Monday, June 26, 2017

AirAsia Pilot Pleads With Passengers To 'Pray' After Plane Starts Shaking Violently - HELLO CHRISTIAN


The Pilot of an AirAsia flight that began to shake violently after experiencing engine trouble asked his passenger to pray, it has been reve...
Greg Stier On Why He Is Mobilizing 50,000 Teens To Bring Revival Across America 
Greg Stier has a reputation for coming alongside youth ministries to help them reach today’s teens in unique and effective ways. B...
Preston Perry Articulates The Love Of God Through Stunning Poem About His Daughter 
Poet Preston Perry asks the question "Have you ever experienced God's love as a Father through your child?" He asks this question th...
Disney's 'Mickey Mouse Club' Star Jennifer McGill Finds God After Hitting Rock Bottom 
Jennifer McGill, the star of the Mickey Mouse club, decided to go to college after years on the Disney Channel. Her contemporaries...
Pro-life Speaker Gives Talk At Google HQ And Goes VIRAL 
Pro-life speaker Stephanie Gray has gone viral after giving a talk at Google HQ. Almost 10,000 people have watched her speech in th...
Judge Halts Deportation Of Chaldean Christians To War-Torn Iraq 
Evangelical groups have been urging President Donald Trump to step in and prevent the return of Christians back to their home nation o...
Hilarious Meme Sums Up The Dire State Of Most Modern Worship Music 
When it comes to modern worship music, it can all become a bit "samey," cant it? Tedious melody, repetitive chord structures and unim...
Stanley Hauerwas Slams Trump: 'The State Is Not Called To Be A Savior' 
Famed theologian and ethics professor Stanley Hauerwas has some harsh words for US President Donald Trump and has issued a challenge...
'We Have Got To Challenge The Church On The High Rates LGBT Child Suicide' 
"We have got to press the Christian church on why LGBT kids are four more times likely to attempt suicide than straight kids," says P...
'Swing From The Vines Of Victory!' Hilarious Video Shows Gorilla Praising Jesus 
A hilarious video has been posted by comedian Kevin Fredericks showing a Gorilla praising the Lord. Yep, seriously. The footage depicts th...
Does God Really Want You To Spend $300,000 On College Fees? 
College fees are on the rise, and becoming increasingly diffcult to afford. Parents are often forced to empty out their savings in order to...
Texas Pastors Oppose LGBT School Curriculum: 'This Is Houston, Not San Francisco' 
A group of Texan pastors have publicly denounced a new proposal for Houston's public schools to introduce an LGBT studies program.&nb...
Swedish Prime Minister Says Ministers Should Be Forced To Perform Gay Marriages 
The Swedish Prime Minister has said that priests working for the Church of Sweden should be forced to perform same-sex marriages, re...
Al Mohler: 'The Church MUST Talk About The Pornography Epidemic' 
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Dr. Al Mohler has discussed the important role the Church has to play in directly a...
According To The Bible, There Is No Such Thing As A Millennial 
Many of my friends, colleagues, and I are making a living right now speaking, writing, and coaching ministries, churches, and businesses on...
Incredible Spoken Word Artist Propaganda Explains The Gospel in Four Minutes 
Talented spoken word artist Propaganda uses his gift to tell the gospel message in just four minutes int his astonishing performance....
Former Navy SEAL And Actor Remi Adeleke On How Jesus Transformed His Life 
Remi Adeleke is a former military man and successful actor. But he hasn't always had it easy. He has been through very dark times in h...
Experienced Pastor And Church Planting Leader Comes Out As Transgender Woman 
A prominent pastor and the leader of a Church Planting organization has come out as a transgender woman, reports The New Yo...
Who Is The Holy Spirit? 
Rarely does a Christian struggle to think of God as Father. And to envision God as Son is not a problem for many. These personal names...
Westboro Baptist Church Set To Protest North Carolina Solider's Funeral 
Hate-group Westboro Baptist Church is gearing up to protest the funeral of a fallen soldier from North Carolina today. Corpo...
5 Reasons Why Every Church Needs a Staff-Board Conflict Resolution Strategy 
The board meetings have begun to sour. Increasingly the pastor and his board have heated conversations about the church’s direc...


Visions of What is to Come (Day 1) - Perry Stone on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Visions of What is to Come (Day 1) - Perry Stone on The Jim Bakker Show

Palestinian flag - how it relates and connects to the last days four horseman

Cyclical time is always prophetic time.

The Lord has seven year cycles.

Perry Stone
Jim Bakker Show 2017 | Show# 3268 | Aired on June 26, 2017
A Morningside Studios Production

Special guest Perry Stone shares the visions and messages which God has delivered him with Pastor Jim and Lori.

