Monday, May 21, 2018

Prophetic Alert: I Am Breaking the Age Barrier! by Bill Yount - Identity Network

Prophetic Alert: I Am Breaking the Age Barrier! by Bill Yount

Identity Network
I hear the Father saying, "I am breaking the age barrier! Quit saying, 'I am getting older.' Christ in you is ageless. Allow His Spirit to quicken your mortal body and soar with the eagles. And don't tell Me where I can't send you this year. Get over yourself and buy some new luggage." (Someone should be shouting about now!)
A Word to the Kingdom's Older Stars
I sense the Lord saying, "The older stars in My kingdom are going to shine brighter and do greater exploits than ever before!" I sense there is a special anointing coming upon older men and women in the Body of Christ. God is not through using you. Your age is not against you, it is for you. Job 12:12 says, "Wisdom is with the elderly, and understanding comes with long life." You have more wisdom now than ever. With years comes understanding.
This anointing is going to cause you to live longer. Many of you have not planned to live long enough. It will be an anointing similar to Caleb when he reached 85 years. He said to the Lord, "I am as strong now as when I was forty, and I want to take another mountain!" There is coming a "spiritual fountain of youth" into your midst, a renewing, a release of God's strength. Psalm 68:28 says, "Your God has commanded your strength." God is commanding His strength into you! One translation says, "Your God has decided you will be strong!"
Many of You are Going to Have to Live Longer
Many of you are going to have to live longer because God is not through using you. Many of you are going to go into a second "childhood" in the Spirit. You will be reactivated by God to live out your dreams that you are just dreaming about right now. People and relatives will laugh and say, "You are going to do what? You are going to go where? At your age?" But that anointing is going to rise up within you to take mountains, to do exploits, to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint (see Isa. 40:31).
Our older years are when we are in our prime to be used and bring forth fruit. Psalm 91:16 says, "With long life I will satisfy [you] and show [you[ My salvation." There is an anointing coming upon God's people to live longer. The joy of the Lord, which is our strength is lengthening our days upon the earth.
Many have made out their wills, but before you think about leaving, check out your Father's will for you. I don't think you are going anywhere for a while. As Abraham and Sarah conceived in old age, you are about to conceive and live to see your Isaac—your impossible dream!
Remember, "too old" is not in the Bible.
Bill Yount

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By Bill Yount
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Time to Start Crediting the Christians - Breaking Israel News


Time to Start Crediting the Christians

By Tuly Weisz
On Monday, when Israelis and Jews around the world rejoice at this formal declaration by America of Jerusalem as Israel’s historic and eternal capital, Jews will not be able to take credit. The credit for the embassy’s move goes to Christian Zionists.

Iran-Israel Clashes: Why the Enemies of Israel Give It No Respite

By Dr. Michael Laitman
The people of Israel act as a central junction in the human network. If we try to connect positively above our differences, we let nature’s positive connective force flow through us into the entire human network. As a result, people start changing, albeit unconsciously.

Mexican Cartels Attempt to Crash US Border

By Steve Kramer
No country would allow thousands of their enemies to try to destroy, or to storm across the border, in many cases armed with deadly weapons. To criticize Israel for defending itself against attacks orchestrated by the Hamas terrorist government in Gaza is the height of absurdity.

Gazans are Victims of an Ideology of Hatred

By Ben-Dror Yemini
Instead of Singapore, we got Afghanistan. It happened primarily because the industry of hatred overpowered the industry of prosperity. Hamas took over the strip with shocking violence, which included mass executions. The cancellation of the crossing agreements led to a siege, which Israel never wanted. But that’s exactly what Hamas wanted.

The Palestinian Authority’s ‘Day of Rage’ Over The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem Smacks of Desperation

By Shoshana Bryen
Abbas is caught among competing domestic interests and an American administration finally willing to shake up long-held positions. Abbas has become so desperate he is willing to go full, raving anti-Semite and anti-American at the same time.
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Trump’s Iran Deal Decision was a Masterstroke

By Caroline Glick
Withdrawing from Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran was a masterstroke. It was brilliant not because it paved the way for a new diplomatic initiative. It was a masterstroke because in one fell swoop he ended the farce that you can have a non-proliferation policy based on facilitating Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.

