Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Tough year? Some are asking... “Is God angry with me?”
Nov. 30, 2017
Dear Friend of Elijah List Ministries,
Can I be really HONEST with you?
I mean it! It just makes me mad at the devil--and sometimes other well meaning Christians--who put it "on you" to make you feel and believe that God is fed up with you, impatient with you or just downright angry with you.
Come on my dear friends, I want to quickly get past that! OK? Deal?
Now first let me tell you straight...God is up to big things and He has accomplished more things for you in your life (if you could only see it) than most of you would dare to believe right now. And NO: God is not mad at You! (Nor impatient or frustrated with you!)
Beyond that, what has happened behind the scenes in our government (things both horrible and wonderful) have paved a way for that Great Awakening in America and yes, throughout the earth. God is up to BIG THINGS for America and for you!
God is not only NOT ANGRY WITH YOU but the Father, His Son Jesus and Holy Spirit are about to have a party concerning your life and the life of Believers on the earth...
"But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet." Mark 13:7
We must not forget that wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines and pestilences (including fires, floods and earthquakes) were all predicted by Jesus Himself to His disciples as He walked the earth. What we are experiencing here in America is an intense season (like many other seasons that have come and gone) where these very things have been prophesied by the Messiah Himself.
Jesus kindly warned us that these things MUST HAPPEN. He never told us to ponder if they were from Him or the devil...He simply explained that they will happen and they must happen.
A significant number of prophets are prophesying a great reformation, a renaissance on the earth, and a Great Awakening to Jesus...the likes of which the world has NEVER SEEN. Jewish people are coming to Christ in unprecedented numbers--Muslims too. The Chinese underground Church is flourishing like never before. The Spirit of God is on the move.
Take heart! Have hope. The Church's most exciting days are straight ahead and YOU ARE PART OF GOD'S CHURCH!
Scripture makes it clear: Jesus would leave the 99 sheep if you were the one lost sheep--or even "temporarily walking away from the other sheep." Yes, He'd leave them all to come find you and me!
You would have to work much harder than you could possibly imagine for God to be "done" or "angry" with you. He's just NOT the way many picture Him to be.
During this holy season of Thanksgiving and Christmas on earth, commit yourself to ENJOY OUR SAVIOR who loves you so much that He would leave everyone and everything to come find YOU and YOU ALONE and rescue you from whatever is discouraging you or hurting you.
Sometimes I just sit and REVEL IN THAT TRUTH!
Grab hold of it, my friend. His love and patient endurance toward us is far past grasping!
God is Moving Massively & Miraculously with Explosive & Growing Mass Communication - to Prepare for & Usher in a Great Awakening!
Honestly, it's as if God waved His hand over ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES and "all of God's intentions broke loose" on us. Suddenly, what we have tried for and even STRIVEN for in the two decades of our existence (yes, it's been 20 years this year) suddenly happening now!
Doors flung open in March and by July, I was speaking at Harvard University, sponsored by the Harvard Faculty Club. God told me 5-6 years ago that I would be speaking at Harvard and suddenly this year, it manifested. I was speaking to a real, worldly crowd and I LOVED it and GOD LOVED IT. Jesus said, "Go into ALL the world." That includes the Harvard world!
The purchase of two studio cameras was made possible by your generous donations and we've been creating programs right and left. Many of you have seen them these last few weeks.
We're doing an upgraded version of FACEBOOK Live each Thursday and people are simply loving it. We're only 3 or 4 weeks in, and our audience has well more than doubled and by the time you see this, it may have tripled. Every day, people around the globe read articles or videos that we've sent to almost 300,000 email addresses who have asked to hear from us. (That probably includes you!)
We have 3 foreign language translations now of our prophetic words: Spanish, French and German, and as of this writing we are closing the negotiations on a KOREAN-LANGUAGE addition that will be ready, not only for South Korea but also for North Korea, the moment that door opens... and it's going to be very soon now!
We've just introduced SUNIL ISAAC who has agreed to come aboard. After our dear friend Kim Clement went home to Jesus, there was a place here for Sunil. You may recall he did a session each week called, "CODE BREAKERS!" with Kim.
