Saturday, October 7, 2017

Nurturing Israel ✡ "Let The Lowly Eat And Be Satisfied" - Israel365

Let the lowly eat and be satisfied; let all who seek Hashem praise Him. Always be of good cheer!

יֹאכְלוּ עֲנָוִים וְיִשְׂבָּעוּ יְהַלְלוּ יְהוָה דֹּרְשָׁיו יְחִי לְבַבְכֶם לָעַד

תהילים כב:כז
yo-KHLU a-na-VEEM ve'-yees-BA-u ye-ha-le-LU d'-ro-SHAV ye-KHEE le-vav-KHEM l'-AD

Shabbat Inspiration

In Psalm 22, King David expresses the desire for all of the children of Israel to be fed and satisfied. King David goes on to say that after the children of Israel are physically satisfied they can properly serve and praise Hashem. Without proper nutrients, it is difficult to flourish spiritually.  Millennia later, Israel is still grappling with the task of ensuring that all if its citizens are well fed. It is a sad reality that many Israelis live below the poverty line and go to sleep hungry. Israel has always prided itself on its morals and ethics and refuses to be complacent knowing that so many Israelis are living in unacceptable conditions. Colel Chabad, a non-profit organization that provides food to tens of thousands of needy Israelis, pays special attention to ensure that the food which they distribute is both delicious and healthy. Colel Chabad has been revamping their menus and distribution to include an array of fresh produce and whole grains that provide increased nutrients to impoverished Israelis. It is the hope of Colel Chabad that the healthy food  they distribute will allow the recipients to be successful in both their physical and spiritual undertakings.

Israel's Amazing Food Rescue Program

Leket, an amazing non-profit organization, transports excess food from various sources to NPOs and charities throughout the country, providing hundreds of thousands of people all over the country with healthy and nutritious food.

Impoverished Israelis Learn About Healthy Eating

Two leading Israeli charity organizations are joining forces to educate impoverished Israelis about nutrition.

Wheat as the Key to Divine Aspiration

One of the central themes of the holiday of Sukkot is the celebration of the harvest. Deuteronomy 8:8 lists the seven species which are native to and harvested in the Land of Israel called the 'Shivat Haminim'. The first of these species is wheat. The Torah considers wheat to be the staple of the human diet. Symbolically, wheat represents more than just food. The Torah looks to wheat as the tool used to nourish a human body, feeding the divine aspirations within each of us. It is through the nutrients and energy which humans gain from wheat that they can continue their service of Hashem.
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Today's Israel Photo

Zev Rothkoff's photo of a patriotic Israeli gentleman.

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“We Are Praying for Israel”

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Me and my 6 children are praying for Israel when we gather for prayer meetings. we are glad to hear that no e died during the sabbath stabbing spree b the Palestinian teen. God is protecting Israel, we pray that God will protect the landmark God gave to Jacob n his 12 sons, we pray that, all Israel people will be safe, the country safe n IDF safe. No one on the phase of the earth will ever erase Israel out of this earth, if they try, they only chose to be the greatest losers. God will protect Israel n God will bring peace to Jerusalem. We are from Papua new guinea. a small province that has cultures more or less like the Israelites so we feel with the Israelites so actually so many people from my province pray for Israel . we send our students to Israel to train in agriculture, n now our province's governor has a very close link with Israel. we are glad we are praying for Israel. God will answer our prayers n we will gradually hear good news from Israel soon. We love Israel n will continue to pray. --Trevina Gima n kids
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Economic Slowdown Confirmed: The U.S. Economy Lost Jobs Last Month For The First Time In 7 Years - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 06 Oct 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Don’t worry – even though the employment numbers are terrible the mainstream media insists that everything is going to be wonderful for the U.S. economy in the months ahead.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. economy lost 33,000 jobs during September.  That was the first monthly decline in seven years, and as you will see below, overall 2017 is on pace for the slowest employment growth in at least five years.  

But the Bureau of Labor Statistics insists that the downturn in September was due to the chaos caused by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, and they are assuring us that happier times are right around the corner.

Economists were projecting that we would see an increase of around 80,000 jobs last month, and we need to add at least 150,000 jobs each month just to keep up with population growth.  So the -33,000 number was a huge disappointment.

