Friday, October 21, 2016

Jerusalem March attracts tens of thousands - YNETNEWS

Jerusalem March 2016 (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

Jerusalem March attracts tens of thousands - YNETNEWS Oct. 21, 2016
With Israeli flags waving high, an electric enthusiasm permeates Jerusalem’s streets as tens of thousands turn out to march across the capital and demonstrate their friendship; ‘We love Israel, and we want to support Israel.’
Tens of thousands of Israelis and foreign friends of Israel from across the world flooded Jerusalem’s streets on Thursday as they marched to celebrate Israel’s existence.

Some of the participants who arrived for the traditional annual Jerusalem March explained to Ynet that they were motivated to attend due to their deep devotion to the Jewish people, their love of the nation of Israel and for the people living in Zion.

Jerusalem March attracts thousands from around the world
Watch video here: Jerusalem March

Jerusalem March 2016 (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)
Jerusalem March 2016 (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

The display of solidarity was particularly significant in light of the recent UNESCO decision to adopt a controversial resolution which Israel has said denies the deep historic Jewish connection to holy sites in Jerusalem.

Shushana from Finland (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)
Shushana from Finland (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

“We love Israel, and we want to support Israel, “said Shushana from Finland. “To feel the connection between Israelis is the best.”

Photo: Eli Mndelbaum
Photo: Eli Mndelbaum

David from Canada enthusiastically told Ynet, “We want the Jewish people to know that Canada stands with them, that we love them and we say shalom to Israel. God bless you.”

Peruvian delegation joins the festivities (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)
Peruvian delegation joins the festivities (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)

In keeping with tradition the parade, which takes place during Chol Hamoed—the interim period between Sukkot and Simchat Torah—saw the streets filled with groups hailing from dozens of nations waving the Israeli flag and singing traditional Israeli and Jewish songs of peace.

After the conclusion of the march, a number of celebratory performances took place in different locations in the capital.

Pro-Life Priests Don't Mince Words on Who You Should Vote For - CBN News Paul Strand

Pro-Life Priests Don't Mince Words on Who You Should Vote For
CBN News Paul Strand

WASHINGTON -- A group of Catholic leaders gathered in the nation's capital Thursday to say Americans have a duty to vote. And they insisted pro-life voters must vote for candidates who'll fight abortion.
Speaking at a news conference at the National Press Club, these priests and pastors didn't actually endorse any candidates by name. But they said the final presidential debate showed a stark difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton when it comes to abortion. 
"The Republican Party overall and Mr. Trump in particular should challenge the Democrats on the extremism of their position, which as he articulated last night means abortion throughout pregnancy.  That's been the policy for a long time," Father Frank Pavone, head of Priests for Life, said.
The Catholic leaders at Thursday's gathering also said pastors and priests need to know it's completely legal for them to preach about the abortion issue.
"I see pastors wanting to stand up and say, 'The Church stands for the unborn. The protection of life is the first duty of government. We have to elect public servants who know the difference between serving the public and killing the public,'" Pavone told CBN News.
Donald Trump (Pro-Life) and Hillary Clinton
One of the leaders at the news conference attacked Clinton's defense of late-term abortion and Planned Parenthood during the final debate as "reprehensible."
The priests are offering a voters' guide highlighting huge differences between the Democratic and Republican platforms this year. It can be found at

Jonathan Cahn Opens Up the Mysteries of the End-Times - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Jonathan Cahn—New York Times best-selling author of the international sensation The Harbinger—is back, this time mixing potent Bible passages and end-times insight in The Book of Mysteries. The book debuted as a best-seller and continues to surprise Cahn himself. (Ha Navi Gallery/ajmu)
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

