Thursday, September 3, 2015

'NYT' Best-Selling Author Mark Levin Has Strong Warning for America

'NYT' Best-Selling Author Mark Levin Has Strong Warning for America

In Plunder and Deceit, he issues a strong, clear warning for America, taking direct aim at what he sees at the threat posed by a growing, powerful federal government.
In 'Plunder and Deceit,' Mark Levin issues a strong, clear warning for America, taking direct aim at what he sees at the threat posed by a growing, powerful federal government. (Reuters)
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Mark Levin has done it again. The popular radio show host has hit No. 1 on the New York Times best-selling list with his new book, Plunder and Deceit.
CBN's David Brody recently spoke with Levin for a closer look at his latest message to the masses.
Levin's Warning to America
On the radio, Levin pulls no punches with his millions of listeners. And as an author, he's fighting mad too.
In Plunder and Deceit, he issues a strong, clear warning for America, taking direct aim at what he sees at the threat posed by a growing, powerful federal government.
"It's transitioning into something more oppressive, more coercive and it's transitioning into something that is not constitutional," Levin said.
Levin said it's the next generation that will be in the crosshairs. That's the focus of the book: a clinical factual dissection of how liberal federal government policies—be they social, environmental or economic —are ruining the future.
"Future generations don't vote. They don't exist yet so they keep stealing from them," he charged. "They keep robbing from them, which means they are going to have limited liberty; they're going to have limited opportunity, limited wealth creation and we're spending it all today."
"This is something really unbelievable, that we are stealing from unborn babies, Lord knows how far into the future, their future," he said.
Social Security Crisis
Just one of Levin's examples of the dangers America and the next generation face: Social Security.
The long-time entitlement program needs structural changes to survive, and while solutions to change it have been around for years, nothing is being done.
Not only that—Levin also lays out the case that Social Security is already technically bankrupt.
"I don't even think people who receive these benefits know what's going on," Levin said. "Many of them don't know that the money doesn't exist."
"All that money that they paid into the system, there is no system," he continued. "That money was taken and spent the second it was taken on other government projects, on other government programs."
Call to Action
So where does this leave the next generation? What can be done?
"How do you get younger Americans, the next generation involved in these issues and to take notice of what's going on in this country?" Brody asked Levin.
"One at a time," he replied. "There are millions and millions of parents and grandparents who know exactly what I'm talking about and they're worried about what's going on in this country."
"They know like I know intuitively and through intellect that the country is headed in a very bad place and it's moving there very, very quickly," he warned.
Levin sees Plunder and Deceit as a pamphlet to equip communities with facts they will hopefully share with others in a variety of settings.
"In the home, during the holidays, at the dinner table, at the breakfast table, when you are putting your kids to bed—those are the circumstances," he said. "We as parents and grandparents have more influence on our children and grandchildren than we can possibly know."
Levin believes change won't come from Washington. Just like in Revolutionary War days, change comes from "we the people" because he believes ideas stir up action—and lead to consequences.
"I think tens of millions of us are extremely concerned about where this country is going," Levin told CBN News. "Maybe we are in the majority; maybe we're not—I don't know—but there are tens of millions of us and that's a big army of people."
"If thousands of us —not even millions of us, let alone tens of millions of us—really take this seriously, you don't know where we can go with this because in this great country there are many great people who will do many great things," he said.
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STANDING FOR TRUTH IN A WORLD OF DECEPTION - Now Think On This – Book 4 Here are more encouraging messages written by Steve Martin for the Love For His People and Now Think On This blogs. They cover a variety of topics to encourage you, believers in Jesus, to stand strong in your daily walk, firmly committed for His plans and purposes in our nations. As the Lord would give Steve a word or two in his spirit, he would begin to write. With a prophetic and inspirational edge, these messages will be an encouragement to you to stand clear in your faith, fulfill the call on your life, and be a light to the nations, beginning within your own family and to those around you. These simple words are meant to be an addition to your daily Bible reading and prayer time. While the days growing darker, each of us must be built up in the faith of our forefathers and the Jewish writers of the Written Word, as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. We must stand strong for truth in this world of deception which increasingly surrounds us.

