Monday, June 13, 2016


Morris Ruddick

© Morris E. Ruddick
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Also, I have a special Facebook page for Joseph-Daniel Testimonies. Add your testimony to those already included. Go to my main FB page at Morris Ruddick and under pages select: Joseph-Daniel Calling Marketplace Testimonies. The call of God to the marketplace is still in the pioneering stage. We need one another and we need to be encouraged by one another by sharing what God has done in our lives.

In our discussion of Jewish business secrets, community represents both the core and the catalyst of the secrets of Jewish culture. It is within community that vital actuators are found tied to why the Jewish people are disproportionate achievers.

Community has been given as a gift. It is a safe place. Community builds and releases blessing upon its members from one generation to another. However, the cog in the wheel that sets a community apart is when entrepreneurship, stewardship and generosity merge, with God at the center, to mobilize the community.

Community bears the defining factors that were sought by Ghandi who was amazed at the teachings of Jesus, but rejected the faith because of his observations of the lives of the Christians he knew.

In our look at Jewish business secrets, volunteerism is an igniter and galvanizer of the community force, both the strategy and action that brings change that is recognized by the world.

When the community assumes its identity and destiny by mobilizing, then a multiplication factor kicks in. The impact on the outside world begins as community builds from within. Yet the mantle of Abraham is in being blessed in order to be a blessing. As the community-in-action mobilizes and actuates change from within the blessings on those around it will trickle down.

The priority is to: "Do good to all men, but especially those who are of the household of faith." In other words, if the mobilized community only serves to bless itself, then it misses a vital ingredient in the dynamic.

The Enduring Foundations
God, through Abraham, set in motion the original economy, the original foundation for business. In God's economy, the framework of Jewish business secrets, the purpose of business goes beyond the need of the business owner and helps both its customers and neighbors. It is written that you should love your neighbor as yourself.

Jewish tradition has a long track record of benevolence and providing opportunity for the less fortunate. The design of helping your neighbor is to provide the opportunity for them to stand on their own. In farming settings, ancient Jewish tradition stresses the importance of leaving the leftovers, the gleanings of the harvest for the poor and needy to gather up themselves once the harvest is complete.

In the world's economy, everyone is focused on taking care of themselves. It engenders squeezing everything out of an opportunity for the benefit and future of the business or individual. However, in God's economy, the practice of gleaning illustrates looking out for your "neighbor," others in the community less fortunate and even providing the dignity of work while fulfilling the need of food that is obtained from the "leftovers" of the gleaning.
In Jewish tradition, taking care of the genuinely needy carries the promises of God's blessing.

It is written that if you assist with the needs of the poor, of the orphans and destitute widows, then will your light shine in the darkness and your darkness be as the noon day. In Jewish culture poverty is viewed as temporary, with the community bearing a responsibility of assisting with the stepping stones in getting beyond this interim state.

Strengthening the Culture
Jewish feast-days are community celebrations, times that mobilize the community to draw it together in unity. These gatherings celebrate significant milestones in Jewish history, remembrances of how God has not only defined their identity as a people blessed to be a blessing, but in giving remembrance to events representing God's intervention at significant junctures.

These are times giving focus to their identity as a people of God and a culture within the cultures of the world. These are times that reinforce the unity tied to being a part of the fulfillment of an eternal purpose that transcends the generations. These gatherings represent a vital part of the means to keep the community focused and mobilized.

The Gift of Mobilizing
Years ago I was program manager for a rural AM/FM radio station that had a simulcast format filled by two local ministers whose gift some claimed was simply in random gabbing. When I took the job, the station had the dubious distinction of more than twelve years without being on the audience-rating charts. In other words, almost no one was listening to the broadcasts.

In my new role as program director of this station, I began giving prayer to the solution needed. Not long afterward, we were in church with some hearty worship in song. The song-leader clearly had a gift of mobilizing the congregation.

As I continued praying about the serious need for this radio station, I decided to meet with this man. I asked him if he had ever considered working in radio. Tears came to his eyes as he replied that becoming a radio announcer had been his dream for years.

I hired him. Not only did he provide an upbeat program to listen to, but he went out and met people in the community. He began putting together cross-denominational events and people came. At the end of the first rating period after hiring him, this heretofore almost defunct radio station hit the charts. For the next year, that community came to life because of this man's radio show and the resulting activities in the community.
Charlie Myers had a gift as a community mobilizer.

