Friday, June 10, 2016

Shocking Prophecies for the Election - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Shocking Prophecies for the Election - The Jim Bakker Show

Dr. Don Colbert, Mary Colbert
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3012 | Aired on June 9, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios


Here's how God brought to pass the dreams of some of our heroes in the Bible.

Is This Dream From God?

Here's how God brought to pass the dreams of some of our heroes in the Bible. (Roksolana Zasiadko)

Spirit-Led Woman
Nearly 10 years ago, after having been saved and Spirit-filled for 14 years, I experienced a personal revival. Many truths in God's Word became revelation to me, and I learned to live more according to the Spirit than according to the flesh. During this season, I came to understand that God had created me for a unique destiny.
I was SO excited! For the first time in my life, I had purpose—a true sense of calling. As I continued to press into God, He began to speak to me through dreams, visions and prophetic words about the things He would have me do.
He even began to move me in the direction I would need to go to fulfill some of the words. Though they had nothing to do with ruling and reigning, I felt as Joseph must have after he had received supernatural input about his future.
What I didn't know was that, like Joseph, I too was headed for a pit. It was a figurative rather than a literal one—but it was nevertheless a place of betrayal and rejection that caused me much disillusionment and pain.
I couldn't make sense of my experience or find a resolution for it. Slowly but surely the dreams began to fade, and the desire I had to become all God wanted me to be fizzled out.
By His grace, I didn't completely give up at this point; I kept running to Him. And when I pressed in to study His Word, I saw something. I wasn't the only one who had experienced the death of a vision on the way to fulfillment! Many characters in the Bible went through a similar time in their journeys.
Moses was appointed by God to be a leader of His people—to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. He didn't ask for the job; in fact, he resisted it. But once God convinced him of his call, he took the necessary steps to begin walking in it.
What happened? Every time he appealed to Pharaoh to "let God's people go," Pharaoh said, "No." It's a little difficult to lead a group of people if you can't get them moving in the right direction! Moses must have wondered whether he had really heard God about the appointment in the first place.
Joseph dreamed that he would rule over his own family; then he was sold by his brothers as a slave. In any society, a slave is a far cry from a ruler! And his chances of fulfilling his destiny got even slimmer when he was thrown in prison for something he didn't do.
David was anointed as a young boy to be king over the Israelites, but he spent the next 15 years trying to stay alive long enough to make it to the throne. He probably thought Saul, the reigning king, would be the one to train him up and prepare him for the job; instead, Saul sought to kill him.
David must have felt the prophet Samuel had made a big mistake in pouring the anointing oil over his head. The way things were going, he was more likely to become mincemeat at the end of a sword than the next king!
Paul was called as an apostle to the Gentiles. He traveled all over Asia preaching the gospel—until he was apprehended and put in jail. Suddenly, his ministry travels came to a screeching halt. How was he supposed to reach the people God had sent him to?
Perhaps you are in the place today that these godly characters once were, trying to hang on by a thread to a promise or a vision or a prophetic word and wondering why the realization of it seems so impossible—or at least far away. Perhaps you are feeling, as I did, as if you can't go on.
Don't worry. You aren't responsible for putting the wind back in your own sails. "For God is the One working in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13). He is responsible for taking you from the promise to the presentation of it. And He knows that the season in between—the time of preparation—is often difficult.
But He also knows what it will take for you to carry out the commission He has given you, and He wants to be certain you are prepared for the task. He uses the time of preparation to patiently and carefully equip you, going so far as to work all things together for your good so that His purposes ultimately will prevail (Rom. 8:28).
We don't know for certain all that God had to work into—or out of—the biblical characters I mentioned to make them ready for their destinies. But we do know the end results.
Moses led God's people out of Egypt and through the wilderness to the brink of the promised land. Joseph was named second in command to the highest ruler in the nation. David became king over all Israel—not just over one of the two kingdoms. Paul wrote letters while in jail, now called "epistles," that have "spoken" to Gentiles and believers alike for centuries as a part of the New Testament.
Did these men fulfill their destinies? You bet they did! And you will too. The Bible tells us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb. 13:8), so you can rest assured that God will do for you what He did for them.
Don't let the season of preparation discourage you or dampen your faith. Don't let it obscure your vision. Hang on! If you have a promise, you'll see the presentation—just like all the saints who have gone before.
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Dare to go deeper in your faith. Our "Life in the Spirit" devotional takes you on a journey to explore who the Holy Spirit is, how to interact with Him, and how He works in your life. Are you ready to go deeper?

