Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Faith. Enough Already? Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Steve Martin

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6-7, NASU)

When is enough faith enough already?

Or, as you might think, “I have faith. Isn’t that enough for me to the end of this life?”

That question recently came up when a younger pastor and I were considering the costs of operating the church facility, and the needs that seemed to be always in front of us. As we talked back and forth, we briefly considered when we would have reached the “faith maximum bar“, as I call it. Reaching that point in our lives for each of us, you included, when we have built up enough faith to last us through to the end.

Now I know that that bar doesn’t really exist. But wouldn’t it be nice if we just might get to the point in our faith walk when we reach a certain marker when the faith we have thus far will be enough faith to last us to the finish?

The Lord Himself tells us that that answer would be a “no”. Because He always wants us to have to keep trusting, keep looking, keep believing in Him, He will always require that we walk in faith. For all that we need and desire.

Often I myself, even one who has now walked with the Lord for over 50 years (being 64 years of age at this writing), still continually finding myself in the position of needing to put my trust in Him. And pray more. And seek more. And believe Him for more.

And that is the way He likes it.

For without faith, we cannot please Him. Without faith, it is sin if we go on our way thinking we have “enough”, as the one with the full barn thought, so as to not have to rely on His provision, His protection, His guidance in our life today, or tomorrow.

“And He (Jesus) told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man was very productive. "And he began reasoning to himself, saying, 'What shall I do, since I have no place to store my crops?'  "Then he said, 'This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.  'And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry."'  "But God said to him, ' You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?'  "So is the man who stores up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." (Luke 12:16-21, NASU)

Wouldn’t it be great to someday tell our kids and grandkids, “When you reach this age or get to this point, you have made it. There will be no more need to trust God for the daily bread, or the upcoming days' provision, for you have crossed that point. You can coast from here.” And yet I know I can’t say that, for until I go onto the glory promised in the next life, it will daily take trusting faith for this day to day walk we have with our Lord Jesus.

For many of us, Abraham is one prime example of being required to trust on and on, almost to the point where you would think he could not believe. Way beyond the physical means did both he and Sarah reach when having a son was possible. And yet the Lord kept Him in the place where he had to believe. In the end, he was rewarded for his faith.

Many of those who have walked before me have shared their opportunities given by the Lord to believe God for more. They could have rested on their laurels, called it a day, and sat back while reaping the bounty of their harvest. But each time the Lord wanted to bring them into a deeper walk with Him, and for the sake of others. Thus, they couldn’t rely on the previous faith that met the challenge last time. They drew strength from those previous faith challenging experiences, knowing He Who is faithful always came through, but each time going forward they needed fresh manna, a new word, another encouragement given by His Holy Spirit to go beyond where they were at before. He was there to give them what they needed, as they pressed on.

Today you might be having another faith challenge – for daily food, another house or car payment, a relative needing the Lord to touch them as only He can. You may be leading a congregation, big or small. and realize you need more than what you have, to keep giving what they are looking to you to give.

Do you have enough faith already? My experience is that what you have has brought you this far. What you need in the future is what you will still need to believe God for whatever He calls you to do. It will take obedience. And it will take more faith on your part. That way you will always be putting your trust in Him, and not in that which anything else or person can fulfill.

I know He likes that. Having His children walk daily with Him, in faith, as He leads us on.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #399 - in the year of our Lord 03.12.19 – “Faith. Enough Already?” – Tuesday, 5:45 pm

God is not Finished with You Yet by Elaine Tavolacci - Identity Network

God is not Finished with You Yet by Elaine Tavolacci

God is not Finished with You Yet 

by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network  March 12, 2019
The Lord has given me several dreams in the past few weeks. A few nights ago I dreamt of a prominent minister who many of you are familiar with. In this dream, I was watching him on an old black and white TV. As he was standing at the edge of the platform he had a word of knowledge. A lady quickly walked across the stage towards him. He yelled to her "Get out of here." She walked over to him and pushed him backward off the stage. I then lost reception on the TV. I was wondering if the program was live. I then scrolled through the channels but just got static and was not able to tune the picture back in.

