Friday, August 16, 2019

Ex-Google Employee Alleges Hundreds of Conservative Sites Blacklisted, Delivers Evidence to DOJ - CBN News Heather Sells,Steve Warren

Ex-Google Employee Alleges Hundreds of Conservative Sites Blacklisted, Delivers Evidence to DOJ
CBN News Heather Sells,

Did the tech giant Google blacklist hundreds of conservative websites to push forward a progressive agenda? That's what a former Google employee is alleging – and he's taking his case to the Department of Justice.
Zachary Vorhies told the investigative organization Project Veritas that he has delivered close to 1,000 pages of documents from Google, his former employer, to the anti-trust division at the Justice Department. 
Vorhies says he worked at Google for eight years and that his documents show that the tech giant manipulated its algorithms so its search engine was biased against conservative and Christian media.
"The reason why I collected these documents is because I saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company," Vorhies explained. "I felt that our entire election system was going to be compromised forever by this company that told the American public that it was not going to do any evil. And I saw they were making really quick moves, not only in the documents but also in the internal speeches that the executives were giving to the company. 
"They were intending to sculpt the information landscape so that they could create their own version of what was objectively true," he said.
The Vorhies documents show the black-listed websites include prominent conservatives voices like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. They include the Daily Caller and RedState as well as Christian websites such as The Christian PostPatheosand Christian Today
As far as we know, CBN News was not blacklisted.
Just last December, the CEO of Google went before Congress and testified that the company was politically neutral. Speaking about the company's search algorithms, he said: "Our algorithms have no notion of political sentiment."
But Vorhies says the documents show otherwise. Some of the documents are available to view online.
"They're telling people they don't have any blacklists. They don't have any political ideology. They don't have any political bias," he said. "But it's really clear that they do. And if Google wants to have political bias and they want to say they've got political bias, that's their right as a company. But for them to go under oath and say that these blacklists don't exist, well, employees like me are able to search through the internal search engine of the company and see that they do is hypocritical at the least. And it's perjury at the worst." 
Vorhies told Project Veritas that he was making $260,000 a year at Google but that he stepped away because he wanted to do the right thing.
He said he's feared for his life after coming forward in recent weeks. The former Google employee told the investigative website that he has set up a "Dead Man's Switch" to release all of the information to the public in the event of his death. Vorhies said he notified Google about his plan. 
CBN News is reaching out to the Department of Justice for more information on this case.
Glenn Beck, CEO of The Blaze website appeared on Thursday's edition of CBN's Newswatch program to discuss the allegation that his company's websites are being blacklisted by Google.
Glenn Beck, CEO of The Blaze website told CBN News on Thursday he's not surprised if the blacklisting is happening. 
"This is something we've been warning about and we've been talking about for a while," Beck explained. "We know they are outwardly banning and I think it's really more than a de-personizing people."
"It's very reminiscent of China. We know that it is happening openly to people," Beck said. "And they are getting more and more subtle with their algorithms. This poses a great, great danger to our republic."
When asked about Google's CEO's testimony to Congress last year, Beck urged viewers to look at the Harvard study that was done by Professor Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter, but started to track Google and what they were doing and how they were manipulating search results.
"He said that just by changing the first five search results, you can take somebody that is undecided and you can move them into one camp or the other," Beck noted. "And he has evidence that they did that during the 2016 election, and he is ringing the warning bell as hard as he can that democracy or our republic may be on its last legs this election because of manipulation of algorithms. And just search items from Google and he has the evidence to back it up." 
Asked how his organization would respond to the alleged Google blacklisting, Beck responded, "I'm kind of to the point now to where I know what's coming. Our job is to alert people that this is happening. You don't realize you're being manipulated. And to gather all of the voices together under The Blaze and join hands and arms and support each other, because we're being run out of the public square in the cover of darkness."

Is There A Hidden Political Agenda? The Mainstream Media Is Suddenly Full Of Stories About The Coming Recession - Michael Snyder

Is There A Hidden Political Agenda? The Mainstream Media Is Suddenly Full Of Stories About The Coming Recession