But even though we lost 33,000 jobs last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the unemployment rate fell from 4.4 percent to 4.2 percent.

Yes, I know that doesn’t make any sense at all, but that is what they are telling us.

Perhaps if several volcanoes go off inside this country, terrorists detonate a dirty bomb in one of our major cities and Godzilla invades the west coast next month the unemployment rate will drop all the way to zero.

Of course I am being facetious, but I just want to point out the absurdity of what we are being told.  There is no way in the world that the official unemployment rate should be at “a new 16-year low”.

In the end, perhaps September will end up being a bit of an anomaly.  But as I mentioned above, we have been witnessing a broader trend build for months.  According to CNBC, we are on pace for “the slowest jobs growth in at least five years”…
In addition to September’s rough month, the July number was revised lower from 189,000 to 138,000 though August got a bump higher from 156,000. In all, though, 2017 thus far has seen the slowest jobs growth in at least five years.
Let that sink in for a moment.

Employment is not booming.  In fact, things haven’t been this slow “in at least five years”.  An economic slowdown is here, and yet most people are totally oblivious to what is happening.

And let me share something else with you.  The following chart shows the average duration of unemployment since the late 1940s…

This chart shows that workers remain unemployed far longer than they did in the “good old days”, but I want you to pay special attention to the very end of the chart.

The duration of unemployment is really starting to spike up again quite dramatically, and that is a very, very troubling sign for the U.S. economy overall, because spikes in this number almost always correspond with recessions.

But the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that we don’t have anything to be concerned about.  In fact, they are blaming all of the bad numbers from last month on Harvey and Irma
Our analysis suggests that the net effect of these hurricanes was to reduce the estimate of total nonfarm payroll employment for September. There was no discernible effect on the national unemployment rate. No changes were made to either the establishment or household survey estimation procedures for the September figures. For both surveys, collection rates generally were within normal ranges, both nationally and in the affected states. In the establishment survey, employees who are not paid for the pay period that includes the 12th of the month are not counted as employed. In the household survey, persons with a job are counted as employed even if they miss work for the entire survey reference week (the week including the 12th of the month), regardless of whether or not they are paid. For both surveys, national estimates do not include Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
And the “experts” that are being quoted by the mainstream media are assuring us that “the labor market remains in good shape”
“Despite the decline (in job gains), it’s really clear that the labor market remains in good shape,” says Joel Naroff of Naroff Economic Advisors.
The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the headline job totals, edged lower. That’s because gains in the number of people employed outpaced an increase in the labor force, which includes people working and looking for jobs. In that survey of households, workers are counted as employed even if they were temporarily idled by the storms.
Hopefully they are right.

Hopefully happy times are here again and an economic boom is right around the corner.
Unfortunately, the longer term trends tell an entirely different story.  Our economic infrastructure has been gutted, we have shipped millions of good paying jobs overseas, the middle class is slowly being eradicated, and we are living in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble in human history.

We have been able to maintain our ridiculously inflated standard of living for an extended period of time by borrowing absolutely colossal mountains of money year after year.  But no debt bubble lasts forever, and this one will not either.

The debt-fueled “prosperity” that we see all around us today is an enormous temporary illusion, and when the illusion collapses the economic pain is going to be greater than anything we have ever seen before in modern American history.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Pastor Oyewale Abel of Abba Father International, Nigeria, West Africa - "The Sinners"

Pastor Oyewale Abel and wife Margaret

The Sinners
Pastor Oyewale Abel 

THE SINNERS (MATTHEW 11:20-30; LUKE 19:1-10; JOHN 3:1-21 )

Sinner means someone who has done something wrong according to the religious or moral law; one involved in immorality. Sin is any form of non-conformity unto or transgression against the law. All have sinned, so also are all expected to return to the Lord to avoid everlasting punishment. The sinner is the one who remains so until the moment.


"And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house." (The Gospel of Luke

As usual, Jesus was on His itinerary, affecting every life He come across. Then He met the rich chief tax collector who was very eager to meet the Saviour. Jesus saw his eagerness, despite his limitations. He would not allow anything (his sins, stature, or status) to come between them. Though someone had just disappointed Jesus on account of wealth, He would not give up on this ready-to-repent publican. How do you see sinners around you?

