Saturday, June 9, 2018

Ten Torah Books for Non-Jews - Breaking Israel News

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Ten Torah Books for Non-Jews

A preview of essential resource books that will help non-Jews (and Jews) in their Bible studies
“O that my words were written down; Would they were inscribed in a record,” (Job 19:23)

Jewish Authors Respond to Christian Calls for Torah Teaching

'This remarkable phenomenon of the awakening of so many holy souls among the Nations to get closer to God and discover His Torah, is both mysterious and wonderful,' says Nachum Shaw of Promised Land Publishers.
“Observe them faithfully, for that will be proof of your wisdom and discernment to other peoples, who on hearing of all these laws will say, ‘Surely, that great nation is a wise and discerning people.’” (Deuteronomy 4:6)

Terror Kites Now Being Launched From Inside Israel

The tactic used by Hamas-led rioters in Gaza of using incendiary kites to cause damage and havoc in Israel is now being used by Palestinians from inside Israel.
“An angel of Hashem appeared to him in a blazing fire out of a bush. He gazed, and there was a bush all aflame, yet the bush was not consumed.”
(Exodus 3:2)


Signs of Judaism Erased from Cave of Patriarchs for Ramadan

A witness described the Cave of the Patriarchs without Jewish symbols as "essentially an Ottoman Mosque."
“Thus the field with its cave passed from the Hittites to Avraham, as a burial site.” (Genesis 23:20)

Grieving Mother Cries Out From The Depths of Despair

A message written by Rina Ariel, the mother of murdered Israeli teenager Hallel Yaffa Ariel, went viral on social media in Israel on Thursday, the two-year anniversary of Hallel’s death at the hands of an Arab terrorist.
“You are to receive no ransom for the life of a killer who is guilty of murder; instead, he is to die.” (Numbers 35:31)

IAF Conducts Extensive Drill Simulating War On Multiple Fronts

Hundreds of IAF planes and helicopters take part in intensive training exercise across the country.
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Hamas Leader Threatens To ‘Bring Down Walls Of Gaza’ In Mass Friday Protest

Ismail Haniyeh says terrorist group has right “to resist occupation through all possible means, including armed resistance.”
“For it was Hashem’s doing to stiffen their hearts to give battle to Yisrael, in order that they might be proscribed without quarter and wiped out, as Hashem had commanded Moshe." (Joshua 11:20)
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New York Senatorial Candidate:
"Israel is a huge ally of the United States"

The candidate witnessed Gaza children launching incendiary kites into Israel, noting that the IDF refused to respond in a manner that endangered them

ISAIAH 28:25

Wheat, the first of the seven agricultural species of the Land of Israel (Deuteronomy 8:8), has been one of the world's most important crops since Biblical times. The first mention of wheat in the Bible is Genesis 30:14...
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How to Achieve Wholeness ✡ "Hashem Enfolds His People Now And Forever" - Israel365

Yerushalayim, hills enfold it, and Hashem enfolds His people
now and forever.

Psalms 125:2 (The Israel Bible™)

יְרוּשָׁלִַם הָרִים סָבִיב לָהּ וַיהוָה סָבִיב לְעַמּוֹ מֵעַתָּה וְעַד־עוֹלָם
Hear the verse in Hebrew

y’-ru-sha-LA-im ha-REEM sa-VEEV LAH va-do-NAI sa-VEEV l’-a-MO may-a-TAH
v’-ad o-LAM

How to Achieve Wholeness

The Hebrew name for Jerusalem, Yerushalayim (ירושלים), incorporates the word Shalom, ‘peace.’ And the root of Shalom (שלום) is shalem (שלם), meaning ‘whole’ or ‘complete.’ People fight with one another because they are not whole, and are not at peace with themselves. Once one is able to achieve wholeness, he can find inner peace, and will be much more likely to live peacefully with others. Throughout history and to this very day, many people come to Yerushalayim, the city of peace, to become whole within themselves and to find inner peace.
Find your inner peace

Israeli Children Hope to Play with Kites, Not Fear Them


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VIDEO: Sderot Kindergarten Gets Hit By Hamas Rocket


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Friday, June 8, 2018

Gone, With Little Remains - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Gone, With Little Remains
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

"Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.  "The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell — and great was its fall." (Matthew 7:26-27, NASU)

What remains when the Spirit has left? Rocks, a bit of history, or forgotten memories? Maybe a trace of what was can be found, but generally the living no longer celebrate the what was anymore. At least that is how it seemed when walking among the former monasteries and abbeys of centuries gone by, as we visited those ruins in Ireland. Even the massive cathedrals yet in operation today seemed hollow and just glorified shells of religion.