Now with us, Sunil will be doing the same thing but it will be concerning MANY PROPHETS' revelations. He will be researching and showing how these words are coming true.
This new part of our broadcast is called, "PROPHETIC DECODERS!" Our readers and viewers are going to simply love it and I can't wait to watch these special one-of-a kind reports myself!!
Here's a Personal Word for You This Thanksgiving and Christmas!
As I sat preparing to write this personal letter to you, I stopped and asked the LORD for a specific and encouraging word just for you, one of our loyal supporters. He started with one word: "Candelabra!"
As I looked I saw, as if a camera was showing all kinds of Candelabras—not only the Menorah type but also many other types, with 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 or whatever CANDLES Believers will be using this Christmas/ Hanukkah season...
The Lord said this...
Whether you display a menorah or any other type of simple candelabra (no matter how many Candles are on it—electric or real fire-candles) you are pointing to Jesus as the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and "I LOVE THAT!"
Remember ELIJAH LIST MINISTRY friends, What Jesus loves, He blesses, honors AND REWARDS! Prepare to be blessed this Thanksgiving and Christmas Season!!
Derene and I have a personal and special request for you, our readers and viewers: Would you consider partnering with us at Elijah List Ministries with your year-end giving? It's what we need to launch the next phase of the ministry.
God's light from Heaven and from HIMSELF is shining all over you today! His mercies are rich and new, not only every morning but continually on your behalf.
During this Holiday Season and as part of your year-end giving, would you help us "launch out into the deep" in 2018? That's what I hear God saying: this is our year to totally launch into the deep things of the Spirit this year with Elijah List Ministries.
Many don't realize that year-end giving for a ministry like ours is beyond important, beyond crucial. People often give the biggest gift of the year at this time and this happens to be the EXACT TIME we need your financial support LIKE NEVER BEFORE IN OUR 20-year history!
If you are built up and blessed by this ministry would you stop right now and make your best year-end gift to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES? It's completely tax deductible and with your gift, you are LITERALLY GOING INTO ALL THE WORLD WITH US TO SHARE THE GOSPEL! That means you share in the reward. That is a fact and a promise; God said so! Derene and I love you DEARLY and we pray for you often!!
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Kathie Walters: "How Does God Prepare His Church for Warfare? Laughter!"
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
A cheerful heart is good medicine (see Proverbs 17:22) and you'll learn a great deal about this in Kathie Walters latest word.
This really is a now prophetic word from Kathie Walters who has a deep understanding of the supernatural. I truly believe God is releasing an incredible wave of laughter across the's one of the most important keys to break off strongholds and attacks of the enemy as Kathie explains so well in her recent article.
I'll leave you with this excerpt from Kathie:
The laughter and the new wine are like God's anesthetic. Haven't you noticed that when you are drunk in the Spirit you could happily be on the floor for awhile? When you eventually get up, you have a few things missing – maybe a few religious spirits and maybe a sickness is missing? God has to deliver us from weights, so that we can fly at this time. It's a very important time and God is getting us ready for some warfare. Continue reading and you will understand why the laughter is important...
And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here. Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:
"How Does God Prepare His Church for Warfare? Laughter!"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
Things Are Birthed in God's Laughter
For several nights I had the same dream: I was in a maternity ward and women were having babies. Instead of yelling, all I could hear was laughing, loud laughing, and then I heard babies being born, laughing and not crying. There are many things that are birthed in God's laughter.
A lot of people don't understand the Holy Ghost laughter. So I want to explain it to you. Oftentimes people get offended when they're in a meeting and laughter breaks out. That's because they have a misunderstanding about God. God loves laughter. In fact, the Bible says that God looks on His enemies and laughs (see Psalm 2.)
God is not worried about the enemy, and He scoffs at the wicked (see Psalm 37:12-13). Our victory is in the spiritual realm first – before you may see or hear in the natural.
The Laughter and the New Wine
"When you apprehend a victory in the spirit – the goodness of God, and the power of God – and bring it into the situation with the laughter, then the victory manifests."
The laughter and the new wine are like God's anesthetic. Haven't you noticed that when you are drunk in the Spirit you could happily be on the floor for awhile? When you eventually get up, you have a few things missing – maybe a few religious spirits and maybe a sickness is missing? God has to deliver us from weights, so that we can fly at this time. It's a very important time and God is getting us ready for some warfare. Continue reading and you will understand why the laughter is important.