"And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down for today I must stay at your house." Abiding in that sinner's house was in tandem with His purpose. Against the people's wish, He offered salvation to Zacchaeus. There was no discrimination on Jesus' part.

"There was a man of the Pharisees, named  Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto Him, "Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher who has come from God, for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him." (John:3:1-2 )

Here is another sinner who come to Jesus by night when He was humanly expected to be resting. He is ready to attend to anyone at any time, no matter when and how he or she comes. He was not moved by unnecessary encomiums but was concerned with the genuine questions from the ready mind. 

He is always ready to attend to your case when you sincerely present your questions and requests. Be willing and obedient. Jesus knew Nicodemus's real need, and would not allow anything, including his encomium, to distract His attention from the ultimate. 

What should our attitude be to sinners that we come across, especially the well-to-do? All sinners must come to Jesus Christ, like newborn babies, regardless of their status. It is the desire of our Lord Jesus Christ to make the sinners the righteousness of God, for that was why He became sin, even though He knew no sin. He is the high priest and advocate for all who would surrender to Him.

My brothers and sisters - run away from sin and not from sinners.


"And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades; for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day." (The Gospel of Matthew)

Was Jesus cursing? No! They had already cursed themselves by rejecting the Gospel.The magnitude of the miracles done in the city meant nothing to those children of disobedience. Imagine Bethsaida, the home of great people, and where Jesus personally visited, ignoring  His gospel. What a disappointment! They wasted His labours. 

Brothers and sisters, all you lovers of Israel, I hope you are not wasting God's grace. Jesus did not only condemn these stubborn people but also gave the way out by coming to Him, in whom there is immediate and ultimate rest.

As you are reading this message, HAVE YOU FOUND JESUS?

In every race and time, God has not taken lightly to the issue of haughtiness. No one who genuinely seeks the Lord will be cast away. The only place for the finally impenitent is hell. Preachers will not be held guilty if they have done their part in warning the recalcitrant.

May the good God of Israel bless you all, in Jesus' Name.


Pastor Abel Oyewale
Abba Father Fellowship International
Nigeria, West Africa

Nigerian orphans who have lost both parents. Praying with thanksgiving for their Bibles.

Pastor Abel and his church members try to help them as best they can. Please use the DONATE button on the side columns to help or the tab on our Love For His People website above.

Some of the contents sent to Nigeria in October 2017

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"5778: A Vision of the Double Door" by Katie Barker - THE ELIJAH LIST

October 6, 2017

"5778: A Vision of the Double Door"

by Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzWe've been hearing the word "double" for this new season we are in from some of God's prophetic voices. How many would like some payback from all the enemy has stolen from you? I think we all would!

If I were you, I would carefully read through this article from Katie Barker of Australia, as she shares about the double doors she saw for this coming year:

In the first few days of the Jewish year 5778, the Lord showed me a huge wooden door which I knew represented the coming year. The door was so much larger than a normal door, and the Lord was showing me that the coming year would be one where the people of God are given divine opportunities beyond what they could imagine. As the door opened the door became a "double door" and I felt the Lord was saying the year ahead would be one of double. His people would see double blessing and double harvest for what has been sown.

I can say this wholeheartedly: It's time to receive! Be encouraged as you read about the double doors opening for you! 

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"5778: A Vision of the Double Door"
by Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia

We have recently entered the Jewish year 5778. The Jewish calendar is important to God and He has ordained certain dates on the calendar as key dates during the year. God is not restricted to one calendar and He works on both the Jewish and Gregorian calendars.

The Wooden Door

In the first few days of the Jewish year 5778, the Lord showed me a huge wooden door which I knew represented the coming year. The door was so much larger than a normal door, and the Lord was showing me that the coming year would be one where the people of God are given divine opportunities beyond what they could imagine. As the door opened the door became a "double door" and I felt the Lord was saying the year ahead would be one of double.

His people would see double blessing and double harvest for what has been sown.

I could also see lush, green fields ahead and it was like I was looking at a spring scene. I felt the Lord say they were fields of opportunity and fields of harvest. The season of spring represents fruitfulness with new things budding forth. I felt the year ahead would be one of fruitfulness and we will see God move in new ways in our lives and in the nations. I also felt a caution that it will be important to discern which opportunities the Lord is directing you into and which ones are a distraction from the enemy.

