Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How 'Superbook' Broke This Boy's Addiction, Stopped Him From Suicide - LUCILLE TALUSAN, CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS


How 'Superbook' Broke This Boy's Addiction, Stopped Him From Suicide

If you are in crisis, please call 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org. You are not alone.
According to psychologists, excessive video gaming overstimulates the nervous system, especially for children whose nervous system is under-developed. It also affects the brain of the child, causing him to have trouble paying attention, managing emotions and tolerating frustration.
This may explain why an 11-yr-old Vietnamese boy's addiction to violent video games led to depression and suicidal tendencies.
Minh Viet's addiction to playing violent video games began at 8 years old, and since then, he's been at it for hours every day. One visible effect of his obsession is the uncontrollable blinking of his eyes.
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But more alarming than the eye twitching is how these games led Minh Viet to think about suicide. One time came after his mother scolded him and took away his iPad.
Minh Viet said, "I cried. I want to commit suicide." When asked how this is done, he said he learned how to do it from his gaming. "In the video games, they jump off the roof."
Ngocanh Le, Minh Viet's mother, says she was disturbed when her son told her this. "He says that I will commit suicide. He cannot do what adults expect him to do. He feels he is a failure."
As a Christian, Ngocanh knew that prayer and the Word of God could solve her son's problem. But she also knew that Minh Viet needed something that would catch his attention, just like the video games.
That is why Ngocanh is so thankful "Superbook" has come to Vietnam and is translated in her own language.
She is so happy Minh Viet is interested in "Superbook." Ngocanh says, "He loves 'Superbook' very much. He has shifted from video games to 'Superbook.' He understands more about the Bible. And sometimes, he says to me he feels he's very sinful. But God has saved him. He was touched by God. And in school, he got very much improvement." 
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Monday, April 8, 2019

"For Your Name Is Holy" - Steve Martin, Tommy Lopez, David Peterman - Strength For Israel worship at Antioch International Church

"For Your Name Is Holy" 

Steve Martin, Tommy Lopez, David Peterman
Strength For Israel worship
Antioch International Church
Fort Mill, South Carolina

Gathering together the 1st Friday of each month.
More details here: Strength For Israel

Published on Apr 7, 2019

"For Your Name Is Holy" - Steve Martin, Strength For Israel, Antioch International Church (#2 of 3) David Peterman - bass, Tommy Lopez - flute Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

John Kilpatrick: Jezebel Is Stepping Out of Shadows to Oppose Revival, Trump's Re-Election - STEPHEN STRANG CHARISMA NEWS

Rev. John Kilpatrick (YouTube/Evangel Temple)

John Kilpatrick: Jezebel Is Stepping Out of Shadows to Oppose Revival, Trump's Re-Election

