Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Why is Chanukah So Unique? (it’s not what you think…)

Why is Chanukah So Unique? (it’s not what you think…)

By Rabbi Ari Enkin, rabbinic director, United with Israel

Is Chanukah unique because we eat latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiot(jelly donuts) and play with dreidels (spinning tops)? The real uniqueness is our victory celebration over an enemy that didn’t actually want to kill us!

The story of Chanukah takes place during the Second Temple period (approx. 200 BCE), when the Syrian-Greeks occupied the Land of Israel. In contrast to most enemies of the Jewish people, the Syrian-Greeks essentially had no interest in murdering Jews. Rather, they wanted the Jewish people to adopt the Greek religion and way of life.

I guess you could say that the Syrian-Greeks desired death by assimilation for the Jewish people. Jewish practice was officially against the law. Torah study, circumcision and even resting on the Sabbath were all punishable by death.

As the saying goes with regards to all Jewish holidays, “They tried to kill us. We won. Let’s eat!” Chanukah is no different. The primary victory was apparently the military victory of the small Jewish army, known as the Maccabees, over the huge and well-armed army of the Syrian-Greeks. When the battle was over, the Maccabees made their way to the Temple Mount (as did the “Maccabees” of theSix Day War). What they found, however, was a desecrated and defiled sanctuary.

In order to formally rededicate the Temple, the Maccabees had to light the Menorah. But to do so, they had to overcome another obstacle: They had to find pure olive oil that had been certified by a High Priest. And in what was yet another miracle, they did! They managed to find a single flask of certified oil!

On to the next miracle: The small flask of oil that contained enough oil to burn for only one day burned for eight days! The eight-day holiday of Chanukah was born!
The Only Miracle that Must be Publicized

In order to commemorate these miracles, Jews light the menorah, often called a chanukiya, on each night of Chanukah and recite the accompanying blessings. These menorahs are generally lit at the entrances of the home or at a window that faces the public thoroughfare in order to better publicize the miracles of Chanukah. Indeed, with minor exception, the miracle of Chanukah is the only miracle that we are obligated to publicize! It is commendable to remain alongside the candles for at least 30 minutes after lighting, studying Torah, singing songs and talking about the Chanukah story. Gifts are often given to children at this time.

A Deeper Understanding

Let’s take a deeper look into the miracle of Chanukah. What was it about the events of Chanukah that inspired our sages to institute a holiday in its honor? The answer is that Chanukah is different from all other holidays. It is the only holiday that truly commemorates a spiritual victory, not a physical one. If the Syrian Greeks would have simply demanded that the Jewish people paint their homes pink with blue polka-dots, that would have have been one thing. But to demand that the Jewish people dispose with their Torah and religion was truly another!

A flame flickers and rises, representing the soul of Man.

The oil that was miraculously found and then burned for eight days was nothing less than a Divine wink that a battle for religious freedom is a battle that’s worth it. Many things in life, most things in fact, are not worth fighting for. In most of life’s battles we should usually compromise for the sake of keeping the peace. But when it comes to tradition, especially Torah tradition, compromise and concessions are not an option.

Chanukah is indeed different. They did not try to kill us, they tried to assimilate us. And the Maccabees would have none of it.

The fact that a flame was the center of attention makes Chanukah the spiritual holiday that it is. This is because a flame flickers and rises, which represents the soul of all mankind that ‘flickers’ in its desire to rise higher and get closer to God.

Presents, sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) and latkes (potato pancakes) are nice traditions, but don’t let the eight days of Chanukah slip by without recognizing them for the spiritual focus and victory that they are! Yes, and publicize it!

Chanukah begins this year on Tuesday night, December 16. Chag Sameach!


Hanukkah begins sundown on Dec. 16, 2014 and ends sundown Dec. 24, 2014.

"Positioning Yourself: We're in a Season of Great Acceleration" Katherine Ruonala

"Positioning Yourself: 
We're in a Season 
of Great Acceleration"
Katherine Ruonala, Brisbane, Australia
The Elijah List

We are coming into a season of great acceleration, and so much is happening that we need to be fully aware and fully awake to recognize and partner properly with this glorious season. What is happening now could be likened to the 1970s and the Jesus People Movement. During that season of acceleration and revival when so many were saved, the rain fell on the wheat and the tares, and just as the Church rapidly grew and the Good News spread, many cults and false teachings also were spawned.

