Monday, June 12, 2017

It's Time to Silence the Storms by Rob Hotchkin - Identity Network

It's Time to Silence the Storms by Rob Hotchkin

Identity Network
June 12, 2017
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By Jeremy Lopez
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A fresh wind is being released from heaven that will bring waves of divine power to the church. This is not something that will come upon us nearly so much as it will arise from the fullness of the Kingdom that is already within us. 

No longer will the church look at what is buffeting the world and simply murmur, "This is not okay." No longer will His people see the influence of the enemy on the world and think the answer is to isolate or pull away. Instead, from deep within, the Voice that spoke to each of us like a trumpet to call us out of darkness and into His Light will stir within us and remind us of the dominion power He has given us to not only be His watchmen and discern the times but also be His stewards and agents of impact in all of creation, speaking in His divine authority to command that which is not right to shift, bow and be undone.
Fresh Empowerment to Silence the Storms
You do not need to be a prophet in this hour to see that the enemy is releasing storms into our nations, economies, churches, schools, families and lives (all you need is a television, newspaper, or internet connection), but the Lord is empowering His people afresh to stand up and silence these storms. 

It is time for us to awake and arise. It is time for us to remember the divine power that dwells within us through the finished work of the Cross and the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is time for us to be His dominion stewards in the earth as He has always planned! The enemy sends storms to try to shake us, God allows the storms so the unshakable Kingdom can be revealed through His people. Church, I declare that this is the hour for us to awake, arise and speak to the storms. We will command them to be silenced, and they will obey (Mark 4:39-41)!
Something is Being Awakened and Activated!
I recently preached into this revelation at our weekly Shiloh Fellowship, and Holy Spirit had me repeatedly declare throughout the message (to all who were with us in person as well as everyone watching via our live weekly web feed) that this was not only a release of understanding and wisdom, but also a stirring and awakening of the divine power within every believer so that we can awake, arise, and speak to every storm of the enemy to see it silenced. I believe that the same thing is happening for you as you read this. 

Something is stirring. Something is being awakened. The dominion power that dwells within you is arising. Your divine authority as His empowered steward in the earth is being activated right now!
The Lord Will Help You to Step into this Power
In Mark 4:35-41 we see Jesus mentoring the disciples in this exact thing. Well, actually, what we see is Jesus giving the disciples an opportunity to step into storm-silencing dominion power and divine authority, but they do not quite get it at first. So then He responds to their call for help by mentoring and modeling how to silence a storm. 

There is way too much revelation from this passage of Scripture for me to fully unpack all of it in a short article, but the gist of what we see is that when a storm kicked up, the disciples forgot the word they had from the Lord that they were to go to "the other side" to take new territory (Mark 4:35), and instead of overcoming the resistance of the storm they allowed themselves to be overcome by it. Jesus knew the word He had given them was true and certain – no matter what (the word of the Lord always is!). 

He also knew that the disciples were able to handle any storm or resistance. That, I believe, is why He was asleep in the back of the boat despite the wind, the waves, and the water that was swamping them at the moment. But when the disciples did not step into the authority they had been given by Him as His deputized agents in the earth, our amazing Jesus did what He always does ­– comes to the rescue! Notice, however, that not only does He save them, but in the saving He also reminds them of the dominion steward power that is available to every "son" of God in the earth if we simply believe (Romans 8:29, Mark 9:23).
What Jesus shows them then, and each of us right now, is how to silence any storm that would attempt to interrupt, delay or interfere with a promise of God. The simple steps are this: Trust and rest in the word of the Lord (Mark 4:35,39). Know that He is always with you and empowering you, even in the midst of a severe storm He is right there with you (Mark 4:36). 

Do not take any storm lying down, but instead stand up to the storms sent against you, your promises, your family, your city, nation or world (Mark 4:39). Speak to the storm and command it to "be still" (Mark 4:39). Do this until you see the storm obey and bow, because it must (Mark 4:41, John 14:12).
It is Time to Silence the Storms!
Yes, there are storms in the earth – political, economical, medical, meteorological, and more. "Winds" are blowing, "waves" are buffeting, and at times it can even look and feel a bit scary if we forget who is with us and how He has empowered us. 

That is why God is releasing a greater wind! A fresh Acts-2:2 type of mighty gale that will stir up and remind His people of who we are in this hour. This fresh wind will release wave after wave of divine power from within His people to stand up and speak to the storms. silencing them and bearing great witness of our Jesus!
Prayer Directives
Do you want to be one of His "Storm Silencers" and see a company of similar empowered believers arise? Then let's pray and agree that:
God is releasing a fresh wind from heaven that will bring waves of divine power to the church.
The dominion authority that dwells within every believer will be stirred and awakened.
We will allow the Lord to mentor us all in walking in the Truth of Jesus, the Heart of the Father, and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
His people will be dominion stewards and agents of impact in the earth, affecting every city, nation, sphere of influence and atmosphere with the fullness of His Goodness and the certainty of His Truth.
A company of "Storm Silencers" shall arise who are willing to stand against the storms, speaking to them (as Jesus has shown us in Mark 4:35-41) until they bow and obey.
Rob Hotchkin

