Thursday, April 4, 2019

A Huge Church-Quake Is Coming. Are You Ready? - DR. DOUG STRINGER CHARISMA NEWS


A Huge Church-Quake Is Coming. Are You Ready?

When trouble comes, we need to know we stand on the unshakable foundation of our faith. Sadly, many Christians today falter in their faith because they lack biblical literacy and a love for truth. First John 4 tells us we must be instructed by the Word so we may discern between truth and error.
Since the late 1980s, God has been speaking to me about a shaking that is coming. My heart aches at all the callousness and brokenness we see today, in both our society and parts of the church. It reminds me of what Paul described in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, that those who refuse to love the truth will be turned over to deception and strong delusion. May our hearts be awakened before we slide down a slippery slope.
Hebrews 12:6, 27-29 encourages us that the Lord disciplines those He loves, and that everything that can be shaken will be shaken so the unshakable kingdom remains. More than ever, I sense an urgency to dig deeper in consecration and higher in expectation in the Lord, clinging to the truth, as every institution we have placed our hopes upon, sacred and secular, is being shaken.
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The Lord is searching throughout the church with lamps of His Holy Spirit and shaking up those who are settled in compromise and complacency (Zeph. 1:12). By the light of the Holy Spirit, God is searching out the dross and rubbish in our lives to purge and refine us in preparation for the days ahead.
If we take a look at the spiritual and political climate during the days of King Herod, the similarities are uncanny. When given a choice between Jesus and Barabbas, who was a robber and thief, the crowd was swayed to choose Barabbas. They rejected the truth standing right in front of them and cried, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" (John 19:6b).
It's easy to become skewed in our walk because we become skewed in our thinking, just like the crowd who chose Barabbas. The challenge for the church today is to identify what choices we are making that contradict truth, righteousness and justice. These decisions will end up clouding our discernment and judgment.
God has given us periods of peace and prosperity so we can be a blessing to the nations—but many have chosen not to rely on God or rightly steward the resources He has provided. Instead of choosing His way, they have followed the way of the world. But while men reach for thrones to build their own kingdoms, Jesus reached for a towel to wash men's feet.
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul expresses deep concern that many who profess to know the truth will turn away from it to embrace myths. But 2 Timothy 4:5 encourages us to make sure we are not disheartened or discouraged by this and instead to keep our focus on the Lord and His work.
Jude provokes and challenges us to be spiritually fit to contend and do battle for the truth. Only those who are spiritually prepared, grounded and in shape can effectively respond to the spiritual and moral battles of the day.
There is a battle today for the heart of the church and the soul of a generation. We need individual heart awakenings that become a corporate church awakening if we are going to see any lasting healing in the soul of our nation. If our nation's broken foundations are to be fixed, then we, the church, must awaken our hearts and get back to our spiritual moorings and biblical principles. Psalm 11:3 says, "If the foundations are broken, what can the righteous do?"
The Lord's discipline always begins with His own and in the house of the Lord. When the shaking comes, only those things that are part of the unshakable kingdom can withstand and remain. Psalm 112:1-6 (NIV) promises that "those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. ... Surely the righteous man will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever."
Acts 4 is also an encouragement to us; the early church was threatened against speaking the truth of the gospel. Instead of bowing to the threats, they asked God for strength and boldness to persevere in the truth. God sent them a shaking, but in this one, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and boldness (see Acts 4:31).
Keep hold of the truth and keep focused on what God has called you to do to bring positive change. The shakings are coming! And revival will come too, whether by choice, circumstance or consequence. Throughout history, the church has always grown through times of challenge. May we keep our focus on the Lord as these shakings produce a great harvest. 
Dr. Doug Stringer is the founder and president of Turning Point Ministries International and Somebody Cares America/International. Click here to listen to his podcast.
CHARISMA is the only magazine dedicated to reporting on what the Holy Spirit is doing in the lives of believers around the world. If you are thirsty for more of God's presence and His Holy Spirit, subscribe to CHARISMA and join a family of believers that choose to live life in the Spirit. CLICK HERE for a special offer.
Be sure to check out Doug Stringer's new podcast, "A Word in Season With Doug Stringer" on the Charisma Podcast Network. Click here or click the podcast below to listen to his episode, "Church-Quake," about the battle going on for the heart of the church in this hour.
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Americans Had To Borrow 88 BILLION Dollars To Cover Their Medical Bills Last Year Michael Snyder April 2, 2019

Americans Had To Borrow 88 BILLION Dollars To Cover Their Medical Bills Last Year

Michael Snyder April 2, 2019

I know that the headline sounds outrageous, but it is actually true.  According to a brand new report that was just released, Americans had to borrow 88 billion dollars to cover their medical bills last year.  That is a truly astounding number, and it shows just how dramatically our current health care system has failed.  And even though the vast majority of Americans are covered by “health insurance”, millions of us are deathly afraid to go to the hospital because of what it might cost.

