Monday, April 3, 2017

Fasting's Supernatural Effects on Your Brain and Heart - CHERIE CALBOM CHARISMA NEWS

Fasting has both physical and spiritual benefits. (Pixabay)

Fasting's Supernatural Effects on Your Brain and Heart

We generally don't have any problem recognizing that many of the problems we face in our bodies are things we can control through healthy choices. For example, if someone has a problem with weight management or low energy, these are problems that can usually be addressed through healthy choices such as exercise, good nutrition, nutritional supplements, juicing, fasting and detoxing.
When it comes to the brain, however, we often don't appreciate that our thought lives can also be controlled by proper choices. For example, we often assume that our brain controls us and that we are a passive victim of toxic thinking, including painful memories, useless rumination and ongoing stress about the future. Because we don't understand the power God has given us to control our minds, we often respond to mental stimuli by taking up each thought and entertaining it before another thought takes its place.
The same thing happens with our emotions. Often when we feel an emotion such as anger, we think the emotion controls us. In fact, we often talk about emotions as if they are us. (For example, we say things such as "I am angry.") Accordingly, we think of ourselves as being victims of emotions. The first step to letting go of toxic emotions or thoughts is recognizing that they are separate from us. Put simply, you are not your thoughts or emotions. Rather, toxic thoughts and feelings are things outside yourself, such as airplanes in the sky, that you can either allow to land in the runway of your heart and mind or reject and watch them fly away.
This type of strenuous control over toxic thoughts and feelings is easier during times of fasting. During a fast, the brain slows down, thus making it easier for us to exercise censorship over our thinking. But the functions of the brain are also more enhanced, more controlled and more at our disposal during times of fasting. This has emerged in a number of different studies. A group of students at the University of Chicago was asked to live for an entire week without food while keeping a regular routine: "Their mental alertness was so much greater during that period that their progress in their school work was cited as remarkable. Several repetitions of this experiment, always with the same results, proved that this was not exceptional." During a fast, you can channel this new mental alertness into observing toxic thoughts when they arise and letting them go without taking them up.
Exercising censorship over your thinking doesn't mean just gritting your teeth and saying, "I will not think this negative thought." A person can repeat, "I am not feeling stress" all day long, but that won't make it true. What we need to do is actively replace toxic thinking with the truth. This involves addressing the lies that are behind toxic thinking.
The main lie is that we can survive separate from God. Consider that when we worry about the future, when we ruminate over the past, when we try to grasp a lot of material things for ourselves or when we chase after the pleasures of life, we are doing exactly as Adam and Eve did when they hid from God: We are acting as if we are separate from the source of life. By contrast, when we focus on what is noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable (Phil. 4:8), we are connecting with our Creator and beginning to take the journey toward health and wholeness. 
Cherie Calbom, MSN, is known as The Juice Lady, TV chef and celebrity nutritionist, and has helped in pioneering the fresh-juice movement around the world. A graduate of Bastyr University with a master of science degree in whole-foods nutrition, Calbom is the author of 31 books. She has worked as a nutritionist with George Foreman and Richard Simmons and has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows and in scores of magazine articles. She and her husband offer Health and Wellness Juice and Raw-Foods Retreats throughout the year. This passage is an excerpt from her new book,The Juice Lady's Guide to Fasting.
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Preparing for Passover - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 

Spring is a lovely time of year in Israel - the flowers are blooming, and the weather is pleasant before the intense heat of summer. It was great to get out of the classroom with our students to explore the land of Israel together.

Sitting in an amphitheater that was likely standing in the time of Yeshua, quite close to his home town of Nazareth, the students learned about local history, archaeology and also enjoyed some teaching on the Gospel of Mark from Dr Seth Postell, our Academic Dean. 

Now we just have one more week of studies before the Passover holiday next week!


Eitan explains how it all started: "A simple partnership that turned into perhaps the most effective tool to ever exist in reaching the Jewish people with the message of the Gospel, and blessing many gentiles as a blessed side effect!" Continue reading...

STAFF IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Varya Plashko, Online Studies

We would like to introduce you to Varya, who heads up our Online Studies department. Varya has a background in linguistics and is fluent in three languages, but for her Masters degree she studied the subject of her passion: Land of Israel Studies.

She studied Israel's history along with the land itself with all its beautiful nature at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, considered one of the best for subjects pertaining to Israel, the Jewish scriptures and heritage.

Varya loves to be in nature, and goes hiking all around the land of Israel at every opportunity, but when she has to be in her office, she brings as much of nature inside to join her as she can! She loves to help people learn about Israel, the Bible, and the history of the Jewish people and is always excited to see people signing up for online courses. 