Rev. John Kilpatrick remembers the intense move of God that overtook his Brownsville Assembly of God church in Pensacola, Florida, in the 1990s. More than 4 million people encountered God at that revival. But Kilpatrick says that if we want to see revival turn this nation around, we need the Spirit to move in more than just the church. We need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our marketplace, our media and our politics. Yet the Jezebel spirit is doing all it can to stop that from happening.
If you've been reading my Strang Reports or my latest book, Trump Aftershock, you know that last year, Kilpatrick prophesied Jezebel was rising up to oppose President Donald Trump. He gave that prophetic word while preaching one Sunday at his current church, Church of His Presence, and a video of that sermon went viral. I recently interviewed Kilpatrick for my new "In Depth With Stephen Strang" podcast. You can listen to it here or at the end of this article.
During our interview, he shared what he sees God trying to do in our nation—and what the enemy is doing to try to stop it.
"The Spirit of God is going to begin to invade this nation," he says. "And it's time for we in the ministry to begin preaching the word 'repentance.' I have never seen people find it so hard to repent as they do today. And many in the ministry won't even give altar calls anymore and allow the people to come forward and repent of their sins and lead them in the sinner's prayer. It's like Satan has done everything he possibly can to keep a born-again experience away from this generation. It's going to take a moving of the Holy Spirit, and it's going to take revival ... and I believe we're getting close to it."
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Although Kilpatrick says he's not a "Trump man," he prays for him regularly and believes a coming revival depends on him being re-elected.
"Where else would you go in the nation right now ... where a man would have the ability to stand up against this kind of onslaught?" Kilpatrick says. "He would take this kind of stand for the unborn, he would take this kind of stand for Israel, and he would take this kind of stand at the church. Basically, this man God has given us right now is standing in the gap by himself in many cases, holding back the tide that would try to destroy this nation."
With the left growing more liberal and sin becoming more rampant, Kilpatrick believes we're in a prime time for a fresh outpouring.
"This is spiritual warfare for the soul of this nation," he says. "When you go back and study revivals, national awakenings, [these are] the very same kind of conditions that were prevalent right before revivals or these national awakenings."
And he would know. The famous Brownsville revival I mentioned earlier happened in Kilpatrick's church. He still remembers the incredible way God stirred it up—and it all started with prayer.
"Prayer is what sparked it," he says. "God never puts revival on sale. It'll cost this generation, but it cost previous generations. ... The Lord spoke to me, and He said, 'If you'll make this a house of prayer, I'll pour out My Spirit here.'"
When Kilpatrick received that word, he began holding a prayer meeting every Sunday night. The Lord told him to set up 12 prayer banners that represented 12 categories to pray for. People would go from banner to banner, praying for each topic and getting so excited about prayer that meetings soon began lasting around two hours or longer.
Kilpatrick and his church prayed faithfully like this for 2 ½ years before revival broke out. For about the first year of that time, Kilpatrick would hear a voice accusing him each week, telling him to stop these prayer meetings, or he would lose his followers.
"As we were praying, I heard the Holy Spirit speak," he tells me. "And He said, 'You have held tight. Now I'm about to send forth My Spirit in this place in a mighty way.'"
As soon as Kilpatrick heard that prophetic word, the accusing voice went silent, and he never heard it again. Revival swept through that church a year and a half later in 1995.
In fact, the revival came when Kilpatrick wasn't quite expecting it. He was still grieving the loss of his mother, who had passed away a week before Mother's Day of that year.
"I was in grief," he tells me. "And a prophet called me on the telephone, and he said, 'Brother Kilpatrick, the Lord has heard your cry for revival. He's going to send revival to you. First, when your mother is gone, when your mother is passed, then the Lord said He'll send revival.' And sure enough, it worked out just that way."
A little over a month later, on Father's Day, Steve Hill preached as a guest at Kilpatrick's church. But something was different about Hill this time, Kilpatrick says. Hill had just returned from experiencing the outpouring of the Spirit at Holy Trinity Brompton in London, England.
"After not seeing him for quite some time, there was a difference on stage," Kilpatrick recalls. "He looked different out of his eyes. He walked different. His voice sounded different. There was an authority on him, a mantle that had come onstage. And so when I saw him, I said to myself, Oh, wow, this is not the same Steve Hill I knew."
Hill preached two things during that sermon: Jesus loves you, and He has a plan for your life. As simple as the message was, around 1,000 people ran forward for prayer when he was done preaching.
"The rest is history," Kilpatrick says. "The power of God came down in such an awesome way that if I live to be 300 years old, I'll never forget that day. It was an awesome downdraft of the power and the glory of God."
That revival continued almost every night for about five years. People traveled from all over the U.S.—and even the world—to experience what the Spirit was doing in Pensacola. Could God bring another Brownsville revival to America? Of course. But Kilpatrick says we need a revival that goes beyond one city and sweeps the entire nation. To see that happen, though, God's people must position themselves to receive it.
"It's time to quit discussing things about the president," Kilpatrick says. "It's time to quit discussing what's going on in Washington. ... And it's time to start praying. The people of God need to pray out loud right now. Like I've never seen prayer in my lifetime."
If you're ready to pray for revival to turn this nation around, share this article with your friends and listen to my entire interview with Kilpatrick below. If you like what you hear, rate and review my "In Depth With Stephen Strang" podcast on iTunes. You can click here or visit the iTunes app on your iPhone to do so.
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Walk Through. I’ve Parted the Waters for You. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Walk Through.
I’ve Parted the Waters for You.

“God said to Moses: "Why cry out to me? Speak to the Israelites. Order them to get moving. Hold your staff high and stretch your hand out over the sea: Split the sea! The Israelites will walk through the sea on dry ground.” Exodus 14:15-16, THE MESSAGE)

When the Holy Spirit starts moving in a gathering of His people, things begin to happen. The anticipation is building. The atmosphere is stirred. The prophetic ministry starts to flow. I love it!

On April 7, 2019, in the Sunday morning service of Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina, the worship team had completed our last song on the list. Two hours before that, the leader Toni Bogart had seen me sitting in the back-row chairs of The Barn auditorium, as I had gotten there early to listen to the team practice, starting around 8 am. I was not scheduled to be one of the vocals that day, but shortly after their practice start, Toni called me out and asked if I wanted to join them for the worship. Of course, I said, “Yes!” (She told me later that two others had been scheduled but weren’t able to make it that day.)

When the meeting began two hours later, as is the norm we finished the first song before Dr. Peter Wyns came to greet the people. From that point on all gathered were free to leave their seats and participate in communion at the front table as the next progression of songs were sung. I don’t recall the list exactly, for I hadn’t seen it until then. Of the five songs, I had heard two before, and asked the Lord to help me! One was sung by Kari Jobe, entitled “Worship the Great I Am”, and another I knew by the worship artist Julie Meyer, “Unto the Lamb”. These two were last on the list.

Even during practice, I could sense the anointing of the Holy Spirit on them.

When the Holy Spirit moves in my spirit prior to receiving a prophetic word, my heart begins to race a bit. I sense the extra energy excitement come, and so I prepare to hear what He has to share. Most commonly it is only one word, making me trust in faith that more will come as I begin to speak forth. Or in this case, sing out.

But as the worship time was ending, there hadn’t seemed to be the right time to share the word I was getting, so I assumed it wouldn’t be today.