Then good for him, but not for the smaller communities served by this station, he was hired by the largest Christian radio station in the metro area 40 miles from the station where he began. He did the same thing there. His show and his activities mobilized the community and he became known as the most popular Christian "voice" in that area.

Volunteerism: The Strategy of Mobilizing
Mobilized community is not only the catalyst to benefit the community, it is what the outside world is observing. From that ripples extend to the broader community.

Mobilized community translates into disproportionate generosity and volunteerism. These two factors were studied in-depth by Arthur Brooks in his book "Who Really Cares" (2006, Basic Books, New York). His conclusion was that religious people as a whole are far more fervent in both generosity and participating in community activities than non-religious people.

He investigated the supposition that the mobilized charity and volunteerism among the religious was only within their religious spheres, and found it not to be valid. Charity, philanthropy and volunteerism from among the religious extends to activities that benefit society as a whole. It is not only central to Jewish cultural DNA but represents an important core element in the foundations Christianity has inherited from Judaism.

Trust: the Secret of Mobilizing
Mr. Brooks' conclusions dovetail uniquely with the social economic dynamics described by Francis Fukuyama in trust societies. Trust societies nurture economic prosperity far more than other forms of economic models.

Dr. Fukuyama has found that high trust societies form volunteer and meritocratic organizations that enhance the vibrancy and opportunity within the economies they serve. They create networks that benefit the enterprises by fostering better communications and social change. Low-trust societies on the other hand tend to rely on more restricted networks that confines opportunity, communications and change, and as such the potential for prosperity.

Again we return to the story of Joseph. Joseph's thirteen years of captivity were the means by which the spiritual climate of his captors was changed. Joseph demonstrated the reality of God through his service. Joseph's identity in God and his wise stewardship resulted in him being trusted. Joseph bore a mantle of blessing that he extended to his captors. So it is in operating in a culture within a culture that we serve and we bless.

With wise steward and trust as the foundation in each circumstance of Joseph's captivity he operated with unusual spiritual authority. When Potiphar saw the authority of God operating in Joseph and the resulting blessings, he trusted Joseph with his authority.
Despite the trauma of the spiritual backlash that sent Joseph to prison, God gave Joseph favor with the keeper of the prison. As such, the jailer trusted Joseph with his authority and put him over all the other prisoners. When we serve and bless, it makes room for us. It may not happen all at once, but wisdom shouts at us to walk before we run and establish a track record.

Charlie Myers had a vision to be a radio announcer. He had no idea on how or whether the dream would ever become a reality. Yet, he was faithful in the small things and volunteered as a song leader at a time when I was in a position to hear from God and recognize his gift. With the anointing for the gift will come the trust and the authority that opens the doors for opportunity.

I have a long-time friend who once advised me to "follow favor." After evil's attempt to crush Joseph and the role he was serving in Potiphar's house, that resulted in sending him to prison, it was favor that God gave Joseph with the jailor. Favor is the fruit of trust. Favor is the gateway of opportunity.

Service: the Catalyst of Opportunity
Service and volunteerism is the pathway of opportunity that triggers favor and trust.
These factors need to be embedded in the culture. When they reflect a lifestyle, then the bearing of fruit that produces opportunity will not be short-circuited by impatience. Even Joseph struggled with impatience. At the time he interpreted the dreams for the baker and the wine-taster he wanted nothing more than to leave Egypt and return home. Yet, the time that followed and his patience in waiting produced something that was dramatically more than what he could have worked out on his on.

It was the fulfillment of the dreams he had as a young man that had so riled his brothers that they sought to rid themselves of his challenge to their profane and too often substandard spiritual lives.

Service: The Higher Standard
Joseph's life raised the bar for those around him. First it was his brothers. Then it was Potiphar's household and then the environment of the prison. Joseph was the spiritual seasoning, the salt that brought forth the flavor in the spiritual environment around him. It didn't happen immediately. It came through his faithful stewardship to be blessed to be a blessing. Sometimes, as with his brothers and Potiphar's wife, it resulted in spiritual backlash.

Yet, the salt, the spiritual flavoring carried a higher standard and spiritual authority that could not be held back. The salt is an igniter that multiplies when operating within a community of light.

Arthur Brooks' premise is that people are looking for those who really care. The litmus test can be found in those who are involved not only in their own communities, but in serving the society at large. Ghandi was looking for such people. Such dynamics are embedded in the core of Jewish culture and Jewish business secrets.

Volunteerism and generosity trigger the authority that releases change. It is change first in the spiritual climate before it takes root to bear the fruit of change. It is the trigger for discovery that results from the thinking that releases the creative.

The Purifying Role of Volunteerism
Mobilized community tends to cross fertilize. One of the chief criticisms that outsiders have of Christianity is how fractionalized the church as a whole is. Yet in the practice of Jewish culture, Jews can come together around worshipping the God of Israel and feeding the poor.

The boundaries defined by doctrinal precepts in the church are too often barriers to the community interacting as it should. They are obstacles to coming together for a common purpose non-judgmentall and without the need to cast aspersion on ones holding different perspectives.

It is about the unity that Jesus noted that should define us. When a people are defined by their identity and major purpose rather than minor precepts that divide them, it tends to draw even diverse factions together. Unity of purpose strengthens and purifies.

On the wall of my wife's office is plaque she received for her many years of service as a mental health, disaster relief volunteer for the Red Cross. Her memories of the mobilizations she participated in included disproportionate participation from the Jewish community. Indeed, in global tragedies, Israel is known as a first responder.

As it is written: "Lift up a standard on the bare hill, raise your voice to them, enter the doors of nobles. I have instructed my consecrated ones and called even my mighty warriors." Isaiah the prophet foresaw the need to mobilize and make an impact on the surrounding society. It is a clarion call for people of faith to be people of change. Such a groundswell for change and for good will only happen through a mobilized community.
People want to be a part of something that is happening, of something that is making a difference. There is a remote town in Nebraska named North Platte that became famous during WWII. Trains carrying the troops across the country destined for the war stopped ten minutes in North Platte.

One night, a woman met one of the trains with sandwiches, apples and candy. The local paper told her story and soon each train was being met by women, young and old, who cared and wanted to demonstrate it.

Eventually, people came from surrounding communities to participate. The president of the United States learned about it and sent a personal contribution. Most of the resources came from people in the North Platte area, with many sacrificing and giving up food from their ration cards in order to bless these troops. This practice began in 1941 and continued throughout the rest of the war.

Today, those still alive who gave along with those who received from this ongoing spontaneity of volunteerism have incredibly meaningful remembrances embedded of those acts of kindness in their memories.

It is written: "Be doers of the truth and not hearers only." Jesus observed that people would be truly known by their fruits. What is being suggested is that within the community of faith, there is a call for activism that crosses boundaries. That activism is incorporated in the mantle of Abraham, to be blessed to be a blessing.

Jesus also made a most unusual statement in a famous prayer he prayed. He asked that His followers would be one, as Jesus was one with God. Such a dynamic implies that the community of believers would flow together in purpose so uniquely that the world would take notice. He went on to say that in doing so the community of faith would grow in maturity and power by abiding in one another in this way.

This great statement taps the truth of what happens when the community simultaneously abides in God and in one another. It is a Jewish phenomenon that results in the mobilized community making an impact for good in the broader society around it. In terms of Jewish business secrets, it is the igniter to the disproportionate success achieved by the Jewish people.

The world is looking for the reality of God operating through a people. The world is looking for those who care.

Volunteerism and hearts joined by tz'dakah represent the actions that energize and propel the mobilized community. Mobilized community bears the fruit described as "a light shining on a hill that cannot be hidden" that draws the world.
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from and

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at

Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.