Today, two-thirds of all personal bankruptcies in the United States are caused by medical bills, and most of the people going bankrupt actually had health insurance.  Overall, more than half a million American families are financially ruined by medical bills each year, and meanwhile, our “representatives” in Washington are doing absolutely nothing to fix the problem.

Surveys have shown that up to two-thirds of the country is living paycheck to paycheck at least part of the time, and an unexpected medical bill can be absolutely devastating for those that are just barely scraping by.

Without much of a financial cushion to fall back on, many families must borrow money when confronted with a large medical expense, and the scale at which this is happening is absolutely stunning
Health care costs in the United States are generally measured as the highest in the world. Last year, many Americans could not afford their health care costs and so borrowed $88 billion to pay for that portion they could not afford.
According to a new West Health and Gallup poll, in a new report titled “The U.S. Healthcare Cost Crisis,” the $88 billion was borrowed in the year before the survey, which was done from January 14 to February 20. The poll was conducted via a random group of 3,537 adults over 18 living in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
How in the world is this possible?

After all, more than 90 percent of all Americans have some form of health coverage.  So why did Americans need to borrow 88 billion dollars to cover their unpaid medical bills last year alone?

Well, first of all it is important to remember that health insurance deductibles have gotten obscenely huge.  The following numbers come from a CNN article about Obamacare
The law sets a ceiling on how much consumers have to spend on health care. In 2019, it’s $7,900 for a single person and double that for a family. Some bronze plans peg their deductibles to those levels.
The average deductible for a 2019 bronze policy — which have higher deductibles, but lower premiums than other tiers of Obamacare plans — is nearly $5,900, while the average maximum of out-of-pocket limit is just under $7,000, according to Health Pocket, an online health insurance shopping tool. Family bronze plans have an average deductible of just under $12,200 and an average out-of-pocket maximum of nearly $14,000.
Secondly, even if you have surpassed your deductible, there is still no guarantee that your health insurance company will cover your medical bills.  If you do not jump through every single little hoop they want you to jump through, in many instances they will leave you high and dry.

When I was running for Congress I had personal conversations with so many people that had been screwed over by the health insurance companies.  The more claims they deny, the more money they make, and they have become masters at finding even the smallest loophole that will enable them to wiggle off the hook.

Of course there are some health insurance companies out there that are doing a good job, but the bad apples give the entire industry a very bad name.

We have a system that is deeply broken, and it greatly frustrates me that both political parties seem so uninterested in getting a solution through Congress.

Here are some more numbers that show the current state of the U.S. health care system…
3.7 trillion dollars was spent on health care in the United States in 2018.  That breaks down to $10,739 per person.

-If our health care system was a country, it would have the fifth largest GDP on the entire planet.
76 percent of Americans believe that they pay too much for the quality of health care that they receive.
-Out of the 36 counties in the OECD, the U.S. ranks 31st in infant mortality.
-Prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States today.
-Pharmaceutical companies spend approximately 30 billion dollars a year to market their drugs to all of us.
Nearly half of all U.S. doctors are considering leaving the field of medicine, and health insurance companies are the primary reason.
-The median charge for visiting an emergency room in the United States is well over a thousand dollars.

When I was growing up, my mother took me and my siblings to the doctor constantly.  But I don’t know anyone that does that today, because it would be ridiculously expensive in most cases.

And one recent survey actually found that 41 percent of all Americans decided against an emergency room visit last year “due to cost”
Another major personal financial concern among Americans is that 45% worry that a “major health care event” would leave them bankrupt, the West Health-Gallup survey found. Additionally, in the past year, 41% said they did not visit an emergency room due to cost.
Fifteen million Americans “deferred” purchasing prescription drugs in the past year because of costs as well. Finally, 76% believe the problem will become worse because health care costs will rise more over the next two years.
Fixing our horribly broken health care system needs to be a top national priority, but earlier today Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made it abundantly clear that nothing will be done about Obamacare in the Senate until the 2020 election.  And of course the Democrats are not going to make any major moves on health care until the 2020 election either.