Jonathan Cahn Opens Up the Mysteries of the End-Times

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire
Jonathan Cahn—New York Times best-selling author of the international sensation The Harbingeris back, this time mixing potent Bible passages and end-times insight in The Book of Mysteries. The book debuted as a best-seller and continues to surprise Cahn himself.
Charisma News caught up with Cahn to find out the end-times mysteries we should be looking for in part two of this exclusive interview. You can still read part one: The Hidden Secrets of God Revealed in the Book of Mysteries.
Charisma News: The Book of Mysteries opens up mysteries of every kind.  Does it contain any mysteries linked to the end times – and what we should be looking for? 
Cahn: Yes.  The Book of Mysteries contains many end-time mysteries and revelations for living victoriously in the last days—mysteries like "The Apostasia," "The Mystery of Europa," "The Seven Mysteries of the Age," and "The House of Spirits." 
Some of these pinpoint where we are in the age, especially concerning the ancient calendar of God, and the next prophetic event—and holy day—that must be fulfilled. But it also includes mysteries to encourage God's people in the last days. 
One of these is called "The Chiasma." It's the revelation of the pattern that God often operates in—in which end parallels the beginning – or the end of the age is to match the beginning of the age. In the beginning of the age, there was an Israel in the world.  So now at the end, Israel is again in the world.   
In the beginning of the age, you had Jewish believers and a Church that was one with Israel. Now in the end-times, you have that again. But at the beginning of the age, you had an anti-Christian world culture. And so we're now seeing an anti-Christian world culture coming into existence. In the beginning, there was a great persecution of believers.  We can see the signs of that on the horizon. 
But... at the same time, in the beginning of the age there was the Book of Acts, believers on fire for the Gospel, filled with His Spirit, unceasing, unbreakable, unstoppable, overcoming every hindrance, overcoming the Roman Empire changing the course of world history.  That too is appointed for the end-times. We, as end-time believers, have a calling to rise to the mantle of the first believers, the disciples, the apostles—and the anointing to do just that. 
Charisma News: How does this book and its mysteries apply to our everyday lives? 
Cahn: Woven through The Book of Mysteries is a narrative. It opens up as a man travels into the desert and encounters a man simply called "the teacher." 
The teacher takes him on a one-year journey through the desert, a one-year odyssey through desert mountaintops, hidden caverns, secret chambers of scrolls and ancient books, and more.  The reader is thus taken on a journey with them.  
Each day, the teacher brings forth another mystery of God. But it's not just about being blown away by the mysteries of God—it's about applying the mysteries to transform your life. So at the end of every mystery, the teacher gives the disciple a mission, a specific way to take the mystery and apply it to his life. So the mission is really for the reader to transform his or her life. I believe that if the reader goes on the journey and takes the mysteries to heart, to apply it to life, it will literally transform their lives. 
Charisma News: How did this journey change you or open your eyes?
Cahn: I wrote it mostly from midnight to six in the morning. What surprised me is that at the end, every morning, it left me feeling as if I had been changed, strengthened, revived, touched by God.  
The effect of The Book of Mysteries is still surprising me. Early on I began hearing how believers were giving the book to their non-believing friends—and reporting that their friends came to salvation reading it.   
I was being interviewed on television by a man who is known to virtually every American, believer or not. He's been ministering for the Lord for probably half a century. He started reading on the air, the very first mystery. His eyes welled up with tears, and he shared how it changed his life.  It surprises me ... and it's as if I didn't write the book. But that's what it's all about 
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Thank You, North Carolina! - Franklin Graham Decision America Tour

Decision America Tour
 Thank you, North Carolina, for your support of the Decision America Tour prayer rally. 

Dear Friend,

What a privilege it was to stand at the Capitol in Raleigh and pray boldly with Christians from across North Carolina. I’m grateful for the support of friends like you. We praise God for working through the Decision America Tour.

If you were unable to attend, you can browse photos from the rally or read more about it here

While the prayer rally is over, there’s so much more work to be done. This coming election could be the most critical in our nation’s history. What can you do?

• Form a community prayer group with a few neighbors and friends and pray fervently for God to heal our land.
• If you—or your friends and family—haven’t registered, it’s not too late in North Carolina. You can register on the same day you vote during the early voting period. Find the dates and location for an early voting site here.
• Study the issues and the party platforms here.
• Vote for candidates who support Biblical values.
• Pray about running for office yourself in the next election.

Thank you again for your partnership. May God richly bless you as you live out your faith at home, in public, and at the ballot box.


Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham

“If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” —2 Chronicles 7:14, NKJV
Franklin Graham
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A ministry of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201

Why Believers Must Face the Subject of Islam Head On - SHIRA SORKO-RAM CHARISMA NEWS

Islam is not only a religion, it is a political regime. (Flickr )

Why Believers Must Face the Subject of Islam Head On

Standing With Israel
Information about Islam is not easy for Americans to digest. The names are long and unfamiliar and many Arabic words are not easily translated into English.
Islamists have an incredible number of organizations with names that are long and similar to each other. Often, authors use initials and this makes it doubly hard for the English reader to remember what both the name and the initials stand for.
Many Islamist documents are written in Arabic, with little incentive for Islamists to translate them into English, especially when they contain strategies to conquer non-Muslim nations and place them under Sharia law.
So for most Americans, the Islamic lifestyle, laws and culture are in the "unknown" category. Besides, who doesn't know there are many wonderful, good Muslims who accept the values of the Western countries they live in? So the whole thing is confusing. How can a person know what is good and what is evil?
The answer is, we must face the subject of Islam head on. A Muslim person may be an entirely model citizen. But the religion of Islam, and those who study and adhere to its laws (sharia) must be analyzed and understood. Sharia is the law of true Islam.
For Western democracies, Islam is the perfect storm. Because Islam is a religion, it is untouchable in the West. In a democracy, adherents of a religion are free to practice their religion. It is guaranteed by the American Constitution. That means it is not to be suppressed, or harassed or even critiqued in polite society. (At least that is the theory. As we know, the rights to practice a Bible-based faith are now being encroached upon on every side.)
But here's the catch. Islam, as presented by the Quran and Muhammad, is not only a religion. It is also a political regime. More than that, it is a way of life that is absolute.
But that's not all. Islam is an ideology with arrow-sharp goals. The mission that Muhammad left to his followers is to conquer the world and force Islam on every human being. The methods may be different. ISIS, al-Qaida, the Ayatollahs of Iran, the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia—they are bent on conquering the world through brute force. There are other movements though (notably the Muslim Brotherhood) that believe they can and will conquer the world through the political process.
Both violent and the non-violent Islamists have exactly the same goals. Different methods. Same goals. They are convinced that Islam will conquer the world and the entire human race will become Muslim. Islamic scholars proclaim that one day Jesus will return and He Himself will oversee the job of converting Christians and those of all religions to Islam.
It is true that for some centuries, Islam slept. Its warriors did not really pursue the conquest of the world. But note this: Since the Jewish people began to return to their own land promised on oath by the God of Israel, Islam has awoken. Its warriors have now become a worldwide movement. For all members of the religions of the world—except Christianity and Judaism—you die or become a Muslim. However, according to Islam, if you are a Christian or Jew, theoretically you can pay a tax to Islam which will buy your life. Practically speaking, however, many jihadis kill anyone who is not a Muslim.
Today, Islam has found a new weapon which has become extremely successful. This weapon is seemingly invincible. Because of wars introduced by Muslims against Muslims, and because of the poverty endemic in almost all Islamic states, refugees and migrants are invading Europe and the Western nations. Note that the oil-rich Arab nations are not accepting one single Muslim refugee, although they have the same culture, similar diets, the same language and certainly the same religion. Not one. Other autocratic governments are also not allowing this invading army of refugees to cross their borders.
But democracies have little defense against this human invasion. The remarkable phenomenon is that the Muslim masses are willing to risk their lives to escape the horrors of Islamic wars and poverty. But when their feet touch the promised lands of the democratic West, they do not want, for the most part, to integrate into Western society.
It's too restrictive.
Only one wife? It's against the law to beat their women? After all, in Muslim lands, it is a man's world. So after they arrive in the new world, they begin to duplicate and spread their religious-political ideology in the West—and turn their new land into a duplication of the very cultural civilization from which they fled.
Obviously there is a strong spiritual element to these massive changes taking place in Western civilization. Here's just one piece to the puzzle: For century upon century, England and Europe exiled and murdered the Jewish people. Through the last two millennia, anti-Semitism became a huge, organic part of European Christianity's DNA.
This was primarily due to replacement theology, which teaches that God has rejected the Jews because of their sins, and therefore Jews as God's Chosen People have been replaced by Christians. Today, only a small remnant of Jews is to be found in any of these now post-Christian European nations. Instead, 60 million Muslims, many of them militants, have taken their place.
Over the last few decades, the American government and institutions of higher learning have also turned their back on their Judeo-Christian moorings. Government officials and judges, along with university professors and scholars are aggressively fighting God's standards as revealed in the Bible.
Now Islam is taking root—seen and unseen—in America's government, universities and businesses. Because Islamists use vociferous pushback to any challenge of their goals to overthrow the Western way of life, both the ordinary citizen and intellectual elites are petrified to open their mouths about suspicious Islamic activities for fear of being called Islamophobic. Islam is spreading in America without challenge.
One last note: Don't ever let anyone fool you into believing that Allah and the God of the Bible are the same God. Here's how you can know for sure. Allah hates the God of Israel. Allah hates the Jews. Allah hates even the word "Zion"—the name that the God of the Bible promised will be His eternal resting place on Earth. Allah has told his followers to destroy Israel.
The God of Israel has promised that in the last days His Chosen People will come back to their own land which God promised the Jewish people with an oath. He has chosen the name "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" (whose name God changed to Israel).
There are countless other differences, but the people who understand God's plan for Israel, for its people to return to land of Israel and the God of Israel (not return to "religion"), will not be deceived by Allah—who is literally an anti-God.
In early 2015, I began to write about Islam's growth in the United States in the monthly Maoz Israel Report. Since then, Islam's expansion and influence have exploded, especially in government. So I have taken those articles I wrote, plus the latest developments and put them into my book, The Islamic Strategy to Conquer America.
As I watch events unfold from my home in Israel, I am convinced there has never, ever been a time as serious as this for America's God-fearing citizens to be aware of what is happening. The disintegration of Biblical values and principles has left an enormous spiritual vacuum, giving way to the ever-encroaching influence of Islam in this nation.
Be aware. Be in prayer. Be pro-active. 
Excerpted from Shira Sorko-Ram's book, The Islamic Strategy to Conquer America, 2016.
Along with her husband, Ari, Shira Sorko-Ram is a pioneer of the Messianic Jewish Movement in israel and the founder of Tiferet Yeshua in downtown Tel Aviv. They are also the founders and directors of Maoz Israel Ministries.                                                                           
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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OB/GYN Doctor: No Medical Situation Requires Aborting Baby in 3rd Trimester

