Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Israel: A Journey Through the Redemptive - SUSAN MICHAEL/ICEJ CHARISMA NEWS

Israel: A Journey Through the Redemptive 

SUSAN MICHAEL/ICEJ  charisma news

The Jordan River
The Jordan River (Wikimedia Commons )
The first glimpse of the Promised Land that the Israelites had from the east side of the Jordan River must have elicited a range of emotions. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, eating some unknown substance called manna, they must have been extremely relieved to be entering the land of milk and honey they had been told about.
In addition, they felt fearful knowing that there were still giants living in the land they were entering. But, the children of Israel could have also been a little disappointed. Their view from the east side of the Jordan may have encompassed the occasional oasis in the Jordan valley, but they were dwarfed by the barren cliffs of the foreboding Judean Wilderness.
The Israelites were entering a land that looked just as stark, dry and barren as the desert they thought they had left behind. It is understandable that the two tribes of Reuben and Gad asked to remain on the east side of the Jordan where their cattle could graze!
Crossing Over
It is interesting to note that the place where Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land is also the place where Jesus was baptized and entered His ministry, and from where Elijah ascended into Heaven. It is a special and popular place for pilgrims to be baptized today.
At first glimpse, visitors are usually disappointed in the Jordan River. They are expecting a mighty rushing river, but it is more like a small stream, and the waters are murky. In 2 Kings 5, the leprous Syrian commander, Naaman, was also shocked when the prophet Elisha told him to bathe in the cloudy, unimpressive waters of the lower Jordan. He replied that there were much better and cleaner rivers back in his country!
This part of the Jordan valley and neighboring Judean Wilderness is the part of the land of Israel that I love the most, probably because it is so different from the lush farmland where I grew up. It is stark, majestic and overwhelming in its contrasts.
Proving God's Word
The air is so dry there that it preserved ancient sacred scrolls for thousands of years. The famous Dead Sea Scrolls, some dating back as far as 300 BC, were discovered in caves above Qumran where they had been stored in clay jars. It is possible some of these scrolls were from the Temple and had been hidden there from the Romans in 70 AD. When found over 1,900 years later, they matched the modern biblical text and proved that the Bible had not been corrupted or altered in any way.
It is no coincidence that the first Dead Sea Scroll was acquired by a Hebrew University professor within weeks, if not days, of the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan, which paved the way for the creation of the State of Israel. God was beginning to both prove the authenticity of the Bible and fulfill prophecy at the same time.
Extremes and Contrasts
From the Qumran caves one can see the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth, and the rocky cliffs of the Judean Wilderness (also called the Judean Desert) reaching up some 1,500 feet above. The Dead Sea, known as the Salt Sea in the Bible, is evaporating at such a rate that it is ten times saltier than ocean water. This salinity makes it too harsh for fish to live. It is also too dense for visitors to swim—they float on the surface of the water instead. The lowest point on earth is so far away from the sun that bathers do not have to worry much about burning.
A Land of Testing
While these contrasts and extremes make visiting Israel a fascinating experience, it also made the land a harsh place to live in. When Abraham first entered the Land of Canaan it was during such a severe famine that he went to Egypt for refuge. Isaac also encountered a drought but God instructed him to seek refuge among the Philistines near Gaza instead of Egypt. Similarly, Jacob encountered a famine and sent his sons to buy grain from Egypt, then ended up living there under the providential care and provision of his beloved son, Joseph.
Why would God give a land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that had such a tendency towards drought and famine, not to mention giants? He would use it as His testing ground. It was a land in which nothing came easy, and required faith and obedience to attain the fullness of what God had promised.
Israel is no different today. God has brought His people back to their ancient homeland where they cleared malaria infested swamps, made the desert bloom, and used technology and innovation to solve their water shortage. But they also encountered hostile resistance from the Arabs who refused to live in peace with them, and who have fed successive generations with hatred and animosity so that Israel is faced with a seemingly unsolvable situation.
I once heard someone ask an Orthodox Rabbi why God would have regathered His people back to their homeland only to be faced with decades of war, waves of terrorism, and a situation that has no solution in sight. His answer was this: "It is part of the redemptive process."
God uses difficult places and situations to test and refine His people. If we will obey His Word and step out in faith we can overcome the obstacles life puts in front of us. This is the kind of faith that pleases God, and without which, we will fail the test. 
Susan Michael is U.S. Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.www.icejusa.org.
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Monday, June 20, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Four critical truths the President & candidates need to understand in the debate over Radical Islam.