God can change things if people repent. The problem we’re dealing with is nobody wants to say “I’m sorry, God.” They just want to go on like everything is going to be normal. -Perry Stone

People who are prophetic live in cyclical cycles. That means if anything good ever happened to you over the years it’s going to repeat itself again. -Perry Stone

They’re going to look like they’re going to overcome you but when the end comes, you’ll be the one which will have won. -Perry Stone


Hebrews 12:26-27 MEV At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has given us a promise, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also heaven.” And this statement, “Yet once more,” signifies the removal of those things that can be shaken, things that are created, so that only those things that cannot be shaken will remain.

Revelation 6:2 KJV And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Revelation 6:4-5 KJV And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

Revelation 6:8 KJV And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Luke 21:28 MEV When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near.

Psalm 118:24 MEV This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Luke 21:25-26 MEV “There will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men fainting from fear and expectation of what is coming on the inhabited earth. For the powers of heaven will be shaken.”

Proverbs 22:3 NLT A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Matthew 13:39 NCV And the enemy who planted the bad seed is the devil. The harvest time is the end of the age, and the workers who gather are God’s angels.


Ready Now Expo - Fall 2014 (Day 12)

November 12, 2014

In "2 Chronicles"

Cultivating a Lifestyle of Joy Begins With This Simple Realization - Robin Bertram CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Joy is a gift. (Pexels)

Cultivating a Lifestyle of Joy Begins With This Simple Realization

6/25/2017 Robin Bertram  CHARISMA MAGAZINE
Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
Have you truly experienced joy? Do you know what joy is and what it isn't? Do you want to cultivate a lifestyle of joy that will allow you to avoid those "if only" regrets? If so, keep reading.
We begin to experience true joy when we rest in God. It is in the absence of worry, guilt and shame that we begin to build a foundation and basis for a joy-filled existence.
Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is most greatly experienced by those willing to surrender all self-sufficiency, self-promotion, self-reliance, self-protection and self-absorption. It is a gift.
I believe we are to live each day as if it were our last. How would your life be different? Would your days be filled with worry, anxiety or fear, or will they be filled with peace, love and laughter?
Joy is an emotion that inspires our most unselfish desires and motivates us to live well and give to others what we have been given. It subdues the anxious heart. Joy is an abiding sense of well-being that is more than happiness; It is deep and rich and results in the confident security of a good future. Joy is the outcome and fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Joy is contagious.
The Lord intended for us to live in the joy of His Spirit and the joy of our salvation. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy this day—it's one you will never get back. Here are seven keys to experience life's greatest joys.
Key 1: Start with salvation. Once you are born again, your eyes are opened to your own worth and how much you are unconditionally loved. Joy is deeply rooted and grounded in the confidence you have in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Unlike happiness, circumstances cannot steal it unless you let it.
Key 2: Walk in joy. Choose to walk in joy. How? By acknowledging in your heart that the Lord is near you. He has promised never to leave or forsake you. Doesn't that bring a sense of peace and well-being?
Key 3: Choose to be in His presence. Abiding joy comes from being in His presence; choose to do this daily. Develop a systematic time and place to enter into His presence. It does not have to be just at church. It can be wherever and whenever you want to lift Him up in praise and adoration.
Key 4: Do not worry. Refuse to give in to worry. Worry kills. It can literally make you sick. Give your burdens to the Lord. Be anxious for nothing (see Phil. 4:6).
Key 5: Take everything to God in prayer. To experience true joy, you must take everything to God in prayer (see Phil. 4:6; 1 Thess. 5:17). Prayer is a necessity. God is worthy to be acknowledged in everything, and to be thanked for who He is and what He has done for you.
Key 6: Identify joy stealers. Sometimes our joy is suppressed when we live in deception, oppression, or crisis with repeated failures and broken dreams. It can also be repressed when we live a life of regret without a God-given purpose. Remove unforgiveness, bitterness, blame, regret, blame and worldly remorse which may steal your joy. Decide today to repent and move on (see Phil. 3:13-14).
Key 7: Build joy. Devise a strategy for joy building. Ask yourself what brings you the most joy. What has God put you here on earth to do? If you want to grow in the joy you've already been given through Jesus Christ, then learn to share the gospel, spend time in His Word daily, use your spiritual gifts for His glory and find your purpose in life.
Use these seven keys to grow in the fullness of joy and learn to walk in a life filled with hope and promise. Lay down any regret you've been carrying. Put it behind you. Walk in the joy of your salvation, and determine that this is the day the Lord has made and you will be glad and rejoice in it. God intended for our days to be satisfying. He intended for us to live in the joy of His Spirit and the joy of our salvation. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy this day: it's one you can never get back.
No RegretsAdapted from No Regrets by Robin M. Bertram, copyright 2017, published by Charisma House; Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. This book is a manual that will teach you to live your life to the fullest, with no regrets, and how to build, live and leave a legacy. To order your copy click on this link.
Prayer Power Week Beginning June 25, 2017
This week, approach the Lord with an attitude of gratitude and surrender yourself totally to His will and purpose for your life. Thank Him for who He is, what He's done for you and for revealing Himself more and more as you seek Him. Resolve to set aside time to work on the seven keys Robin Bertram shared in the article above. Continue to pray for worldwide revival. Remember our president and those working with him as they face overwhelming challenges here and abroad. Pray for the Lord's intervention for the healing of the nations (1 Thess. 5:17; Phil. 3:13-17; 4:6). 
Charisma's Special Anointing Bundle. Get Charisma magazine plus these 2 Books - The Deborah Anointing & The Esther Anointing for only $24.97. Subscribe Now!
Hearing God's voice changes everything. You'll gain clarity, purpose and direction for your life. Start your journey to live your Life in the Spirit. Click here to draw closer to God!

