Friday, April 12, 2019

8 Ways to Encourage the Flow of the Holy Spirit - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

(Vitaly Vitorsky)
I'm grateful for my friend Quentin Beard, who pastors one of the fastest growing churches in South Dakota—Sioux Falls First Assembly. Because Quentin wants his congregation to experience the Holy Spirit, he scheduled a special weekend of meetings so that people could be baptized in the Holy Spirit, get healing prayer and receive personal prophetic ministry.
The day before the event, I asked Quentin if we could have a larger-than-normal bottle of oil on the altar near the stage. Most churches just have a small cruet or vial of oil; I wanted more, so one of the church's pastors filled a half-gallon bottle. The quantity of oil was prophetic in itself, because the Lord visited us in power. Many people were filled with the Spirit during those three days.
Are you hungry for more of the Holy Spirit in your church? It's time to stop limiting His power.
Everywhere I go, I hear pastors asking how they can we encourage the freedom of the Holy Spirit in a church culture that has become increasingly scripted, scheduled and controlled right down to the nanosecond. The essence of Pentecost, which came "suddenly," was its unpredictability. But there seems to be no room for God's sudden surprises when we already have our sermons planned out for the next six months.
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Here are eight practical things we can do to encourage the freedom of Pentecost in our churches:
  1. Teach about the Holy Spirit often.The Holy Spirit was rarely mentioned in the church I grew up in, so we never expected Him to do anything. Yet He is described in the second verse of the Bible as "moving" upon the surface of the newly created world (Gen. 1:2), and He has one of the last messages in the Bible (see Rev. 22:17). He moves and He speaks throughout the Scriptures! But we must invite Him to move and speak by giving Him the place He deserves.
  1. Leave room for personal prayer ministry. A church without altar ministry is like a hospital without a maternity ward. New life begins at the altar—whether it is salvation, healing, prophetic ministry or the impartation of a fresh anointing. Today many churches that offer multiple services often skimp on ministry time because they are focused on herding the 10 a.m. group out of the sanctuary to get ready for the 11:30 a.m. crowd. Multiple services are fine, but we are crowding the Spirit out of the church if we don't schedule time for people to respond to the message.
  1. Have small groups where people can use the Holy Spirit's gifts. It's not practical for everyone to prophesy or exercise other spiritual gifts in a large congregation. But if people are plugged into small groups, there will be opportunities for believers to encourage one another in supernatural ways. And people are more comfortable stepping out in faith in front of 10 people than they are in front of 3,000.
  1. Train people in prophecy, healing and Spirit-led ministry. Many pastors clamp down on the operation of spiritual gifts because a few fanatics with inflated egos like to pull the church into weirdness. But in our effort to protect the sheep from deception, let's not pull the pendulum to the other extreme by forbidding the gifts of the Spirit. The genuine power of God will flow if we teach people the difference between authentic anointing and strange fire.
  1. Offer "teaching moments" to explain the gifts of the Spirit. I've been in churches where Brother Herschel or Sister Agnes prophesied in such a harsh, condemning tone that everyone in the church let out a collective groan. Their "words from God" had the same effect on the congregation as fingernails on a chalkboard. We cannot just ignore these moments and move on. When the Corinthians mishandled speaking in tongues and prophecy in the first century, the apostle Paul used their mistakes as an opportunity to teach about how to use gifts properly.
  1. Expose your church to healthy ministries that flow in the anointing. God has raised up thousands of prophets who have not bowed their knees to the Baals of exploitation, greed and gimmicks. We need life-giving traveling ministries because God sends them to win new converts, heal the sick, unleash prophetic power, train leaders and impart new vision in congregations. We should not be afraid to expose our churches to men and women of character who are called to minister in the supernatural.
  1. Give time for testimonies of God's supernatural power. Nothing raises the faith level of a congregation like someone's raw experience with God. If a man was healed this week in your church, let him shout it from the housetops. If an infertile couple got pregnant, let them tell about the goodness of God. Stories of supernatural intervention trigger a holy expectation in everyone—and God gets the glory for His miracles.
  1. Preach about holiness. Let's never forget that the Holy Spirit is holy. Many churches today have stopped warning God's people about the dangers of sin, so we don't confront anymore. We've figured out that people will pack the house if we give them sugary-sweet motivational pep talks that never step on toes. By avoiding the tough topics, we've essentially told the Holy Ghost to take a hike.
We will be celebrating Pentecost in a few weeks. Let's fling open the doors and allow the Spirit to have His way. Instead of being afraid of what He might disrupt or whom He might offend, let's rather fear what our churches would be like without Him.
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

