Sunday, July 14, 2019

Drive Thru History: Holy Land with Dave Stotts Volume 1

Drive Thru History: Holy Land with Dave Stotts Volume 1

Published on Apr 27, 2012

The DVD is available at: - - - Drive Thru History: Holy Land with Dave Stotts - Covenants, Kings, and the Promised Land. Drive into the history and culture of Scripture on a journey like no other! Dave Stotts speeds through the ancient world of the Bible, in this first installment of Drive Thru History: Holy Land, delivering a fast-paced encounter with the people, places, and events that have shaped our world and the Christian faith. Covenants, Kings, and the Promised Land takes you through an overview of the Israelite conquest, to David and Goliath in the valley of Elah, and into the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were buried. Also includes a PDF for each episode containing discussion questions designed for small group Bible studies, home school, and families. Episode 1: Intro to the Series, Patriarchs, Exodus, Lachish, Beersheba Episode 2: Arad, Dead Sea, Sodom & Gomorrah, Masada Episode 3: King David, the Valley of Elah (David and Goliath), Ein Gedi, Qumran, Dead Sea Scrolls Recommended family entertainment by The Dove Foundation - "We love Drive Thru History. As parents we find it entertaining and enlightening." -- Wayne O., Facebook review - "I love this show! Dave does a wonderful job of making history come alive." -- Carole L., Facebook review

"Shields Up! A Spirit of Violence Has Been Loosed!" Cindy Jacobs, THE ELIJAH LIST

Cindy and Mike Jacobs

July 12, 2019

"Shields Up! A Spirit of Violence Has Been Loosed!"
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzIt is NOT rare for our in-boxes to be filled with prophetic warnings about what the enemy is planning against the USA and frankly, the world.

Most of these do not get published on the Elijah List, simply because we are NOT like the secular news media with the philosophy of, "If it bleeds, it leads," as we often see the media publishing almost-exclusively bad news.

Having said that, when a well-known, high-level, mature prophet, who has made him or herself accountable to the Body of Christ, comes up with that kind of warning, it's time to REALLY LISTEN.
Such is the case with Cindy Jacobs today.

Today I am publishing an urgent call to prayer from Cindy Jacobs, titled: "Shields Up!" I won't be a spoiler and tell you what's in it, but on this day, you need to both read it and forward it to all your friends and pastors for a serious call to pray!

Cindy also mentions the ACPE or Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. I am a member of this group as well, and was very encouraged to see Cindy double and triple check this word, among the many prophets, before she went public with it.

With that, you CAN still be encouraged as you read this.

P.S. Many newer or emerging prophets DO get it right when they call for emergency prayer. But it's important that when we publish a warning to the whole Body of Christ, they should know and understand that it's a credible prophet who is issuing this warning. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Shields Up! A Spirit of Violence Has Been Loosed!"
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX

Dear praying friends,

In a recent time of intercession, I heard some chilling words, "We're going to finish what we started." I had a sense that these were plans that terrorists were making against America.

I also heard the Holy Spirit say that a spirit of violence has been loosed in the earth. This has been confirmed in a number of ways. I mentioned this to members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), which Mike and I convene. To a person, they agreed that they had heard something similar. Also, news reports are telling us of increased violence in some major cities in America, as well as in other countries.

Prayer Points:

• Washington DC: The Lord has specifically mentioned to me that we need to be praying against terrorist attacks in and around Washington, DC.

• Major US Cities: We will also want to cover other iconic targets in some of our major US cities.

• Iran: Holy Spirit highlighted Iran to me and the situation there, as well. I think the enemy would want to take advantage of the current conflict with Iran and escalate it.

This warning from the Lord is not to cause us fear! God is so good to warn us, so we have time to intercede and turn back the enemy's plans. He wants us to pray so things cannot escalate, but so that the violence will never happen.

WATCH NOW! Please click here or click the image below to hear the entire word of warning.

Shields up, Saints! 

 Cindy Jacobs
Generals International


Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. 

Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Cindy has authored books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her grandchildren.
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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Drive Thru History: Holy Land with Dave Stotts, Volume 2 Excerpt - History of Israel in 8 minutes

Drive Thru History: Holy Land with Dave Stotts, Volume 2 Excerpt - History of Israel in 8 minutes

King David, King Saul

 Jerusalem leveled by Romans in 70 A.D.

Romans renamed Israel to Palestine to spite the Jews.

Muslims sealed Eastern (Golden) Gate in 1541
- to prevent the return of the Messiah. (Won't happen!)

