Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Adam Bisnowaty is one of the NFL’s only Jewish athletes ...- ABE FRIEDMAN JEWISH TIMES/TIMES OF ISRAEL

'One of the first things I tell people is that I’m Jewish' New York Giants player shows Jewish pride on and off the field.

Adam Bisnowaty is one of the NFL’s only Jewish athletes — and if his Hebrew tattoo doesn’t tip you off, maybe the matzah in his locker will


NEW YORK (JTA) — As a rookie in the National Football League, New York Giants offensive lineman Adam Bisnowaty is splitting most of his time before the season starts in September between grueling practices and long team meetings.

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To lighten the mood, veteran players ask the newbies each preseason to sing in front of the team. Bisnowaty figures that when it’s his turn, he’ll go with “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel.”

Bisnowaty, 23, is Jewish — a rarity in professional football — and comfortable talking about it with his teammates.

“One of the first things I tell people is that I’m Jewish,” he told JTA. “People don’t meet a lot of Jewish football players, so I always like to bring that out and just open up, so it’s nice and easy.”

Bisnowaty — who stands 6’6″ (almost 2 meters), weighs about 300 pounds, and sports long, curly brown hair — has become a minor celebrity in Jewish circles after a New York Post article from last month revealed that he has a large Hebrew tattoo on his left arm. The tattoo translates to “I am what I am,” a phrase God says to Moses when the latter asks what to call him.

The Jewish food company Manischewitz heard about Bisnowaty and sent him an array of snacks, from boxes of matzah to potato pancake mix.

The matzah provoked curiosity in his teammates.

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“I promised them I’d bring in the snacks and let them have a go at them,” Bisnowaty said.

He hopes the matzah will help him do more than ingratiate himself with his teammates. Bisnowaty was a four-year starter at the University of Pittsburgh, his hometown school, and is projected to snag a spot on the Giants roster this season — but nothing is certain. Some say he could be an immediate starter, others say he might make the team but not be active, or listed as eligible to play, for most games.

The beefy lineman is among several 300-pounders tasked with blocking defenders from hitting veteran quarterback Eli Manning, a two-time Super Bowl MVP and brother of future Hall of Fame signal-caller Peyton Manning. Heading into April’s NFL draft, scouts said Bisnowaty compensates for a lack of raw athleticism with his size, strength and positive attitude. The Giants traded up to select him in the sixth round.

Adam Bisnowaty at a New York Giants training camp practice at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, July 30, 2017. (Evan Pinkus/via JTA)

Like most professional sports leagues, the NFL is not exactly full of Jewish players. Brothers Mitch and Geoff Schwartz — both offensive linemen — were in the league at the same time from 2012 to 2016. Mitch is a Kansas City Chief; Geoff, who played for the Giants in 2014 and 2015, retired in 2017 after seven seasons in the league. Bisnowaty said some of his teammates like to say “We got another Schwartz in here!”

Other notable active Jewish players include star wide receiver Julian Edelman — in recent years he has embraced his Jewish background — and backup safety and special teams ace Nate Ebner, both of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots.

What makes Bisnowaty even more of an NFL aberration is his Israeli heritage. His father grew up in the Jewish state and ended up staying in the US in his late 20s after having a kidney transplant there. Bisnowaty’s uncle David is the first Israeli to become an elected parliament member in the southeastern African nation of Malawi.

Although the family celebrated the major Jewish holidays growing up, the divorce of Bisnowaty’s parents along with his time-consuming interest in football eventually pushed Judaism mostly out of his life. He told JTA he wants to rekindle his interest in the religion, and he may have a bar mitzvah at some point.

Geoff, left, and Mitch Schwartz are the first pair of Jewish brothers to play in the NFL since 1923. (Olivia Goodkin and Lee Schwartz/via JTA)

Football, especially at the college level, is heavily influenced by religious Christianity, including coaches and ministries that cater to athletes. But Bisnowaty said he has never been the target of anti-Semitic slurs or bullying in his football career. As he sees it, players asking him to wear a yarmulke to team meetings are just breaking the ice and having a good time.