Whoever you Vote For – Hezbollah Wins

By Jonathan Spyer
Lebanese parliamentary elections are not quite the empty charade of polls in autocratic countries – but like such sham elections, they serve to obscure the core truths of who wields power in the system, and who does not. That is, in Lebanon, in 2018, whoever you vote for – Hezbollah (i.e. Iran) wins.
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COMMENTARY: Why Evangelical Christians Support Israel - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

COMMENTARY: Why Evangelical Christians Support Israel

Monday, May 21, 2018 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
As whipped-up Palestinian rioters cry out for Jewish blood in their days of rage against ‘occupation’ of their land, we should be praying that these dear people, for whom Christ died, would instead call on the blood of Jesus for their redemption. This is their only hope – and ours too for that matter. 
As Israel is tempted to quake in fear of the vicious international hatred being vented against them, may they too cry out for help from _Elohim_ who sent his beloved Son to die as a sacrificial Lamb to atone for the sins of all who put their trust in Him. The doorposts daubed in lamb’s blood back in Egypt later became a wooden cross where God himself took the punishment we deserved. In this battle over war and peace, the hordes of hell are being unleashed against the Anointed One and his people. But the Prince of Peace – not the diplomats or politicians – has the solution. 
As believers the world over celebrated Pentecost (Shavuot) on Sunday, I think it was highly significant that a _Jerusalem Post_ writer credited evangelical Christians (or Christian Zionists as they are also known among Jews) for the current political breakthrough which has seen President Trump move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the ‘city of the Great King’. 
“It is evangelical Christians who are standing with Israel today in ways that Nehemiah could never have dreamed about,” wrote Tuly Weisz on May 12. 
We’re talking about their influence on the President as well as their love for the Jewish people who gave us Jesus and the Bible including almost the entire New Testament. Weisz had asked Christian participants of a Jerusalem conference why the embassy move was so important to them. “The answer they gave is that it is foretold in the Bible,” she wrote. 
Meanwhile Israel’s Education and Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett said the move represented a new era in which the international community’s relationship was based on reality and fact, not fantasy and fiction. It’s worth noting that those 3,000 who joined the first disciples on the Day of Pentecost in response to Peter’s sermon were Jews and proselytes from all over the known world (Acts 2.5). 
An indication of the significant role Gentiles would play in spreading the good news of Israel’s God came with the healing of the centurion’s servant at the start of Jesus’ ministry. The Roman officer had humbly sought the Saviour’s help, only requiring him to “say the word” as he felt unworthy to receive him into his home. And so the gospel – to the Jew first (the leper who preceded this incident in Matthew 8) – was now also offered to the Gentile. 
We hear much about amazing grace, but Jesus was amazed by this man’s faith. The only other time he is recorded as having been amazed was by the lack of faith in his home town. (Mark 6.6) I wonder too if our Lord was also prophesying of a day when faithful Gentiles would make an extraordinary mark on the world. 
In Yorkshire alone in recent centuries (I am biased because I live there) I can immediately think of three men who changed the world through their faith in Jesus – William Wilberforce from Hull, a co-founder of the Church’s Ministry among Jewish people who successfully campaigned for the abolition of slavery, Barnsley’s Hudson Taylor, to whom millions of Chinese Christians owe their salvation, and Bradford plumber Smith Wigglesworth, who raised 14 people from the dead as he helped to pioneer the modern-day Pentecostal movement which had such a profound impact on twentieth century Christianity. 
In honouring the Jewish people both in word and deed, we are simply building on the foundation laid by the Apostles. But we mustn’t forget the importance of prayer – after all, a ten-day prayer meeting had preceded that great initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit! In terms of the recognition – and restoration – of Israel, the importance of prayer from men like Rees Howells and his Bible College students at Swansea in Wales cannot be underestimated. They had prayed many long hours at the time of the UN vote in 1947 before victory was secured. 
In South Africa, although the government stubbornly refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to defend itself, many Christians are on their knees praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Farmer friends from where I grew up have just emailed me, saying: “We are extremely excited with the USA’s ambassadorial move to Jerusalem and continue to pray for this beautiful capital as well as for the region. What a privilege to witness what the prophets were only able to see in visions.” 
Those nations who oppose Jewish aspirations are in for a big shock. For they will come to nothing, as Isaiah predicted long ago (Isa 60.12). Even the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign received a bloody nose with victory for Israel’s entrant in the Eurovision Song Contest despite their efforts. 
It is significant of course that the United States should take the lead in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, just as they had done back in 1948 when President Harry Truman was the first to recognize the new-born state. Apparently he took just eleven minutes to do so, but “later regretted that he waited so long”, according to U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. 
In fact, there will come a time – perhaps in the not-too-distant future – when Jerusalem will become the capital of the world (see Zechariah 14.9 & 16). Israel will soon be blessed with a Royal visit from Prince William, second-in-line to the British throne. But at the Second Coming of Jesus, which is surely also not far off judging by the signs (see Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21), they will welcome the King of Kings and Lord and Lords (Revelation 19.16). Come, Lord Jesus!
Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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