Friday, June 2, 2017

This Major General Just Gave The Most Incredible Testimony Of God's Healing Power - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Major General Daniel York is a remarkable man. Not only is he a decorated serviceman, but he loves Jesus with all his heart. York curre...
Surviving Coptic Passengers: 'We Began To "Pray For Christ" As ISIS Opened Fire'
The surviving Coptic Christians on that fateful bus on the way to a monastery in the Minya region of Egypt have spoken out about...
Trump Says Embassy Move To Jerusalem WILL Happen, But Just Not Right Now 
The President has reaffirmed his commitment to moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jersualem, Israel. However, it won'...
Here's Why Christians Should Be PRAYING For 'Trump Beheader' Kathy Griffin 
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Guitar Hero Carlos Santana Reveals How His Christian Faith Saved Him From Suicide 
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Katy Perry's Mom Reveals How Jesus Helped Her Cope With Her Rebellious Daughter 
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Evangelical Pastor In Court On Child Molestation Charges, Church 'Utterly Heartbroken' 
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Pregnant Teen Who 'Chose Life': "We Shouldn't Be Hidden Away In Shame" 
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Top Ten Ways Churches Drive Away First - Time Guests 
If you attend a church regularly, you’ve probably noticed the phenomenon. A guest shows up for a worship service, but he or sh...
Supreme Court May Take Controversial Gay Wedding Cake Case 
The Supreme Court is currently deliberating on whether it should take a case involving a man from Colorado who is refusing to bake a ca...
Are These New 'Fidget Spinner' Kids Toys Actually Satanic? 
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Kidnapped Priest Pleads With Filipino President As ISIS Hold 240 Civilians Captive 
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Pat Robertson's Son Believes That End Times Prophecy About Israel Is Being Fulfilled 
Gordon Robertson, the president of CBN and son of founder Pat Robertson, has released the new docu-drama "In Our Hands," which a...
3 Things Christians Do That Non-Christians Really Hate 
When you take a quick opinion poll from non-Christians on Christian behavior, the results are often not particularly positive. This is really s...
"Bible-Believing" Christians Should Be Compelled To Speak Out Against Payday Lenders 
Payday lenders, or loansharks, are wreaking personal financial havoc on many. With the promise of quick money to cover your bills, you s...
7 Things The Church Loves More Than God 
Love God with all your heart. Love your neighbor as yourself. The entire Law and the words of the prophets hinge on these two comm...
Chinese Christian Lawyer Reveals The Brutal Torture He Endured In Prison 
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3 Things Every Wife Should Do To Help Their Husbands Grow In Faith 
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Why Are Church Leaders Such Poor Managers? 
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12 Signs The Economic Slowdown The Experts Have Been Warning About Is Now Here - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 01 Jun 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Since the election there has been this perception among the American public that the economy is improving, but that has not been the case at all.  U.S. GDP growth for the first quarter was just revised up to 1.2 percent, but that is even lower than the average growth of just 1.33 percent that we saw over the previous ten years.  But when you look even deeper into the numbers a much more alarming picture emerges.

Commercial and industrial loan growth is declining, auto loan defaults are rising, bankruptcies are absolutely surging and we are on pace to break the all-time record for most store closings in a single year in the United States by more than 20 percent.

All of these are points that I have covered before, but today I have 12 new facts to share with you.  The following are 12 signs that the economic slowdown that the experts have been warning about is now here…

#1 According to Challenger, the number of job cuts in May was 71 percent higher than it was in May 2016.
#2 We just witnessed the third worst drop in U.S. construction spending in the last six years.
#3 U.S. manufacturing PMI fell to an 8 month low in May.
#4 Financial stocks have lost all of their gains for the year, and some analysts are saying that this is “a terrible sign”.
#5 One new survey has found that 39 percent of all millionaires “plan to avoid investing in the coming month”.  That is the highest that figure has been since December 2013.
#6 Jobless claims just shot up to a five week high of 248,000.
#7 General Motors just reported another sales decline in May, and it is being reported that the company may be preparing for “more job cuts at its American factories”.
#8 After an initial bump after Donald Trump’s surprise election victory, U.S. consumer confidence is starting to fall.
#9 Since Memorial Day, Radio Shack has officially shut down more than 1,000 stores.
#10 Payless has just increased the number of stores that it plans to close to about 800.
#11 According to the Los Angeles Times, it is being projected that 25 percent of all shopping malls in the United States may close within the next five years.
#12 Over the past 12 months, the number of homeless people living in Los Angeles County has risen by a  staggering 23 percent.

And in case those numbers have not persuaded you that the U.S. economy is heading for rough times, I would encourage you to go check out my previous article entitled “11 Facts That Prove That The U.S. Economy In 2017 Is In Far Worse Shape Than It Was In 2016” for even more eye-popping statistics.

During a bubble, it can feel like the good times are just going to keep rolling forever. But that never actually happens in reality.

The truth is that we are in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble of all time, and the evidence is starting to mount that this debt bubble has just about run its course.  The following comes from Zero Hedge
A recurring theme on this website has been to periodically highlight the tremendous build up in US corporate debt, most recently in April when we showed that “Corporate Debt To EBITDA Hits All Time High.” The relentless debt build up is something which even the IMF recently noted, when in April it released a special report on financial stability, according to which 20% of US corporations were at risk of default should rates rise. It is also the topic of the latest piece by SocGen’s strategist Andrew Lapthorne who uses even more colorful adjectives to describe what has happened since the financial crisis, noting that “the debt build-up during this cycle has been incredible, particularly when compared to the stagnant progression of EBITDA.”
Lapthorne calculates that S&P1500 ex financial net debt has risen by almost $2 trillion in five years, a 150% increase, but this mild in comparison to the tripling of the debt pile in the Russell 2000 in six yearsHe also notes, as shown he previously, that as a result of this debt surge, interest payments cost the smallest 50% of stocks in the US fully 30% of their EBIT compared with just 10% of profits for the largest 10% and states that “clearly the sensitivity to higher interest rates is then going to be with this smallest 50%, while the dominance and financial strength of the largest 10% disguises this problem in the aggregate index measures.”
The same report noted that net debt growth in the U.S. is quickly headed toward negative territory, and the last time that happened was during the last recession.