Still, Bisnowaty was aware of how rare a Jewish football player is when he got the Hebrew tattoo. He said it was an opportunity for him to show his Jewish pride.

But flashing a tat in the locker room is one thing. It took a bit of courage to show it off in another setting.

“I wanted to hide it from my mom,” he said with a laugh, “so she didn’t find out about it right away.”

The Biblical City King David and Jesus Would Avoid Today - ARI RABINOVITCH/REUTERS CHARISMA NEWS

Sewage flows in Kidron Valley, on the outskirts of Jerusalem, July 6, 2017. (REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

The Biblical City King David and Jesus Would Avoid Today

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There is a foul smell coming from the biblical Kidron Valley.
It's so bad that King David and Jesus, who are said to have walked there thousands of years ago, would today need to take a detour to reach Jerusalem.
For decades now a quarter of Jerusalem's sewage has flowed openly in the Kidron valley, meandering down the city's foothills and through the Judean desert to the east. At its worst, the pollution leaks into the Dead Sea.
The stream runs back and forth between land under Israeli and Palestinian administration, making a fix hard to find. But finally it seems a solution has been reached.
Authorities on both sides have agreed to drain the valley of sewage. According to the plan, a pipeline will be constructed carrying the wastewater directly to new treatment facilities. Each side will fund and build the section that runs through its territory.
Until that happens, however, about 12 million cubic meters of sewage continue to flow through the valley each year.
"Of course it's damaging the environment and the ecological system," said Shony Goldberger, director of the Jerusalem district in Israel's Environmental Protection Ministry.
"It's dangerous and hazardous to the health of the people in many ways."
Added to Jerusalem's sewage along the stream's 30 km. (19 mile) descent through the occupied West Bank is effluent from Bethlehem and nearby Arab villages.
Plants grow anomalously in what should be a dry wadi, animals come to drink, and mounds of baby wipes flushed down thousands of toilets sporadically coagulate along the banks. Sewage seeps into the earth, risking contamination of ground water.
Towards the end of the journey it gathers in a makeshift collection pool and much is used to irrigate date trees, which have a high tolerance for pollutants. But every so often, gravity pulls the refuse towards the lowest spot on earth, the Dead Sea.
"It's like a brown stain," Goldberger said. "It stays disconnected from most of the salty water of the Dead Sea."
With Israeli-Palestinian peace talks at an impasse, projects that require even minor cross-border coordination seldom get done. Israel captured the West Bank in a 1967 war, but under interim peace deals the Palestinians exercise limited self-rule in part of the territory.
"After decades of not being able to solve the problem, for a thousand and one reasons, professional and political, we reached an agreement for building a pipeline in the valley," Major General Yoav Mordechai, the coordinator of the Israeli government's activities in the West Bank, told Reuters.
The Palestinian Water Authority said the agreement was reached out of an "interest to clean the area," but emphasized the two sides were working separately.
While they are both are optimistic, some skepticism remains, since similar plans in past never gained traction.
"We were talking about it, planning it, every time it took two, three, four years. You think you have it, and then the light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be a truck coming at you," said Goldberger.
"I hope this solution will reach the stage where it is built." 
© 2017 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
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Congressmen Tour Israel as 'Americans' Not Democrats, Republicans - CBN News Julie Stahl

House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy - King David Hotel
Jerusalem, Israel
Congressmen Tour Israel as 'Americans' Not Democrats, Republicans
CBN News Julie Stahl
JERUSALEM, Israel – Democratic and Republican House members stood united on Tuesday in Jerusalem to say the U.S. has no greater ally than Israel.
"But our importance that we wanted to show, one is the bond with our ally [Israel]," said House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy. "We have shared values, shared security interests throughout the world and there is no stronger bond between any ally we have, being the only democracy in the Middle East."