Changes are happening in Israeli supermarkets - cleaning products are on special offer, and sections of "Kosher for Pesach" goods are appearing with no traces of yeast in them. At this time of year, everyone gets busy spring cleaning, as the Festival of Unleavened Bread approaches, and the Bible commands that all leaven must be removed from the house. 

In Passover tradition, leaven represents sin, and we remember the miracle of the Angel of Death passing over the Hebrew houses that were protected by the blood of a lamb. Isn't it funny that about this time of year, Yeshua also gave the House of God a good spring clean? Continue reading...


Whether or not a Christian celebrates Passover is a matter of personal conscience. Like all other Jewish Feasts, it is a foreshadowing of Yeshua... Passover speaks of his atoning work as the Lamb of God. Colossians 2:16-17 tells us that we should "let no one judge us in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths..." Christians are no longer bound to observe the Passover Feast the way the Jewish people were commanded to, but it is very interesting and beneficial to dig into the symbolism nonetheless. Continue reading...


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What Is America Going To Look Like When Stocks, Home Prices And Even Used Cars All Crash By At Least 50 Percent? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 02 Apr 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Have you ever thought about what comes after the bubble?  In 2008 we got a short preview of what life will be like, but most Americans seem to have come to the conclusion that the last financial crisis was just a minor bump in the road toward endless economic prosperity.  But of course the truth is that the ridiculously high debt-fueled standard of living that we are enjoying now is not sustainable, and after this bubble bursts it will be an extremely painful adjustment for our society.

Since the last financial crisis, the U.S. national debt has nearly doubled, corporate debt has doubled, stock valuations have reached exceedingly ridiculous extremes, the student loan debt bubble has surpassed a trillion dollars, we are facing the largest unfunded pension crisis in U.S. history, and in many parts of the country (particularly the west coast) we are facing a housing bubble that is even worse than the one that burst in 2007 and 2008.

And even with all of these bubbles, U.S. GDP growth has been absolutely anemic.  Even if you believe the grossly manipulated numbers that the federal government puts out, the U.S. economy grew at a “miserably low” rate of just 1.6 percent in 2016…

In terms of GDP, the fourth quarter was revised up slightly, but there were adjustments for prior quarters, and overall GDP growth for the year 2016 remained at a miserably low 1.6%. We’ve come to call this the “stall speed.” It’s difficult for the US economy to stay aloft at this slow speed. As Q4 gutted any hopes for a strong finish, GDP growth in 2016 matched the worst year since the Great Recession.
And corporate profits, despite a stock market that has been surging for years, are even worse. A lot worse. They’ve declined for years. In fact, they declined for years during the prior two stock market bubbles, the dotcom bubble and the pre-Financial-Crisis bubble. Both ended in crashes.
Things have continued to get even worse early in 2016.  At this point, it is being projected that U.S. GDP will grow at an annual rate of just 0.9 percent during the first quarter of 2017.

So anyone that tries to tell you that the U.S. economy is in good shape is simply not being honest with you.

But even though things don’t look great now, they are going to look far, far worse after the biggest debt bubble in human history bursts.

For example, what do you think that America will look like after half of all stock market wealth disappears?  In a recent note to his clients, John P. Hussman stated that his team is projecting that by the end of this current market cycle “roughly half of U.S. equity market capitalization – $17 trillion in paper wealth – will simply vanish”.

And of course that projection lines up perfectly with what I have been saying for quite a while.  In order for key measures of stock market valuation (such as CAPE, etc.) to return to their long-term averages, stocks are going to have to fall at least 40 to 50 percent from their current levels.

As this coming crisis unfolds, other asset classes will experience astounding downturns as well.  This week, Morgan Stanley (one of the too big to fail banks) released a report that said that used car prices “could crash by up to 50%” over the next several years…
For months we’ve been talking about the massive lending bubble propping up the U.S. auto market. Now, noting many of the same concerns that we’ve highlighted repeatedly, Morgan Stanley’s auto team, led by Adam Jonas, has just issued a report detailing why they think used car prices could crash by up to 50% over the next 4-5 years.
Housing prices are primed for a major plunge as well.  This is especially true on the west coast where tech money and foreign purchasers from Asia have pushed home values up to dizzying levels.  Half a million dollars will be lucky to get you a “starter home” in San Francisco, and it was being reported that one poor techie living there was paying $1400 a month just to live in a closet.  Many believe that some cities on the west coast will be quite fortunate if home values only go down by 50 percent during the coming crash.

