Friday, June 17, 2016

The Stock Market Crash Of 2016: Stocks Have Already Crashed In 6 Of The World’s 8 Largest Economies - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Network Earth Continents - Public Domain

Posted: 16 Jun 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Over the past 12 months, stock market investors around the planet have lost trillions of dollars.  Since this time last June, stocks have crashed in 6 of the world’s 8 largest economies, and stocks in the other two are down as well.  The charts that you are about to see are absolutely stunning, and they are clear evidence that a new global financial crisis has already begun.  Of course it is true that we are still in the early chapters of this new crisis and that there is much, much more damage to be done, but let us not minimize the carnage that we have already witnessed.

In general, there have been three major waves of financial panic over the past 12 months.  Late last August we saw the biggest financial shaking since the financial crisis of 2008, then in January and February there was an even bigger shaking, and now a third “wave” has begun in June.  Not all areas around the globe have been affected equally by each wave, but without a doubt this new financial crisis is a global phenomenon.

The charts that I am about to show you come from Trading Economics.  It is an absolutely indispensable website that is packed full of useful data, and I encourage everyone to check it out.

Let’s talk about China first.  The Chinese economy is the second largest on the entire planet, and since this time last year Chinese stocks are down an astounding 40 percent

Chinese Stocks

As things have started to unravel in China, the Chinese have been selling off U.S. debt and U.S. stocks like crazy.  The following comes from Bloomberg
For the past year, Chinese selling of Treasuries has vexed investors and served as a gauge of the health of the world’s second-largest economy.
The People’s Bank of China, owner of the world’s biggest foreign-exchange reserves, burnt through 20 percent of its war chest since 2014, dumping about $250 billion of U.S. government debt and using the funds to support the yuan and stem capital outflows.
While China’s sales of Treasuries have slowed, its holdings of U.S. equities are now showing steep declines.
Unfortunately for China, their economy just continues to slow down, and George Soros is so alarmed by this and a potential “Brexit” that he has been selling off stocks and buying enormous amounts of gold in anticipation of an even bigger global downturn.

Japan has the third largest economy in the world, and over the past year Japanese stocks are down a total of 26 percent from the peak…

Japan Stocks

Personally, I have been extremely alarmed by what has been happening in Japan lately.  Japanese stocks were down almost 500 points last night, and overall the Nikkei is down a whopping 1,800 points so far in June.

Of course the Japanese economy as a whole is essentially a basket case at this point.  For a detailed analysis of this, please see my previous article entitled “Watch Japan – For All Is Not Well In The Land Of The Rising Sun“.

Germany has the fourth largest economy in the world, and over the past year their stocks have fallen 19 percent from the peak of the market…

German Stocks

The key thing to watch for in Germany are serious troubles at their biggest bank.  I wrote a long article about the slow-motion implosion of Deutsche Bank last month, and just this week Deutsche Bank stock hit an all-time low.

The fifth largest economy on the planet belongs to the United Kingdom, and since last June their stocks have fallen about 13 percent

British Stocks

One week from today, the “Brexit” vote will be held in the UK, and if they vote to leave the EU that could have very serious economic and financial implications for them and for the rest of Europe as well.  For an in-depth look at this, please see my previous article entitled “June 23, 2016: The Brexit Vote Could Change EVERYTHING And Plunge Europe Into Financial Chaos“.

France has the sixth largest economy in the world, and over the past year French stocks are down 20 percent from the peak of the market…

French Stocks
The French economy is really struggling these days, and we have not heard much about it in the U.S. media, but there have been tremendous riots in major cities in France in recent weeks.

The seventh largest economy on our planet belongs to India.  Even though India is facing some very serious economic problems, their stocks are doing okay for the moment.  Even though stocks in India are down over the past 12 months, we have not seen a major financial crisis over there just yet.

But there is definitely a major crisis in the eighth largest economy in the world.  Italian stocks are down a staggering 32 percent from the peak of the market.  That means approximately a third of all stock market wealth in Italy is already gone…

Italian Stocks

Earlier this year, I wrote about the horrifying collapse of the Italian banking system that has greatly accelerated since the start of 2016.  It looks like virtually all of their big banks will ultimately need to be bailed out, and this threatens to become a far bigger crisis than the crisis in Greece ever was.

And let us not leave off the ninth largest economy in the world.  Not too long ago, CNN ran an article entitled “Brazil: Economic collapse worse than feared“.  So not only are they admitting that the ninth largest economy on the globe is collapsing, they are also admitting that it is even worse than what the experts had anticipated.

So did I leave anyone off the list?

Ah yes, I haven’t even addressed what has been going on in the United States yet.