About the Author

Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2010, all having a national 
and international outreach focus. During that time he made 14 ministry trips to Israel, 
China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. On his overseas journeys 
Steve enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home, 
through Internet media. His easy reading stories gave an up close and personal touch 
for those reading along. 

In 2010, Steve and his wife Laurie began Love For His People, Inc, 
a 501©3 non-profit humanitarian aid ministry. This work touches the natural and 
spiritual lives of those in Israel, India, Pakistan, the United States and more, with 
needed encouragement and strength. His regular messages of Now Think On This 
can be found on the Love For His People blog, Now Think of This blog, Facebook, 
Google+ and Twitter. His previous eight published books can be purchased online 
through major book webstores. 

Since 1994, Steve and his good wife Laurie have lived in the Charlotte, NC area, 
after having homes in Illinois, Michigan and Florida. Now married for more 
than 38 years, they enjoy their four adult children and spouses nearby, along 
with six (and growing!) grandchildren. While continuing to serve organizations 
with his accounting skills, he enjoys writing inspirational messages and growing 
the ministry of Love For His People, Inc.

Best Books of the Month
Best Books of the Month
Want to know our Editors' picks for the best books of the month? Browse Best Books of the Month, featuring our favorite new books in more than a dozen categories.

Product Details

  • Series: Now Think On This
  • Paperback: 86 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 25, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1517023335
  • ISBN-13: 978-1517023331
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

HOUSE VISION OF THE NIGHT by C. Alan Martin, 1971

by C. Alan Martin, 1971
updated 2000 (at bottom of page)
 bar2.gif (2801 bytes)
June 1, 1997 

In 1971, I received a vision of the night in which I was shown a row of houses. It was not until 23 years later that the Spirit gave me a dream which held the key to the meaning of these houses. They represent presidential administrations, starting with Truman in 1953, and extending into the future for two more presidents (beyond Clinton).


Linear Recounting of the Vision of the Night:

"We were fleeing the persecution and calamity of the day. A brother was fleeing with me. He fell and I paused to help him up. We prayed "Lord Have Mercy". My friend vanished, and I looked around to see that I was at the top of a hill overlooking 12 houses. As I looked to the west, I noticed dark and ominous clouds gathering over one house (#10) and proceeding through to the last house (#12). I looked into the sky over #12, and saw an arc of what appeared to be 6 stars in the sky. One of the stars fell to the earth like a fig that was shaken off a limb. A voice came to me and said "look to the east!". I began to turn to the east, fully expecting to see the Lord coming in the clouds. The dark clouds opened up in two places and I saw the sun darkened and the moon turned to blood. 

As I looked to the east, instead of seeing the Lord in the sky, I saw an army. This army was made up of ancient armliments such as battering rams, catapults and siege ramps. I ran down and joined the army at house #5. Instantly I was transported into the future, and found myself before what I can only call a "temple fortress". The city was gray, in ruins, and desolate. A man had just emerged from the huge double doors of the temple fortress. He was dressed in a suit. A voice said to me "he says he is god, but he is of devil". The the vision ended.

Significant events indicated in the vision:

6th star falls to the earth. Understood to mean the fall of a ruler
(or president).

I do not believe this to be actual stars or a comet or any other such object. The stars appeared to be within the atmosphere of the earth, and there was not a huge explosion or calamity when the red "star" fell to the earth.

The blood moon and lightless sun.

More imagry that represents the fall of nations and change in the ages. The fall of a president is not enough to bring about changes on this scale. There will be great changes in the earth and alignment of nations.

A wave ancient weapons of war, which I believe to represent the restoration the sign gifts:


I waited for 23 years to receive a clue as to the meaning of these houses. In another dream in 1995, I was in the back yard of house #3. I looked down at my feet and saw a LIFE magazine, with a picture of JFK on the cover, and the words "In Memory of Dead Presidents". House number three is the house that represents the term of John Kennedy.

