Thursday, August 10, 2017

Johnny Enlow: Great American Solar Eclipse. Also Lance Wallnau, Jennifer LeClaire, Lana Vawser - Prophetic TV

Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...

This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:

1. Johnny Enlow: Revelations on the Great American Solar Eclipse

2. Benny Traub: The Great Wealth Transfer is on the way!

3. Lance Wallnau: Shocking Update: Jezebel is Out to Take the Voice of the Prophetic

4. Doug Addison: Prophetic Word for the Next 50 Days

5. Jennifer LeClaire: Breaking Free From Strongholds

6. Apostle John Eckhardt: A New Gust for August

7. Lana Vawser: Topple To Tipping Point, No More Trickle or Trip!

8. Robert Hotchkin: Tap into Divine Creativity

Did you know we rely on your generous financial gifts to help us provide these videos to you?

MANY man hours go into researching the very best of the best videos each week.

Note from Steve and Derene Shultz: We strongly depend on your generous donations to keep these Prophetic TV programs coming to you. Lots of work goes into them. Thank you in advance! You may donate at this link right now:

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Thank you for understanding that we are only able to keep fresh videos coming to you by your generous donations


Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders

"Revelations on the Great American Solar Eclipse"

It's the first total solar eclipse that is in totality for the United States since 1776, that's to our roots. This is something that has not happened since the year we became the United States of America.

The Heavens declare the Glory of God, so these things are not coincidental. This is a heavenly convergence that is upon us that's going to shift and change things. Are we going to shift and change things with it...

By Johnny Enlow... Watch It Now

Visit Johnny Enlow's Facebook page: HERE
"The Great Wealth Transfer is on the way!"

If you are (or want to be) a Christian Entrepreneur, Inventor or Investor, you have a high calling!

Jesus said; "To whom more has been given, more will be required".

If a lifestyle of extravagant giving is already in your heart, come and join us at the Financial Revival Impartation Conference and see how to turn up the dial on your own ministry of giving. Overflow!

Get six free videos and conference information here:

By Speaker... Watch It Now

Visit Financial Revival in the Church's Facebook page by clicking here
"Shocking Update: Jezebel is Out to Take the Voice of the Prophetic"

What Jezebel has done to destroy is going to be undone. And I thank You Lord that You're moving right now in the Body of Christ.

The Lord is going to do something in our day, that's going to astound many Believers and we're going to be in for a big surprise because the Lord is about to release His anointing.

By Lance Wallnau... Watch It Now

Visit Lance Wallnau's Facebook page: HERE
"Prophetic Word for the Next 50 Days"

Doug shared that God is exposing the attacks of anxiety, worry and panic, how to get inner healing, and why it's important not to fall into the status quo of grumbling and complaining that is going on in the world.

What looks like loss in this season will be your gain!

By Doug Addison... Watch It Now

Visit Doug Addison's Facebook page: HERE

"Breaking Free From Strongholds"

The Lord says, "I will deliver you from the ties that bind."

The Lord, Himself, wants to deliver you! I'm decreeing and I'm declaring in the Body of Christ, that it is a season and time of deliverance. It is a time to see yourself set free and to come into the fullness of what God has called you to do. — Jennifer LeClaire

By Jennifer LeClaire... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer LeClaire's Facebook page: HERE
"A New Gust for August"

GUST of the Holy Spirit will hit churches, homes, families and individuals. It will be unexpected but will bring change and transformation. There will be GUST of blessing, GUST of answered prayers. Many will begin to see GUST of rewards being released.

The winds are changing in your favor. Get ready!

By Apostle John Eckhardt... Watch It Now

Visit Apostle John Eckhardt's Facebook page: HERE
"Topple To Tipping Point, No More Trickle or Trip!"

Your prayers, your decrees, your seeds of faith and declarations have not been for nothing. He has seen every tear, every moment, every struggle, every bit of pain, and He has been with you, strengthening you, holding you, encouraging you, teaching you and empowering you.

There's a tipping point upon you!

By Lana Vawser... Watch It Now

Visit Lana Vawser's Facebook page: HERE
"Tap into Divine Creativity"

On this episode of HEROES ARISE, Robert Hotchkin and his guest — an up and coming artist, photographer and filmmaker — reveal how you can connect with The Creator to bring greater levels of creativity to your work and life.

We're made to create and we're made to be creative!

By Robert Hotchkin... Watch It Now

Visit Robert Hotchkin's Facebook page: HERE
Thank you for your donation today to help keep Elijah List Ministries/Prophetic.TV ON THE AIR

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Steve and Derene Shultz
President, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List Ministries, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321

Sarah Huckabee Sanders - White House Staffer's Boldness for Christ Rattles Mainstream Media - Charisma News

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Carlos Barria/Reuters )

White House Staffer's Boldness for Christ Rattles Mainstream Media

SHAWN A. AKERS  Charisma news
In an age where the mainstream media isn't bashful about attacking believers for their faith in Christ, especially politicians, Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes no apologies.
In the face of a sometimes-hostile press corps, the new White House press secretary says she won't separate her faith from her work—and it's something the press should learn to deal with.
"If you are anybody of authentic faith, then it has to be the primary thing that drives everything you do," Huckabee Sanders recently told CBN's Faith Nation. "Some people say you can separate your faith from your work. I feel very much the opposite. Your faith defines who you are. I'm certainly not going to shy away from it. It's a big part of who I am."       
Huckabee Sanders, who took over as White House press secretary for Sean Spicer last month, is the daughter of pastor-turned presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the former Republican governor of Arkansas. Huckabee Sanders reads from a book of Christian devotionals prior to every White House press briefing.
"[Her faith] is something I'm more than happy to talk about openly," she told Faith Nation. "The only challenge is, sometimes, if it's the right platform, the right environment or the right location.
Like her predecessor, Huckabee Sanders has clashed with White House reporters during her brief stint as press secretary. And like President Trump, she is undaunted in calling out reporters and news coverage she deems biased.
Trump's tendency toward volatility with his words and social media posts presents big challenges for the press secretary.
"I know she's doing everything she can to be straightforward and honest," Mike Huckabee told The New York Times. "I know that she is going to be loyal to a fault. He makes my daughter's job very difficult with some of his tweets."
Some of Trump's comments during his presidential campaign bothered Huckabee Sanders, but she backs the president 100 percent.
"[During the election] we were looking for a commander-in-chief, not a pastor," she told The New York Times. "Oftentimes, people want to make politicians perfect. And that's one of the actual beauties of Christianity—understanding that no one is." 
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What just happened in Australia proves that the Islamists are winning - Israel Video Network

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Some Australians bureaucrats actually believe that in the year 2017 it is more important to avoid triggering radical Muslims than it is to allow religious freedom.
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Can we, as Human Beings, ignore her any longer?

Today's Jerusalem feature - The ocean just got a lot closer to the City of Gold.

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©2017 12Tribe Films | Jerusalem, Israel

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