'Every American's Right': Christian Farmers Fight Back After Being Banned for Biblical Marriage Beliefs - CBN News Emily Jones

The Tennes family's Country Mill Farms has been blocked from their local farmers market over their biblical beliefs about marriage (Photo: Screen capture)
'Every American's Right': Christian Farmers Fight Back After Being Banned for Biblical Marriage Beliefs
CBN News Emily Jones
A pair of Christian farmers who were banned from their local farmers market in 2016 for choosing not to host a gay wedding on their personal farm are taking their battle to court this week. 
Steve and Bridget Tennes, owners of Country Mill Farms, are asking for a permanent court order forcing the city of East Lansing, Michigan to let them sell their products at the city's farmer's market. 
The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) will represent the Tennes family in court this Friday. According to ADF, the City of Lansing blocked the Christian family from selling their products after reading on the Country Mill Farms' Facebook page that they support biblical marriage and will not allow LGBTQ weddings in their orchards. 
"Our family farm here is very personal to us," Steve Tennes said in a statement on the ADF website. "One of the things we really enjoy about our family farm here is (that) we are able to raise our five children here at the farm in accordance with our faith." 
In 2017, a federal judge issued a preliminary order forcing the city to allow the Tennes family to participate in the farmers market and said the city most likely violated their religious and free speech rights. 
According to NBC News, East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows said that temporary ruling only covered the 2017 market season. Meadows also said the city opposes the Tennes' "corporate decision-making," not their religious beliefs.
"This doesn't have anything to do with Mr. Tennes," Meadows said. "This has to do with the business."
ADF Legal Counsel Kate Anderson strongly disagrees. 
"All Americans should be free to live and speak according to their deeply held religious beliefs without fear of government punishment," said Anderson. "Yet East Lansing officials changed their market policy to shut out Steve Tennes because they don't like his Catholic beliefs regarding marriage. Courts have repeatedly rejected these types of practices as unconstitutional discrimination."
Steve and Bridget Tennes are military veterans and hope their case will help preserve the freedoms of other Americans. 
"This isn't just about our ability to sell at the farmer's market. It's really about every American's right to make a living and not have to worry about being punished by the government," Steve said.
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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Holly Watson: "It's Time to Emerge! The Billion Soul Harvest Has Begun!" - The Elijah List

Holly Watson: "It's Time to Emerge! The Billion Soul Harvest Has Begun!"