2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization
Global Initiatives Foundation, PO Box 370291, Denver, CO 80237

Terror Can Occur Anywhere - Hananya Naftali ISRAEL TODAY

Terror Can Occur Anywhere

Monday, June 13, 2016 |  Hananya Naftali  ISRAEL TODAY
Imagine yourself going out.
You sit in a restaurant with your friends, the waiter is coming to take your orders. There is always that one friend who takes forever to decide what to order, but he finally decides to go with the special.
You sit, talk and enjoy one another’s company, and then suddenly you hear gunshots. You look around and see dozens of people, like you, that came to the restaurant to hang out with friends or family and have a good time. But now they are running for their lives.
One hides in a refrigerator, another lies down pretending to be dead. You see a mother grabbing her baby and running out of the restaurant, desperate to save that treasured life.
What is the value of life? Can someone buy another’s life? Can someone take your life because he wants to? Life is expensive, nobody is empowered to take it from you. Life is precious.
Those terrorists don’t know the value of life. While we mourn as a nation and cry with the families that lost their loved ones, Palestinians in the West Bank celebrate our deaths, handing candies to kids in the streets and educating them that killing Jews is a good deed worth celebrating.
Killing a human being is like killing a whole world. It’s emotionally killing the family, the friends, and what if this human being had a bright future? Imagine the family he could have had, the kids he could’ve brought into the world.
This is a call to pray for our enemies. Blindly they believe that Israel is bad and that we deserve death. But, hey, we all deserved death…until Jesus came to the world, and took our sins on the cross. They need to be loved and they need to know Jesus.
Pray for your enemies.
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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Which presidential candidate truly understands the threat of Radical Islam?


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Which presidential candidate truly understands the threat of Radical Islam, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

by joelcrosenberg
(Washington, D.C.) -- During my brief time here in the nation's capital, in addition to working on my next novel, I've been meeting with Members of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Senate Armed Services Committee, and other Middle East experts. We've been discussing the latest trends in Radical Islam and Apocalyptic Islam and how to confront these challenges in the years ahead.
On Thursday, I was interviewed by a political reporter about the presidential race and which presumptive nominee truly gets the magnitude of the threats we face in the epicenter and is effectively prepared to keep Americans and our allies safe. Here are excerpts from that interview:
By Alex Swoyer, Breitbart News, June 9, 2016
Joel Rosenberg, a New York Times best-selling and award-winning author who focuses on radical Islam, said presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and flawed Democratic candidate in history — but the Middle East expert isn’t too excited about presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump either.
“We’re in a strange moment where Hillary Clinton has the most foreign policy experience, but her judgment on the key foreign policy issues -- especially radical Islam -- is horrible,” Rosenberg, who is a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, told Breitbart News during an exclusive interview on Thursday. “She’s the most corrupt and deeply flawed Democratic candidate that has emerged in history and it’s not clear that we have a candidate at the moment who is able to play against her weaknesses on the issue of foreign policy....
He spoke to Breitbart News about the threat of radical Islam following the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv in which four people were killed.
“This is a pretty serious breach of Israeli security,” he said of the attack, noting it’s the first attack in three months in which civilians were killed. He also referenced a terrorist attack in Jordan earlier in the week, noting that he had previously met with King Abdullah II of Jordan. “We’re in this together.”
“We are allies in a real war, a hot war, against radical Islam,” Rosenberg added.
“We know that we are not in danger from all Muslims,” he said. “This is about a radical, violent subset, which is probably ten percent or less of the entire Islamic world according to a lot of survey data....”
“What’s stunning is that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama absolutely refuse to define the threat to Americans and our allies as radical Islam. The president, of course, for seven and a half years absolutely refused to use the term radical Islam,” Rosenberg criticized, saying one must fully understand the threat posed in order to not be blindsided.
Although Rosenberg believes Clinton is an extremely flawed candidate for President of the United States, he isn’t supporting presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump either because he’s “deeply uncomfortable” with Trump’s rhetoric with regard to his proposed Muslim ban, in which Trump suggested stopping Muslim immigration into the United States until an improved vetting system was in place.
“Donald Trump will use the term 'radical Islamic threat,'” he explained. “What gives me real caution about Trump is … first of all, he refuses to commit to ripping up the nuclear deal with Iran.”
“To give them nuclear energy, ballistic missiles and a pathway to nuclear weapons is insane and Donald Trump won’t commit to scrapping that insane nuclear deal that President Obama and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry negotiated. That raises serious questions about whether Trump understands the threat or whether he’s just picked up the rhetoric of radical Islam,” He questioned.
He also criticized the billionaire saying, “Trump has said we’re going to go kill women and children who are wives and children of terrorists. This plays directly into the hands of terrorists.”
Although Rosenberg is critical of Trump’s rhetoric and his proposal to pause Muslim immigration, he says he doesn’t believe Syrian and Iraqi refugees should come into the United States.
“I do not support opening the floodgates to allowing Syrian and Iraqi refugees to flood into the United States. We do not have an ability to vet tens of thousands of refugees that are coming from countries where ISIS and other radical groups are completely infiltrated,” he stated. “Hillary Clinton’s proposal to bring 65,000 more Syrian refugees into the country is incredibly dangerous and we absolutely should not do that.”
He said Trump’s mistakes come “when he says sweeping statements,” which are made “through inexperience and flawed instincts.”
“What we need to be saying is that the vast majority of Muslims are not a threat and we need to focus on radical Islam,” Rosenberg said.
[NOTE: These are my own personal views as an American citizens. They don't represent in any way the views of The Joshua Fund, which is a non-political, non-partisan organization.]
joelcrosenberg | June 11, 2016 at 1:17 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Gunman Plotted to Kill Christian Singer Christina Grimmie - CHRISTINE D. JOHNSON CHARISMA NEWS