As soon as I woke up and recorded the dream I received the interpretation. I knew that this woman represented the spirit of Jezebel and the dream had a lot of spiritual significance. In this dream, she didn't kill him but she tried to push him off his platform. The Lord is showing me that the enemy has been trying to push many of you out of your position of authority. He is showing me an airplane that hasn't left the ground. Airplanes are meant to fly, not roll on a runway. You have a calling on your life but can't seem to get off the ground. The Holy Spirit wants to take you into new levels and new heights of what you have been called to do.

This afternoon when I thought about this dream I remembered something that I experienced a couple of years ago when I was very sick. I heard (not literally) a voice from the kingdom of darkness saying, "I am not finished with you yet." I remember thinking about this for a few seconds but then the presence of God flooded my body and the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a still small voice saying, "I Am not finished with you yet." He confirmed this word with the scripture Jeremiah 29:11. I knew this was Jesus. His voice was gentle but strong. It was not demanding or forceful but filled with love and compassion.

The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you are listening to the voices of the enemy and it is bringing fear and torment into your life. There are numerous voices in the world that vie for your attention throughout the day. They come in mere thoughts and images in your minds. They come with enticement and temptations. Jesus will never lead you in the wrong direction. The Holy Spirit is your comforter. Jesus has plans for you. He is not finished with you yet.

Listen for the Voice of Truth

The Lord says; don't submit to the voices that bring defeat and confusion, but listen for the voice of truth. I have given you ears to hear and I speak with clarity. My voice will bring peace and it will carry My presence. It will always glorify Jesus for who He is and what He has done for you. It will release healing and it will bring favor. Don't allow your emotions to become entangled with thoughts of failure and defeat but allow Me to release My presence into every situation.

You were once in the kingdom of darkness but now you are the light of the world. The enemy has trained you to fight well when you were in his camp, but now is the time to take those same spiritual weapons of warfare and use them against him. I have given you authority over powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in heavenly places. I have put My word in your mouth and have given you dominion to decree and declare what is rightfully yours. Your words have authority to call things into existence and transform atmospheres. The powers of darkness will have to obey and submit as you speak My word.

Do not submit to the lies of the enemy about your future. I Am your healer, I Am your provider, I Am your deliverer, I Am the God of your destiny and I Am with you in the fire of affliction. Rejoice at all times and know that all that I have promised to you will come to pass. When the voices of darkness try to rise up against you in fear, intimidation, and accusation, know that your victory is assured. I will watch over My word to perform it and I will complete the work that I have begun in you says the Lord.

2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

Elaine Tavolacci


The 'Purim Parallel' to Today's Lawlessness, Antichrist - HAMILTON STRATEGIES Charisma News

The Jewish holiday of Purim celebrates the bravery of Esther as she helped thwart a plan by a Persian king to wipe out the Jewish people 2,500 years ago.
The colorful festival of Purim, observed this year on March 20-21, remembers how Esther, who was chosen to be the wife of King Ahasuerus, used her influence to stop of the plan of the king's adviser, Haman, who had persuaded the king to wipe out the Jews.
Author and pastor Mark Biltz states in his newest book, Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times: What the Bible Says and What the Future Holds, that there are connections between Purim, the biblical calendar and the end times, as those historical events will repeat.
"In the story of Purim," Biltz says, "we read about a man named Haman, who, with the spirit of the Antichrist, wants to annihilate the Jewish people. While Purim implies there was law and order within the society, it was also a time of complete lawlessness. We see this is true from Scripture itself. In the first chapter of Esther, starting in verse 8, everything was done according to the law—even drinking. By verse 13, they decide to enact a law that allows ethnic cleansing, making it permissible to kill all Jews and take their possessions. Of course, making it a law justifies it!"
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This same "legalization of lawlessness" is happening today, Biltz adds, especially in terms of morality.
"Many think that all we have to do is make laws and legalize abortion, legalize drugs, legalize prostitution and legalize whatever is immoral, and then our conscience will be cleared," he said. "The whole concept of illegality is being turned on its head! We must follow the pattern of the Bible. That which has happened before will happen again. History repeats itself, and those who don't learn from it are doomed to repeat it."
The Antichrist's main goal, Biltz writes in Decoding the Antichrist, will not be annihilation but assimilation.
"We see this with the current teaching of 'Chrislam,' which is a concerted effort to join Islam with Christianity, as if this will bring world peace," he said. "To many Christians, their Messiah, Jesus, has done away with the law, and we are now all under grace. Many believe that Jesus changed, modified or canceled God's law, which would be a strange action for a biblical Messiah who claims to be the same yesterday, today and forever."
Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times takes an in-depth look at some of the deepest questions surrounding the Antichrist, such as the following:
  • What does the Bible say about the Antichrist's tactics and his motivation?
  • Will he be a Muslim, a Jew or a professed Christian—or something else?
  • Will the Antichrist work through modern technology to seize control?
Mark Biltz is founder of El Shaddai Ministries and a well-known and popular commentator on the feasts of the Lord. In fact, he has produced a series of DVDs on the feasts that have gone around the world. Biltz is also the author of Blood Moons and God's Day Timer. His research and theories have led to guest appearances on both radio and television as well as being featured on the covers of magazines.
Decoding the Antichrist and the End Times is published by Charisma House, which has published books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians, including 14 New York Times' best-sellers.
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Monday, March 11, 2019

