Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bring the Holy Land Into Your Home ✡ "Unto Mount Carmel" - ISRAEL365

And Ahab sent unto all Bnei Yisrael, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.

וַיִּשְׁלַח אַחְאָב בְּכָל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וַיִּקְבֹּץ אֶת הַנְּבִיאִים אֶל הַר הַכַּרְמֶל

מלאכים א' יח:כ

va-YISH-lakh a-khav b'-KHOL b'-NAY yis-RA-el va-yi-KA-botz et ha-n'-vee-eem el har ha-kar-mel

Today's Israel Inspiration

In ancient Canaanite culture, high places such as mountains and hilltops, were often considered sacred and special; Mount Carmel among them. In the book of Kings, we read that there was an altar to God on Mount Carmel, but it had most unfortunately fallen into ruin by the time King Ahab took the throne. Elijah the Prophet pooled his resources and built a new altar which then became the site of one of the Bible's most well-known scenes. It was on Mount Carmel that Elijah offered a sacrifice to God in a request for rain in the Land of Israel. When God answered the prophet's prayer, and rain began to fall, multitudes of Israel's Jews were immediately inspired and once again recognized Hashem as the true God. This was a pivotal moment in Jewish history when the prophet proved God's omnipotence even in the face of countless nonbelievers. Remember the story of Elijah the Prophet, and many others, with this Biblical Israel calendar.

Israel in 60 Seconds!

Take 60 short seconds to see the complex, diverse, exciting truth about this little country called Israel.

Are 40 Million Lost Jews Hidden in Africa?

“There is clearly a movement afoot among various Igbos who have embraced Judaism and have begun to practice it. It’s something remarkable to witness.”

What Are You Worth?

This short, interesting video discusses why each individual only brought a half shekel coin to the Temple in order to be included in the cencus. Why not bring more if you can? In this video, you will discover why you are only worth half a shekel. The half-shekel coin was extremely important in the days of the Temple, and archaeologists have found this precious coin. City of David has replicated it as a stunning piece of Jewelry.
City of David Jewelry on Sale Now! Save 20%! »

Israel Photo Trivia

Har/Mount Carmel is the sight of many well-known Biblical scenes including the moment when Elijah the prophet offered a sacrifice to God in his request for rain. Do you know which major Israeli city is located right near Mount Carmel?
Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!
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"Todah Rabbah" to Richard Finn from Massachusetts; David Wyn Lewis from Powys, UK; Linda Omodt from Minnesota.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Sunny Ho from Canada; Barbara and Tony Stiver from Nebraska;
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"Todah Rabbah" to Esther Jeffery from Barrow, Alaska; Diane Bezy from Michigan; Katherine Gibson from Virginia.
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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Election Of Donald Trump Is Already Having An Enormous Impact On The Economy - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 14 Nov 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The election of Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the U.S. economy and the U.S. financial system.  Since November 8th, the Dow has hit a brand new all-time record high, the U.S. dollar has strengthened greatly, and bank stocks are way up.  But not all of the economic news is good news.  Unlike stocks, bonds have reacted very negatively to Trump’s election victory.  The past week has been an absolute bloodbath for bond traders, and as you will see below this is going to have dramatic implications for all U.S. consumers moving forward.

Over just a two day period, more than a trillion dollars was wiped out as bond yields spiked all over the globe.  As CNN has noted, this type of “violent reaction” in the bond market has only happened three other times within the past ten years…
The rate on 10-year Treasury notes has surged to 2.3%, from 1.77% before the election. Last week’s spike in Treasury rates was so big, that it had only happened three times before in the last decade.
BlackRock’s Russ Koesterich called it a “violent reaction.”
The move stands to have broad repercussions for all Americans. Not only will the U.S. government have to pay more to borrow money, but mortgage rates and car loan costs should also rise. That’s because Treasuries are used as the benchmark for many other forms of credit.
As interest rates rise, virtually everyone in our society is going to feel the pain.

Those that need an auto loan in order to purchase a vehicle are going to find that loan payments are significantly higher than they were before.

Credit card rates will also go up, and those just getting out of school will discover that their student loan payments are even more suffocating.

