforming entire regions of Africa, and that is why the ominous message that she has for America is especially alarming. According to her, she was shown that a horrible famine is coming to this country:
I saw bread lines, soup kitchens, and I saw people wearing beautiful clothing. Their clothing was not worn out. Now in my nation when people are hungry you can tell. I mean they are in shredded rags. They don't have shoes or they have flip flops. Most of them [have] no shoes. They are hungry and they know they are hungry. They come for food, not because they are beggars, but because they are hungry.
Because of her long experience in Africa, she understands what starvation is very well, and she is warning that it won't be too long before the same kind of starvation that she has seen in Mozambique shows up here in the United States...
I have held starving children in my arms. I know what starvation is. I know what pain is. I know what suffering is. But in this vision that I had that was in your nation, my nation, which the Lord is helping me to say, I will identify with America as well as Mozambique.
You can watch her remarks in their entirety on YouTube right here.
All of us that are watchmen only have a few pieces of the puzzle. Personally, my wife and I are doing our very best to sound the alarm about what is coming through our websites, our books, our DVDs, and our new television show. Time is short, and most of the country is still dead asleep.
If what these watchmen are saying is true, America is headed directly for the greatest shaking that any of us have ever experienced.
That means that "normal life" in the United States is about to come to an abrupt end, and the way that virtually everyone has been envisioning the future is dead wrong.
So are these watchmen right?
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Jonathan Cahn Hosts Exclusive Online Event to Reveal New Book - ALTHEA THOMSON CHARISMA NEWS

Jonathan Cahn will unveil his new book today.

Jonathan Cahn Hosts Exclusive Online Event to Reveal New Book

Jonathan Cahn will unveil his new book today. (Facebook)

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New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn will host a live event online to reveal the cover and details about his newest book, The Book of Mysteries, on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at 2 p.m. EST. Cahn will reveal the cover as well as the genesis of the book exclusively using social media forums including Facebook Live and the website,
The Book of Mysteries, Cahn's third book, complements the success of his previous teachings, which have garnered national attention. Collectively, Cahn's books and ancillary products have reached over 3 million units in sales.
"The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient Scriptures, the laws of creation, the deep truths of God's Word and the most important keys of spiritual truth and end-time mysteries," said Cahn.
Cahn's 2012 inaugural release, The Harbinger, debuted on the New York Times best-seller list on its first week and charted for over 110 weeks. The book traces a series of detailed parallels between what has happened in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks—including the economic collapse—and Israel's history after it turned away from God.
Cahn has appeared on several national media outlets, including GBTV's Glenn Beck program, Daystar's Celebration, and CBN's The 700 Club. Pat Robertson called The Harbinger a "fascinating" book, saying it was a prophetic word to the nation and "a read you need to make." 
The Mystery of the Shemitah (shmee-TA), Cahn's sophomore release, also spent multiple weeks on the New York Times best-seller list. It expounded on one of the signs introduced in The Harbinger and how the seven-year cycle drawn from the Torah is essential for understanding the prophecies and mysteries of the Bible that are still applicable today.
Charisma House has published 12 New York Times best-sellers, including Fasting by Jentezen Franklin; 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese; and The Seven Pillars of Health by Don Colbert, M.D.
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When Hatred of Jews Trumps National Security - JUDITH BERGMAN/ISRAEL HAYOM CHARISMA NEWS

European officials seem more focused on Israeli issues these days than on their own countries' national security.

