Monday, August 28, 2017

WATCH: Holocaust Survivor Becomes Israeli War Hero ✡ "I Will Give Them An Everlasting Name Which Shall Not Perish" - Israel365

I will give them, in My House And within My walls,
A monument and a name Better than sons or daughters. I will give them an everlasting name Which shall not perish.

וְנָתַתִּי לָהֶם בְּבֵיתִי וּבְחוֹמֹתַי יָד וָשֵׁם טוֹב מִבָּנִים וּמִבָּנוֹת שֵׁם עוֹלָם אֶתֶּן־לוֹ אֲשֶׁר לֹא יִכָּרֵת׃

ישעיהו נַו:ה
v’-na-ta-TEE la-HEM b’-vay-TEE uv-kho-mo-TAI YAD va-SHAYM TOV mi-ba-NEEM u-mi-ba-NOT SHAYM o-LAM e-ten LO a-SHER LO y’-ka-RAYT

Today's Israel Inspiration

Jerusalem’s world-renowned Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, takes its name from the above Biblical verse. Yeshayahu articulates Hashem’s promise that even those who are unable to have sons and daughters will be memorialized in Yerushalayim by their “everlasting name.” According to its mission statement, the Yad Vashem museum, “safeguards the memory of the past and imparts its meaning for future generations.” Yad Vashem has collected and memorialized the names of over four million Jewish victims of Nazi persecution, and aims to persist until all 6,000,0000 names are recovered. The museum is often a first stop for visitors to the Jewish State, because to appreciate the State of Israel, one must understand the tragedy of the Holocaust. Tens of thousands of elderly Holocaust survivors are currently living in Israel. Many of these survivors are left without family and do not have the necessary means to provide for themselves. This Jewish New Year, warmly embrace these heroes by sending them a personalized gift of tea and honey.

The Holocaust Survivor who Fought in Every Israeli War

During the Holocaust Ze'ev Tibi Ram lost his whole family. He survived Auschwitz, a labour camp, and Bergen-Belsen. After being separated from his mother and eventually finding her at the end of the war, she disappeared and Tibi never saw her again. Now, Tibi gives lectures to soldiers about the holocaust and his extensive military experience.

Rainbow "Swastikas" Pulled from Shelves of Stores

After less than one month on the shelves, a storm of criticism has led KA Design to stop selling its ill-conceived line of clothing emblazoned with a rainbow colored “Swastikas of Peace.”


What is the meaning of Jerusalem?

The Hebrew name for Jerusalem, ‘Yerushalayim’ (ירושלים), contains the word ‘shalom,’ peace. The root of ‘shalom’ is ‘shalem,’ meaning whole or complete. Why do people fight against others? Because they are not whole or at peace with themselves. Once one is able to make themselves whole, that they can find inner peace, and are more likely to live peacefully with others as well. Throughout history and until this very day, many people come to Jerusalem to find their own inner peace.
Purchase Jerusalem Jewelry »

Plant a tree in honor of a Holocaust survivor in Israel.


Today's Israel Photo

A Holocaust survivor on Holocaust Remembrance Day in Haifa, Israel.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Andrea M. from Germany; Rebecca V. from California; Benny H. from Sweden; Joyce A. from the UK.
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Love receiving the Israel365 Hebrew verse email everyday. a challenge to a new Hebrew learner. great fun. Thanks for the great opportunity to bless Israel with trees. I now have 6 .... doesn't sound a lot, but they are from my heart. Shalom Ann
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Letter From Michael In Boise - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 26 Aug 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Hello from Boise, Idaho!

The reason why I have not been posting new articles lately is because I have been on the road.  I have been in Boise since Monday, and absolutely amazing things have been happening for the campaign.  I spent most of Tuesday and most of Wednesday at the Republican booth at the Western Idaho Fair.  I shook a lot of hands and passed out a ton of brochures.

Thanks to you guys, we have the best looking and highest quality campaign material of anyone running for any political office in the state of Idaho.  And we also have a source that can print brochures for much cheaper than anyone else is getting them.  We are stretching every single campaign dollar as far as it will possibly go, and if you would like to contribute to the effort you can do so right here.

On both Thursday and Friday, we had a series of terrific meetings with some of the most politically influential people in the entire state.  Thanks to our relentless promotion on social media, we have created an enormous amount of buzz all over the district.  Many of these highly influential people were not familiar with my work before, but because of the efforts of our team people everywhere have been talking about this campaign.

At this point, we have had more campaign website traffic than all of the other candidates combined, more Facebook page likes than all of the other candidates combined, more Twitter followers than all of the other candidates combined, more Instagram followers than all of the other candidates combined, and more YouTube views than all of the other candidates combined.

On Friday, we did a video to help Sara Walton Brady of Health Freedom Idaho get the word out about what happened when she tried to enroll her five-year-old in kindergarten.  If you have not seen the video yet, you can view it right here.

The copy of this video on YouTube that I am sharing has less than a hundred views so far, but the copy that we uploaded to Facebook already has nearly three thousand views.