St. Patrick and a few of his contemporaries brought the Gospel to the Emerald Island, but for the most part, only a statue and some printed prayer cards now for sale offer any resemblance of the truth and life that had then replaced the paganistic beliefs during his time. The shamrock was used to teach of the Trinity back then. But for many, it now is just a nice green plant with three leaves.

So what happens when generation after generation forgoes the biblical way of life? You get nothing left but ancient stones and relics from long ago. The lamp has gone out. The Light of the World is no longer sought after nor desired to take away the darkness. What was beautiful at the time has been replaced with a glossed over religion that leaves each person not much better off than the one drinking life away at the local pub.

It is said that God has no grandchildren. Each generation must find the Savior and walk in His ways. You just can’t expect to receive what your parents had and get into the Kingdom by inheritance. Each person must seek and find Him for themselves. Though the previous ones who blazed the trail can instruct and encourage those who come next, it is up to each and every person, in each generation, to know the Lord personally and determine with the commitment to experience His purposes.

Although I was amazed at the extensive wealth and effort it had taken to construct these magnificent buildings that we walked through, I could only think of the lifeless rituals that now take place within them, of those still in use. For those trusting in anything less than the Lord Himself, I didn’t see where they offered much other than a photo to be taken. And with the ever-increasing sparse attendance at the weekly religious ceremonies, while congregations continue to die off, only the tour group tickets seemed to keep the facilities maintained. The populations surrounding the grounds had left their life at these doors years ago, if even then they had once crossed their thresholds.

What hope is there when people cast away that which can bring them the only hope? There is none.

Man will continue to build monuments, grand edifices, and crosses held high into the steepled sky, but unless they establish meaningful foundations in the heart, and that only through the grace of the Messiah, will there be an eternal life that will live long past the daily destructive forces that beat away all of that made of temporal material.

Our hope must be grounded on the Solid Rock, the Person of the Lord Jesus, and not on some religious form within or without. As the author of Hebrews wrote, “And this phrase, “one more time,” makes clear that the things shaken are removed, since they are created things, so that the things not shaken may remain.” (Hebrews 12:27, Complete Jewish Bible) Only that trusted in, or hoped on, of the Lord will remain for good forever.

Make sure your hope is grounded on the sure footing for today and those yet to come. Keep it placed in Jesus Himself, and not in that which man has built, which will be gone with no remains.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #352 - in the year of our Lord 06.08.18 –Gone, With No Remains”, Friday, 1:30 pm

Above photo taken by Steve Martin June 2, 2018. Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland)

FAITH NATION: Lila Rose Reveals New Exposé on Planned Parenthood - CBN News Crystal Woodall

Photo Credit: Lila Rose via Facebook
Photo Credit: Lila Rose via Facebook
FAITH NATION: Lila Rose Reveals New Exposé on Planned Parenthood
CBN News Crystal Woodall
Live Action has released a bombshell investigative report that accuses Planned Parenthood of a
decades-long track record of helping child sex abusers hide their nefarious deeds.

The abortion giant has fired back, saying the report draws on "discredited evidence," Politico reports.

However, a new video, announced last week by Live Action President Lila Rose, debunks that claim. 
The footage features four former Planned Parenthood employees confirming the organization's 
Planned Parenthood

"When Planned Parenthood calls our report 'discredited,' they are attacking the testimonies of the 
very girls who endured horrific abuse and then had it covered up by their own abortion centers," 
Rose charged.

"To be clear, the report includes numerous court cases, multiple news media reports, official 
police reports, state health department records, manager testimonials admitting a failure to report, 
and statements of underage sex abuse victims saying they were returned to their abusers after 
forced abortions," she continued.

Rose appeared on CBN's "Faith Nation" Thursday to talk more about the Live Action report. 