Fox-Joel-Shannon-June2016Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Four critical truths the President & candidates need to understand in the debate over Radical Islam.

by joelcrosenberg
(Jerusalem, Israel) -- If you read nothing else from this column, please read and remember these four critical points:
  1. While it's absolutely true that the vast majority of Muslims are not a threat to us, it's also true that the vast majority of terrorists in our time are motivated by, driven by, even consumed by a radical, violent, murderous and bloodthirsty interpretation of Islam. That may not be politically correct to say, but that's the truth.
  2. If American leaders are not studying the theology and even the eschatology of Islam -- and the civil war going inside Islam between the Radicals (jihadists) and the Reformers (moderates) and their vastly differing interpretations of Muslim history and Islamic scriptures -- they're not going to understand what drives our enemies to kill us.
  3. To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blind-sided by it.
  4. Neither President Obama, nor the two presumptive presidential nominees -- Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump -- have demonstrated that they have truly studied and understand the theology and eschatology that is driving our enemies. Until they do, and until they develop and are committed to executing sound national security strategies consistent with the actual threat of Radical Islam, they will continue to put Americans and our allies in grave danger.
Let's be clear: Omar Mateen, the 29 year old terrorist who murdered 49 people in Orlando earlier this month, wanted the world to know exactly why he did it: he was a Radical, violent, murderous Muslim who was inspired by and loyal to the vision of the leaders of the Islamic State.
While there is no evidence suggesting Mateen was trained or deployed directly by ISIS leaders, the leadership of the Islamic State quickly took credit for the attack and praised Mateen for being inspired by their vision of slaughtering infidels according to their interpretation of Islam. What's more, ISIS has called for more attacks in the U.S. by "lone wolves" inspired by their theology and eschatology.
President Obama, however, adamantly refuses to call Mateen a follower of Radical Islam and dismisses the term as a "political distraction" that serves no practical purpose.
"For a while now, the main contribution of some of my friends on the other side of the aisle have made in the fight against ISIL is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase 'Radical Islam,'" noted the President in a June 14th statement to the media. "That's the key, they tell us. We can't beat ISIL unless we call them Radical Islamists. What exactly would using this label would accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to trying to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this? The answer, is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction."
Is the President right to directly and consistently reject the term "Radical Islam"? Yesterday, I was interviewed on the Fox News Channel about the President's comments. I've posted the transcript of the interview below. To watch the video, please click here.
FOX NEWS ANCHOR SHANNON BREAM: Let's take a closer look now at the fight against ISIS, particularly the threat here at home in the wake of Orlando. We're joined now by Joel Rosenberg, political advisor and New York Times best-seller. His latest book is out now is The First Hostage. Joel is joining us live from overseas. Thank you, Joel, for being with us today.
ROSENBERG: Good to be with you, Shannon, thank you.
BREAM: All right, I want to go first to the President, one of his statement's this week where he talked about using the terminology of "radical Islam," he sort of mocked those who have called for him to do that, saying it's not going to solve the problem. But in your estimation, and knowing what you know about that region and your deep experience and studies there, does it make a difference or not?
ROSENBERG: It does. There's no question that the vast majority of Muslims -- 1.6 billion Muslims in the world -- are not violent. They're not dangerous. They're not a threat. But all the polling shows that between 7% and 10%, roughly, of the Islamic world does believe in suicide bombings, does support the Islamic State's violence, does support al Qaeda. So this is a problem because in a world of 1.6 billion Muslims, that's upwards of 160 million people who could be recruited and drawn into violence in the United States or around the world.
BREAM: And how important is it to use the correct language, to use the correct terminology? Because the President often says that we have to be careful about our statements so that the world does not think that we are at war with the Muslim faith, with those who are Muslims. You mentioned more than a billion people that we're talking about. But doesn't that make the language we use even that much more important?
ROSENBERG: Sure it does. Absolutely. But look at people like Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. He went to the "Harvard" of Sunni Islam -- al Azhar University -- a few years ago, and he challenged the clerics and the leaders of Sunni Islam that they've got to get their house in order, that there is, essentially, a civil war going on inside Islam. Yes, the vast majority of Muslims do not interpret the Qur'an as encouraging violence against unbelievers. But there are verses in the text [that encourage violence], and el-Sisi challenged the theological leadership of Sunni Islam to fight and explain what the differences are. Jordan's King Abdullah has also made that case and has gotten more than 500 Muslim clerics to sign onto a statement explaining the difference between this sort of radicalized, violent Islam that is in the text but many Muslims don't agree with it, and what more moderate Muslims think. This is an important argument. And I would say that if American leaders are not studying the theology and even the eschatology of Islam, they're not going to understand what motivates the "lone wolf," or the movements like the Islamic State.
BREAM: What could we be doing better in the United States? What could our leadership be doing, on both sides of the aisle, to better combat this? Because there's been a big conversation, obviously, about whether or not the Orlando gunman was directed by or inspired or motivated by [Radical Islam]. The end result is the same. We've seen dozens of innocent people who are dead.
ROSENBERG: Well, this is the most dangerous part of saying this is just "violent extremism." That's what the President is saying. Well, it's certainly violent extremism, but what is it that motivates a young man, 29 years old -- Omar Mateen -- to be a killer of 49 people in a club? That's not just being a violent person. He believed he was being driven by a version of Islam. That's what he believed. It doesn't matter what President Obama believes about Islam. It matters what the individual believes. So we've got to study what it is -- the narrative, as well as the theology -- that's drawing Americans but also people all over the world into murderous, sometimes even genocidal, levels of violence. If you ignore that, you are ignoring the heart of the problem, which is the motive.
BREAM: Joel Rosenberg, we thank you for visiting with us today, and I hear your new book is going to be out the first of next year, or early next year, so we'll look forward to that as well. Thank you, Joel.
ROSENBERG: Thank you. I appreciate it.