The Elijah List Apr 11, 2019

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Sometimes it feels like we are sitting in front row seats for the awesome things God is doing right also seems all of creation is expressing the birth pains of something phenominal that's about to take place.
Holly Watson's most recent word shares some great insight into what we can expect in the days ahead. She shares:
"In Strong's Dictionary the word 'sign' is the Hebrew word ōth. All throughout Scripture from Genesis to Revelation we read of examples where God used signs as evidence to demonstrate His movements upon the earth. Signs are a flag, a beacon of light, a prophetic marker, a signal and a banner. They are supernatural tokens of the miraculous appearance of God, orchestrating events to awaken man to His sovereignty and wonder-working power."
What sorts of signs is Holly referencing? Read on to find out. We are surely living in exciting times! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here
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"It's time to emerge!" I heard Holy Spirit shout this phrase into my spirit as we crossed over into a new season. Immediately I thought of Lazarus, as Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave, despite the unbelief of others. By all appearance's sake, Lazarus didn't have much hope of coming back to life; at least that was until the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit moved through Jesus and broke down the walls of man-made assumptions.
"Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, 'Lazarus, come forth!' And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, 'Loose him, and let him go.'" (John 11:43-44)
Lazarus was a sign and a wonder to those who doubted in the sovereignty of God. When Jesus resurrected Lazarus back to life, the power of God was on display for all to see. Lazarus was a living example of how God caused a turnaround in the bleakest of situations. The name Lazarus means "Whom God helps" or "the assistance of God." The story of Lazarus is a perfect example of a 12th hour miracle, sparking faith in the unbelieving!
"I am making a way where there seems no way, and I am calling My Church to emerge into a new place of power and glory."
"Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion."(Isaiah 8:18)
All the Signs Are There—Pay Attention!
If you live on the West Coast or have watched any of the media outlets lately, you have probably seen the reports about the migration of butterflies moving up the coastline from the deserts of Mexico. Over the past several weeks, it's been quite a phenomenon to observe as Holy Spirit speaks through the signs and wonders of nature. No matter what your opinion is of California, the hand of God has definitely been on display through the movement of these Painted Lady butterflies.
"This shall be the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do this thing that He has promised." (Isaiah 38:7)
I was driving in my car recently when I heard Holy Spirit say, "All the signs are there. Pay attention!" A few events foreshadowed this prophetic message from the Lord, as I had been tracking with Holy Spirit through the manifestation of the signs of God working miraculously in our midst. Not only had Holy Spirit populated old prophetic words in my inbox dating back to the year 2015, but the Lord had been speaking to me about a revival angel who would be awakening the earth through the signs and sounds of harvest.
"And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from Heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow."(Matthew 28:2-3)
In Strong's Dictionary the word "sign" is the Hebrew word ōth. All throughout Scripture from Genesis to Revelation we read of examples where God used signs as evidence to demonstrate His movements upon the earth. Signs are a flag, a beacon of light, a prophetic marker, a signal and a banner. They are supernatural tokens of the miraculous appearance of God, orchestrating events to awaken man to His sovereignty and wonder-working power.
In Deuteronomy 6:22, Scripture says that God showed signs and wonders great and grievous before our eyes. In Luke 21:25-28, we read that the evidence of signs appearing on the earth will signal the coming of the Son of Man, at the end of the age. The appearance of signs led the Israelites through the wilderness through a cloud by day and a fire by night. God spoke to Moses on the backside of the desert through a burning bush, shifting Moses and the Israelites into a new era, by a sign appearing in an unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary place. In Judges 6:36-40, when Gideon laid his fleece before God, God responded to Gideon by giving him a sign as an answer to his prayer.
Jesus showed many signs and wonders to awaken unbelievers to who He was. Holy Spirit performed signs through the hands of the apostles as they were sent as "Fishers of Men," fulfilling the Great Commission.
There's no doubt that the physical manifestation of miraculous signs is a part of the DNA of God! Scripture exhorts us not to seek after signs (Matthew 12:39). However, the appearance of signs confirms, affirms and leads us into the heart and will of the Father, while His Spirit makes Himself known through the evidence of signs. (Photo via Unsplash)
"And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you." (1 Samuel 10:7)
The Billion Soul Harvest
As the West Coast has become a witness to the sight of these beautiful butterflies soaring up the coastline, "the billion soul harvest" prophecy by Bob Jones has definitely resonated in many of our hearts. It's not uncommon for this beautiful breed of butterfly to make its way north during the spring of each year. However, this year, 1 billion butterflies are forecasted to migrate to their new home in the Northwest, after having sojourned through the state of California.
