Sunday, August 18, 2019

Every Abortion Clinic in US to Receive 'Unplanned' Movie DVD: Find Out How to Get Your Copy - CBN News

Every Abortion Clinic in US to Receive 'Unplanned' Movie DVD: Find Out How to Get Your Copy
The pro-life motion picture "Unplanned" will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and in digital formats on Tuesday, and Abby Johnson, the woman whose true transformational story is the subject of the movie, is taking advantage of the event by sending a DVD to every abortion clinic in the nation.
"Unplanned" is the true story of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Johnson, which debuted in United States theaters on March 29. The movie is currently screening in theaters around the world.  
The film is the dramatic account of Johnson's rise in the abortion provider's organization. In eight years, she rose from college volunteer to one of the youngest clinic directors, to Employee of the Year - then she assisted with an abortion. The inspiring film traces Johnson's journey from staunch abortion advocate to standing side-by-side with the people who prayed for her spiritual transformation and facing the full, head-on attack of one of the most powerful organizations on Earth.
According to And Then There Were None, Johnson's ministry which helped more than 525 abortion workers to leave their jobs, 800 abortion clinics across the country will each receive a copy of the film.
"When former abortion workers who came through And Then There Were None first saw the movie, they overwhelmingly said how much the story reflected their own experiences. These former workers stated that they felt validated in what they had experienced and seen inside the abortion industry," Johnson said in a press release. "While the film isn't easy to watch, I want everyone working in the abortion industry to see it and to know there is a lifeline to get out."
The "Unplanned" DVD and Blu-ray includes interviews with Johnson, a making-of featurette, deleted scenes and trailers, and Matthew West's "Unplanned's" official music video. 
"Anyone who has had an abortion, is contemplating an abortion or works in the abortion industry, I encourage you to see "Unplanned," Johnson said. "Supporters of abortion who watch this movie cannot walk away without explicitly knowing what they support." 

Aaron Shust, Joshua Aaron, Misha Goetz - MJAA Messiah Conference 2019 - Replacement Theology & Back to Zion

Aaron Shust

Aaron Shust - MJAA Messiah Conference 2019
Replacement Theology & Back to Zion

(L-R) Joshua Aaron, Misha Goetz, Aaron Shust

Ohio defunds Planned Parenthood, directs $7.5M to life-affirming pregnancy centers - Live Action News

Ohio defunds Planned Parenthood, funnels $7.5M to life-affirming pregnancy centers
Governor Mike DeWine signed a budget bill directing millions to pregnancy centers. Planned Parenthood is being defunded of $1.5 million in annual state funds this year, while pro-life pregnancy centers are being allocated $7.5 million in Ohio’s state budget. Read more

Tennessee could be the next state to push for an early ban on abortions, which is likely to be put up for a vote in January 2020. But this time, the bill is not just a ban on abortion at six weeks when a preborn child’s heartbeat can be detected — the goal is to make abortion illegal in the state. Read more

Laura Klassen, founder of Canadian pro-life group Choice42, recently shared a post showing screenshots of Teen Vogue on Snapchat instructing minors on how to obtain abortions without their parents’ knowledge or permission. Read more

The new Illinois Reproductive Health Act (RHA) stipulates that even 911 call records to abortion facilities will no longer be accessible to the public under the Freedom of Information Act — deliberately hiding information on the dangers of abortion from the public. In addition, no state abortion data whatsoever will be made available to the public. Read more

Jordan Anchondo, 25, was one of the victims killed in the deadly shooting rampage at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. Her family, stricken with grief at her sudden and unjust death, say it appears in her final moments she thought nothing of her own life and sacrificed herself to protect her infant son. Read more

Troy Griffith works full-time as a mortgage broker… but he’s also a lover of country music. He recorded the song, “Ten by Twelve,” which was written about his daughter who has Down syndrome, and the music video has racked up thousands of views. Read more

When it comes to culture, abortion advocates have some big goals. They want to see abortion positively portrayed in movies and television shows, and already, they’re getting their wish. Abortion is, indeed, being shown positively in media, but movies and television aren’t enough. Now, abortion advocates want video games to reflect a pro-abortion agenda. Read more

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a Democratic candidate for president, has declared his support for unrestricted elective abortion, describing even late-term abortion as a “religious” issue. In his role as mayor, Buttigieg has championed Whole Woman’s Health of South Bend, despite the fact that the abortion facility remains unlicensed. Read more