 Brtish control until May 1948

David Ben Gurions declares Israel's Independence May 14, 1948

Jerusalem's Old City recaptured in Six-Day War June 1967

Published on Feb 20, 2013
The DVD is available at: - -
Drive Thru History: Holy Land with Dave Stotts - Conquest, Canaanites, and The Holy City. Drive into the history and culture of Scripture on a journey like no other!
Dave Stotts speeds through the ancient world of the Bible, in this second installment of Drive Thru History: Holy Land, delivering a fast-paced encounter with the people, places, and events that have shaped our world and the Christian faith.
If you've followed Dave Stotts through Ancient and American history, you know just how exciting Drive Thru History: Holy Land will be! This fast-paced and entertaining tour will take you right to the places, people, and events that have shaped the world and Christian faith. Jericho to Megiddo: Conquest, Canaanites, and the Holy City will give students the background history and culture behind some of the most well-known events in the Bible. Approximately 90 minutes on DVD.

Episode 4: Jerusalem, conquest sites, Jericho, Jazor
Episode 5: Samaria, Shechem, Shiloh
Recommended family entertainment by The Dove Foundation
Episode 6: Jezreel, Megiddo, Tel Dan
- "We love Drive Thru History. As parents we find it entertaining and enlightening." -- Wayne O., Facebook review
- "I love this show! Dave does a wonderful job of making history come alive." -- Carole L., Facebook review
Dave Stotts, host and editor of Drive Thru History, has 12 years working in Christian media production. His work has taken him to 27 countries to shoot and edit award-winning documentaries. Dave lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife, Rebekah, and their two sons.

"The Lord is Handing Out Scrolls for America" - Larry Sparks THE ELIJAH LIST

"The Lord is Handing Out Scrolls for America"

Larry Sparks  THE ELIJAH LIST Jul 12, 2019

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve Shultz
I received a lot of revelation as I read through Larry Spark's recent article... especially HOW I should be praying right now over America and the nations. You will too!
I encourage you to thoroughly read this very insightful article as you'll receive some very practical steps on how to "pray responsively" in what the Lord is doing across the globe!
Also, please make sure to share this with your friends and intercessory prayer groups too...this is a key tool for your prayer life right now. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here.
Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