The Houses
As Stated above, each house represents a presidential administration.

House 1 Truman:

Nothing significant revealed about this house.

House 2 Eisenhour:

In a related dream, a model rocket was launched into the air and was drifting down into yard of this house. The rocket then turned into a glider and glided into the yard. My aunt used to refer to me as her "rocket boy" because of my early interest with model rocketry. It was in the Eisenhower Administration that I was born. (1954). It was during this dream that I ran through the back yard of house #3 (to retrieve the falling rocket) and was shown the Life Magazine with Kennedy on the cover. It was then that I knew that these houses represented presidential administrations.

House 3 Kennedy:

The yard in which I was shown the key to the meaning of the houses. The Life Magazine with JFKs face on it with a caption stating "In Memory of Dead Presidents" was in this yard. It has been suggested that all the presidents on this "street" must pass away before the events discussed in the remaining revelation can occur. This would mean all presidents up to Carter and maybe Reagan (his house is on a corner lot).

House 4 Johnson:

This house was occupied by a family of Jews named Levine. It was during the administration of LBJ that Jerusalem was returned to Israel during the 1967 Arab Israel war. Levine is a long form of Levite. This is a very significant event in the history of the world. With the retaking of Jerusalem, the temple can be rebuild and the stage set for both the setting up of the anti-christ and the return of Jesus Christ.

House 5 Nixon:

It was into the yard of this house that I ran down and joined the army of God which was marching forward through time(the backyards of these houses). It was also in the Nixon administration that I was saved, filled with the Spirit, and had the vision I am now describing. Everything up to this point had already happened in time. However, everything recorded in the remaining houses had not yet happened. It is significant to remember this president, since it will be (according to the falling star and darkened house #10) the 6th administration after Nixon that will endure the beginning of judgment on America, including the fall of that 10th president.

House 6 Ford:

Nothing significant

House 7 Carter:

Nothing significant

House 8 Reagan:

A Major shift occurs in the time of this president. The house sits on a corner lot, and the row of houses changes direction TO THE RIGHT. It can be noted that the nations' politics took a sharp turn to the right during the Reagan administration. Right or wrong, This shift undoubtedly was in the plan of God for the series of events leading up to the last presidents and the fate of the nation.

House 9 Bush:

Nothing significant in this administration.

House 10 Clinton:

It is this administration that is the main focus of the vision of the night. Over the house was a very dark cloud, so dark that it seemed like night. The cloud was very low so as to almost touch the rooftop. There was something very significant about the "back door" of this house that may have some meaning. The lights were on in the house and they stood out brightly in the darkness created by the cloud. As I looked at this cloud hanging low over the 10th house, I ;also saw an arch of 6 stars in the sky to the west. The stars were of different colors, and the last (sixth from Nixon) of them fell to earth like a fig that was shaken loose from a limb. I have taken this to mean that this administration will preside over some very bad times in the USA, and that this administration will "fall".

House 11 President: (Gore?)

If my understanding of house 10 and the six stars is correct, then Gore is in line to succeed Clinton as president. Assuming some tragedy does not strike them both down. In the yard of this house is a large weeping willow tree. This tree represents mourning and sorrow. But under the draping limbs of this tree are children playing. SOME HAVE SUGGESTED THAT THE PICTURE OF THE MAN WHO WAS SHOWN TO ME AT THE END OF THIS VISION OF THE NIGHT IS ACTUALLY V.P. GORE!!

House 12 President: ?

This is the last house that I saw in this vision of the night. After this house was a dirt path that lead toward a collection of boulders arraigned in a semi circle which reminded me of a place where a trial was held and judgment rendered. In another dream which took place during the millennial age, I was standing among these rock looking at the ruins of a world rocked by the tribulation. In the ruins of these boulders I found a witch doll. I ;knew immediately that on of the reasons that the USA was judged was because she had gone after the occult and witchcraft.

Across from the path after house #12 was a new row of houses stretching off into the distance. These I believe are the rulers of the land that Jesus will set up during the millennium.