I'm sure most of you have done this: you've been praying for someone or ministering to them and they are telling you all this awful stuff, and you are quite concerned; but then you suddenly start laughing. The other person looks at you like, "What's wrong with you?" Then you say, "Don't worry about it, it's going to be fine, and it's going to be great." Your spirit picks up on a victory that's happening in the spiritual realm. When you receive something from God, you receive first in the spirit, then you will see it in the natural. That's why Jesus said to, "Believe when you pray, not when you see" (see Mark 11:20-24).
Laughter Breaks In and Breaks Out!
I was speaking at a conference in Wales some years ago and as I looked up, I saw a lot of druid spirits on the people. My thought was, "Oh no! Who's going to help me pray for these people to get set free from this druid stuff?"
I stood up to speak and read a couple of Scriptures and suddenly everyone started to laugh, so I sat down. The laughter went on for about 30 minutes and then in the next couple of hours, I finished the seminar and began to pray for people.
I was thinking of praying against the druid spirits I had seen earlier, but as I started to pray, I realized that the druid spirits had left. The Lord said to me, "Don't bother, the laughter already took care of that." When the laughter came at the beginning, the druid spirits couldn't wait to leave.(Photo via Flickr)
Another time, when I was in the security area in Siberia, entering into the country, the atmosphere was intense, because I think the security officers wanted us to know they were in charge. But an angel showed up and started playfully pushing my friend DeAnne and I around. We couldn't stand up properly and we couldn't stop laughing.
Well, you know God's laughter is catching and soon the security people started laughing. I was handing my passport to the officer behind the desk and he started falling off his chair, like he was drunk. He was laughing so much. The officer assisting DeAnne started laughing too when she handed him her passport. Then a security lady was laughing so much she was kneeling on the floor.
We couldn't speak Siberian and they couldn't speak English – except to say, "Passport," "Visa" and "How long?" The supervisor came running out to see what all the ruckus was about and as he passed me, he put his hand on my back and fell over. After awhile they were all tapping their mouths with their fingers, and saying, "What?"
There was an English man there, so I asked him if he understood what they were saying. He said, "Yes, they can taste honey in their mouths." God spoke to me and said, "Yes, and when someone can tell them about Jesus, they will have a good taste in their mouth."He showed me that when someone could tell them about Jesus, they would taste the honey again, so they knew it was something GOOD.
The angels laugh too, I've seen them laugh at religious spirits. Religious spirits hate laughter – now you know why. When you apprehend a victory in the spirit, the goodness of God and the power of God and bring it into the situation with the laughter, then the victory manifests.
Laughter as a Defense
When we pastored a church in Orlando years ago, we began to have a move of the Spirit, but there was one elder who opposed everything. He was very legalistic. He didn't like the liveliness and dancing in the worship. He didn't like the women prophesying, he didn't even like the women to wear make up. He was acting as a "cork" on the bottle of new wine God was giving us.
"Our victory is in the spiritual realm first – before you may see or hear in the natural. "
You know God gives people an opportunity to receive what He's doing, but He doesn't hold back for too long. He also cares about the hungry ones who want more of Him. If the person doesn't receive the deliverance, He will move that person out of the way (as I share in this story below).
Well, this elder was angry at me because he (mostly) blamed me for all the craziness (freedom). He called my house and wanted to see me. He was mad and wanted to meet me at the office. David my husband said, "You don't have to go," but I said, "Oh I don't mind, I'm not intimidated" (although he was a very intimidating man). I went down a couple of days later to keep this appointment.
When I got there he was very angry and his face was red. I sat down and he started ranting, and was angry about all the joy and prophesying, etc. I was sitting there thinking, "A soft answer turns away wrath." I just need to be quiet and say something agreeable. So I sat silently while he really worked himself up. Suddenly I felt these fingers, like feathers, tickling me around my ribs. I knew that it was an angel, and I was silently trying to talk to him, "Stop. This isn't the time for this. Stop." But the angel didn't take any notice and kept tickling me.
