Friday, July 6, 2018

IDF Deploys Iron Dome Along Gaza Border; Arab Press Praises Hamas Arson Terror; Fleeing Syrians Get Help at Israeli Border - United with Israel

United with IsraelIDF Simulator Prepares Combat Medics for Action; Israel Eases Lives of Palestinians with New Robot App; Mossad Retrieves Israeli National Hero’s Watch from Syria 
IDF Deploys Iron Dome Air Defense Along Gaza Border
WATCH: Fleeing Syrians Get Help at Israeli Border
ACT FOR ISRAEL! Urge US Senator Not to Hinder Security Aid to Israel
Arab Press Praises Hamas Arson Terror on Israeli Communities 
WATCH: IDF Simulator Prepares Combat Medics for All Scenarios 
Prominent African Business Leaders Tour Israel to Deepen Ties 
WATCH: Apartheid? Palestinian Farmers Take Part in Tel Aviv Agricultural Event 
6 Israeli Startups to Provide India with Encompassing Innovation Package 
Mossad Retrieves Israeli National Hero’s Watch from Syria 
German Festival with Israeli Sponsorship Targeted by BDS 
WATCH: Israel Eases Lives of Palestinians with New Robot App 
Living Torah: Respect the Opinions of Others 
Good News Israel! Celebrating Birthright Milestone; Archaeological Findings in Shiloh; and More 
USA: 1-888-ZION-613 
Israel: +972-2-533-7841

Liberal Campaign to Oppose SCOTUS Pick Already Underway - Why It's Going to Be an Epic Battle - CBN News Jennifer Wishon

Liberal Campaign to Oppose SCOTUS Pick Already Underway 
- Why It's Going to Be an Epic Battle
CBN News Jennifer Wishon
WASHINGTON – Experts have predicted the confirmation battle for the next justice of the Supreme 
Court will be epic and the proof is already materializing.

Abortion activists are already preparing to mobilize against the president's pick – specifically, they're 
targeting two states where they believe they can convince the Republican senators there to break ranks 
and oppose the nominee.

Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AL) and Susan Collins (R-MA) are known for voting against their party, 
and perhaps more importantly, both women are pro-choice and don't want to see Roe v. Wade 
Already Under Fire

Chuck Norris' Blistering Critique of the Dems: 'Would Reject Moses if Trump Nominated Him'

The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) has been in panic mode 
ever since Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement.

The group hosted a call with 10,000 activists this week to discuss the threats to abortion rights and 
is using social media to galvanize its supporters.

"We know—and we know for sure—that any of Trump's list of 25 will vote to decimate our rights 
under Roe v. Wade. Period," said NARAL President Ilyse Hogue.

View image on Twitter


"We know—and we know for sure—that any of Trump's list of 25 will vote to decimate our rights 
under #RoevWade. PERIOD."
@ilyseh #SaveSCOTUS
11:17 AM - Jul 5, 2018

She makes it clear NARAL will go after senators who vote to confirm the nominee.

View image on Twitter


"When voting on a #SCOTUS nominee, senators need to examine their values and their moral 
compasses. And if they don't, then they need to examine their political futures."
@ilyseh #SaveSCOTUS #RoevWade
11:21 AM - Jul 5, 2018

"When voting on a #SCOTUS nominee, senators need to examine their values and their moral 
compasses. And if they don't, then they need to examine their political futures," Hogue warned.

Indivisible, a group established in opposition to President Donald Trump after he was elected, is 
also rallying its members.

It's reportedly set up a hotline to connect people with their senators and created a script for callers to 

Abortion isn't the only driving issue behind the protests – groups in support of Obamacare are also 
gearing up for the fight.

Protect Our Care, a coalition designed to maintain the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and which was 
active during the Republican drive to repeal and replace the law last year, is warning the new justice 
could be a deciding vote that gets rid of protections for pre-existing conditions.

Their ad, "Emergency" airs nationwide and targets voters in Maine and Alaska.

However, there's another challenge for activists who care about abortion rights and the ACA: Three 
Democratic senators may also break ranks with their party to join Republicans in voting to confirm 
the president's nominee.

Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Donnelly (D-IN) all voted to confirm 
the president's first Supreme Court pick, Justice Neil Gorsuch, and perhaps more importantly, all three 
are seeking re-election in states that President Trump won in 2016.

It's also important to note that the man or woman President Trump nominates to replace 
Justice Kennedy may or may not be as predictable as everyone assumes.

Kennedy was appointed by President Ronald Reagan, who described him as a conservative – 
something that's been true of Kennedy only about half of the time.

Also, Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed by President George W. Bush, has issued some rulings 
on the high court that make many conservatives cringe.

