From the desk of Steve Shultz:
A cheerful heart is good medicine (see Proverbs 17:22) and you'll learn a great deal about this in Kathie Walters latest word.
This really is a now prophetic word from Kathie Walters who has a deep understanding of the supernatural. I truly believe God is releasing an incredible wave of laughter across the's one of the most important keys to break off strongholds and attacks of the enemy as Kathie explains so well in her recent article.
I'll leave you with this excerpt from Kathie:
The laughter and the new wine are like God's anesthetic. Haven't you noticed that when you are drunk in the Spirit you could happily be on the floor for awhile? When you eventually get up, you have a few things missing – maybe a few religious spirits and maybe a sickness is missing? God has to deliver us from weights, so that we can fly at this time. It's a very important time and God is getting us ready for some warfare. Continue reading and you will understand why the laughter is important...
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"How Does God Prepare His Church for Warfare? Laughter!"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
Things Are Birthed in God's Laughter
For several nights I had the same dream: I was in a maternity ward and women were having babies. Instead of yelling, all I could hear was laughing, loud laughing, and then I heard babies being born, laughing and not crying. There are many things that are birthed in God's laughter.
A lot of people don't understand the Holy Ghost laughter. So I want to explain it to you. Oftentimes people get offended when they're in a meeting and laughter breaks out. That's because they have a misunderstanding about God. God loves laughter. In fact, the Bible says that God looks on His enemies and laughs (see Psalm 2.)
God is not worried about the enemy, and He scoffs at the wicked (see Psalm 37:12-13). Our victory is in the spiritual realm first – before you may see or hear in the natural.
The Laughter and the New Wine
"When you apprehend a victory in the spirit – the goodness of God, and the power of God – and bring it into the situation with the laughter, then the victory manifests."
The laughter and the new wine are like God's anesthetic. Haven't you noticed that when you are drunk in the Spirit you could happily be on the floor for awhile? When you eventually get up, you have a few things missing – maybe a few religious spirits and maybe a sickness is missing? God has to deliver us from weights, so that we can fly at this time. It's a very important time and God is getting us ready for some warfare. Continue reading and you will understand why the laughter is important.
I'm sure most of you have done this: you've been praying for someone or ministering to them and they are telling you all this awful stuff, and you are quite concerned; but then you suddenly start laughing. The other person looks at you like, "What's wrong with you?" Then you say, "Don't worry about it, it's going to be fine, and it's going to be great." Your spirit picks up on a victory that's happening in the spiritual realm. When you receive something from God, you receive first in the spirit, then you will see it in the natural. That's why Jesus said to, "Believe when you pray, not when you see" (see Mark 11:20-24).
Laughter Breaks In and Breaks Out!
I was speaking at a conference in Wales some years ago and as I looked up, I saw a lot of druid spirits on the people. My thought was, "Oh no! Who's going to help me pray for these people to get set free from this druid stuff?"

I stood up to speak and read a couple of Scriptures and suddenly everyone started to laugh, so I sat down. The laughter went on for about 30 minutes and then in the next couple of hours, I finished the seminar and began to pray for people.
I was thinking of praying against the druid spirits I had seen earlier, but as I started to pray, I realized that the druid spirits had left. The Lord said to me, "Don't bother, the laughter already took care of that." When the laughter came at the beginning, the druid spirits couldn't wait to leave. (Photo via Flickr)
Another time, when I was in the security area in Siberia, entering into the country, the atmosphere was intense, because I think the security officers wanted us to know they were in charge. But an angel showed up and started playfully pushing my friend DeAnne and I around. We couldn't stand up properly and we couldn't stop laughing.
Well, you know God's laughter is catching and soon the security people started laughing. I was handing my passport to the officer behind the desk and he started falling off his chair, like he was drunk. He was laughing so much. The officer assisting DeAnne started laughing too when she handed him her passport. Then a security lady was laughing so much she was kneeling on the floor.
We couldn't speak Siberian and they couldn't speak English – except to say, "Passport," "Visa" and "How long?" The supervisor came running out to see what all the ruckus was about and as he passed me, he put his hand on my back and fell over. After awhile they were all tapping their mouths with their fingers, and saying, "What?"
There was an English man there, so I asked him if he understood what they were saying. He said, "Yes, they can taste honey in their mouths." God spoke to me and said, "Yes, and when someone can tell them about Jesus, they will have a good taste in their mouth." He showed me that when someone could tell them about Jesus, they would taste the honey again, so they knew it was something GOOD.
The angels laugh too, I've seen them laugh at religious spirits. Religious spirits hate laughter – now you know why. When you apprehend a victory in the spirit, the goodness of God and the power of God and bring it into the situation with the laughter, then the victory manifests.
Laughter as a Defense
When we pastored a church in Orlando years ago, we began to have a move of the Spirit, but there was one elder who opposed everything. He was very legalistic. He didn't like the liveliness and dancing in the worship. He didn't like the women prophesying, he didn't even like the women to wear make up. He was acting as a "cork" on the bottle of new wine God was giving us.
"Our victory is in the spiritual realm first – before you may see or hear in the natural. "
You know God gives people an opportunity to receive what He's doing, but He doesn't hold back for too long. He also cares about the hungry ones who want more of Him. If the person doesn't receive the deliverance, He will move that person out of the way (as I share in this story below).
Well, this elder was angry at me because he (mostly) blamed me for all the craziness (freedom). He called my house and wanted to see me. He was mad and wanted to meet me at the office. David my husband said, "You don't have to go," but I said, "Oh I don't mind, I'm not intimidated" (although he was a very intimidating man). I went down a couple of days later to keep this appointment.
When I got there he was very angry and his face was red. I sat down and he started ranting, and was angry about all the joy and prophesying, etc. I was sitting there thinking, "A soft answer turns away wrath." I just need to be quiet and say something agreeable. So I sat silently while he really worked himself up. Suddenly I felt these fingers, like feathers, tickling me around my ribs. I knew that it was an angel, and I was silently trying to talk to him, "Stop. This isn't the time for this. Stop." But the angel didn't take any notice and kept tickling me.
I was trying not to laugh. I was trying to look serious, but you know how your face reacts when you're trying not to laugh. The elder looked at me and when he saw I was half smiling, he lost it. He stood up (I'm glad there was a desk between us) and was almost screaming at me. Then I couldn't contain it any more and burst out laughing.

It was the opposite of what I went there to do. He stomped out and slammed the door. He never did come back to the church – he and his wife moved to a "proper" church. A church with a good program and a few traditional songs and a "proper" message, and no women dancing or prophesying.
(Photo via Max Pixel)
When I got home, David didn't even ask me what happened. He just said, "I guess we won't be seeing him again." We did not, but we did have a great time and great move of God, so free and Spirit-led, and so many people were delivered, healed and blessed.
A Victory Laugh
"When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them'"(Ps. 126:2). There wasn't anything funny, it was a victory laugh.
God loves it when you receive because then your joy is full (John 16:24). "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us" (2 Cor. 1:20).
"This is the day the Lord has made..." (which day is that? It's every day. He made every day)
"...we will rejoice and be glad in it" (
Ps. 118:24). Every day is a doorway to an opportunity. All kinds of opportunities are there every day. Every day you can be glad about something, every day you have an opportunity to encourage someone, and say something kind. You can look down at your smart phone right now and send off some encouraging and thankful texts to people. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List
subscribe here.)
Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.