Dr. Wyns had come back to the platform podium and had one of his youngest grandsons, Asher Enns, join him, to tell us of Asher’s dream he had had that previous night. From what I could hear, in the dream he had seen a “spiritual bomb” exploding over Israel. That was good, catching as much as I could from above them. (I found out later the reason I couldn’t hear the platform mics that well was because they were not in our stage monitors.) Peter and Asher then left the podium.

Pastors Jesse and Elizabeth Enns then came up. Liz had a prophetic word. Again, it was hard to hear what she was saying, but I am glad Matt Wyn’s production team (Harry Cogan, Tiffany Bryant, David Lopez, Luke Bender) record these times, and then also live stream on YouTube. I hope to hear fully later.

While this was going on, Toni was continuing to play on her keyboard. The Holy Spirit then spoke to me quietly in my head, saying now was the time that I had an open door to sing a prophetic song I thought was to have been for before. So, I stepped forward a bit and sang.

“The waters have parted for you. The waters have parted for you. Walk through. I parted the waters for you.”

I repeated this simple phrase a few times, with my eyes closed as I usually do, to concentrate on His voice. I was not aware that Peter had again returned to the platform for the third time and was exhorting the people to begin to pass through the waters that the Lord was opening for them. Waters of deliverance, healing, and salvation. By this time a few had come to the altar area already, and then Peter began welcoming others to join them. The Holy Spirit was moving among His people.

For those who have walked with the Lord for any measure of time, this is not unusual, having the Holy Spirit give a prophetic word or song through people, followed by a response from those within hearing. And yet, this was a bit more special. Almost all the congregation had come forward, seeking to receive what the Lord was freely offering.

Personally, I will recall this day in the months to come, knowing that many, many more moments like this will be experienced here. The Lord is moving at Antioch. The former spiritual wells dug during the decade of the former Heritage USA in the 1980s, long ago filled in over the past three decades of time, are being opened once again in this place.

On the other hand, the prohibiting waters that have kept people from crossing over, into freedom and release to accomplish the Lord’s will, are being parted, and His people are walking through, leaving behind bondage, sickness, hurt, pain, and unforgiveness. The time has come. Now is the time.

May you know of the Lord’s heart to take you through the parted waters, even as He did with Moses and the Hebrews, the Israelites. He has come to take you over, to walk through. He has parted the waters for you also.

It is a faith journey, but He is the One who is Faithful to carry you through. Trust in Him.

He is also bringing forth the unplugged springs of living water, for refreshing and much, much more. His heart is for the nations!

“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will shepherd them, will lead them to springs of living water, and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 7:17, Complete Jewish Bible)

The Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is giving us fresh springs to drink from and is declaring that now is the time to walk through the parted waters also.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$120 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
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Contribution checks can be sent to: 
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Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

Now Think On This #408 - in the year of our Lord 04.08.19 – “Walk Through” – Monday 6:35 am.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Lance Wallnau - Clarity Is Key


Recently, I spoke at the 100X Conference in Dallas this conference hosted over 300 businessmen and women! We asked the attendees to answer some questions about what they were interested in gaining from the event and the most common answers revolved around clarity, how to scale up, and how to find insight on what it is they're supposed to do next.
The thing that struck me was how everyone, business-focused or not, are usually seeking the same answers! In other words, you don't have to be in business to need clarity on what’s next.
Let's consider Abraham traveling with his wife Sarah. He was called out to the great unknown, out of his homeland of Ur, as nomads wandering in the desert in search of a promised land. Like Abraham, many feel like they've been called, but called to what?
You may be experiencing this right this very minute!
Maybe you are looking for your promised land while in the middle of doing something else? Or perhaps you are like Joshua in the middle of crossing over into your promised land, into the territory of the "ites!" It's time to look around you, in your every day, and find out what it is your true calling really is. You may be so busy focusing on what you do, that you're missing out on what you should be doing.

believe the Lord will break off your limitations as you listen to this message!

  • Healing the Nations April 25 - April 29 Get ready for Apostolic Harvest! Join Lance, Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Joshua Mills, and Quincy Goodstar in Fort Mill, SC
  • Dream Trip 2019 May 23 - May 26 at Paradise Point, San Diego, California.
  • Partners Weekend 2019 May 31 - June 1 Join Lance, Cindy Jacobs, Dave Yarnes, and Rick Joyner for a for a strategic time of encouragement, preparation, and camaraderie n Fort Mill, SC
Here is a prophetic word for many of you – “God has already given you and your family a sphere—or an Eden—that you are to cultivate. There is new territory in ministry and prosperity for you if you will slow down and listen to what each other is saying. Your children are ready to step into new responsibilities. Explore each other’s dreams and look for the overlap. Be open to family callings and assignments.”
Abraham’s method of supernatural wealth creation began with a small group of 300 “household” servants that Abraham expanded into seven or more areas of supernatural prosperity. If you looked at him in the natural you would not see it, but there were angels engaged in the prosperity of this patriarch’s life. They were all working in Abraham’s garden, his territory, his assignment.
It begins in Genesis, in the garden.

LEARN how to find and create FLOW,

and nurture the support system GOD has given you!


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