Monday, June 11, 2018

Interesting Spiritual Parallels Between Trump and Kim Jong Un - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump (YouTube/ABC News)
When President Donald Trump meets with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un in Singapore June 12, it will be a historic summit. We must pray that not only will North Korea be denuclearized, but that North Korea—where freedom of religion or belief is largely nonexistent—will begin to allow religious liberty.
Meanwhile, my longtime friend Kathie Walters, a prophetess who often writes for Elijah List, brought to my attention several very interesting parallels between Trump and Kim.
She told me that in 1906, there was a great revival in Pyongyang that involved Kim Jong Un's grandfather's parents and grandparents. Kim Jong Un's grandfather, the dictator who ushered in North Korean communism, was Kim Il Sung, who was raised a Presbyterian. His father was a church elder, and his maternal grandfather was a pastor.
In the first half of the 20th century, northern Korea is said to have been much more Christian than the southern part. In fact, Pyongyang was called the "Jerusalem of Asia." At the time of the Korean War, there were 3,500 churches in North Korea. Today, Christianity is outlawed there, and at least 50,000—and by some reports as many as 130,000—Christians are in what amounts to concentration camps.
Meanwhile, President Trump was also raised a Presbyterian. His mother was from the Outer Hebrides Islands in Scotland, where there was a massive revival from 1948-51 (ironically almost the same years as the Korean War). The Hebrides was so on fire for God, it was called the "Jerusalem of the U.K."
I'm researching this now for my new book, Trump Aftershock, due to release in November. There are conflicting reports, but some suggest that members of Donald Trump's mother's family were involved in the Hebrides revival. His mother had moved to America about 15 years before, so she wasn't literally there at the time. But since nearly everyone in the Hebrides was touched by the revival in some way, we speculate members of her family (who were known as very devout Christians) were involved.
In addition, I'm researching Christianity in North Korea as well as the country's glorious history of revival. I'm also documenting its enormous persecution of Christians, which has made North Korea one of the most—if not the most—oppressive regimes on earth.
Another interesting coincidence is that the day of the Singapore summit is June 12. That's the exact date when in 1987, President Ronald Reagan said to the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Berlin, Germany: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Let's pray President Trump challenges Chairman Kim to tear down the barriers to Christianity in North Korea.
Another interesting fact Kathie mentioned is that the summit is being held on the island of Sentosa. The luxury location, however, has a dark past. It was used by Japan as a camp for British and Australian prisoners of war after Allied forces surrendered to the Japanese in 1942.
It was also where Singaporean Chinese accused of anti-Japanese activities were executed in large numbers. Until 1972, Sentosa was known as the "island of death from behind" and was renamed by the Singaporean government as part of the campaign to turn the island into a luxury destination. It is connected to the main part of Singapore with only one causeway, which makes security easier for the summit.
"It is now a five-star resort with a curse on it," Kathie says. "What an opportunity to reverse the curse. Don't you think God might be up to something?"
To that, I say, "Amen."
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and president of Christian Life Missions. He is also the author of the best-seller God and Donald Trump. Follow him on Twitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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PRAYER UPDATE: 'Praying for Peace': Heidi & Rolland Baker Staying in Mozambique Despite Nearby Violence -

JUNE 11, 2018SHARE →

CBN News has learned Heidi Baker's ministry Iris Global is taking precautions as terrorists attack nearby regions in Mozambique.

The Big Secret The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Tell You About America’s Soaring Suicide Rates - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 08 Jun 2018 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

This week two celebrity suicides rocked the nation, and neither of them seemed to make any sense.  Kate Spade’s handbag designs had taken the fashion world by storm, and she was supposedly living the kind of lifestyle that millions of Americans can only dream about.  And Anthony Bourdain was one of those rare journalists that was greatly loved by both the left and the right.  His “Kitchen Confidential” book is currently the #1 best seller on Amazon, and his “Parts Unknown” series was one of CNN’s most popular shows. 

Why would people that seemingly have everything going for them decide to kill themselves?  Well, by the end of this article you will learn some things about suicide and depression in the United States that the mainstream media definitely does not want to talk about.  And all you have to do is to follow the money to discover the very disturbing reason why the mainstream media does not want to talk about them.

On average, 123 Americans commit suicide every single day, and now suicide has become the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.

But among Americans between the ages of 10 and 34, it is now the second leading cause of death.

Of course it wasn’t always this way.  Suicide rates used to be much, much lower.  If you can believe it, suicide rates in the United States “have risen nearly 30 percent since 1999” according to the CDC…
Suicide rates in the U.S. have risen nearly 30% since 1999, according to a report released Thursday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suicides increased in both men and women, in all ethnic groups and in both urban and rural areas. Suicide and “self-harm,” a category that includes attempted suicides, cost the nation $70 billion a year in medical care and lost work time, the CDC says.
The CDC says that rates have increased “among both sexes, all racial/ethnic groups, and all urbanization levels”, and so this is not just a trend that is affecting one particular demographic group.