Making Room For God ✡ "The Temple of the Lord" - ISRAEL365

And it was when Solomon had finished building theTemple of the Lord and the King's palace and all Solomon's desire that he wished to make.

וַיְהִי כְּכַלּוֹת שְׁלֹמֹה לִבְנוֹת אֶת בֵּית יְ-הוָה וְאֶת בֵּית הַמֶּלֶךְ וְאֵת כָּל חֵשֶׁק שְׁלֹמֹה אֲשֶׁר חָפֵץ לַעֲשׂוֹת

מלכים א ט:א

va-y'-hee k'-kha-lot shlo-mo liv-not et bayt a-do-nai v'-et bayt ha-me-lekh v'-ayt kol khay-shek shlo-mo a-sher kha-fatz la-a-sot

Jerusalem Inspiration

The Holy Temple in Jerusalem was often called the "House of God" or the "House of Prayer," an ideal setting for spiritual growth and connection with the Almighty. Since its destruction, we are taught to make our own homes into "miniature Sanctuaries" (in Hebrew, a "Mikdash m'-at"). By making room for God within our physical walls, we hope to make room for God in our own hearts as well.  'Tikvah' means hope: by bringing some hope and joy into the hearts of underprivileged children in Israel, we make room for them to embrace God and envision for themselves a bright future. 'TikvaHope' organizes summer programming for children who would otherwise be on the streets. Help them make these vital activities possible.

Ancient Coins Unearthed

Archaeologists in Israel were astounded to come across a cache of ancient coins used during the Hasmonean period. The ongoing dig is taking place ahead of plans for construction near the city of Modi’in.

New Youth Club Near Gaza Shows the Resilient Israeli Spirit

Sderot has been plagued with rocket fire from Gaza for years, but residents of the beleagered city won't give up. The launch of a new youth club is empowering their youth and preparing them for success.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

The old city of Jerusalem in all its glory.  Thousands of years after Solomon reigned it is still so awe inspiring!

Thank You

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“Excited to Have Found Jerusalem365”

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  I am so excited to have found Jerusalem365. In my heart I always wanted to see City Of God.....I FEEL VERY CONNECTED!!! Many of my Christian friend have been blessed to travel to the Holy Land. I dont foresee me to venture there due to finances, so I must utilize my imagination as many do, from interpreting the Bible. I stand with Gods chosen people. I live in Tacoma, Washington. God know my hearts desires. Peace Be With Your Nation.I Love you, Tannie
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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George Soros Is Preparing For Economic Collapse – Does He Know Something That You Don’t? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

George Soros - Photo by Niccolo Caranti

Posted: 09 Jun 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Why is George Soros selling stocks, buying gold and making “a series of big, bearish investments”?  If things stay relatively stable like they are right now, these moves will likely cost George Soros a tremendous amount of money.  But if a major financial crisis is imminent, he stands to make obscene returns.  So does George Soros know something that the rest of us do not?  Could it be possible that he has spent too much time reading websites such as The Economic Collapse Blog?  What are we to make of all of this?

The recent trading moves that Soros has made are so big and so bearish that they have even gotten the attention of the Wall Street Journal
Worried about the outlook for the global economy and concerned that large market shifts may be at hand, the billionaire hedge-fund founder and philanthropist recently directed a series of big, bearish investments, according to people close to the matter.
Soros Fund Management LLC, which manages $30 billion for Mr. Soros and his family, sold stocks and bought gold and shares of gold miners, anticipating weakness in various markets. Investors often view gold as a haven during times of turmoil.
Hmmm – it sounds suspiciously like George Soros and Michael Snyder are on the exact same page as far as what is about to happen to the global economy.

You know that it is very late in the game when that starts happening…

One thing that George Soros is particularly concerned about that I haven’t been talking a lot about yet is the upcoming Brexit vote.  If the United Kingdom leaves the EU (and hopefully they will), the short-term consequences for the European economy could potentially be absolutely catastrophic
Mr. Soros also argues that there remains a good chance the European Union will collapse under the weight of the migration crisis, continuing challenges in Greece and a potential exit by the United Kingdom from the EU.
If Britain leaves, it could unleash a general exodus, and the disintegration of the European Union will become practically unavoidable,” he said.
The Brexit vote will be held two weeks from today on June 23rd, and we shall be watching to see what happens.

