Showing posts with label wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wars. Show all posts
Friday, October 5, 2018
Signs of the Times (Part 4): Wars, Earthquakes, Famines, and Plagues - Dr. Peter Wyns, Antioch International Church
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Steve Shultz: I thought this was a Strange word from God - THE ELIJAH LIST
Tough year? Some are asking...
“Is God angry with me?”
Nov. 30, 2017
Can I be really HONEST with you?
I mean it! It just makes me mad at the devil--and sometimes other well meaning Christians--who put it "on you" to make you feel and believe that God is fed up with you, impatient with you or just downright angry with you.
Come on my dear friends, I want to quickly get past that! OK? Deal?
Now first let me tell you straight... God is up to big things and He has accomplished more things for you in your life (if you could only see it) than most of you would dare to believe right now.
And NO: God is not mad at You! (Nor impatient or frustrated with you!)
Beyond that, what has happened behind the scenes in our government (things both horrible and wonderful) have paved a way for that Great Awakening in America and yes, throughout the earth. God is up to BIG THINGS for America and for you!
God is not only NOT ANGRY WITH YOU but the Father, His Son Jesus and Holy Spirit are about to have a party concerning your life and the life of Believers on the earth...
"But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet." Mark 13:7
We must not forget that wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines and pestilences (including fires, floods and earthquakes) were all predicted by Jesus Himself to His disciples as He walked the earth. What we are experiencing here in America is an intense season (like many other seasons that have come and gone) where these very things have been prophesied by the Messiah Himself.
Jesus kindly warned us that these things MUST HAPPEN. He never told us to ponder if they were from Him or the devil...He simply explained that they will happen and they must happen.
A significant number of prophets are prophesying a great reformation, a renaissance on the earth, and a Great Awakening to Jesus...the likes of which the world has NEVER SEEN. Jewish people are coming to Christ in unprecedented numbers--Muslims too. The Chinese underground Church is flourishing like never before. The Spirit of God is on the move.
Take heart! Have hope. The Church's most exciting days are straight ahead and YOU ARE PART OF GOD'S CHURCH!
Scripture makes it clear: Jesus would leave the 99 sheep if you were the one lost sheep--or even "temporarily walking away from the other sheep." Yes, He'd leave them all to come find you and me!
You would have to work much harder than you could possibly imagine for God to be "done" or "angry" with you. He's just NOT the way many picture Him to be.
During this holy season of Thanksgiving and Christmas on earth, commit yourself to ENJOY OUR SAVIOR who loves you so much that He would leave everyone and everything to come find YOU and YOU ALONE and rescue you from whatever is discouraging you or hurting you.
Sometimes I just sit and REVEL IN THAT TRUTH!
Grab hold of it, my friend. His love and patient endurance toward us is far past grasping!
God is Moving Massively & Miraculously with Explosive & Growing Mass Communication - to Prepare for & Usher in a Great Awakening! |
Honestly, it's as if God waved His hand over ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES and "all of God's intentions broke loose" on us. Suddenly, what we have tried for and even STRIVEN for in the two decades of our existence (yes, it's been 20 years this year) suddenly happening now!
Doors flung open in March and by July, I was speaking at Harvard University, sponsored by the Harvard Faculty Club. God told me 5-6 years ago that I would be speaking at Harvard and suddenly this year, it manifested. I was speaking to a real, worldly crowd and I LOVED it and GOD LOVED IT. Jesus said, "Go into ALL the world." That includes the Harvard world!
The purchase of two studio cameras was made possible by your generous donations and we've been creating programs right and left. Many of you have seen them these last few weeks.
We have 3 foreign language translations now of our prophetic words: Spanish, French and German, and as of this writing we are closing the negotiations on a KOREAN-LANGUAGE addition that will be ready, not only for South Korea but also for North Korea, the moment that door opens... and it's going to be very soon now!
We've just introduced SUNIL ISAAC who has agreed to come aboard. After our dear friend Kim Clement went home to Jesus, there was a place here for Sunil. You may recall he did a session each week called, "CODE BREAKERS!" with Kim.
Now with us, Sunil will be doing the same thing but it will be concerning MANY PROPHETS' revelations. He will be researching and showing how these words are coming true.