According to news reports, the emergence of this beautiful breed of butterfly is due to the elevated levels of precipitation accumulating on the West Coast after 7 years of prolonged drought. The outpouring of rain saturating the dry and barren soil, has created prime conditions for harvesting a billion butterflies. What makes this story even more intriguing, is that these 1 billion butterflies migrated from the backside of the wilderness, only to find an abundance of wealth in an out-of-the-ordinary place, and unexpected land! God chose the sign of these butterflies and the conditions in which they originated from to send a message to the Church, that the billion soul harvest has begun!
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, "Now is the time for My Church to arise and shine for her light has come. Where barrenness and a depletion of life have inflicted a rebellious and lost generation, a harvest of new souls are emerging for such a time as this. I AM moving in new ways and in new power in the most unexpected places in the land.
"I am making a way where there seems to be no way, and I am calling My Church to emerge into a new place of power and glory. The phrase 'cast your net on the other side' is My meter for pulling in an unusual harvest of souls. A mass amount of 'refugees' (including the homeless, the outcasts, the prodigals, a lawless generation, and illegal aliens) will come to know My name and the power of resurrection life. I am birthing a new move of My Spirit through unexpected sources. I am choosing undercover vessels to make My name well known and famous. I am no respecter of persons," says the Spirit of the Lord. "And I am giving new life to those who surrender to My call."
"There's no doubt that the physical manifestation of miraculous signs is a part of the DNA of God!"
"They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest, He blessed them, and their number greatly increased..." (Psalm 107:37-38)
The Mantle of Paul Cain
On February 12, my husband and I were sitting at our dining room table when a "suddenly" came upon us. I had been in a time of preparation for a local service through prayer and fasting, when a mantle dropped from Heaven and rested upon my shoulders. As I felt the effects of what was transpiring in the spiritual realm; Holy Spirit then took me into a vision where I saw mantles being distributed to the saints of God, in specific and strategic regions. I hadn't expected the placement of this mantle to feel so weighty. However, I realized soon enough that the call upon this mantle was for a bold, radical and outrageous generation. It wasn't until a few days later that I discovered the well-know prophet, Paul Cain, had gone on to glory. This happened during the exact time my husband and I had this supernatural encounter with the Lord.
"Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into Heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, 'My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!'....Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him..." (2 Kings 2:11-12, 14)
Paul Cain was known as a "Latter Rain Prophet" who prophesied the end-time stadium revivals. I've never met Paul Cain in person, and before this encounter with the new mantles I had very little knowledge about the man or his ministry. However, I believe this too is a sign from the Lord that a new generation of prophetic evangelists are being commissioned and mantled afresh with a double portion of anointing and power. I believe a new impartation for stadium revivals are being awakened at this hour to touch a generation with a radical move of the Spirit.
A changing of the guard has occurred! A sweeping move of God is prepared to blaze through the land as the Church makes her mark on the world! An on-fire remnant of not only Millennials, but end-time, chosen generals of the faith are merging streams to host a move of God in shocking and startling ways. "Unpredictable" is the word I keep hearing! When the right streams align at the right kairos moment in time, Heaven touching Earth will bring mighty demonstrations of God's glory!
"For thus says the Lord of hosts: 'Once more (it is a little while) I will shake Heaven and Earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,' says the Lord of hosts." (Haggai 2:6-7)
The Revival Angel
A few weeks ago the Lord showed me a revival angel being released upon the earth. When I saw this revival angel, the West Coast was highlighted as a place where the resurrection power of God would occur. I saw a great shaking in the spiritual realm for the state of California, as the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles was an epicenter for the Spirit of the Lord to move through with miracles, signs and wonders like never before.
I saw the appearance of this revival angel as a prophetic marker of how the Father is desiring to move across the land. An outbreak of glory in the most least likely places, to reach the most least likely faces is what the billion soul harvest is all about! (Photo via Pexels)
Even though deep darkness covers the face of the earth, and the evidence of the earth groaning with birth pains is on the heart of every Believer, the Spirit of the Lord is sending signs to His people of an end-time emergence of the billion soul harvest.
This is the Church's greatest hour! God is calling an Esther generation to arise and be a voice while accomplishing great Kingdom exploits. The Spirit of the Lord says, "All the signs are there. Pay attention. It's time to emerge!"
"Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Holly Watson
Kingdom Revelations
Holly Watson is a prophetic voice throughout the Body of Christ, called to share the Father's heart to His Church. Her passion is to equip the saints of God to be Kingdom-minded and prepared. The prophetic word through Holly's blog, Kingdom Revelations, is read across the nation and around the world. She resides with her husband and family in Southern California.
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Israel Hours Away from Historic Moon Landing - Here's Where You Can Watch It - CBN News Emily Jones ShareTweet +2

