Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Forgotten Feast - Daniel Goldstein ISRAEL TODAY

The Forgotten Feast

Wednesday, October 04, 2017 |  Daniel Goldstein  ISRAEL TODAY
There has been much speculation during the past couple of years about the culmination of the end of times due to certain signs in the sun, moon, and stars: ranging from the recent cycle of the four “Blood Moons” to the alignment of the stars on September 23, 2017. Various prophets of doom have used the Bible along with science and astrology to try to prove their theories but have only shown once again that man is incapable of predicting the date and time of the end of the world.
The Bible is an amazing book that contains truths about the past, present, and future, however, we as human beings must continually be careful to not put ourselves in God’s place and attempt to assign dates to God’s timetable. While many Christians around the world are quickly drawn into the latest sign in the stars they often miss the more practical timetable that God has given us through the prophet Moses: “The Appointed Times of the LORD” (Lev. 23).
Sukkot - The Feast of Booths
On Wednesday evening, October 4, 2017, the Jewish people, together with Gentiles around the world, will celebrate one of the Appointed Times of the LORD, the Feast of Booths or its Hebrew name “Sukkot.” 
The Feast of Booths is unique among the seven Appointed Times of the LORD as the one feast which will certainly be celebrated during the reign of the Messiah on earth:
Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths. - Zech. 14:16
The Bible speaks about the past of the Feast of Booths and about its future. It seems wise for the people of God to know, understand, and celebrate this biblical Feast with a prophetic future.
The Significance of The Appointed Times of the LORD
We read in the pages of the New Testament that when Yeshua came to this earth 2000 years ago, He clearly fulfilled the Appointed Times of the LORD which fall in the spring season: Passover (1 Cor. 5:7-8), First Fruits (1 Cor. 15:20), and The Feast of Weeks or Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). It is commonly believed amongst many evangelicals today, that just as Yeshua fulfilled the spring Appointed Times in His first coming, He will fulfill the fall Appointed Times at His second coming. 
Although God does use signs in the sun, moon, and stars to speak to those of us living on earth (Luke 21:25-28), He has also given us His Appointed Times (Lev. 23) which are continual reminders of who God is in relation to His people. These Appointed Times also help us to keep in step with the Creator of the universe as we observe these specific days.
The Forgotten Feast
The Appointed Times of the LORD, as found in Leviticus 23, are generally classified into the spring and fall Feasts, however, this only includes six of the seven Appointed Times. Unfortunately, there is one Appointed Time which is generally overlooked and forgotten by many evangelical Bible readers. This forgotten Appointed Time is called the Sabbath!
The irony of the Sabbath being the “forgotten Feast” is that it is actually the first Appointed Time mentioned in the list of seven (Lev. 23:1-3). The God of the Bible gave preeminence to the Sabbath in His list of Appointed Times for a reason. I believe that one of the reasons that God put the Sabbath first in His list of seven was in order to provide a basis to understand all of His Appointed Times. 
The Preeminence of the Sabbath
The Appointed Times of the LORD are specific days that God has commanded His people to remember and observe in order to properly worship Him. A fundamental practice of these days demands a cessation from work and the practice of a day of rest. This is the very essence of the weekly Sabbath practice.
Without becoming legalistic or putting ourselves under the Law, it would behoove each one of us to consider afresh the Appointed Times of the LORD, beginning with the Sabbath day. 
Learn more about Daniel Goldstein's teaching on the Sabbath by clicking here:
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Double Your Blessing ✡ "I Will Surely Open The Floodgates Of The Sky For You And Pour Down Blessings On You" - Israel365

I will surely open the floodgates of the sky for you and pour down blessings on you

אֶפְתַּח לָכֶם אֵת אֲרֻבּוֹת הַשָּׁמַיִם וַהֲרִיקֹתִי לָכֶם בְּרָכָה עַד־בְּלִי־דָי

מלאכי ג:י
ef-TAKH la-KHEM et a-ru-VOT ha-sha-MAYIM ve-ha-ray-KO-tee la-KHEM ad blee DIE

Today's Israel Inspiration

The last book of the Twelve Prophets, Malachi, represents the end of the era of prophecy in Israel. The central theme of this book is Hashem's unremitting love for His people Israel. In chapter 3, the final chapter of the book of Malachi, the Prophet describes how Hashem will send His messenger to purify the people of their sins before judging them. At that point, Hashem will shower His children with "a blessing that there shall be more than sufficiency" (Malachi 3:10). While we continue to wait for the ultimate redemption, we must ensure that the all of God's children have sufficient food, clothing, and other basic necessities. Meir Panim has accepted the responsibility of caring for Israel's hungry and needy. Now, during their ongoing fundraising campaign, all donations made to Meir Panim will be matched to double your giving power.

Don't Let Israelis Go Hungry During the Feast of Tabernacles

Meir Panim works extra hard during the Holiday Season to feed thousands of children, the elderly, and Holocaust Survivors. 1.7 million Israelis live below the poverty line and are in dire need of help.

Shocking and Saddening Reality Regarding Hunger in Israel

Israel must face the shocking reality that 36.1 percent of its children are struggling in their lives.