This new part of our broadcast is called, "PROPHETIC DECODERS!" Our readers and viewers are going to simply love it and I can't wait to watch these special one-of-a kind reports myself!!
Here's a Personal Word for You This
Thanksgiving and Christmas! |
As I sat preparing to write this personal letter to you, I stopped and asked the LORD for a specific and encouraging word just for you, one of our loyal supporters. He started with one word: "Candelabra!"
As I looked I saw, as if a camera was showing all kinds of Candelabras—not only the Menorah type but also many other types, with 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 or whatever CANDLES Believers will be using this Christmas/ Hanukkah season...
The Lord said this...
Whether you display a menorah or any other type of simple candelabra (no matter how many Candles are on it—electric or real fire-candles) you are pointing to Jesus as the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and "I LOVE THAT!"
Remember ELIJAH LIST MINISTRY friends, What Jesus loves, He blesses, honors AND REWARDS! Prepare to be blessed this Thanksgiving and Christmas Season!!
God's light from Heaven and from HIMSELF is shining all over you today! His mercies are rich and new, not only every morning but continually on your behalf.
During this Holiday Season and as part of your year-end giving, would you help us "launch out into the deep" in 2018? That's what I hear God saying: this is our year to totally launch into the deep things of the Spirit this year with Elijah List Ministries.
Many don't realize that year-end giving for a ministry like ours is beyond important, beyond crucial. People often give the biggest gift of the year at this time and this happens to be the EXACT TIME we need your financial support LIKE NEVER BEFORE IN OUR 20-year history!
If you are built up and blessed by this ministry would you stop right now and make your best year-end gift to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES? It's completely tax deductible and with your gift, you are LITERALLY GOING INTO ALL THE WORLD WITH US TO SHARE THE GOSPEL! That means you share in the reward. That is a fact and a promise; God said so! Derene and I love you DEARLY and we pray for
you often!!
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To donate by Check (US Dollar Only), make your check payable to:
November 30, 2017
great reformation,
Holy Spirit,
Mark 13:7,
Rumors of Wars,
Steve Shultz,
Strange word,
The Elijah List,
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
A Golden Year Ahead! - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY
A Golden Year Ahead!
Wednesday, October 05, 2016 | Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY
As Israel mourns the passing of Shimon Peres, the last of their founding fathers, I pray for the dawning of an even brighter era that will bring light to their path and sweetness to their souls.
And as Jews everywhere rejoice in their New Year festival of Rosh Hashanah, I feel there is something of an apocalyptic, end-time significance about this particular anniversary.
It ushers in the year 5777, which has a resonance of its own with three sevens – the latter being the ‘perfect’ number in biblical terms. And in the Gregorian calendar which most of us follow, we will soon be welcoming 2017, a date of huge relevance to Israel on three counts.
First, it will mark the jubilee, or golden anniversary (50 years), since the Six-Day War of 1967 when the Old City of Jerusalem – the holiest property in all Judaism – was restored to Jewish hands for the first time in more than 2,000 years. Some scholars have suggested that this awesome event represented the fulfilment of “the times of the Gentiles” referred to by Yeshua when he said: “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” (Luke 21.24, New Testament)
The new year will also mark 70 years since the historic United Nations vote to recognize Israel when, although Arab states opposed the resolution, the required two-thirds majority was achieved which set the scene for the re-birth of Israel the following year.
Bear in mind what Jesus said about the lesson learned from the fig tree, which is symbolic of Israel. He said that when it buds and blossoms at a time when the world is in great upheaval with wars, famines and earthquakes, we would know that his coming is near. Then he said: “This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Matthew 24.34)
In other words, the generation (possibly lasting 70 years, man’s allotted lifespan according to Psalm 90.10) witnessing these extraordinary events would live to see “all these things” happening. Could that include his actual return? We cannot be certain, but it’s a distinct possibility. And as one born the year after the state of Israel, I find that both hugely exciting as well as rather scary.
But neither of these hugely historic anniversaries would have been possible without Britain’s Balfour Declaration of 1917, which effectively cleared the path for Israel’s restoration. The centenary of this crucial milestone in the Jews’ long journey home is in danger of being lost in the mists of political correctness, but it needs to be celebrated with gusto. It may not be as topical as our current Brexit endeavours, but it is also something for which Britain can be justly proud.
It amounted to a British government promise, from Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour, to do all in its power to facilitate the creation of a homeland in Palestine (as the region was then known) for the Jewish people. And it came about largely through the efforts of 19
th century evangelical Christians, allied to the rise of Zionism under Theodor Herzl. When all is said and done, it was the preachers and politicians who knew their Bible – and the God of the Bible – who undoubtedly most influenced the government of the day. They clearly saw that it was our duty as a Christian nation to love and support the Jews, and to facilitate their return to their ancient homeland.
They also knew – and this was crucial to their support – that it wasn’t just about land, but about the Lord; that though the Bible clearly speaks of a restoration of Israel from every corner of the globe, such restoration would precede their national return to the God of Israel, the Father of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, which would in turn usher in our Lord’s Second Coming. Ezekiel prophesied: “I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land…And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” (Ezek 36.24-27)
It was this truth, above all, that drove our British forefathers to pray, proclaim and work towards fulfilment of the Zionist dream.
God is seeking a bride with whom he wishes to rendezvous back in their ancient land where he first ‘courted’ her as they learnt to walk in his ways and when the prophets tried, often in vain, to encourage faithfulness to the one true God.
When the Balfour promise was made back in November 1917, the Holy Land still belonged to the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which had ruled the region for 400 years, but within weeks it was in British hands, which handed on a plate the opportunity for us to make good our pledge.
But because we reneged on many of our promises and dealt treacherously with the Jews as we made repeated concessions in a bid to appease Arab demands, it took another three decades – and the death of millions at the hands of the Nazis – before the founding fathers were finally in a position to re-create the state of Israel.
Please forgive us, and meantime rejoice that even without our help in more recent times – though certainly with God’s help – you have come this far.
May God’s love surround you at this special time and cause you to know the fear of the Lord and his decrees, which are “sweeter than honey” (Psalm 19.10).
In this beautiful psalm of King David, we see how much he loves the law, the statutes, the precepts and the commands of the Lord. “They are more precious than gold…and sweeter than honey.” And all of this is perfectly fulfilled in Yeshua, who told the crowds on the Mount of Beautitudes at Capernaum: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5.17)
Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Balfour Declaration,
Charles Gardner,
Golden Year Ahead,
Israel Today,
Matthew 24:34,
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Rosh HaShanah,
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Wars and Rumors of Wars - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Wednesday, May 04, 2016 | Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. (Matthew 24:6)
Rumors regarding the imminent coming of Messiah are bountiful today. The latest among them is that of the Riminov Rebbe (pictured), a Hassidic rabbi living in New York.
Visiting his followers in Florida, the rabbi urged them to leave the United States as soon as possible. According to the Orthodox website Behadrei Haredim, on the seventh day of Passover the rabbi pressed his listeners to leave the Diaspora to Israel.
"Listen to me carefully dear Jews," said the rabbi, "whoever has in his hand to get up and go and go to the Holy Land Israel as soon as possible while it is still is possible, this includes leaving large parts of South America and most of Europe … also the United States will be a place of danger in the war and it is still too early to say which states within the United States will survive, but many parts will be destroyed and poisoned, even civil war will break out in the United States and states will cut themselves off from the federal government … the Land of Israel will be the safest place to survive the war, although there will also be terrible difficulties there."
To add credibility to this prediction the rabbi reminded his listeners that "I am one of the few men in our time who can say this since it has been published all over the world that my eyes see very far away, like [the] three boys in Halhul and dozens more who were missing, where others do not have permission to see … and this was planted in me by God and Divine Providence and when I had to talk to many and give instructions, I do it and the Divine Presence speaks from my throat, and wherever my name goes out to, it is known that those who listen to me shall be safe."
Interestingly enough, exactly a year ago a similar End Times prediction was made by the 106-year-old mystic, Rabbi Sasson Tabashi.
On last year's Passover, Rabbi Tabashi said that "it was revealed to me from Heaven that a week after Shavuot (May 29, 2015), a giant war will break out in the Middle East, and it will be a difficult situation until Sukkot (September 2015), and afterwards, Messiah will come."
There is more than one way in which to relate to such "prophecies." If the prophecy of Jesus given in Matthew 24 is to be taken seriously, then the current abundance of such predictions may be a sign of the End Times.
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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Which, if any, of the presidential candidates understand Apocalyptic Islam?
Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog |
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