"He Is Alive - Forever He Is Gloried" - Transformation Church worship - Hwy. 521 Indian Land, SC Pastor Derwin Gray 06.11.17

"He Is Alive - Forever He Is Gloried"
Transformation Church live worship

Hwy. 521 Indian Land, SC 
Pastor Derwin Gray 
Sunday 10 am service 06.11.17 

Published on Jun 11, 2017
"He Is Alive - Forever He Is Gloried" - Transformation Church worship - Hwy. 521 Indian Land, SC Pastor Derwin Gray 06.11.17

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Embracing Holy Spirit's Gift of Inconvenient Intercession - CHRISTY FITZWATER CHARISMA NEWS

Jesus modeled this for us to demonstrate God's heart.
Jesus modeled this for us to demonstrate God's heart. (Olivia Snow)
It's 5:09 a.m., and the sun is coming up over the Rockies. I've been awake for an hour talking to God about a student whose progress is concerning to me, as we end the school year. Behind this name trails the name of a friend's kid and another friend's kid who are making bad choices right now. Their faces and souls hook themselves to my prayers like monkeys in a barrel.
Sleep would have been nice.
Except people require emotional work, and I'm starting to come to grips with this. In fact, I think it's a gross oversight that we don't write this more concretely into our contracts.
I will wear skirts or slacks to work.
I will not park in the visitor parking.
I will take attendance every day.
I will attend all staff meetings.
I will commit to 13 hours of sleeplessness in order to pray for and to think of how to help a student who is not doing well.
Parents should have to sign something like this before leaving the hospital with a new baby:
Show us you know how to properly install a car seat.
Show us you're willing to cry for this child and to labor over him in your thoughts and prayers. Will you agonize on behalf of this person? Sign here.
Seth Godin says:
Emotional labor: That's the labor most of us do now. The work of doing what we don't necessarily feel like doing, the work of being a professional, the work of engaging with others in a way that leads to the best long-term outcome ... Of course it's difficult. That's precisely why it's valuable. Almost no one gets hired to eat chocolate cake.
I think of Jesus in the garden. He was willing to be completely miserable on my behalf. He lost sleep. He prayed and prayed and prayed. He made himself physically ill because of love. He said to his disciples, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Wait here, and keep watch with Me" (Matt. 26:38).
Jesus put himself in a place of emotional misery and did not run from it.
He did this work for me.
He did this work for you.
So I ask—are you willing to do emotional work on behalf of the people God has put in your life? Will you stay awake and pray for them? It is a great internal act of service. 
Christy Fitzwater, pastor's wife and Spanish teacher, is an author and blogger based in Montana.
Christy Fitzwater is an author and pastor's wife living in Kalispell, Montana. She is the author of Blameless: Living A Life Free from Guilt And Shame and My Father's Hands: 52 Reasons to Trust God with Your Heart. Find her devotional writing at
Charisma's Special Anointing Bundle. Get Charisma magazine plus these 2 Books - The Deborah Anointing & The Esther Anointing for only $24.97. Subscribe Now!
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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Neanderthal Remains Discovered in Israel May Rewrite History and Today's Top Stories - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

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June 11, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Neanderthal Remains Discovered in Israel May Rewrite History

Terror Tunnels Discovered Under Two UN Schools in Gaza

“Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto demons,38 And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood.” (Psalms 106:37-38)

What is Hebrew Book Week?

Israel's Hebrew Book week dates back to 1926 when a woman by the name of Bracha Peli took to the streets of Tel Aviv in order to sell book published by her publishing company Masada Press. Today in Israel, Hebrew Book Week is a national 10 day event in which outdoor book fairs are held across the country. In addition to book sales hosted by Israeli publishing houses, Hebrew Book Week also includes literary events such as public readings and get-togethers. Take the opportunity to celebrate Israel's Hebrew Book Week by saving up to 40% on all the books on the Israel365 Store, including The Israel Bible Ebooks.
Save on Books in Honor of Hebrew Book Week! »

Two Men Arrested for Plotting Hezbollah Attacks in New York City, Panama

“Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes, cease to do evil.” (Isaiah 1:16)

Orthodox Families Teach Jewish Values to Secular Guests in Government-Sponsored Program

“And thus ye shall say: All hail! and peace be both unto thee, and peace be to thy house, and peace be unto all that thou hast.” (I Samuel 25:6)

AG Sessions to Testify Before Senate About Russian Connections

“When the righteous are increased, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people sigh.” (Proverbs 29:2)

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Manchester Arsonist Targets Two Kosher Restaurants

Two kosher restaurants in Manchester were torched by arsonists in what police are calling anti-Semitic hate crimes weeks after a massive terror attack in the same city claimed dozens of lives.


Our Jewish sages describe a beautiful idea in the Talmud that "ten measures of beauty descended to the world, and nine of them were taken by Jerusalem...

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Daily Picture: Out of Zion

A 'ti-yul' or hike, together down the historic paths of Israel, by Sharon Gabay.

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