So how do we prepare for such a season?

The Word of God is our anchor and with it the Holy Spirit will guide us through this glorious time. We need to read whole books of the Bible all the way through, not just the verses that we know and like. The book of Jude was written when the rapidly growing Christian Church was dealing with a lot of distractions: false teaching, divisive words, complaining, and more.

So Jude says, "But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life" (Jude 1:20-21). 
These are keys to keep us on the right course.

What Does It Mean to Keep Yourself in the Love of God?

It certainly can't mean that His love is still undecided about you so you'd better not lose it. His love doesn't change toward you. It is intense and powerful. Regardless of what you've done or how you feel about Him, He still loves you just the same. He loves you completely. He always has, and He always will. There is nothing any of us can do to earn it or to forfeit it. So to keep yourself in His love can't mean to maintain His love and make sure you don't lose it.

No, Jude is talking about positioning yourself to receive God's love—to experience it at a practical level. There's a war going on for your attention. God wants to see your face—to see your eyes gazing at Him, to lift your countenance, to make you shine, to fill you up with love so you can give His love to the "unlovely" of this world. 

He wants you to be completely absorbed in Him so you can come into union with Him and walk in the power of the Holy Ghost, loving and forgiving and being a catalyst for signs and wonders. (Photo via flickr)

When you overflow with His love, miracles begin to happen all around you. But the enemy is always trying to distract you and redirect your focus to all kinds of hassles and problems. He wants to fill your mind and heart with disturbing thoughts and feelings. 

He wants to get your attention and turn your face toward anything or anyone else but God. He wants to see you frown, get discouraged, and approach life with fear, the opposite of faith. Not only will this keep you from experiencing intimacy with God, it will also keep you from doing the works of Heaven.

So to keep yourself in the love of God is to deliberately position yourself where you can keep your focus on God and receive the love He wants to show you. 

And you really do have to be very deliberate about it because the distractions can be very persistent and intense. Time is the new money, and in this world of email, Facebook, Twitter, and mobile phones, it is easily spent.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Alone Time With Him

I need time alone with God to drink in His love and allow Him to restore my soul more than I need anything else. I need much more than just one focused time alone with Him a day. His love is my life source, and I want to live overflowing with His love. Faith works by love, and God is love, so it is in His love that we are to live and move and have our being.

To do that, we must learn to drink deeply, deliberately, and continuously from the river of His pleasure that flows with love for us. And we need more than just a sip, because God wants us to thrive, not just survive. We have the privilege of being infused with supernatural strength and joy, so drink deeply! (Photo via pixabay)

As Jude's instruction implies, there's a link between praying in the Holy Spirit, building ourselves up in faith, and keeping ourselves in the love of God. As we pray in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit enlarges our capacity to receive love and strengthens us so we can supernaturally comprehend it. He prays through us with power, cutting through clouds of confusion that the enemy tries to blind us with.

As we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit prays through us and for us about things that are not naturally seen, going before us and making our path straight. He knows what we need to pray about and helps us in our weakness with perfect intercession. He unfolds mysteries to us. Revelation is downloaded into our hearts and the gifts are stirred up.

It is time to be praying in the Spirit, fellowshipping with God in his Word and seeking His face. That way we'll be ready for this next wave of glory!

Katherine Ruonala
Glory City Church

Katherine Ruonala has a prophetic and healing ministry and travels internationally as a conference speaker bringing a message of love and hope to the nations. Katherine carries a strong prophetic and miracle anointing with many being instantly healed in her meetings. Katherine and Tom Ruonala are the founders and Senior Ministers of Glory City Church Brisbane and oversee the International Glory City Church planting network which has a growing number of churches both in the US and in Australia. Katherine is the founder and coordinator of the Australian Prophetic Council and serves on the Apostolic team of Harvest International Ministries. Katherine is author of the book "Living in the Miraculous: How God's Love is Expressed Through the Supernatural". Katherine and Tom have three beautiful children, Jessica, Emily and Joseph.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

Steve Shultz

From the desk of Steve Shultz:

Here is another confirming word about the "season of acceleration" that is upon us. Some great prophets are coming out of Australia, and one I've recently gotten to know is Katherine Ruonala. She's not new to the prophetic word but new to our Elijah List readers.