As a member of Congress, these are the kinds of battles that I am going to be constantly fighting.  If you believe in what I am trying to do, I would like to ask for your support.

Our first FEC quarterly deadline is coming up at the end of September, and people all over the state are going to be looking very carefully at how our fundraising is going.  If we are doing well when the report comes out, that is going to encourage even more individuals and organizations to donate.

Perception plays such a huge role in politics, and that is why your help is so critical right now.  If you would like to help us have a fantastic first quarterly report, you can do so by donating right here.

I am the most conservative candidate in this campaign by a wide margin, and everywhere we go we are winning people over with my extremely strong pro-liberty message.  If we can effectively get my message to everyone living in this district, I will win.

Raul Labrador holds this seat right now, but he is not running again because he is running for governor instead.  So it is absolutely imperative that we fill this seat in Congress with an extremely strong pro-Trump conservative, and I am the most conservative candidate in this race.  Those of you that have been following my work for years know my heart, but in order to win we have got to get my message out to those that aren’t familiar with me.

Compared to the rest of the country, it doesn’t take a ton of money to win races up here.  But if we aren’t at least on the same playing field as the other candidates, they could simply beat me by dramatically outspending me.  Last quarter, before I was in the race, attorney Dave Leroy raised the most money.  He had less than 100 donors, but because he had people writing large checks, he was able to raise quite a bit.

This quarter, I have already had far more donors than he did all of last quarter, but because this is a grassroots effort a lot of people have been donating small amounts.  So it is going to take a whole lot of smaller donations to keep up with the $1000 and $2000 checks that he has been receiving.

Thankfully I have far more name recognition than Dave Leroy has, and if we are at least on the same playing field when it comes to fundraising he isn’t going to have a chance.  I need your help, and if you would like to contribute you can give online on this page.

We don’t need any more politicians.  What we need are fighters that are going to fight like mad for the things that we believe in.

If you aren’t aware of where I stand, I would encourage you to check out my issues page and the 16 core principles that I set out in a previous article.  If you believe in the same things, I would encourage you to get behind my campaign like so many others all over the country are already doing.

Freedom is never free, and if we don’t stand up for what we believe, the left is going to walk all over us.

Our constitutional rights are being continually eroded, and the monstrously bloated federal government that we have today looks nothing like the extremely limited federal government that our founders originally intended.

The larger government becomes, the more tyrannical it tends to be.  Communism, fascism and socialism are all big government ideologies.  Yes, we are always going to need some government because otherwise we would have anarchy.  But like many others have said, I want a government so small that I can barely see it.

Please help me win this election, and please help me restore true conservative values to Washington.

I am definitely enjoying my time in Boise, and I will continue to travel throughout the district to spread the message of liberty.  Thank you so much for your support, and I will chat with you again soon.

Michael Snyder


Deep inside the Israeli Military's preparation for an underground war - Israel Video Network


Israel is taking no chances and together with its training for the next war with Hamas, has started training soldiers to fight Hamas underneath the traditional battlefield in what has become the new battlefield - tunnels.
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It was too explosive for them to broadcast!

Today's Israel is Beautiful feature - Nir Hoffman released another spectacular aerial video.

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Prayer for Israel Page Becomes One of Largest Prayer Pages on FB - CBN News

Jerusalem Prayer Team Facebook
Photo Credit: Jerusalem Prayer Team via Facebook
Prayer for Israel Page Becomes One of Largest Prayer Pages on FB
CBN News 08-25-2017
One of the most divisive issues of our time is the existence of the nation of Israel, but one group is using social media to champion a worldwide prayer movement for the Jewish state. 
The Jerusalem Prayer team on Facebook is more than 28 million members strong, making it one of the largest prayer groups on the social network. It's mission is simple -- to moblilze millions of people every day to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as directed in Psalm 122:6.
The Jerusalem Prayer team is an initiative of  the Friends of Zion Museum, founded by author Mike Evans. 
Evans says The Jerusalem Prayer Team allows Christians to to act as a "weapon of peace" against the growing anti-Semitism movements creeping-up on college campuses and political arenas across the world. 
"It's Christians, especially in America, who form the firewall against anti-Semitism that so easily creeps into the international social and political conversation," Evan told Charisma News. "It's especially encouraging that the younger generation is standing with Israel and employing social media in spreading the message. Together, we are 'waging peace' against the violence and hatred that seems perpetually aimed at Israel and her people."
Evans is taking the fight beyond social media and to the very heart of Israel -- Jerusalem. 
Friends of Zion is in the process of opening their Heritage Center which will unite Christian Zionists across the world. The museum will be a multimedia experience designed to bring the stories of Christian Zionists from around the world who help protect Jewish people from persecution and participated in the re-establishment of the nation of Israel.  
So far, Friends of Zion has raised $37 million of the $50 million needed to open the center. 
"We are well on our way to completion," says Mike Evans. "I am confident in our efforts, as well as the support of those who stand by Israel, to continue our momentum in establishing a Christian stronghold for peace in Jerusalem."
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