Rose suggested that Planned Parenthood's failure to report these crimes and their subsequent 
charges of 'discredited evidence' made them as guilty as the sex offenders themselves.

"Planned Parenthood has said repeatedly that victims of sexual abuse should be believed, yet 
when they call these cases that are documented in court records and media accounts 'discredited 
evidence,' they are calling the victims liars, just like their abusers did," she said. "At a time when 
Planned Parenthood's 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy on sexual abuse continues to put girls in danger 
every day, their callous attempt to discredit victims and their stories is especially abhorrent."

Watch here: Lila Rose interview

Submitted to the Call by Elaine Tavolacci - Identity Network

Submitted to the Call by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network

The Lord says I am calling the men and the woman who are mature in their faith to teach, nurture and be mentors to the younger ones. I am calling those of you who know Me, know My ways and have submitted your lives to the call. I am calling those of you to train, encourage and support those who are still on milk. I am looking for those of you who have been delivered from the strongholds of the enemy to strengthen the younger ones of the next generations. Those of you who understand the battle and are ready to serve on the front lines will be strong and do great exploits.
I am calling forth the Josephs who have been put down and abused by others but have not taken offense. They have been dishonored and falsely accused but have not let go of their dreams. I will raise them up and reveal My goodness through their lives. I will use them as signs and wonders to the nations. They will be leaders and they will prosper in times of famine and teach others to do the same.
I am calling forth the Moses to raise up Joshuas; to train men how to be strong and very courageous; to train them in leadership and how to be tenacious in spiritual warfare; to teach them how to be more than conqueror's in every battle; to encourage them to pursue My plan and calling on their lives and never retreat in fiery trials.
Joshua and Caleb
I am calling forth the Joshuas and Calebs. They are strong and very courageous and will be leaders in My great army. They are those who have a different spirit and know that they are more than able to go in and possess the land that I have promised to them. They will always come back with a good report and never back down from the enemy. They will go forth in the battle because they know their authority over the giants in the land.
I am calling forth the Naomis to train up the young Ruths - the godly women who will comfort and teach the younger woman how to live a lifestyle of integrity, sincerity and respect; to teach them how to walk in humility, wisdom and honor in their relationships.
I am raising up the Samuels. Those who are called to speak as My voice to this generation. They have been marked from a young age. They will recognize My voice and are called to be prophets to the nations. They will discern false teachings and false prophets. They will walk in a life of victory because they are Spirit led and not led by their own desires. They know how to enter into the Holy of Holies, and will teach others how to enter without guilt or shame. Since the veil has been torn, they will come into this higher dimension, and they will receive the fullness of what I have for them.
I am calling forth the Elijahs to train and raise up Elishas with a double portion of their spirit; to train the prophets and teach the younger ones how to be used in the gifts that I have freely given. To show them how to follow in their footsteps and be used in miracles, signs and wonders with respect and reverence of the anointing on their lives. They are those who follow Me closely and will not deviate off the narrow path.
I am calling the Marys. They are those who are highly favored and are carriers of My glory. They are those who have said in their hearts, "be it done unto me according to thy word." They have abandoned their lives and are impregnated with My seed. They are those who are in labor and ready to conceive. They have been overshadowed with My glory and My word dwells in them. They will produce great things as they bring forth My promises to the ends of the earth. For with Me nothing shall be impossible in their lives.
I am calling forth the Pauls who once had a different name but have been transformed. They are those who have overcome many battles. They have been delivered from the powers of darkness and will go in and rescue others. Follow them, as they follow Me and are My witnesses on this earth. They will be used greatly in miracles, signs and wonders. They will train up the young Timothy's and teach them how to pray. They will teach them how to refrain from sinful ways, and walk in the fear and admonition of the Lord. They will teach them to be strong in what they believe, fan the flames and stir up the gifts that were given to them. They will warn them against false teachings and false prophets, and to always endure hardness as good soldiers. They will encourage them, and teach them not to be ashamed of the gospel.
As you lead these young lambs, teach them how to always walk in love and keep a good conscience. Advise them on righteousness and to have clean hands and a pure heart at all times. Be an example to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Me and let the Holy Spirit be your guide. I will give you the wisdom and knowledge that is required as you submit your lives to the call says the Lord.
Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.
Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
Ephesians 4:11-13 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Elaine Tavolacci

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