Animation of Beresheet in lunar orbit/Courtesy SpaceIL and IAI

Animation of Beresheet in lunar orbit/Courtesy SpaceIL and IAI
Israel Hours Away from Historic Moon Landing - Here's Where You Can Watch It
CBN News Emily Jones

JERUSALEM, Israel - Israelis will be glued to their screens Thursday night to watch the Beresheet spacecraft land on the moon. If successful, Israel will become the fourth nation after the United States, Russia, and China to touch the moon.
Israel's Beresheet spacecraft, which was developed by a team of scientists from SpaceIL and Israel Space Industries, is currently orbiting the moon. The spacecraft catapulted from the earth about seven weeks ago and is expected to land on the moon approximately 10:25 p.m. (3:25 p.m. ET).
On Wednesday, the SpaceIL and IAI team successfully completed the last maneuver before landing.
The maneuver lowered the spacecraft’s altitude in preparation for its landing. Beresheet is in elliptical orbit with its perilune (the closest point to the moon) only 15-17 km from the moon's surface.
Beresheet will continue to orbit the moon in elliptical orbit every two hours until it lands.
Meanwhile, Israeli scientists spent all night Wednesday working on their last calculations before the big event. NASA is also participating in the mission and will help the scientists stay in contact with the spacecraft after it reaches the moon's surface.
Once Beresheet lands, its mission will last two to three days. The craft will take pictures of the lunar surface and conduct experiments.
The spacecraft is also bringing God's written word to the moon. It will carry a time capsule containing a database of hundreds of files. The files include a copy of the Bible, information about SpaceIL, Israeli national symbols, and other materials.
The capsule will be left on the moon's surface after Israel completes its mission there.
Israeli leaders hope a successful landing will have an "Apollo Effect" on Israeli youth.
"We want the Israeli kids and the Israeli youth to, we want to encourage them to learn STEM subjects - science, technology, engineering and informatics - and we hope that they will have this mission we will create the effect and encourage them," said SpaceIL CEO Dr. Ido Antebi.
President Reuven Rivlin said Beresheet will make history.
"When I was a child, we used to write fortunes on bubblegum wrappers – 'by the time you're 21, you'll go to the moon'. Then, it seemed fantastical, impossible. Until now, only great powers have landed on the moon – the United States, the Soviet Union and China. But if everything goes to plan, the State of Israel – our young and small country – will be the fourth country in history to land a spacecraft on the moon."
If you would like to watch the live broadcast of the landing from the SpaceIL control room,  click here
Note: The time of the landing may change and viewers are encouraged to look for updates on social media.

LoveMusic! - Paul Wilbur | Great Is The Lord (Hallelujah) (Featuring Sarah Liberman)

Sarah Liberman

Paul Wilbur | Great Is The Lord (Hallelujah)  
Featuring Sarah Liberman

April 11, 2019

Greetings once again, LoveMusic! listeners.

Here is another great song off of Paul Wilbur's latest CD/project, "Roar From Zion". And yes, I like it!

Having only heard of Sarah Liberman once or twice, it was good to see and hear her sing. She does a really good job, and I am sure you will like this selection also.