Feast of the Tabernacles Charity Campaign

In Deuteronomy 16:14, Hashem commands the Children of Israel to rejoice on Sukkot, the festival of the Feast of Tabernacles. This year, Sukkot begins after sundown on October 4th.  In the days of the Temple, all the nations of the world would ascend the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to offer the Sukkot sacrifices enumerated in the Torah. One of the highlights of the seven day Sukkot festival was the Celebration of Water-drawing, the 'Simkhat Bet Ha-Shoeva'. On a normal day, every sacrifice offered by the Priests was accompanied by a wine libation poured over the alter. On Sukkot, water, along with wine was poured over the alter in a special ritualistic ceremony which effected tremendous joy, song, and dance among the worshipers. While the Temple no longer stands in Jerusalem, Jews in Israel and abroad continue to observe the joyous holiday of Sukkot with festive meals, new clothing and elated spirits. Unfortunately, there are far too many Israelis who do not have the means to cover their basic living expenses let alone the means necessary to observe the Sukkot in dignity and with joy.
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“The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the cypress, the plane-tree and the larch together; to beautify the place of My sanctuary, and I will make the place of My feet glorious.” Isaiah 60:13


Today's Israel Photo

This stunning sunset photo was taken from the Tel Aviv Coast.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Rachel F. from Texas; Jonathan & Fiona C. from Malaysia; Saul E. from Canada; Richard A. from Alaska.
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How Jonathan Cahn Was Spiritually Attacked the Day 'The Paradigm' Released - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (YouTube )
If you read the October issue of Charisma, you know the cover story is about The Paradigm by Jonathan Cahn. I was among the first to read the manuscript, and I believe it is as important as or more important than even The Harbinger. Rabbi Cahn sees patterns in the Old Testament that are played out in current events. It really is something for you to think about.
The book released a little more than a week ago, and already it is No. 5 on The Wall Street Journal nonfiction list and No. 7 on its e-book list. It is No. 5 on The New York Times hardcover nonfiction best-seller list. Also, it's No. 12 on the USA Today best-seller list and No. 10 on the Amazon Best Sellers list.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a newsletter about Hurricane Irma and our company's experience with it. I mentioned that every time we release one of Rabbi Cahn's books, something traumatic happens the day of release. This time, I assumed that instead of Rabbi Cahn being hit, we bore the brunt of the attack. I was surprised when on Tuesday, Sept. 19—the day The Paradigm released—he was rushed to the hospital with a ruptured appendix. We are grateful he will be OK, but that was quite a traumatic thing to happen and is an indication of the level of spiritual warfare taking place.
To show my friendship and concern, I flew up to visit Rabbi Cahn in New Jersey last week and recorded a podcast, which you can listen to here. We discussed not only the latest attack on his health but also the importance of The Paradigm itself. I don't want to give away too much, but let's just say that he draws parallels to a number of current political leaders.
The Paradigm is available wherever books are sold, or you can order it online by clicking here.
Please share this and let us know your comments. 
Strang Report
Spiritual Attacks Did Not Stop Jonathan Cahn's The Paradigm's Release
Jonathan Cahn's title "The Paradigm," now a New York Times bestseller, brought a personal spiritual attack on him when the book was released. Hear this story and how the message of his book reveals a master blueprint that has been affecting our lives for generations.
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and President of Christian Life Missions. Follow him on Twitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Hope - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


Now Think On This
Steve Martin

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12, Tree of Life (TLV)

As I sat across the table from Hope, I wondered if her middle name was Joy. Wouldn’t that have been nice! (I know a Joy by the way. I know Grace, Faith, and even Prudence. What names the Lord has given these lovely ladies!)

Hope was doing a short interview of me for the seasonal work at Samaritan’s Purse here in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Operation Christmas Child Shoebox season was fast approaching, and I wanted to be a part of the team again this go around. I had served here two previous years, and was looking forward to another time with Franklin Graham’s great program for worldwide kids. Blessed to be a blessing.

I had hope.

Some people don’t. They have lost hope in their dreams; their vision has vanished; they see things around them and wonder, “What happened? Why am I here when I thought it was supposed to be so much better?”

Those are real hurts and pains. I know. I have had them myself more times than I care to remember, or even write about. You believe something for so long, and then nothing. Nada. It ain’t happening. Or so you thought for so long.

But it is. It will happen. One thing we can count on in life is that the One who gives life, dreams, provides vision and leads us down a good path is the Lover of our soul. The One who gives is so capable because He is the same One who gave all. He gave His life for us.

This is one thing I do know. Jesus (Yeshua is His beloved Hebrew-given name) cannot lie when He speaks; He cannot hate when He loves; He cannot steal when He gives us His provision. He cannot because it is not in His eternal nature to do so. It is just not there.

What is there in His eternal being is real hope, real love, real encouragement, real joy, real passion for saving the people in the nations.

Without Jesus the people perish. One gunshot, one hurricane, one earthquake and it can be all over for those who have not called upon the Name of the Lord. He is our only hope.

My heart-felt prayer is that you have hope today. Let it be renewed, let it be abundant, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart afresh and let you know there is light at the end of this tunnel you are in. For the Light has come, He is eternal, and where there is hope there is life to press on through whatever comes your way.

Hope in Jesus today. Be confident in what He has planned for you. He knows what it is and it is good.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 10.04.17 - #320 – “Hope” 7:00 am