Sunday, August 11, 2019

Power of Your Love - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Power of Your Love

“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-29, NASU

Ever suddenly you hear a song that you haven’t heard in a long time, and immediately you are “back there”, reliving those great moments when it touched you?

When I again encountered this worship song on my playlist this morning, with Darlene Zschech of Hillsongs (1995) singing once again The Power of Your Love, my spirit soared. Yes! What a powerful song! 

Back then. Even now.

Immediately I experienced the love of the Lord, knowing He is near, He is in control, He is moving among the nations through His Holy Spirit, spreading what He alone does so well, the power of His love. In and through us, those who walk in His ways, who know and experience His leading through His word and His might, in the knowledge of His love. We have known, and continue to know, the power of His love.

Read these lyrics written by Geoff Bullock. Then listen to them as Darlene so powerfully sings them.

Consider what He has does in your life, once again. Let the love of the Lord be renewed in your heart today, as His will is unfolded in through you and His love surrounds you, to share with others.

Darlene Zschech - recorded live at Rhema Family Church Auditorium, Perth, Australia, 1995. with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra.

The Power of Your Love

Lord I come to You
Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace
That I've found in You

Lord I've come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love

Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side

And as I wait
I'll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love

Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love
As You live in me

Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day
By the power of Your love

Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side

And as I wait
I'll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love

(Listen repeatedly The Power of Your Love,  )

Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Geoff Bullock The Power of Your Love lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group, Music Services, Inc

Be blessed today, knowing that the love of God never ceases, never changes, never will let you down as you keep your eyes fixed on Him, the Author, and Finisher of our faith.

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2, NKJV

Now think on this and see what good things the Lord has in store for you and those around you.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

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Now Think On This #447 - in the year of our Lord 08.11.19 – “Power of Your Love” – Sunday, 4:35 am

Saturday, August 10, 2019

120-Year Cycle WARNS of the Days of Noah, Gog Magog War, JESUS Coming Soon - Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries

120-Year Cycle WARNS of the Days of Noah, 

Gog Magog War, JESUS Coming Soon - 

on Daystar TV

Published on Aug 10, 2019
🌷Daystar interview with Joni and Pastor Steve Cioccolanti covered many topics: the significance of 58, the 120-Year Cycle, the 2020 Election, God's Plan for Justice. Get "THE DIVINE CODE: A PROPHETIC ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NUMBERS, Vol 1 & 2" ✅Paperback VOLUME I - ✅Paperback VOLUME II - ✅ Kindle of VOLUME I (1 to 25) ✅ Kindle of VOLUME II (26 to 1000) 🔵ALL BOOKS ------------------------------- 🔵 LEAVE YOUR STARS & REVIEWS AT 🔔GOODREADS 🔔AMAZON: -------------------------------- 🎹 MUSIC CREDIT 🎹 Original music made exclusively for Discover Ministries by world-class composer Tom Hanke. Check him out! -------------------------------- ✝️ JOIN Discover Church Online: ▶️ STREAM videos on demand: ------------------------------- ✅ YES, I'd like to help Discover Church expand and build on the newly acquired property in Australia. Here's my gift towards the $1.5 million building campaign goal: 🔵 BTC (Bitcoin) 14Lh2uh4h18BMcZZYtVhgLsZSKtNponQYP 🌷DONATE via PayPal: 🌷DONATE via credit card: ✅ Your SUPPORT of this Christian ministry is GREATLY appreciated. (c) Steve Cioccolanti. All rights reserved.

The Global Spiritual Trend We Can't Ignore - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA NEWS

House churches are certainly not a new concept. (FatCamera/Getty Images)

