Now Think On This
Steve Martin
”Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12, Tree of Life (TLV)
As I sat across the table from Hope, I wondered if her middle name was Joy. Wouldn’t that have been nice! (I know a Joy by the way. I know Grace, Faith, and even Prudence. What names the Lord has given these lovely ladies!)

I had hope.
Some people don’t. They have lost hope in their dreams; their vision has vanished; they see things around them and wonder, “What happened? Why am I here when I thought it was supposed to be so much better?”
Those are real hurts and pains. I know. I have had them myself more times than I care to remember, or even write about. You believe something for so long, and then nothing. Nada. It ain’t happening. Or so you thought for so long.
But it is. It will happen. One thing we can count on in life is that the One who gives life, dreams, provides vision and leads us down a good path is the Lover of our soul. The One who gives is so capable because He is the same One who gave all. He gave His life for us.
This is one thing I do know. Jesus (Yeshua is His beloved Hebrew-given name) cannot lie when He speaks; He cannot hate when He loves; He cannot steal when He gives us His provision. He cannot because it is not in His eternal nature to do so. It is just not there.
What is there in His eternal being is real hope, real love, real encouragement, real joy, real passion for saving the people in the nations.
Without Jesus the people perish. One gunshot, one hurricane, one earthquake and it can be all over for those who have not called upon the Name of the Lord. He is our only hope.
My heart-felt prayer is that you have hope today. Let it be renewed, let it be abundant, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart afresh and let you know there is light at the end of this tunnel you are in. For the Light has come, He is eternal, and where there is hope there is life to press on through whatever comes your way.
Hope in Jesus today. Be confident in what He has planned for you. He knows what it is and it is good.
Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 10.04.17 - #320 – “Hope” 7:00 am