In the vision of the night (after I saw the star fall to the earth), I heard a voice say "Look to the east". I began to turn and fully expected to see Jesus coming in the clouds. As I turned I saw the clouds part and I saw the blood moon and the dark sun. Both of these are symbolic of judgment being levied on a nation and the fall of a nation. I continued turning to the east and saw the ancient army approaching from the east through the yards of all the houses of the presidents. It was then that I ran down to join this army in the yard of the house of Nixon. 

This was 1971, the year I was saved. Immediately the scene changed and I was in the middle of a city in gray ruins. I saw a man emerge from what I perceived to be a "temple fortress" who was dressed in a diplomatic suit and carrying a briefcase. A voice said "He claims to be God, but is of devil". Then the dream ended.

Perhaps the greatest miracle concerning this vision of the night, and the hardest to conceive, is that the neighborhood described is an actual neighborhood from my childhood in Massena New York!!!

The street was called "Washington Street" ( for presidents?).
The houses are just as I describe them, and were that way long before I had the dream.
There really was a family of Jews named "Levi" in house #4.
The street did (and still does) take a right turn at house #8.
House #11 really does have a weeping willow tree under it, and children did play there... because I was one of them in my early childhood (early 60s).
There really is a path leading up from house #12, and there really is a collection of boulders at the end of that path!
There really is a row of houses stretching off into the distance on the other side of that path.
These facts can be verified with little effort, as the streets and houses exist today as they did 25 years ago. Note this map of the area:

Can you see the miracle that God somehow manipulated the houses, events, and even street names so as to coincide with this vision of the night!!!! This in an undeniable, verifiable miracle where God used (and is using) an existing neighborhood to lay out His plan for America and the manifestation of the Antichrist. We are in house #10 now.
Hold onto your hats, because the next dozen or so years are going to be a roller coaster ride!!!

Update 2000:

I am reminded by a few that many of the new subscribers may not be aware of my 1971 vision of the night and how it relates to the history of the US from the 1950s into the next century. 
A short recounting is this: 

I was given a vision of the night that depicted the last 12 presidents of the US. 
Each administration [2 terms counts as only 1 administration] was represented by a house on a street (called Washington Street incidentally). These houses (starting with the house representing Eisenhower) proceed through till two presidents from now... (2 after Clinton). I was given this in 71, when Nixon was president. 

The sixth house past Nixon (Nixon Ford Carter Reagan-Bush-CLINTON) [the house after Clinton, the 6th past Nixon, is Bush] was center stage of the dream. This house was shrouded in deep dark clouds. The clouds came right down and almost touched the roof. The lights were on in the house, and the back door drew special attention. To the north of the house was an arch of 6 stars. The sixth star fell to earth. Two large tunnels opened in the thick dark clouds through which I could also see the sun turned black and the moon to blood. These images are symbolic of the fall of a leader (6th star from Nixon fell [the one after Clinton]) the fall of the nation (the sun black) and the judgement of the church (red moon). [ This vision could mean that the President after Clinton (i.e. Bush) falls at the same time as the nation falls (Mystery Babylon, the UN/USA), and that the final President (the one after Bush) would be a puppet New World Order President placed over the USA until Christ returns at Armageddon [Megiddo].] 

I have really been holding my breath for some time now. Based on this vision of the night, I (in 91-92) said that Clinton would be re-elected for a second term and would not finish his second term. Up till last week (with an approval rate of 62%) it was hard to believe that he would fall. Yet the events of the last week seem to be pointing us toward that possibility. Why would the Lord tell us this 27 years ago? (the earliest record of the vision I can find is in a journal I have from 1973). It will be 27 years ago in February that I received this. It was actually in response to a prayer. I knew that difficult times were coming and was taught that we were to be raptured out of the trouble. But something in my spirit said no. My prayer was out of that troubled spirit. In response, this dream was telling me that we would be here, that great changes would take place when we see this president fall [the one after Clinton], and that we should not be troubled! He [the Lord] can save us and keep us safe rapture or no [not]. 