But the biggest impact will be felt in the housing market.  The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage just hit the psychologically-important 4 percent barrier, and that could mean big trouble for the housing market in 2017
The average contract rate on the popular 30-year fixed mortgage hit 4 percent, according to Mortgage News Daily, a level most didn’t expect to see until the middle of next year. Rates have now moved nearly a half a percentage point higher since Donald Trump was elected president.
“The situation on the ground is panicked. Damage control,” said Matthew Graham, chief operating officer of Mortgage News Daily. “People were trying to lock loans quickly last week and are now facing a tough choice to lock today or hope for a bounce. Many hoped for a bounce last week heading into the long weekend and we obviously didn’t get it.”
Rising interest rates was one of the key factors that precipitated the financial crisis of 2008, and many fear that it could happen again.

And without a doubt, this rise in rates is going to affect the affordability of homes that are already on the market
“If you’re going to buy a house and your mortgage payment went up by $200 or $300, you may buy a smaller house. There’s impact on interest rate sensitive sectors, like autos and housing, and also corporate bonds themselves, where financial engineering has helped juice up the equity market,” said George Goncalves, head of rate strategy at Nomura.
In addition, rising rates will make it more difficult for those with adjustable rate mortgages to keep their homes.  Foreclosure activity was already up 27 percent during the month of October, and many are projecting that we could see another giant spike in foreclosures during the months ahead that is similar to what we saw during the last financial crisis.
Many Trump supporters don’t really care what the rest of the world thinks of our new president, but this is an area where what the rest of the world thinks really, really matters.
The truth is that the rest of the planet is not all too fond of Trump, and if that makes them a lot less eager to lend us money that is a major problem.

The only way that we can maintain our massively inflated debt-fueled standard of living is to continue to borrow gigantic mountains of money from the rest of the world at ultra-low interest rates.

If the rest of the world starts demanding higher rates of return now that Trump is president, we are going to experience economic pain on a scale that most Americans don’t believe is possible.

One of our big lenders has been China, and right now they are deeply concerned about what a Trump presidency might mean.  Trump has talked very tough about trade with China, and the Chinese are gearing up for a major trade war.  The following comes from CNBC
During his election campaign this year, Trump spoke of a 45 percent import tariff on all Chinese goods while failing to outline how it would work. Should any such policy come into effect, China will take a “tit-for-tat approach”, according to an opinion piece in the Global Times, a newspaper backed by the Communist party.
“A batch of Boeing orders will be replaced by Airbus. U.S. auto and iPhone sales in China will suffer a setback, and U.S. soybean and maize imports will be halted. China can also limit the number of Chinese students studying in the U.S.,” the Global Times article read.
Most Trump supporters assume that since Trump has been a very successful businessman that he will be able to strengthen the U.S. economy.

But it isn’t that simple.

The only reason we are able to live the way that we live today is because we have been able to borrow trillions upon trillions of dollars at irrationally low interest rates.

The moment the rest of the world decides that they are not going to loan us money at irrationally low interest rates any longer the game is over, and it won’t really matter who is in the White House at that point.

So watch interest rates very carefully.  If they keep going up, it is inevitable that a major economic slowdown will follow no matter what economic policies the new Trump administration implements.

How God Used Jews for Jesus to Bring a Jewish Young Man to Faith - JEWS FOR JESUS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Jews for Jesus Chicago branch leader Jeremiah Zaretsky