Regardless, senators can expect a summer full of activist-filled lobbies, protests and threats against 
their political futures as they weigh their votes for or against the next justice of the Supreme Court.

Chuck Pierce: "A New Day! A New Anointing! A New War!" - The Elijah List

Chuck Pierce: "A New Day! A New Anointing! A New War!"

The Elijah List July 6, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
In the past, Chuck Pierce prophesied much to the Body of Christ, and he alone did so.
In the last year or two, he has allowed the prophetic spirit to have freedom in the place where he ministers and when that happens, Chuck has several trusted prophetic voices prophesy with him.
When that happens, these prophecies are recorded and transcribed and they come out initially under Chuck's name, but Chuck then lists the people who prophesy at that time.
When I see these, I take these prophecies as coming from Chuck himself, because he allows these to come out at the same time he prophesies.
I would exhort the reader to receive these prophecies as if they came from Chuck himself because that is how Chuck is publishing them. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

Dear Advancing Ones:
The heavens opened last Sunday (July 1st), and the Lord began to release the following word. As I began to flow in prophecy, the Spirit of Prophecy also began to move on LeAnn Squier, Tobias Lyons, Marty Cassady and Anne Tate. Please read this prophecy carefully.
Take New Ground and Come into My Order!
"This is a day that I'm calling My people to take new ground. New ground is calling you, so listen carefully as I give you the very boundaries of your future. I've been working in you, but now I'm calling you into a place you've not been before.
"This is a time for the impartation for war! I am imparting war into My people, and one generation will teach another generation to war. Shift now to know and understand your place for days ahead; shift now to hear your boundaries for days ahead. I am repositioning My people and getting them in place for the war ahead.
"You must come into My order and express and demonstrate who I am. This is not a day for you to go your own way; this is a day for you to listen intently and align yourself. I am creating boundaries for you and causing generations to align, for war is being transferred from Heaven into earth.
"I've set angels in every corner and established every border of your field. Listen for the wind over your field and look for a new yield. I am setting My order for you and calling you to understand the way I move in order. I am calling you into a first alignment for the days ahead. (Photo via Unsplash)
"This is a time to listen and know that the way is changing. Don't settle for anything less than the boundaries I have established. Don't settle for anything less than what I have given you this hour.
"I am calling you to be land-clearers. I am calling you to begin to understand how to clear the land for the future and how to make way for the highways that I am bringing from Heaven into the earth realm. This is a change and a transfer of a new day into the earth realm, and this day will cause you to triumph in conflict if you will come into My order and align as generations.
War for the New I Am Bringing!
"War for this new alignment! War for the alignment in your boundaries for the days ahead. This alignment will bring you into a great victory and order, and cause you to overtake the enemy. Many would love to stay in peace and speak, 'Peace, peace' – but there is no peace! War for wholeness! War for power! War for the new that I am calling down this hour!
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
"I am doing reconnaissance right now, and causing My people to know what their real strongholds are. I am causing My people to know what has resisted them in days past. Your future is not your past, so move in and move up against what has stopped you in other seasons. This is a week where war manifests before your eyes!
Soar in the Heavens and the Earth!
"This is not a day for just walking in the earth. This is a day for soaring and running in the heavens! If you will soar in the heavens, then you will soar in the earth. This soaring is what will win this season. This soaring is what will triumph in days ahead. Do not look with just your eyes at what appears to be something. Things will now appear as they are!
"I am transferring an anointing upon My people because there is war beginning to manifest throughout the earth realm. I am releasing a new frequency in the earth realm, coming straight from Heaven. This frequency will hit your spirit and train your hands for war in a way they've not been trained in the past. This frequency will cause your body to react. Wait for it, and move in war when it hits you.
"I am illuminating the path of the glory of war. The glory of war will uncover mysteries that have not been understood in past seasons, the aspect of war that has been lost in generations. The glory of war is illuminating your path forward. (Photo via flickr)
Receive New Favor for the Days Ahead!
"You are entering a new day, and with every new day you enter you receive new favor. Decree the favor to step into something you have never stepped into.
"This is a day to understand the dragon's movement, and to know that birth is nigh. The dragon is moving because My people are ready to birth what will be the triumphant rule of the earth realm. Look, see the dragon, watch the Bride go into labor, and then watch for two years over how to walk in My plan and clear the land ahead. The place that you have looked at is not a war venue! If you don't hear from Heaven, you won't be able to walk out the victories that I am bringing to the Body of Christ.
"Listen to how I tell you to move. Hear sounds of victory that will pave the way before you. Hear My new word for the new day! This will not be a gentle day; it will be a day My people walk with great strength and great authority. You are being equipped for the day into which you are entering!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Chuck D. Pierce and Team
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.