October 20, 2016

After Debates, OB/GYN Doctor Takes to Facebook: "No Medical Situation Requires Aborting or Killing the Baby in the 3rd Trimester"

by Steve Shultz, Founder The Elijah List and Breaking Christian News

Photo of Lawrance K. Koning

No Medical Situation Requires 3rd Trimester Abortion or Killing the Baby! -Dr. Lawrance K. Koning, MD, FACOG
Steve ShultzFrom Steve Shultz (Founder of BCN News, The Elijah List)

I was stunned watching the debates to see how readily Hillary Clinton was to show approval of partial birth abortions right up until the time of the baby's birth. And I was thrilled to hear Donald Trump say with conviction, "THAT'S NOT OK WITH ME!"

In 1973, I graduated from Christian Academy with Larry Koning. Now he's Dr. Lawrence Koning, MD, and an OB/GYN specialist in Corona, CA. After watching the same debate last night, he posted a quote on his personal Facebook page which I share below.

This morning I asked Lawrence if I could share it with our readers. He thought about it only for a moment and sent back this message, "Do it!"

Dr. Lawrence Koning wrote:
October, 20, 2016: "As an OB/GYN physician for 31 years, there is no medical situation that requires aborting / killing the baby in the third trimester to 'save the mother's life.' Just deliver the baby by C-section and the baby has 95+% survival with readily available NICU care even at 28 weeks. C-section is quicker and safer than partial birth abortion for the mother."-Dr. Lawrance K. Koning, MD, FACOG
Lord, let there be more Godly physicians willing to go public with their convictions! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News |

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