joelcrosenberg | June 20, 2016 at 4:17 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL: http://wp.me/piWZ7-55n

WATCH: In the Orlando Skies, a Message of Support from Israel By Tazpit Press Service - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Israeli-American Joseph Zevuloni Shows Israeli Solidarity in Wake of Orlando Massacre. 19.06.2016. (Photo: Erez Kashi/TPS)

WATCH: In the Orlando Skies, a Message of Support from Israel

“There are friends that one hath to his own hurt; but there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 (The Israel Bible™)
By: Joshua Dermer/TPS
An Israeli-American took to the sky over Orlando last Wednesday, just a few days after the massacre at a local gay club by a self-declared ISIS sympathizer, to fly an airplane banner reading: “America! Israel Feels Your Pain.”
After hearing of the massacre that claimed the lives of 49 at the Pulse gay club in Orlando on June 12, south Florida resident Joseph Zevuloni, originally from Jerusalem, sought to “convey a message of solidarity, unity and friendship between the two countries,” Zevuloni said in an interview with Tazpit Press Service (TPS).
“We (Israelis) go through terrorist attacks constantly and we know how it feels,” Zevuloni, who came to America as a teenager, expressed. “Like everybody else I was devastated to learn of the attack. I do a lot of marketing in my business world, so I came up with the idea to put a banner that would circle around those vigils and people visiting all the different sites in Orlando.”
The message was warmly received, with Florida State Senator Darren Soto personally calling to commend Zevuloni for his sentiments.
“The response was overwhelming and beautiful,” he said. “I got hugs, ‘thank you’s and many comments like, ‘This is why we stand with Israel.’ You can see how much love and support the American people have for Israel.”
Does your state stand with Israel?
“We wanted to make our presence known in a very big way and I’m very glad our message resonated that way. I wanted to show the American people that we don’t just sympathize with them, we empathize,” Zevuloni told TPS.
“I wanted to show the American people that they have a best friend and best friends are there when they need help – when they need a shoulder to cry on.”
Naomi Altchouler contributed to this report.

Messianic Book Breaks Into Mainstream - David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