I was trying not to laugh. I was trying to look serious, but you know how your face reacts when you're trying not to laugh. The elder looked at me and when he saw I was half smiling, he lost it. He stood up (I'm glad there was a desk between us) and was almost screaming at me. Then I couldn't contain it any more and burst out laughing.
It was the opposite of what I went there to do. He stomped out and slammed the door. He never did come back to the church – he and his wife moved to a "proper" church. A church with a good program and a few traditional songs and a "proper" message, and no women dancing or prophesying. (Photo via Max Pixel)
When I got home, David didn't even ask me what happened. He just said, "I guess we won't be seeing him again." We did not, but we did have a great time and great move of God, so free and Spirit-led, and so many people were delivered, healed and blessed.
A Victory Laugh
"When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them'"(Ps. 126:2). There wasn't anything funny, it was a victory laugh.
God loves it when you receive because then your joy is full (John 16:24). "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us" (2 Cor. 1:20).
"This is the day the Lord has made..." (which day is that? It's every day. He made every day) "...we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Ps. 118:24). Every day is a doorway to an opportunity. All kinds of opportunities are there every day. Every day you can be glad about something, every day you have an opportunity to encourage someone, and say something kind. You can look down at your smart phone right now and send off some encouraging and thankful texts to people. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.
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From the book of Genesis onward, Satan has been on a mission to restrain woman from fulfilling her destiny as a co-heir and co-laborer with Christ.
Yes, she is different and unique. Yet in Christ, she is qualified to rise up and boldly release the authority of heaven on Earth. It's only when this mandate is fully restored, and its expression is encouraged in the church that we will begin to see Holy Spirit outpouring demonstrated in a more complete and dynamic way.
As long as women are restrained from preaching and prophesying, biblically speaking, we are only going to experience a trickle of revival when God wills a river. This is because we are negating an entire gender.
I write from the vantage point of a man who is desperate to see the church operate in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Responsively, I firmly believe that how we (men and church leaders alike) treat our sisters in Christ has everything to do with the measure of revival we all experience. This is absolutely biblical, for when Holy Spirit outpouring is biblically defined—both prophetically in Joel and then actually comes to fruition in Acts—women are specifically identified as those qualified to prophesy and participate in the move of God.
The restorative work of Jesus truly leveled the playing field, making it possible for men and women alike to participate in releasing the power of heaven on Earth: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, and there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28).
As long as the devil is able to restrain women from taking their vital place in the body of Christ, he is likewise able to restrain a measure of revival and outpouring from flowing from the church and into the world. How is this even possible—and more importantly, is the concept scriptural?
What Is Clogging Up the River of Revival?
There has been an age-old war raging between Satan and woman, the serpent and the Seed of the woman: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel" (Gen. 3:15).
Why are the efforts of hell so strategically targeted against women—specifically, trying to prevent women from occupying positions of leadership and authority? She is a unique and absolutely essential part of bringing the culture of heaven to Earth, unlocking the river of Holy Spirit outpouring that has been flowing since the Day of Pentecost.
Make no mistake, the Holy Spirit has been moving since Pentecost; however, it seems as though His movement has been flowing with some hindrances, restrictions and barriers during specific seasons in history.
There barriers are not on God's end; they are on man's. Jesus' blood sealed the deal and the day of Pentecost made God accessible to whosoever will receive the saving work of Jesus. In other words, God ensured that every barrier was removed so that you and I could be filled with His Spirit, walk in communion with Him and release His kingdom on Earth.
So why aren't we seeing this happen in a greater way? There are man-made barriers we need to confront. One of the most significant and unaddressed is how women can be marginalized in the body of Christ.
If the Spirit's outpouring was truly without restriction, then we would have no need for what we call "revival" or awakening; those seasons of unusual visitation become essential when the people of God engage in practices or entertain mindsets that build spiritual dams preventing the free flow of the Holy Spirit. He wants to move without restraint.
Sadly, one of the great dams and barriers to the Spirit's unrestricted flow in our world today is the restriction of women. When we restrict women from rising up and walking in the anointing to lead and prophesy, I believe we are—in part—restricting the Holy Spirit's movement on Earth.
Before I continue further, if you are looking for solid scriptural support for why women should be in leadership, I encourage you to check out Why Not Women by Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton, Fashioned to Reign by Kris Vallotton, or Ten Lies the Church Tells Women by J. Lee Grady.
Break the Restraints to Revival
As long as the "daughters" are restrained from coming alongside the sons to prophesy, we will not fully experience the full measure of revival that God wills for the church to experience and the world desperately yearns to be transformed by. In fact, God more than wills it; He has already made it available! God has already said "Amen" to a landscape-shifting revival; however, the ears are God are bending close to Earth, listening for those who say a whole-hearted "Yes" to everything He has made available.
When men are the only ones who think they are qualified to say "Yes" to the call of God, revival is not being released in the full measure that heaven has mandated.
When God spoke through the prophet Joel, He made heaven's end-time agenda of outpouring and revival abundantly clear:
"And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions" (Joel 2:28).
If we didn't get the point in verse 28, the Lord emphasizes in verse 29:
"Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit."
As we know, the fulfillment to this prophetic announcement began in Acts 2 and has been continuing ever since. While there is undeniably an element of God's sovereignty involved in seasons of "revival," I have to ask: Could it be that one of the keys that positions the body of Christ for moving in sustained revival is the emergence of prophesying daughters?
For centuries, the role of the "sons" has basically been assumed. There are really no questions or arguments over the leadership capabilities of men in a church context; however, a woman speaking, teaching, prophesying or leading is often the subject of considerable controversy. This ought not be!
Women on the Frontlines of God's Earthly Activity
Throughout history, God's daughters and maidservants have been positioned on the frontlines of historic Holy Spirit outpouring. Sometimes they were dynamic public figures, pioneering revolutions and preaching the gospel. Sometimes they were hidden in the prayer closet, literally contending for heaven to invade Earth through intercession. Either way, these women witnessed the fruit of their impassioned cries and dynamic efforts, be it during their lifetime or looking down from heaven.
In the Old Testament, women are on the frontlines of battle, judging the nation and providing refuge to the spies of Israel as they conquered Jericho. Women open and conclude the Gospels, ushering the Messiah into the Earth and then, beholding Him in resurrected form.
Elizabeth gives birth to John the Baptist, the forerunner. You have others such as businesswoman Priscilla (Acts 18:2-3), Junia (who many scholars recognize as an apostolic figure, Rom. 16:7) and the virgin daughters of Philip the Evangelist, who were prophets (Acts 21:9). You have the Samaritan woman in John 4 who encounters Jesus, leaves her waterpot, and preaches to the men of her city. As a result, they all experience a divine visitation from the Savior.
Women are the first at the tomb to behold the resurrection miracle and receive instruction to share the good news with the apostles. And of course, there is the definitive woman of the Bible—Mary, the one whose womb delivered the Savior who delivered us from our sins, ensured that humanity could be indwelt by God, and ultimately, birthed a revolution that would reconnect heaven to Earth.
It goes without saying that God has favored His daughters and has strategically set them on the frontlines of history. When God moved, it seemed as though women were always there on the cutting edge of His activity. Elizabeth birthed a prophet. Mary birthed the Messiah.
The Canaanite woman demonstrated a faith in Jesus that prematurely drew in a reality—the kingdom of God being opened up to the Gentiles—that was reserved for the post-resurrection time frame (Matt. 15:28). These women all knew about collaborating with God and birthing heaven on Earth.
Just review the pages of history. Revival after revival, movement after movement, has seen prominent women serving as forerunners for what the Holy Spirit was saying and doing in that hour.
Maria Woodworth-Etter introduced people to the Pentecostal experience before Pentecostalism became a formal movement within Christianity in the 20th century. Her meetings were quite extraordinary. The gospel of Jesus was always central, but the supernatural phenomena that occurred in that context was truly otherworldly. Healings, miracles, prophetic trances—even those who came to mock these meetings experienced encounters with God.
Aimee Semple McPherson was revolutionary in making the church experience relevant, interesting and engaging, while also being a stalwart champion of God's miraculous healing power. While McPherson was renowned for her engaging gospel presentations, often drawing celebrities and Hollywood notables to her services at Angelus Temple, she did not back down from preaching the uncompromised gospel ... and preaching it in the power of signs and wonders.
Kathryn Kuhlman could be best described as a friend of the Holy Spirit. She did not chase after healing miracles, nor did she ever claim to be a faith healer or miracle worker. She rejected such descriptions. Kathryn was an evangelist, who passionately pleaded for people to meet her precious Jesus. She preached the gospel with clarity, love, compassion and gentleness—and healing broke out. Truly, Kathryn enjoyed such close fellowship with the Holy Spirit, that when she walked onto a stage, audiences recognized that she was not alone; she was overshadowed by His presence.
These are three examples among the multitudes. I could go on and on about daughters who said "Yes" to God's call and have been changing the landscape of Christianity, both then and now. Joyce Meyer is a no-nonsense Spirit-filled teacher and preacher, anointed to help make the Scriptures practical for everyday living. Marilyn Hickey, now in her 80s, is preaching the gospel with boldness overseas (in some very difficult to reach areas), with mighty healing and miracles following her presentation.
Cindy Jacobs is a prophetic and intercessory strategist who contends with heaven for revival and reformation. Australian worship leader Darlene Zschech was a key catalyst in the mid-1990s, used to release the sounds of heaven into the Earth and help pioneer the modern worship movement.
Karen Wheaton has led a youth movement in the backwoods of Hamilton, Alabama, for 15 years, raising up the next generation to usher in awakening. Heidi Baker has given her life to seeing the nation of Mozambique transformed by the love of Jesus—and in doing so, she and her husband founded IRIS Ministries, which has seen over a million people come to Christ, churches built across the Earth, the sick healed and even the dead raised. The list continues and grows very long!
So as women, why does the enemy war against you and try to keep you from taking your place?
Here are three ways that women uniquely usher in revival and crush the devil. Make no mistake, the enemy doesn't want God's daughters to live mindful of these realities!
1. Women give birth to the impossible and remind Satan of his eternal defeat. Mary was not some otherworldly super-being; she was an ordinary teenaged girl upon receiving her summons. Yet she deserves to be honored as a revivalist and powerful example of how anything is impossible when one says yes to Jesus.
No one is beyond ushering in a great move of God! You were born to birth things into the Earth—and in a way, you uniquely get to give birth to the expression of Jesus, since the Spirit of God lives within you and empowers you to manifest the nature, character, image and power of the Risen Christ through your life!
Every time you demonstrate the work of Jesus through your life, you are enforcing the victory of the One who forever crushed the devil at Calvary. Women walking in this identity continually remind the enemy of his eternal defeat. When salvation is brought to a life or household, Satan is crushed.
When healing reverses sickness, Satan is crushed. When immorality, crime and corruption are exchanged for peace, honor and love, Satan is defeated, yes—but he continues to be crushed as sons and daughters actually walk out this victory that Jesus purchased for them and enforce it.
2. Women sustain revival, from generation to generation. A woman must never devalue her ability to be a life-giver and life-bearer. You carry the ability to bring life into the world that perpetuates the move of God from generation to generation. This is the commission of every mother, natural and spiritual: to birth children who sustain and excel your supernatural momentum.
The next generation should always be positioned to exceed the previous generation. If you have a womb, you have the ability to give birth to sons and daughter that prophesy, perform signs and wonders, heal the sick, lead movements and change nations. You have the ability to raise up boys and girls, young men and young women who go further and deeper in God than you ever dreamed possible because God works generationally.
Whether you have natural children or not, whether you can give birth or not, women are spiritual mothers who raise up a generation of men and women to birth the purposes of God into the Earth.
3. Women preach and shift atmospheres over entire cities. One evidence of the Acts 2 outpouring is that daughters will prophesy. To prophesy is to speak forth! You cannot prophesy silently. Need Bible references?
The Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 went back to her town and "told the people there..." about Jesus. And some of these people that she told were men! As a result, the people left the town, went to see Jesus, begged Him to stay with them, experienced a two-day visitation from the Son of God, and as a result, many became believers.
She preached and as a result, she became a catalyst for a city to experience a divine visitation from Jesus Himself. How many more cities could experience powerful Holy Spirit visitation if women were encouraged to go and tell? Preach. Proclaim. Disciple. Prophesy. Jesus did not rebuke this woman for going ... and likewise, I do not believe He is rebuking His daughters today as they rise up, take their place and begin saying what the Father is saying.