But Soros is not just concerned about a potential Brexit.  The economic slowdown in China also has him very worried, and so he has directed his firm to make extremely bearish wagers.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the last time Soros made these kinds of bearish moves was back in 2007, and it resulted in more than a billion dollars of gains for his company.
Of course Soros is not alone in his bearish outlook.  In fact, Goldman Sachs has just warned that “there may be significant risk to the downside for the market”
Goldman Sachs is getting nervous about stocks.
In a note to clients, equity strategist Christian Mueller-Glissmann outlined the firm’s fears that there may be significant risk to the downside for the market.
Ultimately, George Soros and Goldman Sachs are looking at the same economic data that I share with my readers on a daily basis.

As I have been documenting for months, almost every single economic indicator that you can possibly think of says that we are heading into a recession.

For instance, just today I was sent a piece by Mike Shedlock that showed that federal and state tax receipts are really slowing down just like they did just prior to the last two recessions…
US federal personal tax receipts receipts are falling fast. So is the Evercore ISI State Tax Survey.
The last two times the survey plunged this much, the US was already in recession.
Is it different this time?
Tax Receipts - Mish Shedlock
And online job postings on LinkedIn have now been falling precipitously since February after 73 months in a row of growth
After 73 consecutive months of year-over-year growth, online jobs postings have been in decline since February. May was by far the worst month since January 2009, down 285k from April and down 552k from a year ago.
Last week, the government issued the worst jobs report in nearly six years, and the energy industry continues to bleed good paying middle class jobs at a staggering rate.  The following comes from
That may seem counterintuitive in an industry that has been rapidly shedding workers, with more than 350,000 people laid off in the oil and gas industry worldwide.
Texas is one place feeling the pain. Around 99,000 direct and indirect jobs in the Lone Star state have been eliminated since prices collapsed two years ago, or about one third of the entire industry. In April alone there were about 6,300 people in oil and gas and supporting services that were handed pink slips. Employment in Texas’ oil sector is close to levels not seen since the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2009. “We’re still losing big chunks of jobs with each passing month,” Karr Ingham, an Amarillo-based economist, told The Houston Chronicle.
At this point it is so obvious that we have entered a new economic downturn that I don’t know how anyone can possibly deny it any longer.

Unfortunately, the reality of what is happening has not sunk in with the general population yet.

Just like 2008, people are feverishly racking up huge credit card balances even though we stand on the precipice of a major financial crisis…
American taxpayers are quick to criticize the federal government for its ever-increasing national debt, but a new study released Wednesday found taxpayers are also saddled with debt, and are likely to end 2016 with a record high $1 trillion in outstanding balances.
Wallethub, a site that recommends credit cards based on consumers’ needs, said that will be the highest amount of credit card debt on record, surpassing even the years during and before the Great Recession. The site said the record high was in 2008, when people owed $984.2 billion on their credit cards.
Will we ever learn?

This has got to be one of the worst possible times to be going into credit card debt.
Sadly, the “dumb money” will continue to act dumb and the “smart money” (such as George Soros) will continue to quietly position themselves to take advantage of the crisis that is already starting to unfold.

We can’t change what is happening to the economy, but we do have control over the choices that we make.

So I urge you to please make your choices wisely.

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*

Thursday, June 9, 2016

“A Gift From God”: Terror Victim Miraculously Survives Two Shots to the Head By Ariella Mendlowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Israeli security forces at the scene where a suspect terrorist opened fire at the Sarona Market shopping center in tel Aviv, on June 8, 2016. The suspect shot and killed four people, in a suspected terror attack in the center of the city. (Photo: Gili Yaari/Flash90)

