Friday, July 7, 2017

Prophetic Word: The Church Is About to Be Shocked Awake | Prophetic Prayer: Demonic Fiery Darts Are No Match for Divine Arrows From Heaven - Charisma

Prophetic Insight newsletter
Friday, July 7, 2017
Prophetic Word: The Church Is About to Be Shocked Awake

There is a scientific phenomenon called hypnagogia: the state between wakefulness and sleep. For some people, this is entirely a physical experience, and they wake the next morning with no memories of what was flying through their thoughts just before slumber. 
For others, this state occurs while they are completely aware of the relationship between mind and body—the hypnagogic state of consciousness in those moments just before the mind begins to dream—and they can feel and sense things that defy our typical, physical, corporeal existence. 
Thoughts they wouldn't normally think and feelings they wouldn't normally feel are quickened within them as their body and mind coast to a different, almost transcendent, cognizance—a cognizance prized by the world's most celebrated artists since the dawn of time, as it is within those precious seconds the greatest of human creativity has been reported to unlock. Before I knew what it was called, I referred to it as "the falling."

I have learned over time that I was of the minority in my circle that experienced this consciousness often. For me, the phenomenon was frequently immediately followed by another I later learned was called the "hypnic jerk": an involuntary muscle spasm during or after hypnogogia that shocks a person to sudden and full awareness. read more 
The Plumb Line
Prophetic Prayer: Demonic Fiery Darts Are No Match for Divine Arrows From Heaven
Let this intercession encourage your battle-weary heart.
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Wife, Your Attitude Can Either Reinforce or Hinder Your Husband
Your words have more power than you realize.
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What to Do When Your Anointing Seems to Dissipate
Burnout can happen to any of us. Here's how to rise back up.
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What the Israelites' Fiery Serpents Mean for Us Today
There's an important connection with the rock Moses struck to provide water for Israel.
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Walking in the Spirit podcastGo deeper in your faith and ignite your walk with the Holy Spirit. Receive reflections and revelations on prophetic insights, spiritual warfare tools and practical advice for everyday Christian living. Each week, best-selling author Jennifer LeClaire encourages you and lights the fire placed within you to crave more of the Holy Spirit. Listen now
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Mennonite Church USA Adopts BDS (anti-Semitic) with 98% Vote - JMI Media

Mennonite Church USA Adopts 
BDS (anti-Semitic) with 98% Vote 
Culminating a three-year process, delegates at the Mennonite Church USA assembly in Orlando on Thursday adopted a resolution titled “Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine,” with approximately 98 percent voting in favor. The resolution calls on members to “avoid purchase of products associated with the occupation or produced in settlements in occupied territories.” It also establishes a process for the church to review its investments “for the purpose of withdrawing investments from companies that are profiting from the occupation.”
Perhaps in response to anticipated accusations of anti-Semitic motives, the press release issued by the Mennonite Church reported that “the resolution also calls on Mennonites to examine the legacy of anti-Semitism in their own history and life. It commends plans for several conferences in the next biennium on topics including Mennonite involvement in the Holocaust and examining how the church reads scripture in light of the Holocaust. The resolution encourages Mennonites at different levels of church life to strengthen and build relationships with Jewish communities.”
At the Mennonite Church USA delegate assembly in Kansas City in 2015, delegates tabled a resolution favoring BDS and asked that it be revised and brought back to the next delegate gathering. A three-person writing team and a 10-member reference group “worked intensely during the past two years, consulting widely across the church and with Palestinian and Jewish partners.”
“I could not support the resolution two years ago. It was too simplistic,” Mennonite World Conference president Nelson Kraybill said, speaking in support of the motion during comments at the microphones. “I commend the committee for their thorough work.”
Kraybill was referring to countless expressions of good, Christian guilt regarding the treatment of Jews, which peppers the new, anti-Israel resolution. Segments like this one:
Confession and Lament
As Western Christians, Mennonites, and U.S. citizens, we confess and lament the ways we have participated in harms against Jewish people:
 Failing to do the hard work of examining our participation in antisemitic belief and practice
 Bearing complicity in the Holocaust that killed six million Jews, failing to respond to Jewish refugees fleeing Europe, and failing to fully examine the historic record of Mennonite complicity in these atrocities
 Ignoring the gravity of ongoing antisemitism and acts of violence against Jewish people
 Failing to recognize how these past and present threats contribute to the need for security for Jewish people
 Neglecting to build relationships with Jewish representatives and communities in the United States and to recognize diverse expressions of their hopes and fears
 Failing to understand the significance of the state of Israel for many Jewish people and the diversity of perspectives and understandings among Jews related to Israel and Zionism.
And, now that we got this off our communal chest, let’s boycott Israel…
“This resolution offers a unique Mennonite voice,” according to the resolution. “It opposes Israeli military occupation and US support while intentionally affirming the need to reach out to build stronger relationships with Jewish communities.”
While omitting all references to Muslim Arab terrorism in Judea and Samaria and Gaza against both Jews and Christians, the resolution strikes a strong sci-fi chord when it “strongly affirms Palestinian and Israeli advocates of nonviolence.”
They don’t mention those “Palestinian advocates of non-violence” by name.

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