We see similar things when we look at the 2nd largest economy on the entire planet.  According to Jim Rickards, China “has multiple bubbles, and they’re all getting ready to burst”…
China is in the greatest financial bubble in history. Yet, calling China a bubble does not do justice to the situation. This story has been touched on periodically over the last year.
China has multiple bubbles, and they’re all getting ready to burst. If you make the right moves now, you could be well positioned even as Chinese credit and currency crash and burn.
The first and most obvious bubble is credit. The combined Chinese government and corporate debt-to-equity ratio is over 300-to-1 after hidden liabilities, such as provincial guarantees and shadow banking system liabilities, are taken into account.
We just got the worst Chinese manufacturing number in about a year, and it looks like economic conditions over there are really starting to slow down as well.

Just like 2008, the coming crisis is going to be truly global in scope.

It is funny how our perspective colors our reality.  Just like in 2007, many are mocking those that are warning that a crisis is coming, but just like in 2009, after the crisis strikes many will be complaining that nobody warned them in advance about what was ahead.

And at this moment it may seem like we have all the time in the world to get prepared for the approaching storm, but once it is here people will be talking about how it seemed to hit us so quickly.

My hope is that many Americans will finally be fed up with our fundamentally flawed financial system once they realize that we are facing another horrendous economic crisis, and that in the aftermath they will finally be ready for the dramatic solutions that are necessary in order to permanently fix things.

MUSIC FRIDAY! - Jason Upton live - "I Built My House Upon the Stone" - "He Knows Me By My Name"

MUSIC FRIDAY! - Jason Upton live

"I Built My House Upon the Stone" 
"He Knows Me By My Name"

Published on Dec 31, 2015

Jason Upton live "I Built My House Upon the Stone", "Lamb of God - He Knows Me By My Name" - MorningStar New Year conference 12.31.15 morning  Leonard Jones on guitar.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.
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    • About

      Jason Upton
      Jason Upton is a singer/songwriter with the heart of a pastor. Whether Jason is leading people in worship through singing or speaking, Jason does his best to carry the heart of our heavenly Father. His songs and his messages reflect a life fully lived in relationship with God, family and friends.
      Jason and Key of David Ministries have several recordings available that document Jason and his band expressing the heart of God for His people through song, instrumental spontaneity and spoken word. To see all of Jason’s albums – Click Here.
      Jason currently lives in Wisconsin with his wife Rachel and their children Samuel, Emma, Lucy and Oliver.
      For more information about Key of David Ministries – Click Here.

Conclusion Of the Parable Of Two Trains - Brian Hennessy ISRAEL TODAY

Conclusion Of the Parable Of Two Trains

Friday, June 02, 2017 |  Brian Hennessy  ISRAEL TODAY
As I shared in the two previous articles, I see this “parable” unfolding right before our eyes today. I said the Scriptures revealed that God’s ultimate plan was to unite passengers from the two trains, the Jewish Train and the Gospel Train, when both pulled into the Jerusalem station after their centuries-long journey. Which I believe they have. And that Yeshua was about to get off here and we are to follow.
Sadly, Scripture also reveals that many on the Gospel Train won’t get off. They will remain seated and then suddenly find themselves heading off into the outer darkness… where “there’ll be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matt 8:5). Which will show they never were his followers to begin with. Or if they were, they have been deceived.
How could this happen?
Over the centuries, conductors had arisen on the Gospel Train who began to spiritualize the train’s purpose. The passengers were not told of the Jewish roots of their faith. Nor encouraged to believe “they were Abraham’s seed, heirs according to promise” (Gal. 3:29). Nor told of the glorious reunion in the promised land at journey’s end. But instead were taught the train ride itself was a new religion for Gentile believers, and that our final destination was Heaven. Even the gospel message was altered. And soon many were allowed to board the train who did not even know Yeshua.
Yet God’s spirit was still drawing those who were His to Messiah in every generation. And the train traveled on.
Things on the Jewish Train, however, were quite different. Those passengers never lost sight of their identity or their train’s ultimate destination. They never stopped hoping that “next year” it would arrive again in their beloved Jerusalem. They just couldn’t see how it was possible. So when it miraculously arrived in 1948 they were as amazed as the rest of the world. But the idea they would one day merge with the passengers on the other train was inconceivable. They remembered all too well previous encounters with what had become called “the Christian Train.” And those memories were painful.
But this is a new day. God has been hard at work in the hearts of many of Yeshua’s true followers to love and support Israel. And to repent of the times we did not intercede to help those on the Jewish Train when we could have. As a result, this recent unsolicited outpouring of Christian love has caused many Jews to have a change of heart about the people on the Gospel Train. And a new foundation of trust and good will has been laid to prepare us all for the coming reunion.
Although many lovers of Zion on the Gospel Train are now ready to disembark, the doors haven’t officially opened. God is giving all his regathered sheep time to awaken and realize this is our last stop. And to “come out of her My people” (Rev. 18:4). So, until the doors open we must wait. When they do, I believe it will be a divinely orchestrated event (Isa. 52:10-12) that will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind who Messiah is. And who Israel is.
But until then we are instructed to “take up the full armor of God, so that we will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm” (Eph. 6:13). But above all, be ready!
The doors will open right on time.
Brian Hennessy is the author of Valley of the Steeples
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