Next, the Lord directed my sight to what I was standing on. It was a solid, oak platform. I noticed how stable and strong it was. I saw scrolls of revelation on this platform. I saw the people of God standing on the platform, but the platform then became a springboard. I heard the Lord say, "This is a springboard season." Many people will receive specific revelation from the Lord on the coming year and the years to come. The springboard also represented past seasons as the Lord had used past seasons to prepare people for this time.

The people had laid a solid foundation and the Lord was showing me this was done through time spent with Him. It was in these times that the people were given the scrolls, the revelation, they needed to spring forward in this year and the coming years. The Lord was really highlighting the need to spend time with Him this year as it is in these times that revelation was given. The platform was for individuals as well as for nations.

With regard to nations, intercessors were laying a foundation for regions and nations. The Lord is highlighting intercession at this time, as nations are at a strategic time in history and intercessors will partner with God through revelation they receive to see His plans manifest in regions.

Golden Levels

At the end of the springboard, I saw golden levels or steps. I saw the people of God launch forward off the springboard and land on higher levels. The golden levels represented upgrades in the spirit. The people were launching into higher assignments and the next steps in their destiny. I was surprised by how high some of the levels were. They were so much larger than a normal step.

The people of God were stepping into a time of huge increase. With this increase in assignments, authority in the spirit, anointing, and areas of influence, also came an increase in accountability and responsibility to steward the increase well. I also had a knowing that some nations would also launch forward this coming year into a time of huge increase, harvest and launching into the destiny over their nation.

At the start of the golden levels, there was a treasure chest which held items the people of God would need for that level. I also saw many people swimming on the new level, not walking. Swimming represented the fact they were moving in the spirit. There will be an increase in the number of people moving in the things of the spirit and there will be an increase in the level people of God operate in things of the spirit. 

Psalm 31:19 (TPT), "Lord, how wonderful You are, You have stored up so many good things for us, like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings – all for those who honor and worship You!"

2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV), "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

Ephesians 6:10 (TPT), "Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of His explosive power flowing in and through you."

A New Sound

The Lord showed me the vision of the door again, but this time words began to appear on the door. The words represented what will be seen in the coming year. On the door were the words OPPORTUNITY, HARVEST, BLESSING, INCREASE, HOPE, WONDER, NEW, PROMISE and INHERITANCENot only will the year ahead be one of opportunity, blessing, increase and harvest, but the Lord is also saying it will be one of wonder where the people of God will be in awe and wonder of how He works in and through their lives.The people of God will operate in higher levels of authority in the spirit and higher levels of discernment.

We will see God move in new ways. Portals will open over regions and the glory of God will be seen and the plans of God for regions and nations will come to pass. People will unite for a common purpose and in vision the Lord has given them and their alignment will have great Kingdom impact. 

The positioning, aligning, refining and preparation of past seasons has been to equip people to carry what is coming. A new sound will be released from Heaven. Worshippers will lead others in the new sound and they will lead others into encounters with the heart of God. It will be a year of hope, breakthrough and promise. People who have had hope deferred will see a renewing and refreshing through promises fulfilled.

Isaiah 25:1 (NASB), "O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness."

Proverbs 13:12 (NASB), "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life."

In addition to words on the door, I also saw two Scriptures come before me for the coming year:
1 Corinthians 2:9 (ISV), "But as it is written, 'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love Him.'"

Psalm 2:8 (NASB), "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession."

I felt so much expectation on what is in store for the people of God. I also felt a greater call to intercession for the nations as well as an invitation from the Lord to "ask for the nations" for it is His desire for us to ask Him for that which He has placed on our heart.

As we have entered the Jewish year 5778, there is so much expectancy for all the Lord has planned.

Be purposeful about spending time with the Lord and establishing a solid springboard from which you will receive revelation and be launched into the areas of increase and upgrade. 

A time of opportunity, harvest, hope, wonder, promise and inheritance awaits. It will be a time where the Lord moves in new ways in your life and in the nations.