When Hatred of Jews Trumps National Security

European officials seem more focused on Israeli issues these days than on their own countries' national security. (iStock photo )
Standing With Israel
What is perhaps most conspicuous about the growth of anti-Semitism on the European Left, as exemplified by the current crisis in the British Labor Party, is that it is rising at a time when Europe should be busy with much more pressing issues, such as national security—particularly in London, where the terrorist threat keeps growing and security officials can barely keep up.
It has been less than two months since Islamic terrorists successfully targeted the Brussels airport and the Maelbeek metro station, killing 32 people and wounding many more. And it has been only a half-year since the Paris attacks, in which Islamic terrorists killed 130 people and wounded nearly 400.
These were groundbreaking, shocking events in the history of Islamic terrorism on European soil, so one would naturally assume that Israel and Jews in general, who make up such a marginal demographic group, constituting less than a half-percent of the population of the EU, would be the last thing on European politicians' minds. Another enormous immigration crisis looms, as 800,000 migrants, according to French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, are currently in Libyan territory waiting to cross the Mediterranean Sea. This means that Europe will most likely be facing even more chaos than it did last summer.
However, European politicians, instead of busying themselves with protecting their citizens from future terrorist attacks—as well as preventing another chaotic summer of migration chaos—incredibly find time to get mired in sordid squabbles about insane ideas of transferring Israeli Jews to the United States and claiming Hitler was a Zionist—as we saw in the U.K.—or composing elaborate peace conference initiatives to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict—as we saw in France. If I were a European citizen, I would wonder why my government was occupying itself with these issues, which have no vital meaning to any Europeans, at a time when Europe is facing unprecedented security threats.
As I mentioned in a past column, one example of this preposterous mindset was France's rejection of Israeli terrorism tracking technology, which might have possibly prevented the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels—a clear example of Jew-hatred trumping national security concerns, especially at a time when national security should be the top priority of every single European government.
In the wake of the anti-Semitism debacle in the British Labour Party, the obligatory inquiries will be made, solemn reports will be written, and the culprits will be reprimanded, rebuked or excluded, upon which all will be forgotten and everyone will carry on as usual. It will change nothing, least of all the influence of the radical Left on mainstream leftist parties.
While the sordid ideas that are entertained by some in the European Left came out in the open in Britain on this occasion, this is most certainly not the last time we will see such a "crisis" revolving around the airing of some of these ideas, as the radical Left's influence becomes more and more apparent, not only in Britain, but across the European Union. No one should harbor any doubts as to whether this is a British phenomenon—it most certainly is not, as anyone who follows Scandinavian politics can ascertain.
At any rate, whatever the outcome, for British Jews, it is all too little and too late and the Labor debacle is only a political symptom of what has already become an undeniable fact on the street: Hate crimes against British Jews are at an all-time high. A report released on Sunday showed that there has been an increase of 50 percent in violent crimes against British Jews in the past two years and 1,000 anti-Semitic incidents in 2015 compared to 938 in 2014. Violent crimes constituted 196 incidents in 2015 compared to 126 incidents in 2014.
In other parts of the U.K., Jews are not faring any better. Almost 20 percent of Jews in Scotland have said that they have been victims of hate crimes. In Glasgow, home to the majority of Scottish Jews, more Jews are leaving or fearing to identify as Jews in a city, which has become increasingly hostile, something that culminated in 2014, when the Glasgow City Council decided to fly the Palestinian flag in what it said was a show of solidarity with the people of Gaza.
Just as elsewhere in Europe, these developments are more likely than not to result in an even greater exodus of Jews from the European continent. Israel will be the richer for that and Europe the poorer. This leaves the Europeans with nowhere to escape from their irresponsible politicians. But they should ask why Israel and the Jews continue to be an almost clinical obsession to the point where Jew-hatred trumps national security. It would be very interesting to hear the answer. 
Judith Bergman is a writer and political analyst living in Israel. For the original article, visit
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Foreshock? A Significant Earthquake Just Hit the New Madrid Fault Seismic Zone - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

Could the earthquake that just struck the New Madrid fault seismic zone near the town of La Center, Kentucky be a "foreshock" for a much bigger quake yet to come?

