Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Iranian General Calls On Young Muslims to Fight Jihad Against Zionists and US - Breaking Israel News

BIN HeaderBiblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Iranian General Calls On Young Muslims to Fight Jihad Against Zionists and US

A top Iranian general gave a speech, threatening Israel with unavoidable destruction while identifying the Palestinians as the primary weapon against Iran's true enemy: the US

New Report: Anne Frank Was a Victim of Immigration Bureaucracy

A new investigation concludes that Anne Frank was not denied entry into the US

WATCH: Wonder Woman Visits Children's Hospital

Gal Gadot took a break from filming to visit a children's hospital in Virginia In full Wonder Woman gear to cheer up some sick kids

ICYMI - Temple Mount Activist: We Are Writing the 25th Book of the Bible This Year

With two months still left until the Jewish new year, a record number of Jews have ascended to the Temple Mount, paving the way for the Third Temple

Defense Ministry Announces Emergency Earthquake Convention

The Defense Ministry will hold an emergency convention to determine the readiness of Israel’s emergency services in the event of a large-scale natural disaster

Tourism to Israel Continues to Set Records

The number of tourists visiting Israel continued to soar during the first half of 2018, with some 2.1 million tourist entries recorded from January to June
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Breaking Israel News

A Spiritual Barometer ✡ "May The Earth Yield Its Produce" - Israel365

May the earth yield its produce; may Hashem, our God, bless us.
Psalms 67:7 (The Israel Bible™)

אֶרֶץ נָתְנָה יְבוּלָהּ יְבָרְכֵנוּ אֱלֹהִים אֱלֹהֵינוּ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

E-retz na-t’-NAH y’-vu-LAH y’-va-r’-KHAY-nu e-lo-HEEM e-lo-HAY-nu

A Spiritual Barometer

The produce of the Land of Israel is a direct response to the behavior of its inhabitants. Hashem (God) makes this point very clear in the Bible, specifically in Deuteronomy, in which He links the concept of reward and punishment with the successful produce of the land. If the Children of Israel veer from God's path and turn to idolatry, Divine anger will arise and the land of Israel will fail to yield produce. This Divine reaction is actually a blessing, since the inhabitants of the Land of Israel are granted a barometer for their spiritual behavior. If there is famine and drought, they know that Hashem is angry, and they must inspect their actions. If there is plenty, God is happy with His nation and will continue to bless the land.
Check your spiritual barometer

Find Out How YOU Can Plant a Tree In Israel This August


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About the David's Harp Aluminum Trivet Kimberly Cole says, "Very Good Quality unique as you can't find trivet's that pretty here it will come in handy."

Rabbi Tuly Prays For Hundreds of Generous Donors


Our Latest Olive Tree Donors

Todah Rabbah (thank you) to Helen Weissman, Ian McDonald, Gloreen Burke


Photos From Israel365's Tree Planting Yesterday!


Recent Holocaust Campaign Donors

Todah Rabbah (thank you) to William Herschman from the USA, Lillie Fowler from the USA, Virginia Jackson from the USA
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Monday, July 9, 2018

The Tipping Point - ONE FOR ISRAEL

It's wonderful to have so many brothers and sisters like you around the world who are experiencing the miracles we're seeing in Israel along with us.

The physical restoration of Israel that the Jewish people have longed and prayed for over many centuries has come to pass, and now the spiritual awakening of the Jewish people that many of us have prayed for is gaining momentum.

Our media team is contacted on average every two hours by someone responding to our evangelistic videos.
Dr. Erez Soref, President

"We live in a generation that is blessed to see this truth unfolding before our very eyes:
God is faithful, and He means everything He says."

Shamss Asfour is joining us as our new receptionist this month.

Shamss initially joined us as a student, studying for her MA in Counseling and Pastoral Care, but we were delighted that when a position opened on our team, she applied for the job.

Shamss is from Nazareth and attends an Arabic- speaking church, but it was not until the last few years that she started taking great strides forward in her faith.
"I started just reading the Bible all the time and wanted to give my whole life to God. I have changed so much in the last two years, you wouldn't recognize me if you met me back then! The staff here at the Bible college have been so supportive and kind to me. They really helped me and challenged me to grow."

Shamss had been praying for a new job for seven years when she finally felt God calling her to take the step of faith to leave, not knowing what would happen next. She bravely obeyed, and it wasn't long before God opened the door for her to work with us!

For our part, we are thrilled that someone as conscientious and gifted as Shamss will be joining our staff. If you come to visit us, the chances are that she will be the one to greet you at the reception desk!

Over the last few years, the so-called "anti-missionaries" in Israel have been working hard to challenge and attack the New Testament’s credibility.   

We decided to collect and summarize for you their ten most famous “contradictions.”   