In English and Hebrew too!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Lover For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina  USA

Published on Mar 13, 2019

Great Is The Lord (Hallelujah)
Written By Sarah Liberman Performed By Sarah Liberman Buy the album: PWM Store - (Physical Copy) iTunes: Google Play: Vimeo - (Digital download for video) Spotify: Stay Connected: Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | Wilbur Ministries Website | Become a World Partner: Lyrics: Great Is The Lord (Gadol Adonai) Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, In the city of God, in His Holy place We come before Your throne, O God of our joy We bring give You the fruit of our lipsAnd remember the great things You did…for us. Gadol Adonai ume-hulal m’od, B’ir Eloheinu, B’har kodsho. Behold the glory of God, is now with us, The people of God will ariseHe will wipe every tear from our eyes And sorrow and mourning will cease forevermore! Hallelujah, for the Lord God Almighty reigns, Hallelujah, Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns Hallelujah, ki malach Adonai Eloheinu Hallelujah, ki malach Elohei Tzvaot! Halleluyah, Eloheinu, Eloheinu, Elohei Tzvaot. Nagila v’nismecha v’niten lo kavod Nagila v’nismecha v’niten lo kavod Rejoice, oh my soul rejoice, and give Him praise, Rejoice, oh my soul rejoice, and give Him praise. Hallelujah, for the Lord God Almighty reigns, Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns. Hallelujah, for the Lord God Almighty reigns, Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns. For our God the Almighty reigns, For our God the Almighty reigns! -------------- Nagila v’nismecha v’niten lo kavod Nagila v’nismecha v’niten lo kavod Rejoice, oh my soul rejoice, and give Him praise, Rejoice, oh my soul rejoice, and give Him praise. Hallelujah, for the Lord God Almighty reigns, Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns. Hallelujah, for the Lord God Almighty reigns, Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns. For our God the Almighty reigns, For our God the Almighty reigns!

Israel Hours Away from Historic Moon Landing - Here's Where You Can Watch It - CBN News Emily Jones

Image of Beresheet from space
Israel Hours Away from Historic Moon Landing - Here's Where You Can Watch It
CBN News Emily Jones
JERUSALEM, Israel - Israelis will be glued to their screens Thursday night to watch the Beresheet spacecraft land on the moon. If successful, Israel will become the fourth nation after the United States, Russia, and China to touch the moon.
Israel's Beresheet spacecraft, which was developed by a team of scientists from SpaceIL and Israel Space Industries, is currently orbiting the moon. The spacecraft catapulted from the earth seven about seven weeks ago and is expected to land on the moon approximately 10:25 p.m. (3:25 p.m. ET).
On Wednesday, the SpaceIL and IAI team successfully completed the last maneuver before landing.
The maneuver lowered the spacecraft’s altitude in preparation for its landing. Beresheet is in an elliptical orbit with its perilune (the closest point to the moon) only 15-17 km from the moon's surface.
Beresheet will continue to orbit the moon in an elliptical orbit every two hours until it lands.
Meanwhile, Israeli scientists spent all night Wednesday working on their last calculations before the big event. NASA is also participating in the mission and will help the scientists stay in contact with the spacecraft after it reaches the moon's surface.
Once Beresheet lands, its mission will last two to three days. The craft will take pictures of the lunar surface and conduct experiments.
The spacecraft is also bringing God's written word to the moon. It will carry a time capsule containing a database of hundreds of files. The files include a copy of the Bible, information about SpaceIL, Israeli national symbols, and other materials.
The capsule will be left on the moon's surface after Israel completes its mission there.
Israeli leaders hope a successful landing will have an "Apollo Effect" on Israeli youth.
"We want the Israeli kids and the Israeli youth to, we want to encourage them to learn STEM subjects - science, technology, engineering and informatics - and we hope that they will have this mission we will create the effect and encourage them," said SpaceIL CEO Dr. Ido Antebi.
President Reuven Rivlin said Beresheet will make history.
"When I was a child, we used to write fortunes on bubblegum wrappers – 'by the time you're 21, you'll go to the moon'. Then, it seemed fantastical, impossible. Until now, only great powers have landed on the moon – the United States, the Soviet Union and China. But if everything goes to plan, the State of Israel – our young and small country – will be the fourth country in history to land a spacecraft on the moon."
If you would like to watch the live broadcast of the landing from the SpaceIL control room,  click here
Note: The time of the landing may change and viewers are encouraged to look for updates on social media.
Did you know?