Foreshock? A Significant Earthquake Just Hit the New Madrid Fault Seismic Zone

Could the earthquake that just struck the New Madrid fault seismic zone near the town of La Center, Kentucky, be a "foreshock" for a much bigger quake yet to come? (Pixel Fantasy/Flickr/Creative Commons)
Could the earthquake that just struck the New Madrid Fault seismic zone near the town of La Center, Kentucky, be a "foreshock" for a much bigger quake yet to come? Very early on Sunday morning, a magnitude-3.5 earthquake hit western Kentucky, and it was felt in parts of three other states as well.
In fact, it is being reported that the quake could be felt all the way over in Miller, Missouri, which is 267 miles away. The New Madrid fault seismic zone is six times larger than the more famous San Andreas Fault zone in California, and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. Scientists tell us that the New Madrid fault is about 30 years overdue for a major event, and because of the nature of the Earth's crust in that part of the country, a major earthquake would do significant damage all the way to the east coast.
A big Hollywood blockbuster was named after the San Andreas Fault, but the truth is that the New Madrid Fault has the potential to do vastly more damage. That is why what happened in a remote section of western Kentucky very early Sunday morning was so alarming:
An earthquake near La Center, Kentucky was felt in parts of Illinois and Missouri early on Sunday morning.
According to the National Weather Service in Paducah and the USGS, a magnitude 3.5 was recorded about 8.7 miles north of La Center and 24.2 miles west of Paducah. It happened around 1:12 a.m. and had a depth of about 8.3 miles.
Quite often, there are "foreshocks" that warn us that a major earthquake is coming to a particular area, and many are wondering if this event qualifies.
Most Americans don't tend to think of the middle of the country as an area that is in danger from earthquakes, but the truth is that some of the worst earthquakes in U.S. history have taken place along the New Madrid Fault. The following comes from the USGS:
The New Madrid seismic zone of southeast Missouri and adjacent States is the most seismically active in North America east of the Rockies. During the winter of 1811-1812 three very large earthquakes devastated the area and were felt throughout most of the Nation. They occurred a few weeks apart on December 16, January 23, and February 7. Hundreds of aftershocks, some severely damaging by themselves, continued for years. Prehistoric earthquakes similar in size to those of 1811-1812 occurred in the middle 1400's and around 900 A.D. Strong, damaging earthquakes struck the southwestern end of the seismic zone near Marked Tree, Arkansas in 1843 (magnitude 6.3), and the northeastern end near Charleston, Missouri in 1895 (magnitude 6.6). Since 1900, moderately damaging earthquakes have struck the seismic zone every few decades.
Those earthquakes in 1811 and 1812 tore thousands of very deep fissures in the ground, they caused the Mississippi River to actually run backward in some places, and they caused sidewalks to crack in Washington, D.C., and church bells to ring in Boston.
In our time, the U.S. Geological Survey has admitted that the New Madrid Fault zone has the "potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought," and we have seen the number of significant earthquakes in the middle part of the country more than quintuple in recent years.
If a magnitude-7.0 or magnitude-8.0 earthquake were to strike along the New Madrid Fault today, the damage that would be done would be absolutely unimaginable because of the nature of the Earth's crust in this region. According to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, earthquakes along the New Madrid Fault "shake and damage an area approximately 20 times larger than earthquakes in California."
Due to the harder, colder, drier and less fractured nature of the rocks in the earth's crust in the central United States, earthquakes in this region shake and damage an area approximately 20 times larger than earthquakes in California and most other active seismic areas. Even though large earthquakes occur much less frequently in the NMSZ than in California, the long term average quake threat, in terms of square miles affected per century, is about the same because of the approximately 20 times larger area affected in the central United States.
Are you starting to get an idea of just how devastating this kind of disaster could be?
Once upon a time, our continent almost divided along the New Madrid Fault. Of course that didn't happen, but a massive scar formed deep underground, and this area of weakness has remained ever since. The following comes from Wikipedia:
The faults responsible for the New Madrid Seismic Zone are embedded in a subsurface geological feature known as the Reelfoot Rift that formed during the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia in the Neoproterozoic Era (about 750 million years ago). The resulting rift system failed to split the continent, but has remained as an aulacogen (a scar or zone of weakness) deep underground, and its ancient faults appear to have made the Earth's crust in the New Madrid area mechanically weaker than much of the rest of North America.
This relative weakness is important, because it would allow the relatively small east-west compressive forces associated with the continuing continental drift of the North American plate to reactivate old faults around New Madrid, making the area unusually prone to earthquakes in spite of it being far from the nearest tectonic plate boundary.
One day, I believe that a major seismic event in the area of this deep scar will literally divide the United States in half.
What that will do to our country is the kind of stuff that apocalyptic novels are written about.
And it is also important to keep in mind that there are 15 nuclear reactors along the New Madrid Fault zone, so if a massive earthquake did strike the region, we could be looking at Fukushima times 15.
So yes, I am always concerned whenever a significant earthquake hits the New Madrid Fault.
On another note, I want to thank everyone who has helped make my new book, titledThe Rapture Verdict, such a roaring success. Over the weekend it actually bumped into the top 300 on At one point, it was sitting at #237 out of more than 3,000,000 books currently listed on the site.
In Matthew 24, Jesus warned us that the time just prior to His return would be marked by earthquakes in diverse places, and right now we are witnessing a dramatic rise in seismic activity all over the planet.
A great shaking is coming to this nation, and the majority of Americans are completely unprepared for it.
Are you?
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Target Stock Tanks With Over 1 Million People Boycotting Retailer - FAMILY POLICY INSTITUTE CHARISMA NEWS

Target's corporate stock has plummeted significantly this week, after a petition to boycott the store crossed 1 million signatures.

Target Stock Tanks With Over 1 Million People Boycotting Retailer

Target's corporate stock has plummeted significantly this week, after a petition to boycott the store crossed 1 million signatures. (Reuters)
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Target's corporate stock has plummeted significantly this week, after a petition to boycott the store crossed 1 million signatures.
The petition and subsequent boycotts are a result of Target's corporate campaign to open up bathrooms and changing rooms in their stores based on internal gender identity rather than biological anatomy. The new policy has sparked concern that predators will use the store's policy to target others, specifically women, by claiming that they feel like a woman on the inside.
Last year, a biological man was arrested after allegedly secretly filming a woman trying on bathing suits in a Target dressing room in Missouri.
Recent polls have shown that Americans' feelings toward open-bathroom policies have hardened significantly in the month of April, with support for the open-bathrooms concept falling by more than 20 percentage points.
Amid the turmoil surrounding the new policy and the immediate abuse of it in Missouri, the company's stock fell from $84.10 per share on April 19 to roughly $79.36 as of Friday morning. That loss of $4.74 per share, if constant, would represent a corporate loss of over $2.5 billion.
The petition (you can sign it here) represents far more than just the 1 million people who have signed it. Not included in that number are the dependent consumers of those signers—mothers, fathers, husbands, wives and children—whose sustenance will no longer be found at Target. It represents the thousands of people who no longer have an interest in holding Target's stock in their investment portfolio.
Most importantly, the petition represents the vast majority of Americans who are uncomfortable with trading their family's safety and privacy for a politically correct solution to a problem that didn't previously exist.
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