President Trump Breaks with Tradition, Skips Annual Ramadan Dinner - CBN News Amber C. Strong

President Trump Breaks with Tradition, Skips Annual Ramadan Dinner

CBN News Amber C. Strong
WASHINGTON -- For the first time in nearly two decades, the White House has decided to skip hosting the annual Eid al-Fitr dinner celebrating the end of Ramadan. The dinner began under the Clinton administration and continued through the Obama years.  
Instead, President Donald Trump issued a statement wishing warm greetings to Muslims.
“Muslims in the United States joined those around the world during the holy month of Ramadan to focus on acts of faith and charity.  Now, as they commemorate Eid with family and friends, they carry on the tradition of helping neighbors and breaking bread with people from all walks of life,” the statement read in part.
Ramadan is considered the Muslim holy month, marked by prayer and fasting. Eid al-Fitr is the “break” to that fast.
As CBN News first reported in May, the State Department also rejected an offer to host a Ramadan dinner. 
A State Department spokesperson told CBN News, “U.S. ambassadors are encouraged to celebrate Ramadan through a variety of activities, which are held annually at missions around the world.”
When CBN asked if the White House would follow suit, we were directed to an earlier statement the president released about Ramadan.
In that statement, President Trump gave his “best wishes for a blessed month.” 
He also pointed out the spirit of the holiday saying, “The spirit of Ramadan strengthens awareness of our shared obligation to reject violence, to pursue peace, and to give to those in need who are suffering from poverty or conflict.”
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Defense Minister Liberman: Abbas Is Pushing Hamas Into War With Israel - DANIEL KRYGIER/WORLD ISRAEL NEWS

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas extends his hand to U.S. President Donald Trump during their remarks after their meeting at the Presidential Palace in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, May 23, 2017. (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)

Defense Minister Liberman: Abbas Is Pushing Hamas Into War With Israel

Standing With Israel

On Thursday, at the annual Herzliya Conference, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman warned that Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas intends, in the long run, to stop all payments of supplies to Gaza and thereby provoke an armed conflict between his rival faction Hamas and Israel.
The defense minister stressed that Israel has no interest in an escalation of war with her neighbors. "I have no intention of initiating any military activity; not in the summer and not in the fall, not in the South and not in the North. Our objective is to prevent war and the only way to do that is through credible deference," Liberman said.
Liberman said that Israel is caught in the middle of an internal Palestinian power struggle, which is causing a humanitarian crisis for Gaza's 2 million residents who have to subsist on less than four hours of electricity a day.
The defense minister was pessimistic regarding the prospects of solving the crisis anytime soon.
Israel began cutting the 120 MGW electricity supply to Gaza by 40 percent, a step which leaves Gaza residents with two hours of electricity a day. The decision to do so was made after Abbas stated that he would pay only 40 percent of the bill to the Israel Electricity Company, which is currently the main power provider to the Gaza Strip.
By denying electricity to Gaza's population, Abbas is seeking to undermine the rule of his Hamas arch rival and regain control of the Strip a decade after his Fatah party was ousted by Hamas in a bloody coup.
During recent months, Abbas also stopped providing medication to Gaza's civilians and reduced payments to governmental employees in the Strip.
Liberman predicted that within a few months, Abbas will completely stop paying for electricity, medicines and civic salaries to Gaza. The defense minister said that Abbas's decision was unilateral and was not coordinated with Israel, Egypt or Jordan.
Abbas is playing a double game, Liberman suggested. "He is saying that we are just trying to weaken Hamas," but in reality, his motive is to "drag Hamas into a conflict with Israel." 
This article originally appeared at
Charisma's Special Anointing Bundle. Get Charisma magazine plus these 2 Books - The Deborah Anointing & The Esther Anointing for only $24.97. Subscribe Now!
Hearing God's voice changes everything. You'll gain clarity, purpose and direction for your life. Start your journey to live your Life in the Spirit. Click here to draw closer to God!