Unfortunately, we are stuck with what we have got for the moment.

Our health care crisis is a national nightmare that never seems to end, and it gets worse with each passing year.

So for now, just hope that nobody in your family becomes seriously ill, because if that happens there is a good chance you might go bankrupt.
Get Prepared Now

About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared NowThe Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters. His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News

From there, his articles are republished on dozens of other prominent websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.

The post Americans Had To Borrow 88 BILLION Dollars To Cover Their Medical Bills Last Year appeared first on The Economic Collapse.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Unbelievable Story Behind the Doctor Who Plays an Abortionist in 'Unplanned' - BILLY HALLOWELL CHARISMA NEWS

Dr. Anthony Levatino is a gynecologist who performed around 1,200 abortions early in his career before a stunning change of heart left him sickened and distraught, transforming him into an outspoken pro-life advocate.
Levatino, who still practices medicine, plays an abortion doctor in the new hit film Unplanned, a movie that tells the real-life story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director who fled her clinic and became one of the most prominent pro-life voices in America.
The doctor recently told "The Billy and Justin Show" all about his background, revealing that he was initially pro-choice in the 1970s and early 1980s when he was studying and later operating his independent practice.
But then his perspective started to change. Listen to Levatino tell his incredible story at the 32:30-mark:
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Levatino and his wife were having difficulty conceiving, so they started the adoption process. During that time, he recalled recognizing a difficult juxtaposition: he was performing abortions and ending babies' lives while he and his wife were working diligently to find a child to adopt.
"We were fortunately able to adopt a child after a considerable amount of effort," he said, noting that his wife ironically got pregnant right after the adoption.
With a son and a daughter suddenly completing Levatino's family, he continued performing abortions—until a tragedy changed everything.
"Our daughter, Heather, whom we had adopted, was two months shy of her 6th birthday when she was struck and killed by a car out in front of our home," he said.
It was an event that rocked Levatino to his core. When it came time to return to his practice, he found himself feeling ill after he started performing an abortion.
"I finished that abortion ... for the first time in my career after all those years and all those abortions I looked ... and I didn't see her wonderful right to choose and I didn't see what a great physician I was helping her with her problem," he said. "And I didn't even see the $800 cash I just made in 15 minutes. All I could see was somebody's son or daughter."
Levatino added, "That was the beginning of the end."
Watch the trailer for Unplanned below:
A few months later, the doctor stopped performing second-trimester abortions. Not long after, he stopped performing all abortions.
"Once you figure out that killing a baby the size of your hand for money is wrong, then it doesn't take you too long to figure out that it doesn't matter how big — it's still her son or daughter," he said.
Listen to Abby Johnson, the real-life inspiration for Unplanned, discuss her story and the film:
Unplanned is currently playing in theaters across America. Find out more and get your tickets here
This article was originally published on Pure Flix Insider. Visit Pure Flix for access to thousands of faith and family-friendly movies and TV shows. You can get a free, one-month trial here.
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

2019 Prophetic Word for Donald Trump | Election 2020 - Demonic Strategies Exposed! - Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

2019 Prophetic Word for Donald Trump | Election 2020 - Demonic Strategies Exposed!

Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

Published on Apr 2, 2019

✝️✝️The prophetic anointing was present as Pastor Steve Cioccolanti ministered at House of Destiny. Here is his prophetic word before Israel's election on 9 April 2019 and the US Presidential election in November 2020. ✝️CLAIM your copy of Pastor Steve's latest booklet "A GUIDE TO MAKING A WILL" by donating any amount (plus shipping) or purchase here: ▶️ WATCH the entire Biblical JUSTICE COURSE (8 DVDs) ▶️STREAM videos on demand about JUSTICE & many other NEW topics: ------------------------------- 🔔SOCIAL MEDIA ✅ FACEBOOK: ✅ PINTEREST ✅ INSTAGRAM: ✅ TWITTER: ✅ AMAZON: ✅ BACK UP CHANNEL: ------------------------------- 📬 SUBSCRIBE to our friendly E-NEWS 📬 -------------------------------- ❤️GIVE towards the $1.5 million building campaign to build a new Church/ Ministry House/ Prayer Center in Melbourne, Australia. 🌷DONATE via bank/ credit card: 🌷DONATE via PayPal: ✝️ JOIN Discover Church Online: (c) Steve Cioccolanti. All rights reserved.

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