And virtually all age groups are seeing major increases as well.  For example, hospitalizations for suicidal thoughts and attempts at children’s hospitals approximately doubledover a recent 7 years period…
At children’s hospitals across the country, hospitalizations for suicidal thoughts and attempts doubled from 2008 to 2015, according to a study published last month in the journal Pediatrics. The highest increases were seen among teens ages 15 to 17 years old.
Middle-aged Americans are also seeing a stunning rise in suicides.  According to the CDC, the suicide rate for Americans from the age of 45 to the age of 64 is rising faster than for the general population as a whole
Earlier research showed that suicides among middle-aged men and women climbed at a higher rate than the overall population. Suicide among men aged 45 to 64 increased 43% from 1999 through 2014. The suicide rate uptick was even higher among women in that age group, though more men died from suicide, the CDC said.
So why is this happening?

History tells us that suicide rates tend to go up during economic recessions, but we are not in a recession at the moment.

According to NBC News, researchers have found that people that kill themselves tend to have certain things in common…
  • 42 percent had a relationship problem
  • 28 percent had substance abuse issues
  • 16 percent had job or financial problems
  • 29 percent had some kind of crisis
  • 22 percent had a physical health issue
  • 9 percent had a criminal legal problem
But those problems have always existed in our society.

To find the truth, we need to go down a rabbit hole, and it is a rabbit hole that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about.

The use of antidepressants and other mind-altering drugs is absolutely exploding in our society.  According to Time Magazine, the use of antidepressants rose almost 65 percent between 1999 and 2014…
A new report from the National Center for Health Statistics shows that from 2011 through 2014, the most recent data available, close to 13% of people 12 and older said they took an antidepressant in the last month. That number is up from 11% in 2005-2008.
The most recent numbers have increased by nearly 65% since 1999-2002, when 7.7% of Americans reported taking an antidepressant.
And numerous scientific studies have shown that there appears to be a link between antidepressant use and suicide.  In fact, the biggest review of clinical trials ever conducted found that the use of antidepressants “doubled the risk of suicide” for those under the age of 18…
Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, the biggest ever review has found, as pharmaceutical companies were accused of failing to report side-effects and even deaths linked to the drugs.
An analysis of 70 trials of the most common antidepressants – involving more than 18,000 people – found they doubled the risk of suicide and aggressive behaviour in under 18s.
If you have ever been on any of these drugs, then you already know that they can really mess with your mind, and they can result in people doing some very irrational things.

In the case of Kate Spade, we do have confirmation that she was taking antidepressants.  The following comes directly from her husband’s statement
She was actively seeking help for depression and anxiety over the last 5 years, seeing a doctor on a regular basis and taking medication for both depression and anxiety.
We also know that Anthony Bourdain really struggled with depression as well
The television host also discussed thoughts of depression. In a 2016 episode of Parts Unknown, Bourdain traveled to Argentina for psychotherapy — something widely popular in the country.
“Well, things have been happening,” he says on camera. “I will find myself in an airport, for instance, and I’ll order an airport hamburger. It’s an insignificant thing, it’s a small thing, it’s a hamburger, but it’s not a good one. Suddenly I look at the hamburger and I find myself in a spiral of depression that can last for days.
Considering the fact that he had been dealing with incidents of severe depression for many years, could it be possible that Bourdain was also taking antidepressants?

If anyone out there can confirm this, please reach out to me with that information. Of course the mainstream media is never going to address this link, because they do not want to harm their relationships with the big drug companies.

If you ever spend time watching the major news channels in the evening, then you already know that you are bombarded with one drug ad after another.  It is their major source of revenue, and they aren’t ever going to do anything that could endanger that.

Today, the pharmaceutical corporations spend more than 6 billion dollars a year on advertising.

So there are 6 billion reasons why the mainstream media does not want to tell you the truth, and because they won’t tell you the truth many more Americans are going to needlessly die in the years ahead…

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

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Feeling the Bible ✡ "May There Be Well-Being Within Your Ramparts" - Israel365

May there be well-being within your ramparts,
peace in 
your citadels.

Psalms 122:7 (The Israel Bible™)

יְהִי־שָׁלוֹם בְּחֵילֵךְ שַׁלְוָה בְּאַרְמְנוֹתָיִךְ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

ye-HEE sha-LOM be=KAY-laych shal-VHA be-ar-me-no-TAY-ech

Feeling the Bible

Sefer Tehillim, the book of Psalms, is first and foremost a shining example of biblical poetry. This genre conveys the word of Hashem (God) in a different medium than narrative; it focuses not on what one reads or hears but rather on what one feels and intuits. The Bible integrates poetry throughout its 24 books, reminding the reader of the infinite nature of Hashem and the multivalent dimensions of His word. The addition of poetry to the biblical landscape teaches the reader to gauge the cadence, rhythm, rhyme and meter in the divine expressions.
Feel the Bible

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