The Global Spiritual Trend We Can't Ignore

Last weekend, I preached in a small but growing church in central Sri Lanka. There was no sign outside the building because it's a private residence located in a crowded neighborhood. Most of the people who came to this meeting either walked or arrived in motorized rickshaws, so no parking lot was needed. The worship team consisted of two young men playing guitars and a third guy on a box drum.
The small living room of this modest home had been transformed into a sanctuary, and the 40 or so people who came to worship sat on plastic chairs or on the stairway. I didn't need a microphone. This church doesn't use a sound system, a projection screen or fancy lighting. Yet God's presence was tangible, especially when several people stood to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The pastor of this congregation (I'll call him Siresh) works a regular job during the week—he doesn't take a salary from the church's limited income. That's fine with him because he wants to be in the marketplace all week, getting to know the community. He also regularly shares his faith when he plays cricket with a group of non-Christian guys.
Siresh doesn't expect his church to stay in a house forever. He plans to grow. But he also plans to train and release his members to start more new churches—in a Buddhist nation where churches were bombed by Muslim terrorists on Easter Sunday in April.
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Researchers say what Siresh is doing represents the future of the global church. In places like Iran, Algeria, India and China, thousands of ordinary people are starting small churches that don't fit the traditional mold. Most of them are not affiliated with recognized denominations, so it's impossible to count them. These organic church groups meet not only in homes but in coffee shops, offices, campus dorms, hotels, apartment building lobbies, front yards or under trees. And they are multiplying rapidly.
House churches are certainly not a new concept. Jesus had His first meeting with his disciples in a home (see John 1:38-39), the first Jewish believers of Christ met "house to house" (Acts 2:46) and the first Gentile church began in the house of Cornelius in Caesarea. But in recent years, missions researchers have noticed that non-traditional "disciple-making movements," or DMMs, are exploding around the world, especially in countries where Christians are persecuted.
This trend was best explained at first by David Garrison, a Southern Baptist who wrote Church Planting Movements in 1999 and A Wind in the House of Islam: How God Is Drawing Muslims Around the World to Faith in Jesus Christ in 2014. That same year, missionary strategist David Watson wrote Contagious Disciple Making. Both men did a masterful job of documenting this global church growth that is happening under the radar.
As I was worshipping with the small group of believers in Sri Lanka, I could sense that the Holy Spirit is calling the American church to study and learn from these humble foreign believers who have reclaimed a Book of Acts model. This doesn't mean our traditional churches should go away or that we all will stop meeting in church buildings. But the wind is shifting. Methods we used just 10 years ago have become embarrassingly ineffective. Our "box" may work for some people, but we need fresh strategies.
In the United States, we've developed a church model that discourages authentic New Testament discipleship. We assume that just because we have cool stage lights, huge projection screens and contemporary worship music, we are on the cutting edge of what God is doing. But the truth is we are stuck in an old-fashioned rut.
We are building monolithic, top-down structures instead of spreading the gospel outwardly in multiple directions. We are afraid to empower people to branch out into their own ministries because we need everyone to stay in their padded seats to support a system that is expensive and underperforming.
I suspect God is about to prune the Western church so we can bear more fruit. The Lord of the harvest wants His church to grow exponentially. Adopting these new methods will infuriate the religious establishment, but we can't allow status quo thinking to keep us in the box. We need new wineskins to reach our changing culture. Our brothers and sisters overseas have a lesson for us.
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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"The Brightest Lights Have Appeared During the Darkest Times" Rick Joyner - THE ELIJAH LIST

"The Brightest Lights Have Appeared During the Darkest Times"
Rick Joyner, Fort Mill, SC

August 10, 2019

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve Shultz     I highly respect Rick Joyner and his ministry. He speaks into the different mountains of influence and is rich in wisdom and revelation.

     In these seemingly dark moments in our nation, we need words like this from Rick that speak HOPE into our nation and atmosphere.

     I want you to thoroughly read through and pray into this word from Rick. Ask the Lord how YOU can be engaged in the many areas of be the light! 

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"The Brightest Lights Have Appeared During the Darkest Times"
Rick Joyner, Fort Mill, SC

When Jesus was asked about the signs of the end of the age in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, He described the general conditions that have now come upon us and gave us three things to do:
1) Stand up.
2) Look up.
3) Rejoice!
 Stand Up   
These are the three main things that we should set our hearts to do each day. We must stand up for what we believe with courage and boldness. We do this by looking up to see the One who is on the throne above all rule, authority, and dominion. If we see Him as He is and where He sits, we will rejoice knowing with certainty that His Kingdom is coming and His will is going to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This "joy of the Lord" will be our strength.