Katie Barker
Bring the Fire Ministries 


Katie Barker is the co-founder of Bring the Fire Ministries, along with her husband Aaron. They live on the Tweed Coast of Australia with their four children. Bring the Fire Ministries is about bringing revival fire to the nations. It is about ministering to others through the power of the Word of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Katie has a heart to encourage Believers into a deeper relationship with the Lord and see them walk in the fullness of their identity and inheritance in Christ. Her desire is to see Believers understand their Kingdom authority and position, use the spiritual gifts they have been given, and impact their areas of influence for the Kingdom of God. She also has a heart for revival and to see the Body of Christ united and awakened.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Glory of God Returning to America Through Prayers of Israel and the 'Nations,' Native Americans Say - STEVE REES/ASSIST NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

Standing With Israel
When Native Indian tribes from the United States, Canada and around the globe return to Washington D.C. this fall, they believe the glory of God is returning with them.
On October 20, 2017, First Nations people will fill Constitution Hall—for the first time in American history—for their Second Annual National Day of Prayer.
The presence of God is coming with them like the forgiveness they brought to the nation's capital last year, when tribes from the U.S., Canada and the world gathered at the Washington Monument for the inaugural Day of Prayer By First Nations on Oct. 21, 2017.
Envisioned by an Euchee (Yuchi) Indian, Dr. Negiel Bigpond, First Nations prayer and worship on the National Mall was heard inside the White House, which acknowledged by telephone the presence of about 75 different Native American and Canadian tribes in D.C.
In the shadow of the monument's standing, granite rock, tribes erected teepees, beat drums, danced, prayed, worshipped and, very intentionally, extended forgiveness to the nation for breaking treaties with Native American Indians.
"Last year, we extended forgiveness to a nation that never asked for it; this year we're releasing the glory of God back over America and the nations," said Willie Jock at a rally in Denver on Saturday.
An Akwesasne Mohawk, Jock read the prayer he authored, "The Power to Forgive," at the base of the Washington Monument.
"As the host people of Turtle Island, we forgive every atrocity and broken covenant ever designed to destroy us as a race of people," Jock said in Washington D.C.
Days later, Jock authored "The Prayer of the Peacemaker," which he recited at the Standing Rock Reservation in North and South Dakota beside Dr. Bigpond, Lakota Sioux Gabrielle Medicine Eagle and Chickasaw Randy Wade.
"We stand beneath the outstretched branches of the great tree of peace and invite all nations to join us as we cry out for the master of life to bring His justice, unity and peace over Standing Rock and all of the Americas," Jock said.
Jock, Eagle, Wade and other members of All Tribes D.C., the sponsor of the annual Day of Prayer By First Nations, spoke Friday night and all day Saturday in Denver at Church in the City/Beth Abraham during a vision rally that brought together Christians, Messianic and indigenous believers in Jesus Christ.
The church is the former home of a Jewish synagogue and later an Indian center.
Between the rally in Denver and the day of prayer, Jock and some members of All Tribes D.C. will visit Israel from Oct. 9-13, when Messianic Jewish believers will impart through prayer the glory of God to Indian leaders before they travel to the nation's capital.
"I believe it's going to begin on Oct. 20th as the First Nations people release the glory of God over America and the world," Jock said.
Jock and other First Nations Leaders agree with the words of Dr. Billy Graham.
"The greatest moments of Native history (lie) ahead of us if a great spiritual renewal and wakening should take place," Graham said years ago. "The Native American has been a sleeping giant. He is awakening."
Some Christians groups—All Tribes D.C among them—recognize the accuracy of a deceased prophet who declared 2017 a turnaround year and one of (God's) favor.
It's a year of God's awakening the nations and the return of His glory, according to the late prophet Bob Jones.
"Watch this year as the nations of the world come alive in the holiness of the Father, the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit," Jones prophesied before his death.
A website containing other prophecies spoken by Jones is maintained by his wife, Bonnie.
Jock's prayer produced peace of mind and heart even though the events at Standing Rock, where water and burial sites remain contentious issues, didn't go the way Chickasaw leader Wade hoped they would.
"We always talk about a sound, a message," Wade said. "In the Greek, the word 'sound' means to join one place to another. When we make a sound, it touches heaven. I long to see the nations make the sound of worship."
The gatherings in Israel and D.C this year will have shifting effects on the nations as forgiveness in America did in 2016.
Ojibway Cree Mary Faus, who earlier this year was invited to speak at the National Press Club on behalf of Dr. Bigpond at a church conference she attended, agreed a shift took place in the nation in 2016, and she expects another this fall.
At the rally in Denver, Faus said, "The sound that's going forth is shaking the very ground that was used to bury our people.
"The Word Himself is coming alive in the Native Bride.
"The very acts used to shame and humiliate her will be her greatest weapon to undermine the accuser," said Faus, who was chosen by All Tribes leader to emcee inside Constitution Hall on Oct. 20.
Lakota Sioux Gabrielle Medicine Eagle said prayers of forgiveness and peace bring God's glory and presence. He knows from personal experience, forgiving "white people" for the first time when he came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in 1984.
Before his conversion, Eagle was dismayed by the Department of Interior's handling of Indian reservations, sending youth to residential schools—both parochial and public—that sought to strip them of their cultural identities.
"The word 'reservation,' according to Webster's Dictionary, is defined as 'put aside for later use.'
"God has turned around the word 'reservation'—meaning set aside—for His use. He is restoring our governmental authority," Gabrielle Medicine Eagle said.
Potawatomi Martha Schmitt, who works with Dr. Bigpond at Two Rivers Native American Training Center near Tulsa, Oklahoma, expects members of more than 75 tribes will attend the prayer event on Oct. 20.
Bigpond first envisioned a national day of prayer for First Nations in June of 2016, reserving area around the Washington Monument with the U.S. Park Service a few months later.
He believes the power of forgiveness and prayer bring healing to the nation. Others agree with him, saying All Tribe D.C.'s mission is to stir up the "governmental voice of authority rightly given to First Nations people by our creator."
There are approximately 500 tribes in U.S and 500 more in Canada. Seventy-five tribes prayed on the National Mall last year, and more are expected this year, Schmitt said.
Also in Denver, Navajo leader Ellson Bennett and his adopted South Korean daughter, Callie, spoke and led worship, respectively. Callie is in the running for two Native Music Awards: Best Female Artist of the Year and Best Gospel Inspirational Record.
Representatives from government, education and the church—three of seven mountains of influence—are invited to the day of prayer. Among the invited high-profile speakers are Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and Senator Stewart Greenleaf from Pennsylvania.
Author, speaker and internationally recognized prayer leader Chuck Pierce will represent the church in D.C.
Watch an All Tribe D.C promotional video here:, or visit their website at
Steve Rees is a freelance writer who loves the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, calls Longmont his home, and attends Rez.Church. He can be contacted by e-mail at:
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Thousands of Christians Celebrate Biblical Feast in Jerusalem - CBN News