Christina Grimmie, a contestant on "The Voice," was killed in Orlando, Florida by an unknown assailant.

Gunman Plotted to Kill Christian Singer Christina Grimmie

Christian singer Christina Grimmie's life ended in tragedy at an Orlando, Florida, concert venue.

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The gunman who shot Christian singer Christina Grimmie Friday night traveled to Orlando, Florida, specifically to kill the contestant from NBC's 'The Voice,' according toUSA Today. Grimmie reportedly did not know the assailant.
The singer, 22, died Saturday at an Orlando hospital after the gunman shot her at the Plaza Live Theater while she was signing autographs for her fans. She was the opening act for the band Before You Exit.
Orlando police say a 27-year-old white male came to the concert venue from another Florida city and was armed with two handguns and a hunting knife. Her brother tackled the gunman, who then proceeded to shoot and kill himself.
"@TheRealGrimmie died from those gunshot wounds," tweeted Orlando police. "Her brother is a hero and possibly saved countless other lives. He is not injured."
"We believe he came here to commit this crime," Orlando Police Chief John Mina said.
Police have not yet disclosed the name of the gunman.
Fans shared their love for the singer on Twitter with the hashtag #prayforchristina. 
"People are seriously so crazy, gone too soon," singer Selena Gomez tweeted.
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Mike Bickle Meets With Pope Francis to Discuss Jesus - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Several Pentecostal leaders met with Pope Francis.Mike Bickle Meets With Pope Francis to Discuss Jesus

Several Pentecostal leaders met with Pope Francis. (Reuters)
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Some of the most recognizable names in the charismatic movement had a private meeting with Pope Francis on Friday. Mike Bickle, Che Ahn, Kris Vallotton, Stacey Campbell and dozens of other Protestant leaders from North America and Europe gathered at the Vatican.
According to Bickle, director of IHOP in Kansas City, the purpose of the meeting was to engage in an on-going dialogue about the pontiff's views on Jesus and Christianity.
"The meeting lasted a couple of hours. They gave us the opportunity to ask questions. The meeting was very warm and personal," Bickle told Charisma News. "I asked him about his views on the serious error and deception of universalism that claims that 'all paths lead to God' and other religions being saved without receiving the grace of God that only comes through Jesus. He assured me that he believes that Jesus is the only way of salvation."
Bickle asked him again pointedly, "Is Jesus the only way of salvation?" He described Francis as "very strong" in his agreement on Christ as the Savior of the World and emphasized his love for Jesus and the Scripture.
What about the pontiff's controversial statement about Muslims and members of other world religions claiming "children of God" status? Bickle was told Francis was referring to all humans being children of the creator and children of Adam not "children of redemption."
"The verse that was given to me was Matthew 5:44 describing the Father giving sun and rain to the just and unjust," says Bickle. "He is unhappy with the views of some of the Catholic leadership who do not honor or value the faith of Protestant believers. He believes that a close relationship with Jesus is the only hope for the nations."    
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Friday, June 10, 2016