     It is our first duty to take a stand for the Lord and His truth. We must never retreat before the enemies of the Cross. We must resolve that we will not stop fighting until the entire earth and all it contains serves the Lord. He has paid the full price for it, and it is His. As soldiers of the Cross, it is our duty to stand resolutely for what belongs to our King.

     We have the strength and boldness to do this when we put our faith in Him, seeing who He is and where He sits above all authority, power, and dominion. To be those who live by seeing Him as He lived, and choose death over compromising what He paid such a price for. His truth is more precious than our temporary life in this world, and we must resolve that, regardless of the cost, we will stand for Him. We are here to preach the Good News of His coming Kingdom and to help prepare the way for His coming, building a highway that is His higher way.

Get Engaged

     Knowing these things, how can we not rejoice regardless of how dark it may look for a time? The night gets the darkest and coldest just before the sun rises. It is during this darkest time that the stars shine the brightest. Throughout history, the brightest lights have appeared during the darkest times. We are told that the darkest times of all will be at the end of this age. So, it is then that we can expect some of the brightest stars of all, the Son of God and "the morning star"—a sure testimony that the day is about to dawn, will soon appear.

     So how do we stand up as one of those lights? We get engaged. "The future belongs to those who show up."

We get engaged where the darkness is. As we are faithful in engaging in even the small things, He will give us authority over bigger matters. We get engaged attending school board meetings and county and city board meetings. We get engaged in media, education, business, sports, and entertainment.

We let our voices be heard clearly and often. We do not shrink back from confronting the darkness and resolutely standing up to it.

     We do not know how much longer the darkness will last until the Son appears, but let us resolve to embrace this opportunity to stand up for the King—to stand on His Word and to make His Gospel known even against the greatest opposition. To stand against the greatest darkness is the greatest honor we could be given.

Don't Let Go of Your Peace

     At the same time, being a light in the darkness is not just about standing against the darkness; it is also having and being the answer to the greatest problems. We must be solution-oriented people instead of just problem-oriented people. Our message is how bright the Light is, not how dark the evil is.

     As racism rages, let us resolve to be the temple of the Lord that is a house of prayer for all races. Let us search our own hearts for any prejudice and resolve that we will not judge others by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character. Let us rise far above just tolerance of those who are different and determine that we will esteem these and rejoice to know them so that we can learn things we do not understand.

     As hatred rages, let us resolve to grow in love, even the ultimate love that loves our enemies. Let us determine to hold to the truth that people are never our enemy, and that we do not war against flesh and blood, but against evil spiritual forces of wickedness that have captivated people. We are sent to set the people free. Fear is the biggest demonic inroad, or "gate of Hell." Perfect love casts out fear, so let us resolve to grow in the love that casts out the fears by which the devil has bound people.

     We are told in Romans 16:20 that "the God of peace will soon crush satan under our feet" (emphasis mine). Two major takeaways from this is that 1) He wants to do this under our feet, and 2) it is the peace of God that crushes him. Do not ever lose His peace. Peace is the result of our faith in Him—who He is and where He sits above all rule and authority and dominion.

     As we go into battle, peace is a primary weapon and our primary strategy. So let us resolve to protect it and use it to the fullest effect. In these times of rising anxiety and fear, those who walk in the peace of God will stand out as the great lights of hope that the world so desperately needs. NEVER LOSE THE PEACE OF GOD.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries


Going Again. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Going Again.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14, NKJV

In February of 2010 I made my first journey to India, with the Lufthansa flight landing in the city of Hyderabad in southeast India. Accompanied by my good friend Edgar Persad, I was to spend the next week teaching 70 pastors of the Lord’s purposes and plans for Israel, and their responsibility now as believers.

Accepting the invitation of Pastor John Ebenezer, who donned wreaths of gorgeous flowers around our necks, after we came through the airport gate (they were heavy!), our journey began in the early morning hours.

Having never been to India, the experience was much the same as the time in 2002 when my good wife Laurie and I joined the “smuggling team” of Derek Prince Ministries, carrying stowed Mandarin Chinese Bibles in carry-on bags into mainland China.

It was not so much that Edgar and I were carrying Bibles now, but with the fact that as people were also everywhere in the huge cities, as in China, we were ready to bring the Lord Jesus’ saving and lasting Word to these pastors.

One of the first things that caught my attention in this very populated nation were the street intersections. There seemed to be no working stop lights but rather a lone policeman directing traffic. He certainly had his work cut out for him. Try as he might, very few gave much attention to his waving hands. It was a bit comical, and yet scary, that the taxi drivers just held their hand on the horn and drove right on through. Including our van driver!

After 10 years since that time, I am returning again to these people in February 2020. Though I will be traveling alone this time, with two pastors' conferences on schedule, I too will have a full workload up ahead.

Pastor John Ebenezer with Indian pastors 2010

On August 9, 2019, I received this letter from Pastor John. You can see his heart for the pastors he oversees, to understand the biblical command to bless Israel and the Jews.

Dear Steve,

Shalom. I thank you so much for keeping me at your home in July, and able to share all we needed. Now I have to ask please, in regard to your upcoming trip, to bring this teaching to India church pastors about Israel and the Jewish people, and Yeshua. I want you to explain the meaning of God’s plans to the people because they don’t know much about them of Israel, at least not in a complete picture. So I feel better to encourage them to study more and learn much about Israel pray for the nation of ISRAEL each day in India. once again thank you so much shalom...

I wrote this back to him:

I certainly will, John.

I am going to start at the very beginning, with Genesis and explain God’s plan of redemption and salvation coming through the Jews, starting with Abraham (though he himself wasn’t a Jew, but was a man of faith.).

All the Hebrew patriarchs and matriarchs, prophets and apostles (except Luke) were Jews.

And Yeshua Himself, God in the flesh, was, and still is, a Jew.

Plus. I will teach on how Jews were dispersed, even to India, beginning in 70 A.D., and know how the Lord’s plan is being fulfilled prophetically, right before our eyes, in bringing them back to their Promised Land. It is known as aliyah.

And somehow, I want the pastors to “give” something to bless Israel. Doesn’t have to be money. You can think of whatever. They need to know how to bless Israel and the Jews in the natural, even as they have so given to us, Gentiles, in the supernatural, beginning with the Torah, the Word of God.

Shalom John,


About two hours later John quickly wrote back, something that he normally is not given to, considering the conditions he lives in, within his simple, village lodging in India. Having been there myself, it is very simple.

As one example, when he is in India, and not traveling throughout the USA, wi-fi, thus email can be challenging to obtain, especially out in the remote villages where we have gone and will go again.

John’s response email, as follows.

Dear Steve,

Thank you for your message which I have seen and it's very good to them and to me too, to teach others in my country, and as you know that you have visited the village Mucherla, in the district of Khammam. the state of Telangana, which is a new state. Formerly it was with the state of Andhra Pradesh. Now we’re separated as of 3 years ago. It’s close to Khammam, a city now with 3 million people. Everything we get from there. Even the hospitals and stores etc. are only in Khammam. There is no other big town nearby to me nor in all around the district.

Servant for the poor,
John Ebenezer

Address:  John Ebenezer
                 Mucherla .Post
                  Khammam Dt. TS 507182
call +91984 965 7911
       +91770 244 9757

Lighthouse Center, India Pastor John Ebenezer
"Great is Thy faithfulness, O God." "Bless the Lord, O my soul!"

Going again, back to India, was not something I had planned on. But as the Lord opens doors to go, we must hear and obey. He wants the nations to know what He is doing. We must be the ones to share it with them. All aspect of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. We must preach His Word as much as we can, while the time permits.

Now think on this and see what good things the Lord has in store for you and those around you.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On This. The sign-up form is on our ministry website:

Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

Now Think On This #446 - in the year of our Lord 08.10.19 – “Going Again” – Saturday, 4:55 am

Photos from our 2010 journey to India
and John's work in his country

We provided new garments for the pastor's wives.

 Indian pastors attending the conference.

 Pastor John praying for the pastors he oversees.

 Pastors' wife and their new garments.
 Churches being built in India
 In Muerchela's church building. This flower wrap was heavy! (Notice the strain on my face?!)

 Steve Martin sharing Scripture with the conference pastors, through the translator.

 In the city of Khammam, India 2010

 A gift from Pastor John Ebenezer

My good wife Laurie and I - wearing Indian garments a few years later.