It's time for women to usher in the Holy Spirit outpouring they were anointed to release! From the Day of Pentecost until now, the daughters have been qualified to prophesy. Let us encourage them to boldly speak forth the Word of the Lord, expecting their participation to release the fullness of God's kingdom on Earth!
Larry Sparksis co-author of the book The Fire That Never Sleeps, with Dr. Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick. Larry's mission is to help teach all believers how to experience and sustain personal revival—enjoying a deep relationship with God through encountering the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. To this end, he maintains a blog through Charisma magazine, is a published author, teaches revival seminars, and is the co-founder of Renewing South Florida, an organization committed to uniting the local church for regional outpouring. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University and presently serves as Publisher for Destiny Image publishing house.
You can receive daily empowerment for personal revival from Larry on Facebook (
Larry Sparksis co-author of the book, The Fire That Never Sleeps, with Dr. Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick. Larry's mission is to help teach all believers how to experience and sustain personal revival—enjoying a deep relationship with God through encountering the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. To this end, he maintains a blog through Charisma magazine, is a published author, teaches revival seminars, and is the co-founder of Renewing South Florida, an organization committed to uniting the local church for regional outpouring. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University and presently serves as vice president of publishing for Destiny Image Publishers.
You can receive daily empowerment for personal revival from Larry on Facebook (
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Chuck Pierce and Barbara Wentroble: Invite the Lord to Change Your Atmosphere! He is Ready to Shake all that Can be Shaken!
Chuck Pierce just sent out this short yet potent prophecy by him and Barbara Wentroble which was prophesied last Sunday. It's a powerful word as you'll read below.
God IS making His Church ready and that includes shakings when the Body needs them. Be encouraged by this statement: "As I shake and as I open, I Am releasing a new dimension of My Glory!"
Read this word and seek the Lord in how you can make yourself ready.
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Invite the Lord to Change Your Atmosphere! He is Ready to Shake all that Can be Shaken!
During worship on Sunday, there was a strong prophetic anointing.Barbara Wentroble joined me in prophesying:
"If you will invite Me down this week then I will enter your atmosphere and change that which you've been trying to change.
I have power and strength to overcome, and if you will invite Me in, you will overcome this week and deliverance will come to you!
"For I AM a God who is shaking everything that can be shaken. This is a season you shall shake; you shall see Me shake everything that would hold back My coming Glory.
I shall shake the gainsayers; I shall shake the mockers, and I shall shake those that would oppose and stand against this that I have prepared for this season. Watch Me begin to shake that which seemed unshakable, in days past.
"For this is a turn-around season.
I'm getting ready to turn around some things that would not turn. I'm getting ready to turn the vault on the door that would not open. Watch Me turn the bolt and open the door, and watch Me shake the unshakable. Watch Me release that which I have said in days past – that the Glory of this latter house would be greater than the Glory of the former. As I shake and as I open, I Am releasing a new dimension of My Glory!"
Chuck D. Pierce with Barbara Wentroble Glory of Zion International Ministries
The enemy is about to hear from our children and grandchildren beginning this season.
Watch and expect the passion for Christ to run wild like a raging fire inside of them. The Lord has allowed them to be placed in strategic locations in the earth and even in some unusual places where we might think they shouldn’t be.
Even in prisons, homeless on the streets, or wherever they are being held in satan’s grip.
They have now been divinely positioned to become a firebrand in God’s hand to ignite and explode like dynamite inside the camp of the enemy! This is why the enemy forever has fought against marriages. He feared concerning the Godly seed that was about to come upon the earth to do him in!
And here they come! Genesis 22:17 ( Message Bible ) “Your descendants will defeat their enemies.”
If a coin was found in a fish's mouth, maybe there is a connection between our mouth and our money.
How many times have we said, "I'm broke, I'm sick, I'm catching a cold," and watched it come to pass? Little do we realize that when we open our mouth we are prophesying either good or bad!
Why not say, "I have all the money I will ever need! I'm being attacked by healing! Healing runs in my family! I heard a saying once that even a fish would stay out of trouble if it learned to keep its mouth shut!