You see, right after the fall of the sixth star [the one after Clinton], I turned to the east fully expecting to see the Lord coming in the sky, which is the rapture theory that I had been taught and had prayed about. I did not know what the word of wisdom was then, and this dream really had a profound effect on my spiritual life. It was by far the most powerful spiritual experience in my life. I walked around in a daze for days! 

What to look for: 
(1.) Gore will become president. - GREAT CONFUSION!!! [Great confusion, but Gore ultimately did not succeed.] 
(2.) Great problems for the country and believers. 
(3.) An outpouring in response to persecution. 
(4.) Historic events in the Mideast. 
(5.) A great destruction in the US. I wish I could be more specific. In the dream I saw a man who looks a great deal like Gore who presided over the destruction. I am really still up in the air about this. For many many years I thought this figure in the dream was the Antichrist (it is still that way on the web page). It still may be. Some have written to me and stated very strongly that they believe the person I present on the page is Gore. It could be. There is a resemblance. 
(6.) Realize that this is happening is for several reasons: 
Light treatment of spiritual things In the church: modernism and tradition The overall rejection of faith and spiritual things. 
The Lord is saying "Why are you ashamed of me?"

Remnant Resource note:

House #12 will begin in February 2009. If this vision is correct, that President for house 12 will be the last president. This supposed president turned out to be Barry Sorotoro(AKA Barack Hussein Obama). It is obvious to all but the completely brainwashed that this man is not a proper president. He has not proven eligibility to be president by constitutional directive. He has also not taken a proper oath of office.
This leaves the question was Bush the last president, or is Obama, even though legally he is not?
Will "O" (the one) be the one who will shortly become the world government leader/dictator? Even if that is not true, the office of president will be eliminated, and the USA will be just a territory under the one world government, with the office of president no longer needed. 
It is becoming ever clear that Saturn will be turned into a second sun at this time, probably at the same time the one world government leader will be announced publicly. look for this to happen in 2010, sometime around the 7th or 8th month according to NASA. 

Why 'War Room' Is a Must-See Movie - J. Lee Grady

Why 'War Room' Is a Must-See Movie

'War Room' is a must-see Christian movie.
'War Room' is a must-see Christian movie. (Facebook )
Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
I'm not a big fan of Christian movies, mainly because low budgets often result in bad acting and cheesy scripts that make even the most gracious churchgoers cringe in embarrassment. But today Hollywood insiders are admitting that the quality of Christian filmmaking is improving—and the newly released War Room is likely to take the genre to a new level.
Don't expect your typical nose-in-the-air film critics to give War Room good reviews. Its faith message is not subtle. People actually pray—out loud!—on screen, and the name of Jesus is mentioned numerous times. One of the main characters gets on his knees and asks God for forgiveness, while another walks out on her back porch and commands the devil to go to hell.
If all that religion isn't enough to drive the Hollywood elite crazy, the actors in this film talk with thick Southern accents. Even popular Bible teacher Beth Moore shows off her Texas drawl in a cameo role.
The reason for the Southern flair is that War Room was created by Alex and Stephen Kendrick, Baptist brothers from Georgia who gave us Facing the GiantsFireproof and Courageous. Those films were panned by Hollywood, but their financial success made a few leaders in the movie business curious. They discovered that evangelical Christians have an appetite for wholesome entertainment that reinforces their beliefs. That's why Fireproof was the top-grossing independent film of 2008—and whyWar Room ended up with a stunning $11.4 million last weekend when it opened in theaters.
I won't be surprised if War Room breaks all previous records for the Kendrick Brothers. They have outdone themselves with this one. You need to see it. In fact, you should take your friends and see it as a group.
The story revolves around a middle-class couple struggling in their marriage. Elizabeth Jordan (Priscilla Shirer) is a real-estate agent who is mad at her busy husband, Tony (T.C. Stallings), because he's stressed out and angry at her most of the time. When Elizabeth takes on the job of selling the house of an elderly woman named Miss Clara (Karen Abercrombie), she begins a remarkable spiritual journey that transforms her family.
War Room gets its title from the small closet Miss Clara uses for prayer. She challenges Elizabeth to let go of her anger, submit fully to God and begin her own prayer life. "You are a warrior," she tells her young friend. Elizabeth reluctantly cleans out the walk-in closet in her bedroom and begins to fight for her marriage—at the same time that her husband is considering having an affair. By the end of the film, Miss Clara has not only mentored Elizabeth in prayer; she has also taught all of us why we need to go to war on our knees.
I don't know of any film that portrays the power of prayer like War Room. Abercrombie (who has appeared in numerous TV shows including Alley McBeal and Judging Amy) steals the show as Miss Clara, but Priscilla Shirer, who is the daughter of Dallas pastor Tony Evans, brings unexpected acting talent to the screen—especially in the scene when she decides she won't let the devil have her family or her marriage.
This movie is unabashedly Christian and might as well be rated P-I for politically incorrect. There is no profanity (Miss Clara does declare in one scene that the devil's butt has been kicked) and no sex—although a woman Tony meets at work invites him to her apartment. And the only violence occurs when a man wielding a knife confronts Elizabeth and Miss Clara. You guessed it—the old lady rebukes her attacker in the name of Jesus.
Miss Clara's bold approach to faith is what I liked most about War Room. This brave saint doesn't care what anybody thinks—she is going to pray whether you like it or not. She gets in Elizabeth's face and confronts her bad attitudes, and she gets in the devil's face and commands him to stop destroying Elizabeth's marriage. By the end of the film she's kneeling in her new prayer room in her son's house, praying up a storm for America.
This is exactly why director Alex Kendrick says he made War Room. He told Entertainment Weekly: "This movie calls people to make prayer a priority, and we believe that it's something our culture and our nation really needs — to turn back to God and to seek him in prayer."
War Room may do more than shatter box office records. It could actually inspire a fresh movement of prayer in our prayerless nation.