More than 50 members of the U.S. House of Representatives are touring Israel in two partisan groups during August. But McCarthy and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer told journalists at a joint press conference Israel is completely a bi-partisan issue.
McCarthy said he and Hoyer work together on many issues, especially when it comes to sanctions in the world.
"We have made a point of making sure we have an overlapping time here in Israel with Republicans and Democrats because this is not a partisan issue," McCarthy said.
"We are not here as Democrats and Republicans; we are here as Americans who support Israel's security, its sovereignty and the safety of its people. We are here because we are the United States of America, partners for peace and partners for security," Hoyer said.
Hoyer said the overlapping trips – the Democratic contingent came last week and leaves tonight and the Republican contingent arrived last night and leaves next week – is meant to send a message of solidarity with Israel and its people.
"The solidarity that we know is necessary if we are to defeat those – not only in the Middle East but around the world – who through terrorism and violence would put at risk our democracies, which obviously Israel and America share in common, but also put at risk our way of life," Hoyer said.
Sponsored by the American Israel Education Foundation, the goal is to provide both Democratic and Republican congressmen with firsthand knowledge of U.S.-Israel relations and critical issues facing American policymakers such as regional strategic threats and the impact of recent events on the future.
The policymakers met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah, as well as members of the Israel Defense Forces.
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Archaeologists May Have Found Home of Apostles Peter, Andrew and Philip - CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

Archaeologists from Kinneret College, Israel and Nyack College in New York, completed their excavations at the el-Araj site last month. (Pixabay)

Archaeologists May Have Found Home of Apostles Peter, Andrew and Philip

CBN NEWS  CHARisma news
Standing With Israel
Israeli and American archaeologists believe they may have found the Biblical city of Bethsaida, home to three of Jesus' apostles.
The ancient fishing village on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee is referenced in the gospel of Mark as the place where Jesus healed a blind man.
Bethsaida is also the birthplace of three apostles of Jesus: Peter, Andrew and Philip.
Over the weekend, the chief archaeologist of Israel's Kinneret College said researchers had discovered a bathhouse they believe was part of a significant Roman city.
"The layer from the Roman period was found at a depth of two meters below a layer from the Byzantine period," said Dr. Mordechai Aviam of Kinneret College. "Our main surprise was that at the bottom of the excavation, in a small area, a wall of a building was discovered, and next to it was a mosaic floor and artifacts that characterize a bathhouse."
Archaeologists from Kinneret College, Israel and Nyack College in New York, completed their excavations at the el-Araj site last month, which has long been considered the location of ancient Julias, also known as Bethsaida.
"The results of this season's excavation indicate that el-Araj should now be considered a leading candidate for the lost city of Jesus' Apostles," Prof. Steven Notley of Nyack College told Fox News. "This is really one of the few (biblical sites) that has remained lost."
Kinneret College says the archeological dig also uncovered a church that once stood over the birthplace of Simon Peter, his brother Andrew, and Philip.
"The discovery of dozens of golden glass mosaics in the previous season and the present season attests to the fact that the church was an important and magnificent place," the college said in a statement.

Dr. Aviam says the team's find is sure to "arouse great interest among early Christian scholars, historians of the New Testament and scholars of the land of Israel in general and the Jewish Galilee in the second temple period in particular." 
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Muslim woman publicly challenges Congress to stop radical Islam - Israel Video Network

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President Trump: North Korea 'Will be Met With Fire & Fury the World Has Never Seen' - CBN News Erik Rosales

President Trump: North Korea 'Will Be Met With Fire & Fury the World Has Never Seen'
 CBN News Erik Rosales
President Donald Trump delivered a strong message to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Tuesday after reports surfaced that the rogue nation can put nuclear warheads in ballistic missiles.
"If North Korea makes any more threats, they will be met with fire and fury the world has never seen," the president said, sitting at a table with his advisors. 
President Trump is on day four of a 17-day getaway at his secluded New Jersey golf course that his team is billing as a working vacation. 
His statement comes after reports surfaced that North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a full-fledged nuclear power.

The U.S. calculated last month that up to 60 nuclear weapons are now controlled by Kim Jong Un. Some independent experts believe the number of bombs is much smaller.
The nuclear progress further raises the stakes for President Trump, who has vowed that North Korea will never be allowed to threaten the United States with nuclear weapons.
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