How God Used Jews for Jesus to Bring a Jewish Young Man to Faith

How does someone come to faith in Messiah Jesus? For some there is an instant they can point to, an "aha!" moment. For others it is a process that takes place over a long period of time. In both cases, more often than not, God works through multiple people during the seeker's journey. I was one such person whom God placed in the life of a young man named Robin.
Almost one year ago, Robin was invited to come for Shabbat dinner at the home of Jews for Jesus missionaries David and Arielle on the north side of Chicago. For over two years now, the Chicago branch has used Shabbat dinners intentionally to create a Messianic community and to engage Jewish seekers who are exploring their faith.
The Shabbat dinner Robin went to in January of last year was the first of many steps he took toward accepting Jesus. Months later, we met at a Passover Seder my congregation was hosting, but it wasn't until I saw Robin show up at my house one week for Shabbat dinner that we began talking. I asked if he would be willing to meet together over coffee so we could get to know each other, and he said yes.
Robin was born in Germany to a German father and a Jewish mother and grew up there with his brother. Both his parents are believers and even though he grew up in a believing home, Robin had never been exposed to a community of faith where he felt he could be authentic in the face of his fears and doubts. When he was introduced to our Shabbat dinners, he stumbled upon something he couldn't shake—a community of people truly committed to living out their faith. A seed had been planted.
Many people, both among our staff and within the local community of Jewish believers, witnessed to Robin over the following months. Eventually, the two of us started meeting regularly to study the Bible together. In our first meeting, Robin admitted to me that he never really followed Jesus as "Lord" because he was afraid of giving up control of his life. We continued to meet and Robin continued to wrestle with the prospect of surrendering his life to the Lord. The seed was growing.
At the end of the summer, Robin got in touch to tell me that while he was on a plane to Germany to visit his brother, he found Jesus! As Robin explained it to me, he was reading some writings of C. S. Lewis and one line struck him: "Jesus was either a Lunatic, a Liar, or Lord."
"It was then that I decided to bend the knee to Jesus," Robin told me. "Between my Christian counselor, C. S. Lewis and Jews for Jesus, I have found faith in Yeshua." He explained how God had broken some vices in his life and has brought him freedom through the love of Messiah. God's love finally had travelled the 18 inches from Robin's head to his heart!
I was so ecstatic to hear and see evidence of God's transforming power in Robin's life. I may have watered the seed, but it was the Lord who brought the harvest!
Robin is now participating in our Chicago branch residency program for a season of service and discipleship. He had his very first taste of street evangelism during our Wicker Park outreach! Pray for Robin's continued spiritual growth.
Want to know more ways in which God is working to touch the hearts of Jewish people? Sign up for Realtime, the online monthly publication of Jews for Jesus worldwide.

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What Florida's Election Results Reveal About Jewish Support for Trump - LORI LOWENTHAL MARCUS JNS.ORG

A Trump-Pence sign in Pasco County, Florida. (Daniel Oines via Wikimedia Commons)