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem's Feast of Tabernacles, Photo, CBN News
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem's Feast of Tabernacles, Photo, CBN News
Thousands of Christians Celebrate Biblical Feast in Jerusalem
 CBN News Oct. 6, 2017
JERUSALEM, Israel – Thousands of Christians from around the world are in Jerusalem to participate in the annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ).
The Christian celebration coincides with the biblical feast of Sukkot, described in the book of Leviticus and based on a passage from Zechariah 14:16 that says all the nations will one day go up to Jerusalem to worship the Lord during the Feast of Tabernacles.
"We are expecting one of our biggest crowds ever at this year's Feast," said ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler.
"Thousands of Christians are once again being drawn here from all over the world by the dynamic worship experience that surrounds this unique biblical festival," he said.
This is the 38th annual ICEJ Feast celebration. Some 6,000 Christians from nearly 100 nations are expected to attend. It's the largest solidarity mission to Israel this year and it's expected to have an $18-$20 million economic impact on Israel.
But according to Bühler, this year also holds an "added attraction of celebrating the fifty-year Jubilee of a reunited Jerusalem."
"This means we are truly in for a banner Feast," Bühler said in a statement.
Israel is marking the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Six-Day War, this year.  That's when it reunited Jerusalem under Jewish sovereignty for the first time in thousands of years.
The ICEJ has a special connection to Jerusalem. It was founded in 1980 after 13 national embassies left Jerusalem for Tel Aviv in protest of the Knesset's "Jerusalem Law," which enshrined a united Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
In response to the embassies' exodus, more than 1,000 Christians from 40 nations attended the ICEJ Feast in Jerusalem as an act of comfort and solidarity with the 3000-year-old Jewish claim to the city.
"Given that the issue of Jerusalem has once again come to the fore, this year's Feast is also dedicated to reaffirming Christian support for a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty," a statement from ICEJ said.
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