'Charisma' Celebrates 500 Issues of Igniting Readers for Spirit-Led Living - Steve Strang, Charisma

Strang Report, with Steve Strang
Monday, March 11, 2019
'Charisma' Celebrates 500 Issues of Igniting Readers for Spirit-Led Living

"Charisma" issue No. 1 and issue No. 500
Would you believe it if I told you Charisma published 500 issues? I was shocked when I realized that the March issue of Charisma was our 500th. To celebrate, our publisher and vice president of the Charisma Media Group, Dr. Steve Greene, interviewed me on my "Strang Report" podcast. We discussed Charisma's beginnings and how God grew it from a small publication to the leading charismatic magazine it is today. You can listen to our entire conversation by clicking here or clicking the podcast at the end of this article.

Some of you may have heard Charisma's genesis story before. I've shared many times how as a Pentecostal journalist, I had a desire to publish a magazine that reported on what the Holy Spirit was doing in our nation and around the world. I had the chance to write a story on healing evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman for the Orlando Sentinel, a newspaper in central Florida.But I wanted to do more.

So in 1975, I founded a small charismatic magazine at a Florida megachurch. This was at the height of the Jesus Movement, when revivals were sweeping the U.S. and even traditional denominations were experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Our first issue was 32 pages, and I wrote the cover story on Thurlow Spurr, a Spirit-filled musician whose songs touched many. Two months later, our second issue featured Kathryn Kuhlman and the incredible healing miracles that characterized her ministry. That issue came out shortly before she died.

For the first year, I kept working at the Orlando Sentinel and published Charisma on the side. During that time, we printed 10,000 copies for about 420 subscribers. But I knew I had to commit my full attention to Charisma if I wanted to see it grow as I envisioned. So after that first year, I quit my job. The truth is that I didn't have a desire to succeed as much as I had a desire not to fail.

And yet sometimes you can succeed by just not giving up. Because Charisma started in the midst of a charismatic revival, there were plenty of other Christian magazines around. I remember one gentleman who approached me to ask why I founded Charisma when there were already several magazines like it. Though rude, his comment stuck in my mind because all three of the Christian publications he mentioned by name are no longer active. Charismais the only magazine of its kind that has stood the test of time. In fact, Charisma absorbed one of those Christian magazines, Christian Life, in 1986. Robert Walker founded that magazine back in 1939, and I admired him greatly. In fact, I have an entire room in our headquarters dedicated to his honor.

When I founded Charisma, my goal was merely to write articles about what the Lord was doing, and a church magazine seemed like a good way to do it. But now, our vision has grown in scope and specificity. As a multimedia company, we aim to inspire people to radically change their world through the Spirit's power. And as technology has advanced over the last 40-plus years, ... read more 

Celebrating 500 Issues of Charisma Magazine
Celebrating 500 Issues of Charisma Magazine
37 Minutes - March 11th 2019
Charisma magazine releases its 500th issue. Listen as founder Stephen Strang tell stories of how the magazine started, memorable interviews, and the impact the magazine has had on the Kingdom for God.
Strang Report podcast
Strang Report podcastHot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and International politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach. Join host Steve Strang, founding editor and publisher of Charisma magazine, as he discusses these topics and challenges you to know what Christians are experiencing nationally and globally. Listen now
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