Everywhere you look there are bubbles.  In a recent piece, Daniel Lang pointed out some more of them
  • Eric Rosengren, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, recently made a startling tacit admission. We may be in the midst of yet another real estate bubble. Major financial institutions in this country are in possession of over $14 trillion worth of residential real estate loans. That’s well over $40,000 for every man woman and child in America.
  • Low interest rates have fueled a bubble in subprime auto loans, and that bubble appears to be reaching its limits. There are now over 1 million ordinary and subprime auto loans that are delinquent, a number that hasn’t been this high since 2009.
  • There is now well over a trillion dollars worth of student loan debt in this country; much of it owned by low income families. And there’s little hope that these students will ever see a return on their investment. That’s why at least 27% of student loans are in default. While more than one in four students are in default now, that number was one in nine a decade ago. And if current trends continue, there could be $3.3 trillion of student loan debt by the end of the next decade.
At some point the imbalances become just too great and the system collapses in upon itself.
In other words, we are heading for a massive implosion.

And once the implosion happens, people are going to go absolutely nuts.  Anger and frustration are already rising to the boiling point all over the country, and it isn’t going to take much to push millions of Americans completely over the edge.

In a recent interview with Greg Hunter, author James Rickards warned that when things get really bad in America we could actually see what he refers to as “money riots”
So, could we be facing a “Mad Max” world if the financial system totally crashes? Rickards says, “In ‘Road to Ruin,’ I talk about what I call the money riots.  There is a lot of reasons for rioting.  When you start shutting banks and the stock exchange and they say you can’t get your money, it’s only temporary, trust us, people will go out and start to burn down banks.  The government is ready for that also with emergency response and martial law. . . . Governments don’t go down without a fight. . . . You can see the shutdown coming because they will try to buy time until they come up with a solution, whether it’s gold, Special Drawing Rights (SDR), guarantees or whatever it might be.  There are only two or three possibilities here, but all of them will take time, and they will have to shut down the system. . . . People will not sit for that.  So, that means people will riot.  They’ll burn down banks.  They will smash windows, but what is the reaction to that?  The answer is martial law, militarized police, actual military units and you get something that looks like fascism pretty quickly.”
I very much agree with his assessment.

All it is going to take is another major financial crisis and this nation will go completely and utterly insane.

Unfortunately, all of our long-term economic problems have proceeded to get a lot worse since the last time around, and so when things fall apart this time we will likely be looking at a scenario that is absolutely unprecedented in American history.

A lot of people have become very complacent out there these days, but that is a huge mistake.

Just because a crisis is delayed does not mean that it is canceled.  And because our leaders have kept making this economic bubble larger and larger, that just means that the coming crisis will be even more painful than it otherwise could have been.

Anti-Missile Defense Shield - Israel Today

Israel Completes Multi-Tier Anti-Missile Defense Shield

Monday, April 03, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended the ceremony marking the operational integration of the David's Sling air defense system on Sunday at the Hatzor Air Force Base in southern Israel.
The three tiers of Israel's anti-missile defense technology now comprises of Iron Dome, which covers short range rockets and missiles (up to 70km range), David's Sling the medium range system (70 – 300km range), and the Arrow III exoatmospheric anti-ballistic missile system.
David's Sling was developed over the last 10 years by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems in cooperation with the IDF, as an answer to medium range kamikazi drones, rockets and missile fire. Unlike Iron Dome, which is stationary and defends specific areas of Israel, David's Sling is portable, providing national coverage.
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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spanish Foreign Minister blasts BDS - Yossi Aloni ISRAEL TODAY

Spanish Foreign Minister blasts BDS

Sunday, April 02, 2017 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
During a meeting with a delegation of Knesset members, who visited the country to mark 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Spain and Israel, Alfonso Dastis, Spain's Foreign Minister, came out firmly against the BDS movement's activities.
"The government of Spain is entirely opposed to BDS and has already taken a variety of steps to fight the movement. I ask that you update me on every new extreme initiative in real time, so we can prevent it in real time," said Dastis.
This despite some 40 cities in Spain adopting boycott resolutions with some 10 cities cancelling their decisions, either voluntarily or by court order.
The Spanish-Israeli Parliamentary Friendship League was launched at a ceremony attended by Spanish senators, congressman, the Israeli ambassador to Spain, the delegation of Knesset members and other Israeli embassy staff.
"The Knesset places great importance to strengthening relations between the two countries and parliaments. Fortunately, the Spanish foreign minister agreed to my invitation to visit Israel and declared that his government is strongly opposed to BDS," said MK Revital Swid.
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