“A Gift From God”: Terror Victim Miraculously Survives Two Shots to the Head

“Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast shown unto me in saving my life.” Genesis 19:19 (The Israel Bible™)
Amid the tragedy that followed Wednesday night’s shooting, one victim saw God’s hand as he survived two gunshot wounds to the head.
Asaf Bar was with his girlfriend at the Max Brenner cafe in Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market when two Palestinian terrorists, also dining at the restaurant, opened fire in their direction. According to The Jerusalem Post, Bar was shot in the head twice, yet somehow he not only survived the terrible ordeal, but remained conscious throughout the evening, including the ride to the hospital.
His girlfriend immediately called to notify the Bar family their son had been wounded. Upon receiving the news, they rushed from Haifa to be with Asaf.
Bar’s father, Avner, and sister, Dana Cohen, shared the victim’s experience with Israeli media.
Avner Bar, father of Asaf Bar who was wounded in yesterday's shooting attack, together with Asaf's sister, Dana Cohen, speak with the press at Ichilov Hospital where Asaf is hospitalized, on June 9, 2016. A suspect shot and wounded 9 people, 4 of them have died of their wounds, at the Sarona Market shopping center in tel Aviv, on June 8. (Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90)
Avner Bar, father of Asaf Bar who was wounded in yesterday’s shooting attack, together with Asaf’s sister, Dana Cohen, speak with the press at Ichilov Hospital where Asaf is hospitalized, on June 9, 2016. A suspect shot and wounded 9 people, 4 of them have died of their wounds, at the Sarona Market shopping center in tel Aviv, on June 8. (Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90)
“Asaf was sitting [in the restaurant] with his girlfriend. They were there eating a breakfast meal, and the perpetrator, the first thing he did was to shoot two bullets at Asaf,” they said.
“[Asaf] saw the two terrorists and they were laughing. In his description he said they were wearing suits – this was at the table next to them,” Avner said. “In photographs [the terrorists] are seen getting up, taking a step, and aiming a gun half-a-meter away from Asaf.”
Despite Bar’s horrific encounter with his would-be killers, God’s mighty hand clearly played a part in saving the boy’s life.
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“I feel like [my] boy is here as a gift from God,” his father marveled.
In a voice that evoked appreciation for the medics caring for Asaf, Avner explained his son’s current medical standing. “He spoke to us now, he can move all his body parts. One bullet remains in his head and the other was removed”
“It was [truly] a miracle that he came out of this,” Avner emphasized.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Explains the Pre-Abomination Prophecies - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Explains the Pre-Abomination Prophecies

Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at
Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

Although Jesus will come as a thief in the night, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn explains antichrist movements are not sudden—they are prepared and allowed to happen over the course of years. He points to 1 Maccabees 4:38 in his teaching that sheds light on how the end-times will unfold.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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Judge Permits Christian Group to Talk Freely about Jesus - CBN News Charlene Aaron

Judge Permits Christian Group to Talk Freely about Jesus  06-09-2016 CBN News Charlene Aaron
A federal judge has ruled against North Carolina State University over it's permit policy that requires Christian students obtain a permit to share their faith on campus.
In September, members of Grace Christian Life, which meets on the NC State campus, was denied being able to pass out flyers and invite students to attend worship services. 
School officials said the group's actions violated it's speech permit policy, which says that students must obtain permission from the Student Involvement Ofice to hand out fliers and brochures or engage with students.
CBN News has been following this story.
The Christian group had a registered permit, but when they set up a table, they were told they had to stay behind the table and not approach other students. They would have to wait until a student came up to them.
Grace Christian Life noted other student groups were allowed to leave from behind tables and freely interact with other students.
On Tuesday, Chief U.S. District Judge James C. Denver III, issued a preliminary injunction against the school's policy, saying it violates the students' First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
Alliance Defending Freedom filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Christian group.
"According to the First Amendment, students do not need a permit to talk to other students on college campuses. The only permit a student needs is the First Amendment," ADF attorney Tyson Langhofer said.
ADF attorneys say the policy is unconstitutional and was used to discriminate against Grace Christian Life.

ISIS Burns 19 Yazidi Women Alive in Metal Cages - CBN News

Yazidi mother weeps, CBN News image, Jonathan Goff
ISIS Burns 19 Yazidi Women Alive in Metal Cages
CBN News 06-08-2016
JERUSALEM, Israel – Nineteen Yazidi women who refused to become sex slaves of their ISIS captors were caged and burned alive in Mosul, Iraq, late last week before hundreds of spectators that included their husbands.
"They were punished for refusing to have sex with ISIS militants, local media activist Abdullah al-Malla told ARA News Agency.
The women, along with thousands of others, were kidnapped in August 2014 when ISIS took control of Sinjar in northwestern Iraq. Many of the women were sold as sex slaves.
The Kurdistan regional government says ISIS is holding at least 1,800 women captive in Iraq and Syria, while the U.N. estimates the Islamic State is holding some 3,500 Yazidi women captive.
Last year, ISIS caged and burned alive Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot, posting the execution on line as it had done of beheadings. The Jordanian government made good on its pledge toexecute two imprisoned ISIS terrorists.