All of a sudden, it seems like the mainstream media just can’t stop talking about “the coming recession”.  If you go to Google News and type in the word “recession”, you will literally get dozens of articles from the last couple of days with “recession” in the headline.  And of course it is true that there are signs of global economic trouble all around us, and I have been documenting them on my website all throughout 2019.  
So we don’t want to criticize the mainstream media when they actually decide to tell the truth, because a recession is definitely coming, but could it be possible that there is also a hidden political agenda at work?  The economy is generally regarded to be one of the bright spots for President Trump, and political operatives on the left clearly understand that a major economic downturn now would spell almost certain doom for Trump’s chances of winning the 2020 election.  
And when mainstream reporters talk about the possibility of a recession as we approach the next election, many of them almost seem gleeful as they describe how it could hurt Trump politically.  Ultimately, when things start to really get bad it is inevitable that the mainstream media will place the blame directly at the feet of Trump.  It is easy to imagine a narrative along the lines of “Trump’s handling of the economy has plunged the nation into a recession” being relentlessly pounded into the heads of American voters over the next year.  And if the end result is Trump being voted out of office, more than 90 percent of those that work for the big news companies will be just fine with that.
This week, we have seen an absolute explosion in the number of stories about the possibility of an imminent recession.  The following are just a few of the stories I came across while doing research earlier today…
Of course many of these stories were sparked by a major event that we just witnessed on Wall Street.  The following comes from Fox Business
The yield curve is blaring a recession warning.
The spread between the U.S. 2-year and 10-year yields on Wednesday turned negative for the first time since 2007. Such a development has occurred ahead of each and every U.S. recession of the last 50 years, sometimes leading by as much as 24 months.
Yes, it is possible that the yield curve could be wrong this time, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
And the economic news that is coming in from all over the world just continues to confirm that conditions are deteriorating.  On Thursday, we learned that U.S. manufacturing has slumped back into contraction territory, and earlier this week we got some really troubling news from Germany and China
Germany – Europe’s largest economy – reported that its gross domestic product, a measure of an economy’s health, went negative in the second quarter.
In China, the country’s industrial output in July hit a 17-year low, Detrick said. Retail sales and investment in real estate and other fixed assets weakened, an indication the world’s second-biggest economy is feeling pressure.
So it isn’t as if the mainstream media is being dishonest with us in this case.  Global economic activity is most definitely slowing down, and many believe that things will get much worse during the second half of this year.
And a global economic slowdown would be terrible news for the Trump campaign because their entire narrative depends on President Trump making the economy great again.  A substantial percentage of American voters are convinced that since he is a billionaire, Trump must really understand the economy very well.  And according to a CNN poll from earlier this year, the performance of the economy is one of the main reasons for his current level of support…
Right now, the main reason voters approve of Trump’s job performance is the economy. A CNN poll from late May found that 26% of those who approve of Trump’s job performance said it was mainly because of the economy. That was more than double the next most commonly given answer. Additionally, 8% said jobs/unemployment was the main reason for why they approved of Trump. Among those who disapproved, few said anything related to the economy was the main reason why they disapproved of Trump. For example, only 1% said the Trump tax cuts.
But if the U.S. economy plunges into a painful recession, the game completely changes.
For those on the left that would like to see Trump voted out in 2020, the timing of the next recession will be key.  If the next recession doesn’t begin until the second half of 2020, there may not be enough economic pain before November to swing the election in the favor of the Democratic candidate.  So what the left really needs is for a recession to begin during the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020 so that Americans are really suffering by the time election day rolls around.
I know that is a very sick way to think, but these are the sorts of conversations that these people actually have.  For example, on his own television show Bill Maher publicly stated that a recession would be “worth it” if Trump is voted out in 2020.  As we approach the next election, many on the left will be so desperate to see Trump gone that they will be willing to pay just about any price to see that happen.
And to be honest, the U.S. economy is definitely way overdue for a major downturn, and so it is only prudent to get prepared for rough times ahead.  At this point, even USA Today is providing us with “recession survival tips”…
Do you really need that bundle package from your cable provider, or to pay a gardener to mow your lawn every week? Now might be a good time to figure out what’s an essential expense, and what you can let go.
“Review the family budget to see what could be reduced or cut if there was a sudden drop in monthly income,” says Richard Fleming, a certified financial planner based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. “Be prepared to make those reductions (or) cuts as soon as it becomes necessary.”
That is actually really good advice.
Now is a time to cut costs, get out of debt and build up your emergency fund.
The coming year promises to be quite chaotic, and those that hate President Trump are likely to pull out all the stops in an all-out attempt to get him voted out in 2020.
About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared NowThe Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters. His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News. From there, his articles are republished on dozens of other prominent websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.

"The Generations Are Aligning! Press Through Your Narrow Place!" - Chuck Pierce, THE ELIJAH LIST

"The Generations Are Aligning! Press Through Your Narrow Place!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

August 15, 2019

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve Shultz     I always look forward to the prophetic words Chuck Pierce and his team they are full of revelation...for right now!

     Chuck released this word from their church's last Sunday service and believe will really encourage you.

     Here's just a piece:

      Don't rehearse your failures and mistakes. This is your time to occupy and access the vision the Lord has placed within you... Commit to go the distance – the best is yet ahead!

     Be blessed as you press through! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

     Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here.

     Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at:
     Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"The Generations Are Aligning! 
Press Through Your Narrow Place!"

Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

Dear Pressing Ones:
This is a time when we must aggressively press through the narrow place so we break through and go the distance! Sunday's service was an amazing example of the generations aligning. Not only did we have an on-fire group of youth returning from camp, but my daughter (Rebekah Faubion) and I were able to minister together on how to press out to press in to our promises.

Pressing Through!

     There comes a moment when you capture the revelation that shifts you into your future. Whereas slavery confines you to a narrow place and constricts you physically, emotionally and spiritually, there comes a time to press into your new level of fullness. And, as Rebekah said, that time is NOW! We don't want to miss the signs the Lord is providing to break us out of old cycles and illuminate the revelation that will shift us into our future.

     Don't rehearse your failures and mistakes. This is your time to occupy and access the vision the Lord has placed within you. 

This journey is about how you allow God to breakthrough in you, and not just coming through one narrow place. If you are aligned with God and respond to His voice with thanksgiving, He will help you go through narrow place after narrow place after narrow place. Commit to go the distance – the best is yet ahead!

Your Time to Come Out in the Sun!

     Here is a key prophecy that will help encourage you to keep advancing through this month of Av:

     The Lord says, "I see you in your enclosed place. I see you as you sit and attempt to heal that which needs to be healed. But this is not a time of licking and mending your wounds over and over; this is a time for you to come out into the sun. The sun will heal your wounds and burn out what is within you. Don't back up and hide again! Come out and watch Me begin to bring you into wholeness.

     "You have forgotten where you have come from. Some of you have settled yourself into where you are now but forgotten that you are from a royal priesthood. Do not confine yourself to where you are nor the bloodline that you're in, for there is a higher stream of Blood that I have given to you. The same Blood that ran down Calvary's Cross is your blood.

     "Do not submit to the bad things in your bloodline, for there is a higher Blood. Forget not where you come from, for you are My sheep and I still am the Good Shepherd! Watch Me shepherd you as we go into this new era; I will reveal Myself as the Good Shepherd.

     "Keep your eyes on Me because I am the One that's leading you. You are afraid to come out into the sun because in the light you are exposed. You fear what others may see or say when you step into the light. However, they do not see what I see. I am not about what is exposed in the sun, but the shining that's coming from inside of you! What I have placed inside of you is going to radiate beyond what is seen and what is exposed, and is what will lead you into the new.'

     "Like the three Hebrews in Babylon's raging fire, this is a time when you will feel the intensity of the heat. However, this will not consume you but prepare you to hold on to My promises. The fire I have set within you will overcome the fire in the earth realm.

     "My consuming fire is coming to those things the enemy set you in, to overtake you. My spotlight is on you. You are to radiate and cause the light I put on you to cause the darkness around you to separate and dispel. My light is on you, and you cause the darkness around you to separate and dispel." (Prophetic words spoken by: Acijam Otxoa, Chuck D. Pierce, Keevy Phillips, Kendrick Lewis, and Robyn Vincent.)

Chuck D. Pierce and Team
Glory of Zion International Ministries


Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshiping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 

Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America - Steve Strang

Strang Report, with Steve Strang
August 14, 2019
The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America

(Getty Images/iStock/Ron and Patty Thomas)
The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and evil in high places (Eph. 6:12). This verse perfectly describes what is happening in our nation right now. While people fixate on the political battle, they are often oblivious to the spiritual war right in front of them.

Our country is incredibly divided right now because of that war. That division is between good and evil. (I talk more in depth about these issues in my podcast today, which you can listen to by clicking here or clicking on the podcast icon in this article.)

That divide between God's way and the enemy's way seems to be deepening at an accelerated rate. Some people nowadays want to push Judeo-Christian values out of the public sphere entirely. Because of that, Christians have found a new comrade in arms in the Jewish community. For instance, Dennis Prager is a committed Orthodox Jew but also a strong supporter of evangelical Christians. I interviewed Prager for my upcoming book, which is scheduled to release next year.

David Horowitz and Mark Levin are also committed Jews who have a deep respect for Judeo-Christian values. Horowitz wrote a book called The Dark Agenda in which he exposes the left's radical agenda to rid America of Christianity forever. And Levin, a conservative radio personality, often speaks up about the danger we are in as a nation.

But the danger goes deeper than just losing our constitutional rights. Even if that were to happen, the Bible would remain true, and the Christian community would still survive. But we would not have the same freedoms we do now. In fact, we would likely face strong persecution.

Christians received a small taste of that discrimination when the Obama administration tried to punish Hobby Lobby with Obamacare. The government tried to force the Christian company to provide its employees health ... read more 

The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America
The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America
13 Minutes - August 13th 2019
While people fixate on the political battle, they are oblivious to the spiritual war right in front of them. Host Stephen Strang explains how our country is incredibly divided right now because of the spiritual division between good and evil. Listen to hear why now is the time for believers to stand up.
Strang Report podcast
Strang Report podcastHot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and International politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach. Join host Steve Strang, founding editor and publisher of Charisma magazine, as he discusses these topics and challenges you to know what Christians are experiencing nationally and globally. Listen now
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Joshua Aaron - Israel Virtual Tour Episode 9 Music House - Aliyah Return Center, Chaim Malespin

Chaim Malespin and Joshua Aaron

Joshua Aaron - Israel Virtual Tour Episode 9 Music House - 
Aliyah Return Center, Chaim Malespin

Chaim Malespin and Joshua Aaron at the Aliyah Return Center near Tiberias, Israel

Premiered Mar 31, 2019
Virtual 📽Holy Land Tour episode 9 featuring a special visit to the Aliyah Return Center with Chaim Malespin and music by Aaron Shust. Seats now available for Joshua's 11th annual Israel Holy Land tour (Sept 15 - 26, 2019) at The Aliyah Return Center