While in Branson, MO, praying with the amazing community at Morningside Church as they dedicated their new Prayer Mountain Chapel, the Lord gave me a vision. I believe this vision has everything to do with an assignment He is extending to prophets, intercessors and, well, everyone—on how to effectively pray for the United States of America. (Note: I love all nations, so I'm convinced that within this message is a strategy to pray for other nations too.)
Ask for the Lord's Translation
In the vision, I simply saw the hand of the Lord reaching out to prophets and intercessors, giving them rolled-up scrolls on behalf of their cities and states. Anytime we have supernatural experiences, visions or dreams, we cannot be content with simply indulging the supernatural imagery without contending for an explanation.
The high benchmark of the prophetic ministry is not, and I repeat, NOT how supernatural or spiritual our prophetic words, visions, dreams, and experiences sound. When we receive messages from Heaven they will always come in a slightly "coded" manner. There will be this veil around them, not because God is making things difficult for us, but rather He's inviting you and me into dynamic communication with Him as friends and intimates. He wants you and me to ask Him for the translation—and He is faithful to provide it!
The veil of mystery surrounding prophetic messages from Heaven cannot motivate us to immediately indulge our "push button" society, where we jump out and simply share the word as is, in its uninterpreted, strongly-symbolic or allegorical format. Certainly not. Instead, when we believe that we receive a prophetic message from Heaven, we need to first present it back to the Lord and ask Him for clarity on what it means.
What Were the Rolled-Up Scrolls?
When I asked the Lord what those scrolls were, He told me they were the scrolls for cities and states in the USA. What was written in these scrolls represented God's will and intended purposes for our cities and states; they carried what God wanted for the United States of America. (Photo via Larry Sparks)
Reactive Prayers: Cleaning up Messes Made by the Devil
We cannot pray reactively, we must pray responsively. Reactive prayers sound like we are constantly trying to clean up messes made by the devil. By nature, we are reacting to the very real and present darkness around us. I refuse to pretend away the darkness in our land in favor of a pie-in-the-sky, end-times scenario.
Isaiah 60 gives us a stunning parallel of what to expect in this hour: gross and deep darkness colliding with a people upon whom God arises and shines with superior glory. And that glory is not meant to be contained, but rather have a measurable impact on a society gripped by darkness. Jesus did say we are the salt of the earth and light of the world, which means our presence in the earth should transform things around us.
Responsive Prayers: Responding to What's Written in God's Scrolls
Responsive prayers are not born on Earth; they were birthed in Heaven. They are not motivated by what we "scroll" through on our news-feeds everyday, but rather, they are driven by what's written in God's scrolls for our cities, states and nations.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
The ultimate question should not be what is the devil doing? The question is what is God saying? The truth is, we will pray prayers that are driven by one or the other. We can pray based on what the enemy is doing in our nation—with such prayers sounding frantic, hopeless and full of despair—OR, we can be very alert and in tune with the darkness, while praying superior prayers not driven by what darkness is doing, but are rather influenced by the word and purposes of the Lord.
How to Pray Responsively
Here are some very practical "next steps" on how to pray responsively to what the Lord is doing right now:
1. Refuse to allow darkness and the devil to influence your prayer life. Practically speaking, this means you watch the news but don't pray it. You track world events but don't pray the problems. You don't agree with the darkness. Be very aware of what's going on in the earth, but refuse to partner with the enemy's agenda.
2. Ask the Lord, "What do YOU SAY about my city, state and nation?" The news often tells us what the enemy is saying concerning our nations. This is why the scroll imagery, I think, is so important, especially considering the day and age we live in. We're constantly scrolling through news stories and headlines, being influenced by what we are reading. No doubt many prayers have been crafted based on what our eyes have come across while reading the most recent, horrific news headline. Let's shift things. Let's be very aware of what's going on in the earth, but perhaps more aware of what the Lord wants to do in our cities, states and nations.
3. Specifically ask the Lord for the scroll of your city and state. This is not some mystical thing; it's a matter of the Lord unveiling to you what He wants to do in the place where you live. More than what we see in the news, we want to see what's written in Heaven come to pass in the places where we live. (Photo via Unsplash)
4. Research the prophetic history of your city/state.Often, the unfinished work of the Lord can be discovered by acquainting ourselves with the prophetic history of our cities and states.
Recently, I was overwhelmed by the Lord's presence as He told me things like, "I remember Frank Bartleman. I remember William Seymour. I remember John Wimber. I remember Aimee Semple McPherson." This was all in respect to California, which many tend to write off as perhaps the darkest state in the USA. And yet, there are powerful, spiritual seeds still in the ground. The Lord remembers these seeds and I believe His work is yet unfinished in California. Likewise, it's unfinished in your city and state!
5. Practically ask: "How can I get involved in what God is doing?" Yes, we pray, but oftentimes in prayer, the Lord wants to share prophetic solutions and strategies that demand our engagement. He will tell us to do something so that His will can be released into the earth through you. Of course He is the sovereign God and can do things Himself, but He is looking for agents in the earth realm who He can commission and deploy into every sphere that's been influenced by darkness.
Let's receive what the Lord is handing out to us so we can effectively pray for our cities, states and nations! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Larry Sparks, MDiv
Equip Culture

Larry Sparks is a prophetic author, speaker, and lecturer on revival. He presently serves as publisher for Destiny Image (, a Spirit-filled publishing house pioneered by Don Nori Sr. in 1983 with a mandate to publish the prophets. Larry is fueled by a vision to help the Church community create space for the Holy Spirit to move in freedom, power and revival fire, providing every Believer with an opportunity to have a life-changing encounter in the Presence of God. In addition, Larry is a regular contributor to Charisma Magazine, he conducts seminars on revival, hosts regional Renewing South Florida gatherings, and has been featured on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, TBN, CBN, the ElijahList, and Cornerstone TV. He is author of Breakthrough Faith, The Fire That Never Sleeps with Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick, compiler of Ask for the Rain, and co-author of Arise with Patricia King. He earned a Master of Divinity from Regent University and enjoys life in Texas with his beautiful wife and beloved daughter.
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"Build My Life" - Christian Aker, Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC

"Build My Life" - Christian Aker
Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC


Published on Jul 13, 2019

"Build My Life" - full version, Christian Aker, Antioch International Church worship team Worship team: Jesus, Jesse Enns, Elizabeth Enns, Toni Bogrt, Trista Smith, Doug Goff, Greg Donnelly, Crystal Donnelly, Matt Wyns, Tommy Lopez
Soundman: David Lopez!!! July 12, 2109 Full version - Monthly 2nd Friday of the month "Worship Night" in Fort Mill, SC. Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

"Walk With Me" in the small NC town of Belmont - Steve Martin - 2 of 2

"Walk With Me" in the small NC town of Belmont 
Steve Martin - 2 of 2