Katherine's article leads with this:
We are coming into a season of great acceleration, and so much is happening that we need to be fully aware and fully awake to recognize and partner properly with this glorious season. What is happening now could be likened to the 1970s and the Jesus People Movement. During that season of acceleration and revival when so many were saved, the rain fell on the wheat and the tares, and just as the Church rapidly grew and the Good News spread, many cults and false teachings also were spawned.
So how do we prepare for such a season?

Read about this and more in Katherine's latest word.


Note from Steve: By the way, to have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE.

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 


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Former AP Reporter Exposes Anti-Israel Media Bias

Former AP Reporter Exposes Anti-Israel Media Bias

Associated Press photo

JERUSALEM, Israel -- During the summer of 2014, Israel and Hamas fought for 50 days. Reporters from all over the globe covered the fighting, often filling their stories with conflicting information and questionable reporting.
After the war, former Associated Press reporter Matti Friedman wrote an article entitled "An Insider's Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth."
"I decided at the end of the summer to write an essay looking at what has gone wrong through the lens of my own experiences," Friedman told CBN News. 

For seven years, Friedman reported for the Associated Press, a giant news organization that provides information to many other media outlets worldwide. He says the AP and the mainstream press suffer from two malfunctions. One, Israel gets a disproportionate amount of coverage and two, the press has taken sides.
"The mainstream press corps here [in Israel] has largely adopted an advocacy role. They've decided to play a political role in the conflict," he explained. "They've decided to lobby for the side that they think is right and political decisions are disguised as journalistic decisions."

Friedman says Hamas took advantage of the bias.     

"Hamas has a very smart strategy, a ruthless strategy but it is highly effective," he said.
"Their strategy is to terrorize Israeli civilians using rockets, provoke an Israeli response," Friedman explained. "Put civilians in Gaza in between the Israelis and Hamas fighters by storing weapons, by storing rockets in basements and basements of mosques and schools -- and we've seen all this documented this summer -- and then having the huge international media contingent in Gaza film the civilian casualties and not the armed men and use those pictures to spark outrage against Israel abroad."
"And that will prevent Israel from acting to the full extent," he concluded. "That's the strategy that any intelligent person can see it and yet it's not covered like that."

The Associated Press refuted Friedman's claim, issuing a statement that read in part: "His arguments have been filled with distortions, half-truths and inaccuracies, both about the recent Gaza war and more distant events. His suggestion of AP bias against Israel is false."

The AP denies Friedman's claim that it and other media outlets ignored or under-reported on Hamas firing from mosques, schools and U.N. facilities.
Friedman maintains the world is getting a skewed version of what's actually happening here in Israel.
"The story is -- if you read between the lines and through the lines of the stories themselves -- is that Israel is faced with a clear moral choice and is making the wrong choice.  Israel could have peace but it chooses war. That story is false. But everything is done to maintain it. Even in the face of contradictory evidence."