Can China's Love of Music Be the Key to Revival? - CBN News George Thomas

Can China's Love of Music Be the Key to Revival?
CBN News George Thomas

BEIJING -- China loves music. A new survey shows hundreds of millions listen to it on a regular basis. Now a small, but growing number of Chinese Christians are tapping into that market with a genre of music they hope will impact the world's most populous nation. 
Xu Chi is part of that movement. Xu was a rock singer for 20 years. 
He performed in nightclubs and other venues around China. But the fame and wealth, he says, did nothing to quench the emptiness he felt inside.
"It took me sometime to admit it, but the pleasure was temporary. It did not reach down into my soul," Xu told CBN News.
From Rock to the Gospel
Xu said that all changed in a single moment and transformed his singing career.
"I was reading the Bible and God spoke to me through the verse in Jeremiah 1 verses 7 and 8, which says: 'Do not say, I am too young. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you,'" he said.
That scripture was like a revelation. Xu says he knew then that the Lord was calling him to do something new with his voice.
"I realized that my past 20 years as a rock singer wasn't a waste and that God was preparing me to use music to share His love," Xu said.
So instead of playing in nightclubs, he started organizing Christian concerts around the country, something that had never been done before publicly, and on such a large scale. 
"When I stepped out of the entertainment business and committed myself to the Church and to using music to draw people to Christ, my life status and values changed completely," he explained.
Musical Revival
And the Lord rewarded his obedience. 
"I have been in full-time music ministry for almost three years now. During these three years, around 2 million people have come forward to accept Christ at my concerts! Yes, 2 million people!" he told CBN News.
China loves music. In a first-of-its-kind survey released earlier this year, a staggering 977 million people -- that's 75 percent of China's 1.3 billion population -- listen to music regularly.
Xu knows he has a captive audience that's open to hearing about God's love.
"Every time I step on that stage I feel the responsibility to share the Gospel with non-believers and tell them about repentance and forgiveness, and share how my broken life was restored and renewed," he said.
What Satan Meant for Evil...
Xu admits that what he and other Christian musicians are doing to share the Gospel in China is huge. This is, after all, an officially atheist country where the government often frowns on Christianity.
And while the Christian music industry here pales in comparison to the United States, Xu believes they are making inroads.
"Music was created by God but was stolen and poisoned by the devil! He planted darkness into it and used it to mislead the world. What I am trying to do is redeem it with a hopeful, positive message that points people to the love of God and touches their soul," he explained.
And because of Xu's example, more artists now openly proclaim the Gospel through song. 
China has witnessed an explosion of singing competitions in recent years and Christians have featured prominently in many of the national competitions.
Among them is Li Wenqi, a finalist in China's televised version of "The Voice" singing competition. 
As an 18-year-old, Li says she understands the pressure many of her peers face in the frantic chase for wealth. 
"Many people today in China believe making money should be their life-long goal so they sacrifice everything to chase that dream, but that is fruitless," Li said. "I try to use my music to encourage people to chase after God instead."
A Remarkable Transformation
Li's father, Yingfeng, is also her business manager. He says it's truly remarkable that in China today his daughter can go on national television and openly sing about Jesus Christ.
"This would have been unheard of 30 years ago. But now we can sing worship songs freely. I know God will continue to make His voice heard around the nations," Yingfeng said.
Joseph Cui pastors a local church in Beijing. He says professional artists like Li and Xu are introducing his countrymen to a genre of music that is creative, inspiring and getting people's attention.
"Christian music is also influencing other religions," Cui told CBN News. "If you pay attention to Buddhist music, you'll find them to be very dull and boring. But nowadays, their songs also become quite cheerful. They adopted the power from Christian music to compose new Buddhist songs. So I think it also shows that Christian music has a wide impact."
This is music to Xu's ears! 
In between writing new songs and holding Christian concerts, he spends his time trying to get other artists to step out and share the love of Christ.
"I believe there are a large number of musicians who are afraid, for whatever reason, to openly sing about Christ," he said. "I'm praying that more people will be bold so more people can hear about His love."   

The Body of Christ is Rising - Rick Joyner's Prophetic Perspective

Watch here: The Body of Christ is Rising - Rick Joyner's Prophetic Perspective

The Body of Christ Is Rising
Rick Joyner
Thursday, June 9, 2016

 Rick shares examples of courageous people who have been outspoken about their Christian values and were willing to stand against the bullying from the LGBT community toward anyone who disagrees with its agenda.