J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of The Mordecai Project. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. Check out his ministry at
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"September – a Month of Sudden Unlocking!" Lana Vawser

"September – a Month of Sudden Unlocking!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia
The Elijah List

Strategic Doors are Opening

At the beginning of every week, I ask the Lord what is on His heart for the week, and for this week He said, "Isaiah 22:22" to me again. I have been hearing this verse from the Lord over and over lately and seeing the numbers 22:22 everywhere.

"...What door He opens, no man can shut, and what door He shuts, no man can open."

STRATEGIC doors are going to open for many this week as they continue to walk in faith and follow the prompting of His Spirit. The Lord is unlocking strategic doors this week that is going to usher in the beginning of THE GREATEST SHIFT the people of God have yet seen in their lives personally and corporately leading into Rosh Hashanah.

I saw these doors opening this week for many and these doors will position them perfectly as we enter into Rosh Hashanah to see the winds of change land suddenly in lives, rearrange much, put all things in heavenly order, and they will be positioned ready for takeoff into the greatest demonstration of "unlocking" they have seen. (Photo via Wikimedia)

September will be a month of SUDDEN UNLOCKING. I saw the Lord bringing an unlocking over the lives of His people as they are "intentional" in pressing in and not giving up.

I saw the enemy attempting to bring a STRONG HEAVY fatigue all across the Body of Christ, especially as we move into September, to pull the people back into a place of "complacency" rather than "intentionality" of seeking Him. 

The enemy will attempt to bring increased fatigue. Shake that off through worship and know that a great awakening is upon you! The Lord is awakening you!

Intercessory Prayer Bringing Huge Shifts

I saw between September 1 to September 13, huge intercessory burdens being released. Many will feel a need to "withdraw" to the prayer closet more than ever between these days as the Lord will break ground in the spirit through your prayers that are going to see REVIVAL and the POWER OF GOD burst open through the new year.

PAY ATTENTION to these burdens He is releasing, and as you pray them through, KNOW that this area you have been interceding for is going to be an area of HUGE breakthrough, HUGE SHIFT and a MOMENTOUS move of His Spirit and great unlocking, as we move into Rosh Hashanah. 