Fast-Growing Hispanic Evangelical Population Steps Up Support for Israel

Fast-Growing Hispanic Evangelical Population Steps Up Support for Israel

“I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)
Against the backdrop of growing threats facing Israel at home and abroad, one of the fastest-growing ethnoreligious segments in the U.S. is stepping up its support for the Jewish state.
At the forefront of the interests of America’s Hispanic Evangelical Christian population is the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC)/Conela. Claiming to represent more than 100 million Hispanic Evangelicals in the U.S., NHCLC/Conela is now beginning to wield its considerable influence for the purpose of standing up for Israel.
NHCLC—which earlier merged with Conela, a Latin American organization that serves more than 500,000 Latin churches across the world—states that its vision is to “exercise prophetic leadership by reconciling the vertical and horizontal planes of the Christian message, sanctification with service, conviction with compassion, the image of God with the habits of Christ, holiness and humility, John 3:16 and Matthew 25, and the prophetic with the practical.”
The organization adds that it is looking to “enrich the narrative of American Evangelicalism by replacing the media exacerbated image of angry white evangelicals who oppose everything to a convicted yet compassionate multi-ethnic kingdom culture community committed to sharing truth with love.”
“We seek to combine the message of Rev. Bill Graham of salvation with that of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s march of prophetic activism,” Rev. Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, president of NHCLC/Conela, told JNS.org.
“That being said, our commitment to the Jewish people and Israel is also without compromise.” he said.
According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, Hispanics are one of the fastest-growing segments of the Evangelical Christian population, with 16 percent of American Hispanics identifying as Evangelical in 2013, up from 12 percent in 2010. Similar trends have developed in Latin America, where Protestants now make up 19 percent of the population, with 69 percent of them belonging to Evangelical churches.
These “Evangelicos” have an above-average enthusiasm for their faith. They display this fervor by attending church services, praying more, and strongly adhering to moral teachings, according to Pew. This Hispanic Evangelical surge has come at the expense of Roman Catholicism, which traditionally has been the faith of the vast majority of Hispanics and has historically shaped their outlook.
As the leader of one of the largest Hispanic organizations in the U.S., Rev. Rodriguez has spoken at the White House and frequently consults with federal legislators from both parties on such issues as social justice, the Latino community, and values.
Support for Israel has become a key aspect of the mission of many Evangelical Christian organizations, as is the case for the Evangelical movement as a whole. While Rodriguez said that most Hispanic Evangelicals are “absolutely committed to Israel,” he is concerned about the surge in anti-Semitism in the Latino world, especially among the younger generation.
While Latin America is home to many large and prosperous Jewish communities, most anti-Semitism in the region comes from the traditional sources based on prejudices inherited from Europe, especially from the Spanish Inquisition, as well as modern anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist rhetoric promoted by far-left elements like former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.
The Israel Bible: The Ultimate Way to Connect with the Land of Israel
Rodriguez said the mainstream media’s portrayal of Israel is one of the main culprits behind opposition to Israel among the younger demographic, especially in light of the recent summer war in Gaza—which sparked upsurge in anti-Israel and anti-Semitic attacks around the world, including in Latin America.
“Many Latinos have in essence absorbed the mainstream media message that Israel is an aggressive, antagonistic force in the Middle East, where Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are suffering at the hands of Israel,” said Rodriguez.
“Most Hispanics want to do justice and they want to align themselves with those who are marginalized and suffering. So they see the Palestinian community as suffering at the hands of the Israeli government,” he said.
In order to combat this, Rodriguez has formulated a two-pronged approach.
“My job is to convince young Latino people that supporting Israel actually works for the good of all in the Middle East,” he said. “First by affirming the nearly 150 million Latino Evangelicals across the world in their commitment to Israel, then by elevating what we currently have in our community to teach about Israel to the wider Latino community.”
In order to spread this message, Rodriguez said it is important to “speak the truth about Israel” in order to counter the lies being spread about the Jewish state in the mainstream media.
“Israel is the sole democracy in that part of the world and a safeguard for religious pluralism. … When I go to Israel I meet with Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders. Israel is not persecuting Christians and Muslims. Israel is providing a space under democracy for religious pluralism to serve as an antidote against secular or even religious totalitarianism. Israel is not the problem, Israel is the solution,” he said.
NHCLC/Conela recently formed a partnership with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), one of the largest Christian Zionist organizations in the world. Since 1980, ICEJ has hosted the annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem to coincide with the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. This year, the event drew more than 5,000 Christians from 80 countries.
Rodriguez sees the partnership with ICEJ and the Feast of Tabernacles as a rallying point for Hispanic Evangelicals to come to Israel every year and experience the country.
“The Evangelical movement has experienced tremendous growth in the Latino world over recent decades and it is exciting to see their support and enthusiasm for Israel,” ICEJ Executive Director Dr. Juergen Buehler told JNS.org.
“It is an indigenous expression of solidarity based on solid biblical grounds, and we are thrilled that our annual Feast of Tabernacles will be a channel for these Hispanic Christians to convey their love and concern directly to the Israeli people,” added Buehler.
In light of the recent surge of Palestinian terrorism and rioting in Jerusalem and across Israel, Rodriguez said that Israel and Jews can count on the support of Hispanic Evangelicals.
“My message to Israel and the Jewish people is that there is a Hispanic Christian community emerging that will not abandon Israel or the Jewish people,” he said. “We will build a firewall against anti-Semitism, and we will do that with integrity and compassion.”

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/25454/fast-growing-hispanic-evangelical-population-steps-support-israel/#7HQVXsguuipULGKL.99

Happy Hanukkah!

Tonight Starts Hanukkah! ✡ "In the Days of Matityahu"

In the days of Matityahu, the son of Yochanan the High Priest, the Hasmonean and his sons…  You delivered the mighty into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous.


בִּימֵי מַתִּתְיָהוּ בֶן יוֹחָנָן כֹּהֵן גָּדוֹל חַשְׁמוֹנָאִי וּבָנָיו ... מָסַרְתָּ גִבּוֹרִים בְּיַד חַלָּשִׁים וְרַבִּים בְּיַד מְעַטִּים וּטְמֵאִים בְּיַד טְהוֹרִים וּרְשָׁעִים בְּיַד צַדִּיקִים

תפילה של חנוכה

bee-may ma-tit-ya-hu ben yo-kha-nan ko-hayn ga-dol khash-mo-na-ee u-va-nav ... ma-sar-ta gi-bo-reem b'-yad kha-la-sheem v'-ra-beem b'-yad m'-a-teem u-t'-may-eem b'-yad t'-ho-reem u-r'-sha-eem b'-yad tza-dee-keem

Today's Israel Inspiration

Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah when Jews all over the world begin 8 days of celebrating God’s miracles during the Temple times, including the miraculous victory of a small Jewish army over the mighty Seleucid Greeks. One wonders why must we always be the few facing the many? We see in the Bible an earlier occasion when God stated, “You have too many troops with you for me to deliver Midian into their hands; Israel may claim for themselves the glory due to Me, thinking “Our own hand has brought us this victory.” (Judges 7:2). Defeating enemies far greater in size strengthens our faith and removes any doubt as to the cause of our triumph. This Hanukkah, young Israeli soldiers will be hard at work protecting the nation so that others can enjoy the festival.

Jumpin' Jerusalem for Hanukkah

A fun and informative video to learn all about the customs of Hanukkah. You'll even find out the one key difference between Israeli dreidels (Hanukkah spinning tops) and those played in the rest of the world.

Staunch Support of Israel

Against the backdrop of growing threats facing Israel at home and abroad, one of the fastest-growing populations in the U.S. is stepping up its support for the Jewish state.

Get Your Very Own Menorah - 25% Off!

Bring the light of Hanukkah into your home with this elegant pewter Menorah. With its rounded, smooth branches, it makes a gorgeous and meaningful gift from the Holy Land. Expedited Shipping to the U.S.

Israel Photo Trivia

IDF Soldiers enjoy a sweet Hanukkah tradition of jelly donuts, called "sufganiyot" in Hebrew. Do you know why we eat these oily treats on the festival?Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Victor Koros from Brooklyn, New York. Toda Raba!

“It Puts a Smile on My Face”

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Thank you for all you do for Israel. Your photos and videos are just so wonderful...  connecting people to Israel that have never been there, but lovesick for Israel. Annie

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'Holy Spirit' Director Darren Wilson on Why You Should Go See Exodus

'Holy Spirit' Director Darren Wilson on Why You Should Go See Exodus

Joel Edgerton in
Joel Edgerton in "Exodus: Gods and Kings" (Courtesy/YouTube)

I saw the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings this weekend, and if nothing else, it certainly made me think. In fact, I spent the entire time driving home in prayer, because the film, if nothing else, will challenge you.
First thing's first, in my opinion, you should definitely see this movie in the theater. Why? Because it's one of the most massive films I've seen in a good, long while. The scale of the thing is simply enormous, and one of the things I enjoyed about it was finally being able to see that time period and this important biblical event played out in all of its 140 million-dollar budget glory.
Of course, the thing most Christians want to know going into this is probably, how did they change the story, and how did they portray God and Moses? Well, they certainly changed the story a bit, and they definitely screwed up the portrayal of God and Moses.
I find it interesting how the directors of these big-­budget biblical films are, for the most part, atheists. Knowing creative people, I am certain they are not low on ideas for films to make, so why decide to make a film about a Bible story at all, if you don't believe the Bible is anything but a series of ancient writings and hocus pocus? If pressed, I think they might say that there was something inherent in the story, as a human story, that appealed to them.
This is made clear early on in Exodus, when Christian Bale's Moses tells his wife and son that, basically, the only thing you should really believe in is yourself. Having taught creativity for over a decade, I can say with certainty that all artists reveal their true beliefs in their work, no matter how much they may try to remain neutral. In a film like Exodus, which is essentially about God and men, it's only natural that director Ridley Scott's true beliefs about God will be made apparent.
As was the case with Noah, I don't have much of a problem with some of the creative licenses Scott took with the story itself. OK, the plagues happen in rapid succession, most have a seemingly natural explanation, and Moses only talks to Pharaoh twice in all that time. It's not how the Bible tells it, but I get that the story needs to keep moving, and in the end, it's still very apparent that this is all God's doing.
Hey Ridley, you want to play up the Moses/Ramses relationship? You want to make Ramses more of a short-sighted weakling than a hard­-hearted tyrant? You want to ignore the fact that Moses was less the rebel warrior and much more the cowardly lion? All fine. You're adapting a story, and things have to change. Again, as a screenwriter and a filmmaker, I get it. The problem with this film is ultimately the same problem Noah had: The people making this film don't know who God really is, and therefore God looks like the reason you say you don't believe.
When I first heard Scott was going to use an 11-year-­old boy as the representation of God in Exodus, I wasn't too concerned. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. After all, you certainly don't want to make God some invisible voice—film is a visual medium so we need something to look at. But once I saw it and saw the effect it had in conveying who God is, I realized that this decision was either a conscious shot at the God I love, or it was an unintentionally bad decision. Either way, this, I think, will be the problem most Christians will have with this movie.
Casting God as a child inherently turns God into a child. And when He rails away at Moses (who, by the way, comes across as the compassionate one in the film—just like Noah was) God is characterized as a petulant child who just wants His way. Now, when you read the biblical text, I can see how one might view God in this way based on the raw story. God is sick and tired of His chosen people being tortured as slaves, and He's going to show these Egyptians what a real God looks like while at the same time freeing His kids.
And because God decides to flex His muscles a bit, a lot of people suffer and die. If you simply take that at face value, of course you're going to think God is a borderline lunatic with a (cough) messiah complex. But you cannot understand any story in the Bible outside the context of the rest of the Bible, as well as taking into account the enormous cultural differences between 1300 B.C. and 2014 A.D. When you read the rest of the Bible, and indeed even the rest of the Exodus story, you find a God who has emotions, is hurt by His own children, but is also overwhelmingly patient and loving. He's not a schizophrenic, or "mercurial" (in other words, moody) as Christian Bale characterized him in an interview.
With Exodus, we're left, ultimately, with a flawed God who is far less compassionate than His chosen instrument, Moses. I guess it could have been worse. At least in the film God is real, however flawed, heartless and stubborn as He's portrayed. Thankfully, this isn't the true God of the Bible, the true God whom I love and is my friend, and who I trust with everything that I am.
Looking at the many reviews for Exodus, from Christians and non-Christians alike, I certainly have to agree with the majority. Exodus: Gods and Kings is an enormous, beautiful, ambitious, yet fundamentally flawed film.
Darren Wilson is the founder of Wanderlust Productions and the creator of various films, including Finger of God, Furious Love, and Father of Lights. Darren's new book,Finding God in the Bible, is available in stores everywhere. Visit his website at wpfilm.com 

Monday, December 15, 2014

God Adores the Heart of a Praying Mother

God Adores the Heart of a Praying Mother

God loves the heart of a praying mother.
God loves the heart of a praying mother. (Lightstock)

Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
In the Bible, God cannot resist the prayers of a godly woman, and a godly woman cannot resist communicating with God.
Based upon more than three decades of full-time ministry, I have pondered why it seems a woman can touch the heart of God, move the hand of God, change the mind of God and attract the favor of God, it seems, faster than most men. In part, I believe, it is because men often pray once and move on, accepting whatever happens as God's will, while a woman will pray unceasingly until the breakthrough manifests.
Even in the life of Christ, one consideration worthy of discussion is this: Christ had an earthly mother but not an earthly father. His emotional connection was with His mother and His spiritual connection was with His heavenly Father.
Mary was the earthly vessel chosen to carry the physical body of the living Son of God. Mary raised Christ of Nazareth, becoming concerned about Him at age 12 when He was missing from the caravan departing from Jerusalem and found debating in the temple (Luke 2:42-52). Mary heard and saw things that she kept hidden in her heart (v. 51). Eighteen years later when Christ began his public ministry, it was His mother who inspired Him to perform His first miracle—turning water into wine, when she instructed the servants, "Whatever He [Jesus] says to you, do it" (John 2:5). It was His mother who faithfully followed His ministry, along with other women named Mary, and like any caring mother who loves her son, she was with Him at the foot of the cross during His final moments on earth.
During the six hours of Christ's intense and unbearable suffering, He looked down and saw Mary standing beside His beloved disciple, John (John 19:25-27).
Perhaps at this moment, with the agony Mary felt she recalled the personal prophecy, she received from an old rabbi at the temple shortly after Christ's birth. More than 33 years prior in Jerusalem, a few hundred yards from where she was now standing, Rabbi Simeon saw the infant Christ and told Mary that a sword will pierce through her own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed (Luke 2:35).
Christ saw His mother, a woman of flesh and blood who had given Him life, raised Him and followed His ministry, now watching the drama of the ages unfold as scene one of the redemption story was being written in His blood. Christ saw the broken heart of His mother as John led her away just before He breathed His last. Christ loves mothers and is drawn to their tears, words and prayers. After all, He lived in the house, ate her cooking, saw her clean His clothes and His room and knew she was blessed above all women.
Mary is called the wife of Joseph and when speaking of Christ she is called "His mother" eight times in Matthew (Matt. 1:18; 2:11; 13-14; 20-21; 12:46; 13:55).
Christ's Father was heavenlybut His mother was earthly and His first miracle was motivated by His mother's instructions (see John 2:4-5). When Mary approached Christ for help, He said. "My hour [to perform miracles] has not yet come. Without responding to Him, Mary turned to the servants and said, "Whatever He says to you, do it" (John 2:4-5).
At that moment Mary gave the mission statement for Christ's entire ministry. What God tells you to dojust do it. There is a certain authority that is released when a mother turns her attention to Christ and begins to speak a word that will alter the present situation and create a miracle for the future.
The spiritual authority behind the Word of God and the name of Jesus becomes the two weapons of war in any spiritual battle. In the New Testament believers are promised both power (Acts 1:8) and authority (Luke 10:19). The power promised to believers when we receive the Holy Spirit is transferable through prayer and the laying on of hands (Acts 6:6; 8:18; 13:3; 1 Tim. 4:14). Authority, however, is released by your words.
This same type of authority can be released through your prayers, when you understand you are a member of the greatest kingdom in the universe and have been given authority over all the powers of the enemy! As Rahab's act of faith—a scarlet thread in a window—forged a family legacy of protection and destiny, you can do the same with yours.
Adapted from Scarlet Threads by Perry Stone, copyright 2014, published by Charisma House. This book shows you the undeniable power of praying women and contains specific prayers and examples to help you access your own spiritual authority to break Satan's stronghold over your bloodline, pray your lost children back home, and call in their destinies in God. Click here order your copy.
Prayer Power for the Week of Dec. 15, 2014
This week recognize the authority the Lord has given you as a child of God and use the two weapons at your disposal when you pray. Continue to pray for the expansion of God's kingdom on earth and for revival to ignite in our own nation. Pray that God will use the outreach of many churches and ministries to win the lost during this season. Ask the Lord to show you how you can be most effective during this time. Remember our military and their families, those persecuted for their faith in Christ, and pray that our government and spiritual leaders will seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance. Continue to pray for Israel and surrounding territories during this season of celebration and tourism (John 3:16; Acts 1:8; Luke 10:19; John 2:4-5).
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