What Florida's Election Results Reveal About Jewish Support for Trump

You couldn't trust the pundits and spinmeisters before the election, and you still can't trust them after the votes came in.
The chattering class, especially the segment focused on the Jewish audience, predicted a resounding rejection of Donald Trump by American voters. They were wrong. Now that the votes have been counted, many of the same prognosticators are claiming Clinton trumped the Donald when it came to Jewish voters. Wrong again.
How can that be? Hillary Clinton received approximately 70 percent of the Jewish vote, but that is among the lowest percentages of the Jewish vote that a Democrat has received in decades. The only other time in recent history that a Democratic presidential nominee received fewer Jewish votes was in 2012, following Barack Obama's first term.
Many pro-Israel American Jews were dismayed by Obama's conscious distancing of Washington from Jerusalem, as well as the public disrespect directed toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during Obama's first term. That disappointment translated into a deep dip in the Jewish vote for Obama's second run, as his 78 percent share of Jewish votes in 2008 plunged to 69 percent in 2012. In addition, Romney's warm personal relationship with Netanyahu guaranteed the former Massachusetts governor's pro-Israel credentials. Those two factors translated into a relatively strong 30-percent turnout of Jewish votes for the Republican nominee that year.
Given the wild card of Obama's tumultuous relationship with Israel, a more accurate understanding of the Jewish vote in 2016 is yielded by discounting the 2012 election. The new calculus reveals a potentially strong Jewish vote for Trump—and Florida, a hotly contested state that Clinton was favored to win but ultimately lost, supports this analysis.
Experienced political strategist Dan Rodriguez, founder and CEO of the MGR Group, spent the run-up to Election Day and the big day itself in Florida. In the aftermath of the election, he has been traveling to boards of elections in heavily Jewish voting districts. He explained that from raw data, Jewish votes are difficult to distinguish because they get lumped in with white votes. Yet Clinton "received only 32 percent of the white votes (into which Jewish votes are lumped) in Miami-Dade [County], whereas Obama took 37 percent," Rodriguez told me. In addition, he said, "voters 45 or older, a significant portion of whom are Jewish, went strongly for Trump, 56 percent to Clinton's 42 percent."
Marilyn Parmet, a Jewish Republican in her late 50s who lives in West Palm Beach, Florida, knew something the pollsters and pundits didn't know. She was out on the streets in her community waving a "Jews Choose Trump" sign at rallies and next to busy intersections.
"At one mid-October rally at The Fairground in West Palm Beach, at least a hundred people came up to me and asked to take pictures with the sign. I knew then that there were so many Jews who weren't saying it out loud, but who were going to vote for Trump," she said.
Parmet's comments hint at the possibility that the perceived national trend of a "hidden" vote for Trump, a trend that stumped many pollsters, may extend to Jewish voters in Florida. She believes that when the final votes are tallied, they will reveal that more than 30 percent of Florida Jews cast their ballots for Trump.
J Street's Spin
Despite Trump's win, the leftist Jewish lobby group J Street claimed victory for its causes and candidates, claiming that the 2016 election cycle "demonstrates the political space that exists for a Middle East policy that puts diplomacy first." But the numbers belie J Street's claims.
What is significant about J Street's analysis is not its conclusion—which was that 70 percent of American Jews voted for Clinton—but its failure to put the results in context.  
J Street's poll—conducted by GBA Strategies' Jim Gerstein, a former J Street board member—also heralded that Jewish voters' ranking of 13 priorities revealed that Iran was considered the least important priority on the list. In the J Street poll, Israel came in 9th on that list of priorities. 
But J Street's Iran finding, which dovetails nicely with the group's strong lobbying for the Iran nuclear deal, is inconsistent with much of what others involved in Jewish-focused campaigning describe.
Matt Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), said it "defies logic" to claim that American Jewish voters did not oppose the Iran deal when so many campaigns this election season, especially ones geared towards Jewish voters, emphasized the dangers of the Iran deal. Brooks pointed to campaigns with which the RJC was involved, noting the anti-Iran deal ads that ran for Republicans including Pennsylvania's Sen. Pat Toomey, Arizona's Sen. John McCain, and Florida's senator, Marco Rubio—all three of whom were re-elected.
Opposition to the Iran deal within the organized Jewish community achieved a level of unity unseen since the days of the movement to free Soviet Jewry. Nearly every major Jewish organization from far-right to center-left opposed the Iran deal, as did every major Israeli political party. Just about the only poll which concluded that a majority of American Jews supported the Iran deal was commissioned by J Street.
Pew's View From the Pews
The Pew Research Center's preliminary analysis of the 2016 vote by religious affiliation shows 24 percent of American Jews voting for Trump and 71 percent for Clinton. The numbers show Trump's 24 percent Jewish support falling in between Romney's 30 percent in 2012 and McCain's 21 percent in 2008.
The Pew analysis also offers a longitudinal view of the evangelical Christian vote. The largest religious cohort voting for Trump was white, born-again/evangelical Christians, at an all-time-high of 81 percent. Pew began collecting information on that specific demographic in 2004, when the cohort produced 78-percent support for President George W. Bush, followed by 74 percent for McCain in 2008 and 78 percent for Romney in 2012.
Laurie Cardoza-Moore—founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, a pro-Israel evangelical organization—said that during this election cycle, evangelical churches undertook a major push to encourage their members both to vote in general and to vote specifically for Trump. Cardoza-Moore would know, as she is also the representative to the United Nations for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches, which represents 44 million congregants.
"We were appalled that the numbers did not turn out for Mitt Romney four years ago," Cardoza-Moore said. "This time we saw that religious freedom was hanging in the balance."
Cardoza-Moore explained that the U.S.-Israel relationship "is front and center for our members," citing the biblical verse Genesis 12:3, which states, "I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse."
"Well, we've been cursed these past eight years [under President Obama]," she laughed, "so please, God, give us our blessings now." 
Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a journalist and lawyer who writes about the Jewish state and Jewish communities worldwide.
For the original article, visit

Opportunity is Tapping Christians on the Shoulder - DAVID LANE/AMERICAN RENEWAL PROJECT CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

Opportunity is Tapping Christians on the Shoulder

Over the last 60 days, the American Renewal Project hosted "Pastors and Pews" events in six key battleground states: Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, Missouri, and Virginia.
Additionally, one million doors were knocked on and phones were called, targeting low-propensity, Evangelical voters—those who had voted only once in the last four political cycles.
We hired seventy bi-vocational pastors to help orchestrate and accomplish this massive task. Although the ARP does not endorse or oppose candidates or tell people who to vote for—what was demonstrated Tuesday night is that when Christians turn out and vote they impact elections. For example, take the effectiveness of the American Renewal Project's bi-vocational pastor effort in North Carolina:
  • In 2012: 35% of the vote came from Evangelicals, and Romney received 79% of those votes.
  • In 2016: 38% of the vote came from Evangelicals, and Trump received 81% of those votes.
Politically, a 3% higher Evangelical turnout in 2016, with 2% additional votes for the Republican candidate, is a massive number. It's the difference between winning and losing an election. This is what bringing Christian values to the public square looks like. Small steps are often the beginning of great enterprise.
Other components of our plan in the last 60 days included:
  • 1 million contacts
  • 500,000 personal interviews
  • 1,500 participating churches in four states
  • $35 million in social media ads targeted at Evangelical and Pro-Life Catholic Christians online
Scott Walker was elected Wisconsin Governor in November 2010 and sworn-in on January 6, 2011. He immediately began to fulfill his campaign commitment to return power to the people of Wisconsin. And, once the unions and power brokers recognized that the Governor intended to keep his word, the Left manufactured a hundred thousand protestors on the streets of the Wisconsin Capitol.
Then, he and his wife received death threats. But Walker took courage and persisted in doing what he told voters he would do if they elected him.
As we begin to dismantle godless Secularism from the warp and woof of America and remove the different parasites dependent upon the government (those gaming the system over the last 2-3 generations), all hell is going to break loose. There's going to be a hair-raising brawl in the public square, and someone's values are going to reign supreme. Pastors and Pews must stay engaged.
"ABC is reporting the largest turnout of the Evangelical vote in history" blared the headlines on Tuesday night.
There is no worse arrow in the quiver of hell than the falsehood that God cannot deliver His people. The old lie resurfaces in each generation— "God has forsaken them" (Psalm 71:11).
That said, anyone who thinks that Christians won anything other than an election last Tuesday is confused. This stunning "miracle" offers us an opportunity to restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage and re-establish a Biblical-based culture—IF we will stay engaged. This opportunity likely will not come around again in our lifetime. Like a neon sign flashing high in the sky, the Obama Administration serves to remind us that departing from God's fixed boundaries consistent with His moral character will bring judgment on a nation.
"Few anticipated Tuesday morning what we would have today: a decapitated Democratic Party, with the Obamas and Clintons gone or going, Joe Biden with them, no national leader rising, and only the power of obstruction, of which the nation has had enough."
The last time the Republicans controlled the House, Senate and presidency (Bush 43) —they frittered it away. In 2015, Mark Steyn wrote about that missed opportunity: "I describe Republicans as a party of seat-warmers-until the pendulum swings and the Dems come roaring back. When the left wins, they're in power; when the right wins, they're in office, and that's all."
With and Black Lives Matter now fomenting anarchy in the streets, an opportunity is tapping Christians on the shoulder. We must not blow this one. We must stay engaged.
We need a Gideon or Rahab to stand.
David Lane is the founder of American Renewal Project.
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Israel Wants to Muffle Muslim Call to Prayer - Israel Today

Israel Wants to Muffle Muslim Call to Prayer

Monday, November 14, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet on Sunday approved a proposed bill that would put an end Muslim calls to prayer being blasted over loudspeakers across Israel.
Known as the muezzin, this mosque official is supposed to call the faithful to prayer from a mosque’s minaret five times every day. Modern mosques, like those found in most cities in Israel, amplify that call using multiple loudspeakers.
The so-called “muezzin bill” is aimed at protecting the rights of those Israelis, most non-Muslims, who don’t want such Islamic practices imposed upon their lives.
“The bill comes from a view that freedom of religion should not harm quality of life,” the bill’s creator, Member of Knesset Moti Yogev (Jewish Home), was quoted as saying by The Jerusalem Post.
Netanyahu offered his backing, noting that “Israel is committed to freedom for all religions, but is also responsible for protecting its citizens from noise. That’s how it is in cities in Europe. I support similar legislation and enforcement in Israel.”
The bill has received the approval of the Ministerial Committee for Legislation and must now be submitted for voting in the Knesset plenum.
As expected, Arab Muslim politicians slammed the bill as “racist.”
“Its whole goal is to create an atmosphere of hatred and incitement towards the Arab public,” insisted Joint Arab List party head Ayman Odeh.
But most Israelis would argue that it is in fact “racist” and hostile to impose religious practices upon those who are not members of your own religion.
Odeh and other critics also ignored the fact that the new bill does not prohibit the call of the muezzin, just the use of loudspeakers to amplify that call and thereby disturb the peace.
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas threatened that if signed into law, the measure would “drag the region to disaster.”
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