What the Lord has you intercede over from September 1 to September 13 will have ripple effects of breakthrough for the ENTIRE YEAR following.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

As I saw the keys of Heaven unlocking HUGE doors, these strategic doors were setting up destiny pathways for the people of God for the next 12 months. I felt the Lord say that we must "watch and be alert" for the areas that HE is opening these successive doors in, because these doors are going to be indicators of where He is going to bring a momentous shift which will unveil runways of destiny.

He is going to unlock doors of dreams that seemed SO impossible, and they will suddenly FLY OPEN. A greater release of vision of the "new day and new morning" and what that looks like is opening up in September. 

September will usher in revelation of the NEW MORNING, moving away from MOURNING! 

These are doors of tremendous favor, setting up the people of God for runways of destiny revealed, where revival will be released all across the earth.

The Lord went on to say that with the HUGE SHIFT and HUGE DOORS that are being unlocked in September, with radical provision, the people of God MUST stay alert. 

The people of God MUST stay alert IN the unlocking to move forward through these doors with wisdom, with increased discernment, and greater levels of stewardship.

"Step Up in September"

There is going to be a "STEPPING UP" required in September. The sense of many being placed in their, "It's time," moment. This is the manifestation and realization of, "My time has come," and being "ready" to move forward. There will be greater areas of stretching and testing in September, but these stretching and testings will be in the midst of whirlwind changes, and there will be much joy and also a deeper call to surrender and intimacy to carry the increase He is releasing. (Photo via public domain image)

SEPTEMBER will be a month of strategy! He is releasing keys of strategy for breakthrough, revival and increase in cities/nations. Specific strategy from Heaven will be released in September to the leaders in the Body of Christ for their cities and nations to pray into and see the Lord come as a rushing wind, to see the fire of God fall, and see pockets of cities and nations being "lit up" and "set on fire" for Him.

Moves of His Spirit, demonstrating greater demonstrations of the revival we are moving into, is going to begin to be seen through the implementation of these strategies from the heart of God. These breakthroughs that will begin rising out of these strategies will refresh and strengthen leaders, intercessors and forerunners that have become weary in the contending process.

September, will be the open door for much, unlocking all across the Body of Christ, as the people of God are "intentional" in their seeking of Him and will have heavenly, ripple effects that will be seen into the next year.

Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia with their two sons. Lana and Kevin's heart is to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. They have a heart to see people free and walking in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day. Lana is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and over the nations through both the pulpit and the internet. Lana preaches regularly and ministers prophetically calling people into a constant pursuit of His heart and hearing His voice for themselves and others.

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Is Wall Street Bowing to the Shemitah? - Jennifer LeClaire

Is Wall Street Bowing to the Shemitah?

Wall Street dipped more than 2 percent on Tuesday. The Dow slipped more than 400 points in afternoon trading. All three major U.S. indexes are now reporting losses for the year.
Wall Street dipped more than 2 percent on Tuesday. The Dow slipped more than 400 points in afternoon trading. All three major U.S. indexes are now reporting losses for the year. (Reuters)
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Wall Street dipped more than 2 percent on Tuesday. The Dow slipped more than 400 points in afternoon trading. All three major U.S. indexes are now reporting losses for the year.
"We haven't see this kind of volatility in a while," Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities, told Reuters. "It reminds me of the one we saw during the 2008-2009 crisis."
That's not the kind of sign or wonder I want to see. The question is, what caused this? From a natural perspective, it was weak data from China mixed with growing fears that a stall in the world's second-largest economy will hamper global growth.
But could there be something else at work behind the scenes? There's certainly no lack of speculation about a financial collapse in September and the first day of the month didn't disappoint the speculators—be they economic analysts warning about America's unsustainable debt or prophetic voices pointing to God's judgment.
Indeed, as USA Today reporter Adam Shell noted, the first day of trading in September looked a lot like the "abysmal" trading action in August, which was the worst month for the Dow since May 2010 and the stock market's first 10 percent correction in four years.
Is Wall Street bowing to the Shemitah? The Shemitah, or Sabbath year, is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the land of Israel. Understanding this seven-year pattern is essential for understanding the prophecies and mysteries of the Bible that are still applicable today.
Jonathan Cahn, author of The Mystery of the Shemitah, has said he believes a great shaking is coming to America and the world: "A shaking that will involve a financial and economic collapse, and yet a shaking not limited to those realms. I believe it is wise to be ready—physically, emotionally, morally, and most of all spiritually."
In The Mystery of the Shemitah, Cahn reveals his research on patterns throughout the history of America that line up with the Shemitah, including the Great Depression, 9/11, and the rise—and possibly the fall—of America.
So, I'll ask again, is Wall Street bowing to the Shemitah? There is no lack of discussion around the topic, but ultimately only God knows.
"Whether a financial crisis hits us on or around Yom Kippur this year or not isn't the real issue for me," Jonathan Bernis, a Messianic Rabbi and president and CEO of Jewish Voice Ministries International, told Charisma News.
"What is clear is that God is speaking, He is warning us of what is ahead. He is giving us an opportunity to respond, to prepare, and we must do our part-we must take action," Bernis said. "Whether judgment is three weeks off or three years off, things are going to get worse. Much worse. Now is the time to seek His face and draw near to Him."
I hope things don't get worse but I do believe it will get darker before the next great move of God. And here's what I absolutely know: Wall Street may not bow to the Shemitah, but every knee in this Babylonian system must bow at the name of Christ. We'd be wise to do the same, putting all that we have and all that we are under His lordship and making an appeal to heaven for spiritual awakening in this nation.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. She is the co-founder of and a leader in the New Breed Revivalists Network. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and on Periscope @propheticbooks.
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Savage Enemy: How ISIS Wants to Start Armageddon

Savage Enemy: How ISIS Wants to Start Armageddon

ISIS, or the Islamic State, is in the news every day. The brutal terrorist army burst on the scene in 2014 when it gobbled up huge swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria.
Today, ISIS controls a land area the size of Great Britain and is the wealthiest jihadist organization in the world.
As ISIS expands, it brings with it chaos and savagery everywhere it goes, beheading its enemies, destroying cultural artifacts and treasures, and displacing millions of Christians and other non-Muslims.
Despite all that we do know about ISIS, the terror group remains shrouded in mystery. Who are they? What do they believe? Why do they hate America?
Robert Spencer, a leading terror expert, answers these questions and more while exposing the blood-drenched history and mysterious inner workings of the Islamic State in his latest book, The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS. The book provides an essential primer to comprehending one of the world's most dangerous enemies.
The brutality of ISIS is unquestioned; what remains misunderstood is their strength. Spencer expertly exposes deceptive propaganda and Western misunderstanding of an ever-present threat in an easily accessible and digestible format.
ISIS attracts staggering numbers of followers and commits unspeakable acts of violence. His book exposes the message behind the ever-cryptic ISIS machine, giving us a deeper look into the details of their terror campaign and unprecedented access to ISIS insiders.
In The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS, Spencer reveals:
  • The significance of ISIS declaring itself a "caliphate and why that's an especially dangerous sign for the West.
  • The ISIS timetable for conquering Rome by 2020 and witnessing Israel's fall beginning in 2022.
  • How the Islamic State is working toward starting the battle of Armageddon now.
  • Why beheading victims remain calm in recruitment videos.
  • Why ISIS cares about health care.
With its social media presence, cyber knowledge, and false promises of glory, ISIS has a presence on the world stage unlike anything we've encountered before. Spencer's sharp, in-your-face assessment of America's newest enemy affirms they cannot be ignored any longer.
Robert Spencer will appear on The 700 Club, Wednesday Sept. 2, to discuss these points and more. Check your local listings for show times.

RISEN Official Trailer #2 - January 2016

Published on Aug 28, 2015

This January, witness one of the most important events in human history through the eyes of a nonbeliever. Risen is a depiction of events surrounding Christ's missing body after his crucifixion.

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Cast: Tom Felton, Cliff Curtis, Joseph Fiennes