Messianic Book Breaks Into Mainstream

Monday, June 20, 2016 |  David Lazarus  
Israelis read a lot, more than most nations, and this week it’s “Shavua Hasefer,” the national book week where tables and displays are put out in every town, village and city square across the country for an entire week, attracting massive numbers of Jewish bookworms waiting to dive into the latest yarn.
On the tables across the country we can find a new Messianic publication in Hebrew which translates, “Animals Do Their Thing.” Written and published by the Messianic Jewish publishing house Hachotam, located on a kibbutz in the south of the country, this is the first time a Messianic publication has broken into the mainstream of the Israeli Hebrew language book world, as far as I know.
The hardcover, colorful book teaches children, “That God is alive and well, and that he loves our world,” says Eitan Kashtan, Chief Editor of the non-profit Messianic publishing house. “We want Israeli kids to see God’s love in his care for the animals. God covers their bodies with furs, and made each one with unique qualities to be able to perform their special jobs.” The book covers the lives and unique activities of fifty different animals, as God made them.
Kashtan says that they are concerned about the strong emphasis put on evolution being taught to our children in Israeli schools. He wants to present an alternative so children canto understand that it is God who created the world. But getting Messianic literature into Israel’s mainstream has not been easy. “For 15 years we have been offering a variety of titles to the Israeli markets. A book we published about Noah was initially marketed, but when the distributors found out we are Messianic, they sent the books back,” Kashtan says.
The team at Hachotam are encouraged, but also surprised, that their new children’s book has broken through, and is now being sold in major book stores across the country. “Sales are going really well. I just received an order for even more copies,” Kasthan says. Just in time for the national book week.
Orit Kashtan, Eithan’s wife, authored the new book, and the artwork was produced by the design team at Hachotam. The non-for-profit Messianic publishing house has so far published fifty books, mostly for use by local Messianic believers. Kashtan says that the heart of their work, the publications really making a difference, are their magazines.
“Somethin Else" is a magazine they produce for teenagers. It includes articles on Faith and Science, a Question and Answer segment dealing with troubling questions a teen might have, and articles about studying the Bible. "Yaldei-Ya" (God’s kids) is a magazine for children, with quizzes that encourage children to increase their knowledge of the Bible, important biblical facts, and short articles about nature that demonstrate God’s wisdom. "What’s Going On" is a new magazine written by youth for youth that reports on daily issues and news from the Messianic believes in Israel. There are personal stories and testimonies, as well answers to "hard to understand" questions from the Bible.
“The exciting thing is that we have the privilege to serve the youth, but also to train and equip young people to serve, think and write Christian material in Hebrew,” Kashtan writes on their web page. “We pray and hope that God will raise from these youngsters the next generation of Christian publishers in Israel.”
Each of these magazines are published quarterly and distributed free of charge to the Hebrew-speaking Messianic congregations across Israel.
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All New Hebrew Music Monday ✡ "Living Waters Shall Go Out" - ISRAEL365

Living waters shall go out from Jerusalem: half toward the eastern sea, and half toward the western sea.

יֵצְאוּ מַיִם חַיִּים מִירוּשָׁלִַם חֶצְיָם אֶל הַיָּם הַקַּדְמוֹנִי וְחֶצְיָם אֶל הַיָּם הָאַחֲרוֹן

זכריה י’’ד:ח

yaytz-u ma-yim kha-yim mi-yi-ru-sha-la-yim khe-tz'-yam el ha-yam ha-kad-mo-nee v'-khe-tz'-yam el ha-yam ha-a-kha-ron

Today's Israel Inspiration

Despite its small size, Israel is blessed with all the climates. For a snow resort, head north to the Golan Heights. For a day at the beach, head to the Dead Sea! Known in Hebrew as יָם הַ‏‏מֶּ‏‏לַ‏ח - yam ha-me-LAKH (lit. “Salt Sea”), the natural healing abilities of the Dead Sea have been known for generations. Today, one need not travel to the shores of the Dead Sea to revel in its therapeutic minerals. Shop our Israel365 store for luxurious Israeli soaps and creams to nurture and soothe your skin.

All New Hebrew Music Video: "Hope in the Lord"

Psalm 130 comes alive with the music of Adirah. With our helpful English translation, you'll love learning Hebrew the fun way - with song!

Noah's Ark Collides at Sea - No Animals Injured

Johan Huiber’s dream almost sank last Friday when his reproduction of Noah’s Ark collided with a Norwegian Coast Guard vessel in Oslo Harbor.

Today's Israel Photo

Yehoshua Derovan took this stunning photograph of the Dead Sea.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Elizabeth Hitchcott of the United Kingdom. Todah rabah!

“Thank You So Much for the Work You Do”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Rabbi Tuly, Thank you so much for the work you do. Your pictures,scriptures and Hebrew lesson are such a blessing. I look forward everyday to read your message . May our Lord bless you and your family in these days to come! God Bless! Nora C.

Dear Rabbi Tuly Weisz, I am a Christian and was a volunteer at the Garden tomb a few decades ago when I fell in love with Israel and its people.  Since then I have been receiving news all the time and continually praying for you.  Thanks for these emails.  Also they are not too long to read at a time - just right. Shalom- Margaret Manning
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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EMP - The Threat Is Real - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Day 4) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: EMP - The Threat Is Real - Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Day 4) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Laurie Bakker

Doctor Peter Vincent Pry

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3019 | Aired on June 18, 2016
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios