(Dallas, Texas) -- The other day, I was interviewed by Todd Starnes of Fox News. He asked me about my family's move as a family to Israel and my experience writing novels that seem to foreshadow future terrorist attacks and wars. He also asked me about my take on the 2016 presidential campaign and whether President Obama or the leading presidential candidates understand the threat of Apocalyptic Islam and are prepared to deal with it.
Todd just finished reading
The First Hostage. He very graciously called it "a page-turning political thriller" and "a riveting account of Islamic radicals kidnapping an American president." And as he opened the podcast, he took me aback by saying, "one of my favorite authors on the entire planet is a guy named Joel C. Rosenberg," noting that he was introduced to my novels through Rush Limbaugh talking about them on his programs.
I very much enjoyed our conversation, and it was one of the more thoughtful discussions I've done on the book tour so far. It runs about 30 minutes. Hope you'll take time to listen to the podcast (I've just become a subscriber), and share it with others.
“Once you understand Apocalyptic Islam, you understand just how dangerous it is to give Iran not just one path to nuclear weapons, but two,” he said. “This president doesn’t understand the threat of radical Islam. He won’t even define that – much less Apocalyptic Islam.”
And he doesn’t hold out much hope for the current presidential frontrunners [Secretary Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump] either.
“This is a very challenging year when you have a president and two frontrunners who just don’t understand the most serious foreign policy threat of our time,” he said. “That is not comforting.” Rosenberg has offered counsel to several Republican presidential campaigns including Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.
“Senator Rubio totally gets it,” he said. “He’s been using that language in the debates and in his speeches.”
Among the others who “get it” are Cruz, Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum.
What about Donald Trump?
“It’s clear [Trump] doesn’t understand this,” he said. ‘It’s just all bloviating.
It’s not so much that the world is facing a future threat -- the threat is already here.
“These people are crucifying Christians, they’re beheading people" he said. “They are creating mayhem and really genocidal conditions in Syria and Iraq and our current president is just using half measure to run some sort of public relations war against them."
He [President Obama] doesn’t have a plan.