Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Jews Evicted From Hebron House Despite PA Attesting to Validity of Sale - Breaking Israel News

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Jews Evicted From Hebron House Despite PA Attesting to Validity of Sale

Rabbi to Haredi Soldiers:
"You Are Followers of Our Great Forefather Abraham" [PHOTO SPREAD]

A Good Land

Deuteronomy 8:7 describes Israel as "a good land". For thousands of years, the Jewish people lived in exile and were unable to set foot in the Land of Israel. Despite this harsh reality, the Jewish people never forgot the beauty of the Land of Israel and prayed to God to return them to their land. The world watched in awe as the modern State of the Land of Israel was established in 1948 and the Jewish people were finally allowed to return to their ancestral homeland. Whether in Israel or abroad, the Jewish people never forget; Israel is "a good land'. Remember these words with this beautiful pendant which reads "it is a good land".
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WATCH: 3D Architectural Plans Show Glory of the Third Temple

ICYMI: Black Death Returns as Raging Plague Kills Dozens in Madagascar

Including Muslims in Interfaith Dialog
is a Biblical Trap

By Jim Fletcher
Rather than aggressively denouncing the anti-Semitic gang at CATC, evangelical leaders in America—many of whom identify as pro Israel—are silent. This is the problem.
Europe’s Next World War Begins in France
By Daniel Greenfield
By Khaled Abu Toameh
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Feeling the Pain of Others ✡ "The Adversary Departed From The Presence Of Hashem" - Israel365

The Adversary departed from the presence of Hashem and inflicted a severe inflammation on Iyov from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.

וַיֵּצֵא הַשָּׂטָן מֵאֵת פְּנֵי יְהוָה וַיַּךְ אֶת־אִיּוֹב בִּשְׁחִין רָע מִכַּף רַגְלוֹ וְעַד קָדְקֳדוֹ

איוב ב:ז
va-yay-TZAY ha-sa-TAN may-AYT p’-NAY a-do-NAI va-YAKH et i-YOV bish-KHEEN RA mi-KAF rag-LO v’-AD kod-ko-DO

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Book of Job poses the difficult question of why bad things happen to good people. The book begins with the narrative of a righteous man named Job, who is tormented by God through a series of horrific events, including the death of his children, the loss of his property and his contraction of a deadly disease. Jewish Sages teach us that Job's suffering was punishment for his involvement in the persecution of the people of Israel during their subjugation in Egypt. Job was one of Pharaoh’s advisers. While Job did not support the persecution of the Israelites, he chose to remain silent. It was because of his silence, that Job and his family were later punished. We must learn from the mistake of Job  never to remain silent in the face of the suffering of others. We must feel the pain of others as our own. As a result of decades of Palestinian terror against the Jewish communities of Israel, many innocent children have experienced tremendous loss and suffering. The Shiloh Israel Children's Fund treats children from the Biblical heartland who have fallen victim to terror. We cannot ignore the pain of these children who have lost loved ones and endured unthinkable suffering. Please support the critical work of the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund.

A Military Confrontation is Brewing

David Rubin, the former mayor of Shiloh, discusses a future military confrontation with Iran on Fox News.

Las Vegas Massacre Will Likely Cause Terror PTSD

Following the shooting massacre in Las Vegas last Sunday which left 59 people murdered David Rubin, terrorism expert and founder of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund spoke with Breaking Israel News about what is needed to both prevent and heal from such a tragedy.

A Small but Mighty Nation

Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world! Yet, everyone always has their eye on Israel! Ever since God directed Abraham to journey to the Land of Israel in Genesis 12:2, the world has been obsessed with Israel. Keep Israel close to your heart with this beautiful sterling silver map of Israel pendant.
Shop and save! »

Donate an olive tree to be planted in the Jewish community of Bat Ayin with Rabbi Tuly and Israel365 on October 30th.


Today's Israel Photo

Soldiers patrol Maale Levona, a Jewish community outside of Shiloh.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Fred A. from Utah; Dr. Zak M. from Illinois; Mary C. from Louisiana; Amrit S. from Sri Lanka.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Donna W. from Delaware; Diane J. from the UK; Catherine R. from the UK; Dale H. from Florida.
Plant Vineyards in Samaria »

Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Marlisa W. from New Mexico; Victoria C. from Tennessee; Ictor C. from New York; Maura H. from South Africa.
Donate to Holocaust Survivors Now » 

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“What You Publish is Fabulous”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Israel365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).

Reading what you publish is fabulous! And I praise God for you all! As the Senior Pastor of a Christian Biker Church/Ministry in the Southwest of the UK (Cornwall) We support Israel as a Nation belonging to God and all what you guys do too! So saying a BIG HELLO to you all in Israel! If you fell led to...please give us a shout out! Love & Blessings, Pastor Vince Neale (Reverend), BA App Th. Asc Biblical Studies
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Monday, October 23, 2017

Salvation. For believers daily. Latest book by Steve Martin

- latest book by Steve Martin
November 2017

This book isn't the book on "how to get saved." It is for believers who need encouragement to walk in this unsaved world. This book helps you resist the enemy that comes against you; stand strong when you want to quit; keep on walking when there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel.

Our world needs saving. We know that. The nations are in much turmoil, rage, anger, and lawlessness. Just keep watching the news and it is obvious that times are changing, and it is not changing for the good. It is happening just as the prophets spoke; just as Jesus (Yeshua) Himself said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 as to how it would come about. 

The signs are all around us, forth-telling those exact events which would take place before the Lamb of God returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah of Jews and Gentiles, for all who call upon His name for salvation. All indications are that He is coming back soon. While time is yet with us, and there is light among the growing darkness, we must work with His Holy Spirit to spread the Good News. 

This is the news of His salvation, which is available to any and all who come to Him, for freedom from sin, death, destruction and all evil. This salvation is found only in His saving Blood and through His sacrifice on the cross. He is so willing and loving to give His saving grace to all who call upon His Name. He alone is our salvation. His Name is SALVATION.

Buy now on Amazon in paperback ($7.95) and Kindle ($2.95) versions.

Click here: Salvation - My Lord and My God


Dedication                                           Page 5
Introduction                                         Page 8

1. Salvation Belongs to the Lord        Page 9
2. I Can’t Get No Satisfaction            Page 13
3. America – We Need the Lord        Page 16
4. Restoration of Jim Bakker              Page 19
5. We’ve Only Just Begun                  Page 25
6. On A Mission From God                Page 33
7. Better Know Your Cave                 Page 38
8. Time To Move On                          Page 43
9. The Returning Remnant of Israel   Page 46
10.Who (Whose) Are You?                Page 50
11. Another Chicken Little?               Page 54
12. God Is My Salvation                     Page 58
13. 40 Something?                              Page 63
14. Forgive, Forget and Move On      Page 68
15. Desperation                                   Page 73
16. Hope                                             Page 77
17. Roots                                             Page 81
18. Who Is This One? Holy Spirit      Page 87
19. Not A Numbers Game                  Page 90
20. Is It God or Is It Satan?                Page 96
21. Strategies of the Lord                   Page 99
22. Clarity – Clearly Knowing           Page 102
23. Hope Again                                   Page 105
24. The Struggle                                 Page 107
25. Commitment                                 Page 110

Buy now on Amazon in paperback ($7.95) and Kindle ($2.95) versions.