Operation Rescue has uncovered a troubling 911 audio recording in which a Planned Parenthood employee in Aurora, Illinois called emergency personnel requesting assistance for a patient displaying suicidal tendencies. Read more

If the facilities plan to continue receiving Title X funds they must state their intentions and plans for complying with the rules to the government by August 19. They must show that they are indeed complying with the rule by September 18. Read more

 Live Action News is the publishing arm of Live Action
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What to Do When You Doubt God's Plan for Your Life - KENNETH REID CHARISMA NEWS

Doubting God is a crucial part of our faith. (danymena88/

What to Do When You Doubt God's Plan for Your Life

Have you ever doubted God and His plan for your life?
Ever since I was about 5 years old and asked my parents, "Where did God come from?" asking questions has played an important role in my faith. I think that's the case for a lot of us. And ever since our parents answered with the most spiritual sounding version of "I honestly don't know" that they could come up with, uncertainty has been a big part of our faith too.
Questions are how we explore truth. And uncertainty is often just a reality that we all have to live with. But doubting God is different. Doubt is what happens when you ask a question and the answer doesn't satisfy, clearly define or measure up to your expectations. Doubt makes a lot of us feel very uncomfortable.
It makes those of us who tend to not ask many hard questions want to change the subject or just shrug their shoulders and happily concede, "I don't know, but God does, and that's all that matters." And it makes others of us who really struggle under the weight of unanswered questions feel like bad Christians for not having enough faith.
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Let's stop pretending we have it all together.
Christian conversations often sound a lot like automated emails. We have preprogrammed auto-replies that are triggered when certain things are said or certain questions are asked. You've heard these auto-replies before, I'm sure. Maybe you've even said them yourself.
"God doesn't give you more than you can handle."
"You can do all things through Christ."
"You just have to trust Him. He knows what He's doing."
These well-meaning responses often communicate something very different than intended. They cause many of us to see Christianity as a religion full of people who always seem to trust God completely and know just what to say in every circumstance. When we experience this enough, we begin to feel like something is very wrong with us when we struggle with doubting God. So instead of being honest about it, we keep quiet.
People don't need you to be strong. What people really need is for you to have the courage to be vulnerable about your struggles.
After all, we don't want anyone to think we don't trust God.
We think no one else struggles with doubt like we do, so doubting God and His plan is even more difficult to reveal to others.
Ultimately, we are not honest about our doubts because we're afraid of being judged. We'd rather look the part of a picturesque believer, even if that means pretending we have faith than being an honest believer with real questions.
We do this because we feel alone.
We think we're the only ones wrestling with doubt. But the truth is we're not alone. We have doubt, just like everyone else; we act like we have more faith than we really do, just like everyone else; and we refuse to be honest about it for fear of being judged, just like everyone else.
But people don't need you to be strong. What people really need is for you to have the courage to be vulnerable about your struggles. They need you to be an honest Christian who is willing to take a risk and say, "I'm really struggling here. I don't have an answer, and while I'm striving to trust God, it's hard to hold on."
Ultimately, we are not honest about our doubts because we're afraid of being judged.
Honesty breaks others' walls down and helps them know that their struggles are normal. When we are honest about our struggles, it gives other people the freedom to be honest too. And when one person is vulnerable, others usually follow suit.
Honesty, gives God more to work with.
But we can't just be honest with each other. We have to be honest with God, and doubting God is a crucial part of faith.
God certainly isn't afraid of or offended by your questions. He isn't an insecure dictator who wants obedience without questions. He is a loving Father who wants you to trust Him with sincerity like any child should. So He welcomes our questions and doubts.
There was a man in the Bible who desperately needed a miracle from Jesus. When Jesus asked if the man really believed He could help, the man said, "Then I believe. Help me with my doubts," (Mark 9:24, MSG).
It is honesty, not a "fake it till you make it" attitude, that can truly lead to peace. 
Ken Reid is a writer who inspires people to throw away their masks by being honest about his own doubts, fears and failures. Follow him on Instagram and find more great content at
LightWorkers' mission is to create engaging, uplifting and inspirational content that breaks through the clutter, building a community of sharing and igniting a movement in the real world that motivates people to celebrate and share the good all around them. Please visit
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.