U.S. stocks did crash last August, but then they recovered.

Then they crashed again in January, but then they recovered again.

Now U.S. stocks have been taking another tumble here in June, but we are being assured that there is nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, the underlying numbers for the U.S. economy just continue to get worse and worse and worse.  If you have any doubt about this, please see the article that I posted yesterday entitled “15 Facts About The Imploding U.S. Economy That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You To See“.

Hopefully this article will clear a lot of things up.  In this piece, I have presented undeniable evidence that a new global financial crisis has begun over the past 12 months.  We have not seen global stock declines of this nature since the great financial crisis of 2008, but much worse is still to come.

I would love to be wrong about that last part.

It would be wonderful if the worst was now behind us and good times for the global financial system were ahead.

Unfortunately, every single indicator that I am watching is telling me just the opposite.
*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*


Hugh Jackman says he is a Christian.

Hugh Jackman: I Am a Christian

Hugh Jackman says he is a Christian. (Reuters)

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Many know Hugh Jackman grew up in a Christian home after his father gave his life to Jesus through a Billy Graham crusade. Until recently, it was believed that he did not share his father's faith, until an interview with Parade Magazine published on Oct. 21. When asked about when he first knew he wanted to be an actor, Hugh Jackman responded, "I'm a Christian. I was brought up very religious. I used to go to different evangelists' [revival] tents all the time. When I was about 13, I had a weird premonition that I was going to be onstage, like the preachers I saw."
Made famous for his role as Wolverine in the popular X-MEN franchise, Jackman showed a more spiritual side with his transcendent performance as the redeemed by grace Jean Valjean in Movieguide® Award-Winning movie LES MISERABLES.
A reputation as a committed husband to his wife of nearly 20 years and present father to their two adopted children, Jackman in many ways is a role model. Speaking of his marriage to Deborra-Lee Furness, "When I met Deb, I knew immediately I was going to marry her. I forced myself to wait six months because I thought, "Maybe it is infatuation. I'm too young to know." It was ridiculous. Every day love just got deeper. I felt a complete trust with her to be exactly who I am. I don't have to be any other version of Hugh Jackman for her to love me." The Australian actor is also very active in various philanthropic endeavors, and he credits that to his religious background.
Speaking towards his acting, Jackman sees his performances as a way of honoring God. "I'm a religious person. This is going to sound weird to you. In Chariots of Fire the runner Eric Liddell says, 'When I run, I feel His pleasure.' I feel that pleasure when I act and it's going well, particularly onstage," Jackman said. "I feel what everyone's searching for, the feeling that unites us all. Call it 'God.' Before I go onstage every night, I pause and dedicate the performance to God, in the sense of 'Allow me to surrender.'"
Movieguide® commends Hugh Jackman for his bold proclamation of faith in the public sphere and in the many uplifting roles he plays.
This article originally appeared on Want to know more about what God's doing in Hollywood?
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Social Experiment: Muslim Terror vs Christian Terror - Israel Today Staff

Social Experiment: Muslim Terror vs Christian Terror

Friday, June 17, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A video has received a lot of hate from the politically-correct crowd, but it serves to demonstrate a very important fact that is at the heart of most of the armed conflicts in the world today.
The primary Muslim slogan of religious praise has become a literal battlecry, a call to violence, and it shows in the way people respond to a suspicious Muslim-attired person shouting "Allahu Akbar".
By contrast, no one in their right mind would suspect someone shouting "Praise Jesus" of being a terrorist.
So which is the true religion of peace?
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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Israel Building Massive Underground Wall to Stop Tunnels By Ariella Mendlowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Construction continues in the Israeli town of Gilo, separated from the town of Bethlehem by the Israeli security wall, March 10, 2012. (Photo: Ryan Rodrick Beiler /

Israel Building Massive Underground Wall to Stop Tunnels

“Because, even because they have led My people astray, saying: Peace, and there is no peace; and when it buildeth up a slight wall, behold, they daub it with whited plaster.” Ezekiel 13:10 (The Israel Bible™)
Israel’s defense establishment is developing plans to construct a concrete wall tens of meters under and above ground along the border that divides the Israel and the Gaza Strip, Ynet reported on Thursday.
Similar to the “West Bank barrier” or security fence that Israel began building in 2002 to separate Israelis from violent Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, this newest wall is intended to protect Israelis living along or near the border from infiltration via terror tunnels as well as defend against cross-border fire.
The costs to build the wall are estimated at approximately NIS 2.2 billion ($570 million USD). The wall will cover 60 miles of land around Gaza’s southern border. Exact measurements of how high the wall will reach above ground and how deep it will run below ground have not yet been revealed.
The time is now! Help the IDF fight terror. Donate to LIBI today!
According to Ynet, this wall will be the third defense system of its kind that Israel has built along the border. In 1994, after the Oslo accords were struck, Israel constructed the first 60-kilometer barrier. The second system was implemented after former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced the decision to remove all Jewish presence from Gaza in 2005. Neither of these efforts would ever be capable of combating the severe threat posed by Hamas’s attack tunnels.
While efforts against Israel’s enemies in the south continue, the IDF is simultaneously erecting a similar wall around some sections of the Israeli-Lebanon border in close proximity to several Israeli towns. The decision to build came after Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s leader, publicly threatened attacks against civilians in the nearby villages.
Earlier this year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized his support for building walls, saying that doing so will “protect Israel against beasts,” referring to Palestinians who seek to carry out attacks against Jews. Netanyahu’s statement came while touring a new security fence near the southern Israeli city of Eilat which was being built along Israel’s border with Jordan.
Though many human rights activists have protested Israel’s construction of such walls, claiming they inhibit Palestinians’ ability to easily commute, security forces hold fast to them saying the walls have no doubt contributed to the significant decrease in suicide bombings and other attacks in areas where the wall has been completed.

2-Year-Old Killed by Alligator at Disney—Are the Beasts of the Earth Becoming More Aggressive? - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

Florida authorities have found a body believed to be that of a 2-year-old boy who was dragged off by an alligator Tuesday night at Disney resort.

2-Year-Old Killed by Alligator at Disney—Are the Beasts of the Earth Becoming More Aggressive?

Florida authorities have found a body believed to be that of a 2-year-old boy who was dragged off by an alligator Tuesday night at Disney resort. (REUTERS/Adrees Latif)
Does it seem like animal attacks on humans are increasing in frequency and intensity?
You may want to reserve judgment until you have read the rest of this article. All over the world lately there have been very disturbing news stories about the beasts of the Earth becoming extremely aggressive and attacking humans. At first I ignored these stories, but something happened last night that made me change my mind. My wife and I were getting ready to head for bed when I decided to check the news one last time. I was absolutely stunned to see that a large alligator had grabbed a 2-year-old boy from Nebraska while he was playing in about a foot of water near a Disney resort in Florida. This happened right in front of his parents, and his father desperately tried to pull the boy away from the gator, but he was unable to. Authorities searched all night for the young child, and on Wednesday afternoon the worst-case scenario was confirmed.
Florida authorities have found a body believed to be that of a 2-year-old boy who was dragged off by an alligator Tuesday night at Disney resort.
The Nebraska toddler was playing in the water on a beach area near Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa at around 9:16 p.m. Tuesday when the alligator snatched him and pulled him underwater in front of his horrified parents, authorities said. The father tried to get his son back, but wasn't able to, Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said.
Demings said the boy's body was spotted at about 1:45 p.m. ET Wednesday, and fully recovered at about 3:30 p.m.
But what most people don't realize is that alligator attacks of this nature are actually extremely rare. According to CNN, "the odds of being seriously injured in a random alligator attack" are approximately "one in 2.4 million."
Especially out of the water, alligators are not interested in prey they can't easily overpower, and in natural circumstances, they usually avoid humans. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission puts the odds of being seriously injured in a random alligator attack at one in 2.4 million.
So was this just a freak accident or is something else at play here?
Reading that story reminded me of another animal attack story that I had come across just a few days earlier. Normally bears are not inclined to attack humans unless threatened, but there was one bear in Japan that recently "developed a taste for human flesh" and started mauling people.
The body of a fourth victim suspected of being killed by a bear that's "developed a taste for human flesh" in the past three weeks was found in a forest in northern Japan on Friday, reports said.
The badly mauled corpse has yet to be identified, but police in Akita prefecture were searching for a 74-year-old woman named as Tsuwa Suzuki, who was reported missing a day earlier, according to local media.
Hunters killed a bear just 10 metres (32 feet) from the spot where the woman's remains were discovered in a mountain forest in Kazuno city, in Akita, although it remained unclear if she was killed by that animal, reports said.
I also remembered reading that shark attacks are on the rise globally, and down in Texas one 5-year-old girl is extremely fortunate to be alive today after being viciously assaulted by a shark while swimming at Pirates Beach on Galveston Island.
A five-year-old girl was bitten by a shark while swimming off the coast of Texas, authorities said Tuesday.
The child, who has not been identified, was attacked at Pirates Beach on Galveston Island and suffered 'significant tissue damage to her leg', according to Galveston County Health District EMS.
Beach-goers' quick thinking helped to save the girl's leg after they used a dog leash as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.
'That tourniquet... definitely made an impact on this little girl's condition,' Nathan Jung, Galveston County Health District EMS Administrator, told ABC 13.
And of course this was not just an isolated incident. According to LiveScience, more shark attacks were reported worldwide last year than ever before.
Shark attacks have dominated Australian headlines during the past week, with two fatalities occurring just a few days apart in waters near Perth.
Those attacks may not be just a coincidence or bad luck: Shark attacks have been on the rise, with more attacks reported worldwide last year than in any other year on record, according to an annual survey.
So that would seem to be at least some hard scientific evidence that the beasts of the earth are starting to become more aggressive.
I also came across this story from India about lions that were recently discovered to be attacking and eating people.
Gujarat's Forest department has identified three lions for killings of three persons in separate incidents in Gir forest. Among the total 17 lions captured by the forest officials to identify "man-eaters," three have been identified and will be sent to zoo in Junagadh.
"Out of the 17 lions captured by us last month, one was a male adult, and it turned out to be the main culprit. We found considerable amount of human remains in that lion's faeces, while very small amount was found from the faeces of two sub-adult females," said chief conservator of forest (wildlife) Junagadh range A.P. Singh.
Of course this story is just an anecdotal example, but it is definitely creepy.
Another very creepy story of this nature comes from India as well. It turns out that not too long ago a camel that had been left out in the heat all day "severed its owner's head."
In Rajasthan's Barmer district, an agitated camel reportedly severed its owner's head, after being left in the heat all day with its legs tied.
After the incident, which took place on Saturday, villagers say they had to struggle for around six hours to get control of the animal. According to a Times of India report, the owner from Mangta village was busy catering to guests on Saturday night and forgot that his camel was kept out in the heat all day. When he finally went to untie the camel, the animal attacked him.
Yes, it is true that all throughout history animals have attacked humans.
So that is nothing new.
But it is also true that shark attacks on humans reached a new all-time high last year, and many of these other animals are acting in ways that are clearly outside of the norms.
I certainly don't have all the answers, but I don't think that it is wrong to start raising some questions.
Are the beasts of the Earth starting to become more aggressive?
If so, what may be causing that?
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Bring Your Faith to the Forefront ✡ "Spied Out the Land" - ISRAEL365

They ascended and spied out the Land....
and he arrived at Hebron.

וַיַּעֲלוּ וַיָּתֻרוּ אֶת הָאָרֶץ ... וַיָּבֹא עַד חֶבְרוֹן

בְּמִדְבַּר יג:כא,כב

va-ya-a-lu va-ya-tu-ru et ha-a-retz... va-ya-vo ad khev-ron

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verses describe a very special detour by the righteous Caleb, who was part of a team sent to spy out the Land. Caleb desperately wanted to avoid the slander of the spies. He quickly detoured to the tomb of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Hebron, where he poured his heart out in prayer for spiritual strength. To this day, thousands follow in Caleb's path to pray in Hebron in the merit of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs buried there. Don't miss this chance to discover the significance of Hebron's holy sites with an inspiring new eBook.

Absolute Proof of the Bible

How do we know that the Cave of the Patriarchs is the exact spot where the Patriarchs are buried as described in the Bible? This video gives absolute proof.

2,100 Year Old Coins Discovered, Bearing Names of Jewish Kings

Ancient bronze coins have been discovered in Israel, bearing the names of the Jewish kings Yehohanan, Judah, Jonathan, and Mattathias (including his title: “High Priest and Head of the Council of the Jews”).

Today's Israel Photo

Bike riding through a wheat field in Kibbutz Be'eri in southern Israel. Kibbutz Be'eri was established in the Negev in 1946, to protest the British Mandate's "White Paper" limiting Jewish immigration to the Land.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Kathryn Schleifer of Zimmerman, Missouri. Todah rabah!

“Thank You So Much for Letting Me Feel As If I Was There”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Good Morning Israel :) This mornings video of Ein Gedi  was breathtaking! I am 100% sure I will be watching that over and over again. The beauty that you send me is everything that I've dreamt it would be. I felt as if I was there and pray that one day I will be able to see this and stand underneath that waterfall. Bringing along a picnic basket for the shade and some fine wine to go along with it :) Thank you so much for letting me feel as if I was there. I love you dearly. God Bless you and keep you , and may his face continue to shine upon you. With you in Heart Always and Forever, Kathy Schleifer
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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EMP: The Threat Is Real - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Day 1) on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: EMP: The Threat Is Real - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Day 1) on The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Doctor Peter Vincent Pry
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3016 | Aired on June 15, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios