Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday Means Something Else This Year in Israel - Aviel Schneider ISRAEL TODAY

Black Friday Means Something Else This Year in Israel

Friday, November 25, 2016 |  Aviel Schneider  ISRAEL TODAY
Today, all over the world people are marking Black Friday with major sales and a lot of shopping. Israelis usually like to participate in this, but this year many have more important matters to deal with.
While the rest of the world is taking advantage of Black Friday sales, Israelis are trying to keep their country from turning black.
Black clouds are covering the heavens, and this holy land is being scorched as hundreds of wildfires, many of them acts of arson, continue to rage, forcing thousands to evacuate their homes.
And the strong winds that are spreading the fires are expected to continue until the middle of next week, keeping Israel on high alert, and its exhausted firefighters working overtime.
Already large forested areas outside Haifa and Jerusalem have been destroyed.
We are calling on our faithful readers at this critical time to help us restore Israel’s woodlands.
Amidst this tragedy, join us in truly lifting Israel up and planting the land.
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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving in Jerusalem - Brian Schrauger

Thanksgiving in Jerusalem - Brian Schrauger
The Jerusalem Journal

In the States, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Far and away, it is my favorite American holiday. Its focus on family, food, fun and rest - all in the context of gratitude - makes it uniquely wholesome. Although I am not in the US and find myself increasingly removed from the way it looks at life, I love to celebrate this part of its culture in Jerusalem.

Except for a six-month visit to England in 2013, I have been in Israel for almost four and a-half years. Every day I am amazed that I have the privilege of living here.

Acclimated to the culture, Israel has become my home. More than a place I sleep and work, it is where my heart has learned to rest. I have fallen in love with the people and the cultures, and also with the land.

Periodic walks each week take me into the terraced hills of Judea. In spite of stony soil and thorny weeds, their beauty is breathtaking. Olive and fig trees and tall bent pines are surrounded by ancient watchtowers, some rebuilt, some not. And poking through the soil, long, strong ribs of stone fold here and there into secret clefts and caves.

It is as if I'm seeing part of a massive skeleton, but one with living marrow, still nurturing a land that, though wounded from the past and given up for dead for centuries, is very much alive.

The greatest evidence of that life is not the focus of most tours. Most come to see places where things happened: the Jordan River and the Wilderness, Capernaum and the Temple Mount; the Seas of Galilee and Salt; and all throughout, ruins from the past. Some tours jump from looking at the past to squinting into the future when God himself will make this place his earthly throne.

But the life of this awakening land is not in the past or the future. It is in the present. The living breath of Israel is in the people here; the people here today; all of them.

Since coming to Israel in 2012, I have encountered the beating heart of God. It is a pulse that pumps in people, not stones. As an avid advocate for the Jewish State, the homeland of God's human family, I have been nurtured and sustained by priceless friendships with members of that tribe.

But the greatest acts of kindness I have encountered?

Second to none, remarkable in unselfconscious generosity, the richest gifts of love have come from Palestinian believers. "George" from Gaza, "Jabra" from a refugee camp, and Mariana of Bethlehem; Mariana who gave me a room in her inn, who casually made me an member of her family, and did so in a six-month season of my life when I was alone and had no place to live.

Whether Jews or Palestinians, the pulsating life of this resurrected nation is its people. Yes, among them are those who are distort God's Word in an attempt to usurp his uniquely chosen human family, the family in whom, and through whom, all the world is blessed.

But even God's enemies carry markers of his grace. Their life and breath, passions and desires, are gifts from our generous Creator, even when those gifts are corrupted.

God is a giver and what he gives is life. He is passionate about the people living in his land and, I am convinced, wants their stories told, their news reported, to nations that otherwise hear distorted, even deceptive reports from its own media.

God is the primary parent in this new news venture. Through you, he is nurturing, sustaining and enabling it to grow.

Because of God through you, the Jerusalem Journal is able to focus on people in Israel, telling their stories, and providing a platform for them to tell the world what is happening here.

As the human co-parent of the Jerusalem Journal, I am living here as your representative, as one to bring a blessing, not a curse, to all whose hearts turn toward the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Thanking God for you, for the gift of life he gives through you in such a time as this...


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The Jerusalem Journal

Don Moen - Thank You Lord | Live Worship Sessions

Don Moen - Thank You Lord | Live Worship Sessions

Published on Mar 4, 2016
Worship with Don Moen and his full band as he sings "Thank You Lord" in this DonMoenTV Live Worship Session accompanied by special guest Lenny LeBlanc! Want to see more videos like this? Check out our Live Worship Playlist: New videos posted every week! Subscribe for the latest DonMoenTV videos:

Acoustic Guitar & BGV: Lenny LeBlanc
BGV: Rachel Robinson
Electric Guitar: Tom Lane
Bass Guitar: Jason Foster
Drums: Tim Newton
Keyboard: Kiko Negron
Sound Engineer: Chuck Harris

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Title: "Thank You Lord"
Album: Thank You Lord
Artist: Don Moen

I come before You today
And there's just one thing that I want to say
Thank You Lord thank You Lord
For all You've given to me
For all the blessings that I cannot see
Thank You Lord thank You Lord

With a grateful heart with a song of praise
With an outstretched arm I will bless Your name

Thank You Lord
I just want to thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
I just want to thank You Lord
Thank You Lord

For all You've done in my life
You took my darkness and gave me Your light
Thank You Lord thank You Lord
You took my sin and my shame
You took my sickness and healed all my pain
Thank You Lord thank You Lord

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Establishing God's Name in Your Life ✡ ISRAEL365

Only at the place that Hashem will choose
from among all your tribes to place His Name,
there shall ye seek out His Presence.

כִּי אִם אֶל הַמָּקוֹם אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם מִכָּל שִׁבְטֵיכֶם לָשׂוּם אֶת שְׁמוֹ שָׁם לְשִׁכְנוֹ תִדְרְשׁוּ וּבָאתָ שָּׁמָּה

דברים יב:ה

kee im el ha-ma-KOM a-SHER yiv-KHAR a-do-NAI e-lo-hay-KHEM mi-KOL shiv-tay-KHEM la-SUM et sh’-MO sham l’-shikh-NO tid-r’-SHU u-VA-ta SHA-ma

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Hebrew word which means 'to establish His name' is l'shichno. The root of this word, shachen means 'to dwell', and is also the root of the word shechina, the word used to refer to Hashem's presence. The use of this word to refer to His presence alludes to our close, personal, relationship with the Almighty, as the name indicates that He dwells among us.  Additionally, this verse reminds us that the place on earth where Hashem's presence is found more than any other is the Temple Mount in Yerushalayaim. One great way to develop your personal relationship with Hashem is by reading and learning the Bible in its original Hebrew and establishing His name in your daily life.

Jacob's Spiritual Journey

After Jacob is blessed by his father Isaac, he sets out on a spiritual journey. How will your journey begin?

Hebrew Reveals Hidden Meanings of Biblical Names

In Jewish tradition, one’s Hebrew name contains a spiritual dimension.

$3 Hebrew Music CD's

Better Than Black Friday! All our entire CD collection -$3 each! Plus 70% off select art, 60% off watches and  60% off The Israel Bible digital copies.
Shop Better Than Black Friday Deals Now »

Today's Israel Photo

Joe Aminoff's photo of the Temple Mount was taken from the beautiful vantage point of the Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

In the Second Temple Period, Jews would celebrate the holiday of Sukkot on the Mount of Olives. The Jews made the pilgrimage to the Mount of Olives  for the celebration as its higher location allowed for a beautiful panoramic view of the Temple Mount.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Elizabeth Martinez from California; Marcia Webber from Pennsylvania; David Harris from Michigan.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Robert Fox from Florida; Michael Brodsly from California; Sarah Lewkowicz from California.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Crystal Knapp from Nevada; Beth Scott from Queensland, Australia; Marrise Neves from Brazil.

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“Why I Support Israel”

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I support Israel because that is the country and people of Yeshua and he will save Israel from the unbelievers who would destroy the country because they want to take it over and shore up their false religion of Islam which is based on Babylonian myths and has no basis in reality! I am from Victoria on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.
Sincerely, Eileen Doyle
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Move the Embassy! - Jim Fletcher BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Move the Embassy!

The transition period for the new Trump administration is comical. The media are howling if he doesn’t name all his cabinet picks in 30 minutes. Of course, if he did that, they’d scream that he wasn’t deliberate enough.
One interesting discussion at the moment is a potential role for Mike Huckabee. The former Arkansas governor is rumored to be in line for the ambassadorship to Israel.
That’d be a great pick.
In an interview with Eric Bolling at FOX, Huckabee said that, in fact, he had not discussed that position with Trump. The media had been reporting late this week that the deal was sealed. Somebody is not telling the truth!
But in the event Huckabee is installed as ambassador, does that make it more likely the U.S. embassy will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
We don’t know.

Record 700 Brazilian Jews Set to Make Aliyah in 2016 - JNS BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Record 700 Brazilian Jews Set to Make Aliyah in 2016

“And say ye: ‘Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us together and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks unto Thy holy name, that we may triumph in Thy praise.’” I Chronicles 16:35 (The Israel Bible™)
The Jewish Agency for Israel said that 2016 will see a record 700 Brazilian Jews immigrate to Israel.
According to the Jewish Agency, 650 Brazilian Jews have already made aliyah this year, with around another 50 expected by the end of December. This is up from 496 new Brazilian immigrants in 2015 and 280 in 2014.
“The Brazilian Jewish community is a warm, Zionist community with strong ties to Israel,” Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky said during a visit to Brazil. “Since Israel’s establishment, more than 15,000 Brazilian Jews have immigrated to Israel, contributing to the Jewish state’s national character and strength.”
The head of the Jewish Agency delegation in Brazil, Revital Poleg, noted that the increase in aliyah is tied to the ongoing economic crisis in Brazil, but is also rooted in the strong ties the country’s Jewish community has to Israel.